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China's Singing Competition / Songs - 中国好声音 + 中国好歌曲 + 我是歌手 + 快乐男声 + 中国风 + 蒙面歌王 + 隐藏的歌手 + 中国新歌声 + 梦想的声音


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I thought that Shila performed well, the song was a tough song to sing and she nailed it and yet she was voted at sixth place, I thought that singers like Han Lei, Gem and Zhang Jie are overhyped, I feel that towards the end of competition, the audience will tend to vote for their own mainland singers and Gem is originally born in China too

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I thought that Shila performed well, the song was a tough song to sing and she nailed it and yet she was voted at sixth place, I thought that singers like Han Lei, Gem and Zhang Jie are overhyped, I feel that towards the end of competition, the audience will tend to vote for their own mainland singers and Gem is originally born in China too

GEM is NOT overrated.... Shila is overrated, even though I like her a lot.


You compare GEM and Shila, GEM's vocal technique and showmanship outclasses Shila many times.


Any Zhang Jie is freaking adorable. Enough said.

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I thought that Shila performed well, the song was a tough song to sing and she nailed it and yet she was voted at sixth place, I thought that singers like Han Lei, Gem and Zhang Jie are overhyped, I feel that towards the end of competition, the audience will tend to vote for their own mainland singers and Gem is originally born in China too

And to add on, it's only natural people gravitate to and support singers from their home country/home town. It happens in every singing/viewer voting competition in the world. The difference here is that at least, one of these "home country favourites" like Han Lei, GEM or ZBC are actually good.

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I thought that Shila performed well, the song was a tough song to sing and she nailed it and yet she was voted at sixth place, I thought that singers like Han Lei, Gem and Zhang Jie are overhyped, I feel that towards the end of competition, the audience will tend to vote for their own mainland singers and Gem is originally born in China too

Also possible the Malaysian supporters are now being split between Cao ge and Shila.

Edited by joshTWjosh
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我觉得茜拉在半决赛得了个第六名次并不过份 ,

坦言 , 她唱英语歌曲由于了解歌词的含义 ,

每一字 , 她都能很好的表达 , 并漂亮地运用她的声音优点与特色 ,

可听她唱华文歌曲 , 情绪常被切断 , 无法让我进入歌曲的意境中 ,

抱歉 , 或许她的歌迷拥护者会反驳或说不懂得欣赏 ,

但真的听了会倍觉辛苦 , 没有初时的那种惊喜和新鲜感 ,

随着而来的是些许的失落与失望 。

在歌唱比赛的平台上 , 没有种族之分 , 只有喜欢与不喜欢 ,

你较支持谁 , 谁让你印像更深刻更感动如此而已 。


第一名 韩磊 《在那遥远的地方》

第二名 邓紫棋 《你不是真正的快乐》

第三名 张杰 《just the way you are》

第四名 曹格 《Saving all my love for you》

第五名 周笔畅 《光之翼》

第六名 茜拉 《洋葱》

第七名 张宇 《20岁的眼泪》

随便一提 , 茜拉曾经是 « 声动亚洲 » 的总决赛冠军得主 ,

过后 , 不时被邀到中国献唱 , 曾和许多天王天后同台演出。

她也有自唱然后录下放上网 , 喜欢茜拉的读者或许可以上网寻查 。

Edited by snowball
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And I do believe that in china there are some paid audience to motivate the other audience.i don't follow this singing competition but just now caught a glimpse of the episode posted by Henry, the first impression was that are the audience so well dress and make-up. Haha just a 5cent opinion. Sidetracked already.

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林宥嘉 , 王力宏 , 李宇春 谁会来! 我是歌手第二季总决赛在即,









  还记得去年《我是歌手》总决赛直播吗? 林志炫、杨宗纬、周晓鸥、羽泉等,













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哇塞 , 林忆莲 ? 那肯定不可以错过现场直播了 :D

一看歌单 , 不禁为邓捏一把冷汗 ,

回忆的沙漏并不是一首一听就会爱上的歌 ,

更不知大陆是否对此歌会否熟悉 ,

跟韩磊的我爱你中国一比较 ,

就输了一大截 , 坦白说 ,

并不乐观 , 现在就要看邓的造化了 。

邓紫棋&林忆莲(回忆的沙漏)vs 韩磊&孙俪(我爱你中国)

Edited by snowball
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I have been catching it on youtube every Saturday and yes, this is a wonderful programme.

Most of the singers on this competition is a someone in the entertainment industry.


In Season 2, GEM stood out early but Han Lei is getting rave support.

My major dislike is the inclusion of Wei Wei's RED Songs in the earlier part of the show.

She was married to a German musician before and yet, her singing style remained in the RED era.

Her rendition of Anita Mui's song was off... bad all the way.


My personal fave has to be .... Zhang Jie.

Not only is he CUTE, he is able to attempt different genres and he is CURRENT.

Han Lei is good but if you look into his repertoire, he sang OLD songs.


Overall, Zhang Jie, GEM and Sheila will still ride the way of popularity after the show. 

Almost forgot to mention:

Zhou Bi Chang (who sang Faye Wong's Wing of Light this week)..

She is very garang... always able to revive/reinvent herself..

However her dispute with the TV station once will see her unplaced in this show.

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There was rumour earlier that Sandy refused to be in the show because of GEM...

So this pairing is somewhat unexpected.


I seriously wish GEM to attempt Sandy's Lover Tears (情人的眼泪) or 爱上一个不回家 的人   or 玫瑰香.

She could throw in some flamingo dancing in the latter....

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不如在总决赛前 , 让读者来参与 , 预测吧。

邓是在中国上海出生 , 在« 我 »的舞台上 ,

光芒四射 , 才华不但备受肯定 , 还越战越勇 ,

韩在中国占有一席之位 , 唱过的电视剧歌曲大约400首 ,

受邀央视春晚也有10次 ,

邓和张杰视为冠军候选人 , 可他们尚还年轻 ,

如果把韩老将打败 , 叫他情以何堪 ?

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Guest Raymond

我是歌手2 is so freaking fake. 韩磊 first??? Please la, They say he is China's 国宝. Maybe that explains why most of China's 国宝 are displayed in musuems overseas and the ones in China are replicas.


Sheila and GEM not that different in singing la .. not enough to warrant a difference in position between 2 and 6. MH370 disappeared at the wrong time for Sheila.


Between Zhang Jie and Gary, the latter outclasses the former anytime. I suppose being native helps but it just makes the show so FAKE

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Guest Raymond

Zhang Jie is so effeminate when he sang Angel and at certain points of "Just the way you are" .. that sissy who played the piano at the last round obviously got the hots for him .. heard he helped ZJ with "Just the way you are" too .. ZJ's manager is sooo girlish

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Guest Raymond

to be honest, i think han lei is overrated, zhangjie / shila / GEM is the best, Zhang Jie is so cute!!! damn he is married.

In China, people are mocking Zhang Jie bcos he depended on his wife (Xie Na) to become famous.

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I know that everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but you don't need to be rude about it.

I feel that yes, Han Lei, has the highest likelihood of winning (which I'm not that happy about either) as the audience would more likely support their native singer.

When comparing between Gem and Shila, both do have good vocals but Gem has shown to be more versatile whereas Shila doesn't seem to strike a chord with me with her mandarin songs (except for Jay's), so I would rank Gem higher than Shila as well.

On a side note, the contestants are appearing on next week's episode of 百变大咖秀, so I'm also looking forward to watching that as well.

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China News site preview :  http://news.163.com/14/0404/15/9P0E09I000014AED.html


The show is tonight. Any local pub that will live telecast ?


我是歌手 今晚直播决赛

2014-04-04 15:17:59 来源: 北京晚报(北京)









黄绮珊是帮唱嘉宾中唯一的上一季歌手,她的天籁高音将与同样具有绝佳声线的茜拉搭配演绎名曲《When You Believe》。林俊杰将与张杰组成“双杰”组合,张宇邀请来了“小虎队”原成员陈志朋,周笔畅的战友则是摇滚唱将信。夺冠大热门邓紫棋将牵手音乐才子方大同带来汪峰的《春天里》。帮唱嘉宾中最令人意外的是演员张嘉译的跨界加盟,不少网友在微博评论中发出疑问:“他会唱歌吗?”据记者了解,张嘉译虽为人低调、鲜少出现在音乐综艺节目中,但他的好歌喉在圈内是出了名的,他与韩磊两位“大叔”的搭配也将成为舞台上的别样风景。总决赛的主持人仍是湖南台的“台柱子”汪涵、何炅。J227




















曹格&谭维维《Whats Up》





茜拉&黄绮珊《When You Believe》










邓紫棋《We will rock you + 一无所有 + We are the champions》



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众望所归 , 韩磊终于把歌王头衔奖座捧回家 。当看到歌单知道他要唱他所唱过的电视连续剧主题曲后 ,

成绩仿佛已经尘埃落定 。唱家喻户晓的歌曲 , 引起共鸣是不容置疑的事实 , 他懂得如何掌握现场的气氛 ,

熟知中国一般听观众要求是什么 , 或许外地人不容易苟同 , 但我却喜欢他的演绎方式 , 至少比起第一届 ,

成绩较让人信服 。我是歌手2 , 造就了茜拉和邓紫琪 , 开拓了她们未来在中国大陆的歌唱事业和市场 ,

她们的歌唱生涯会起如何变化 , 且让我们拭目以待吧 。

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众望所归 , 韩磊终于把歌王头衔奖座捧回家 。当看到歌单知道他要唱他所唱过的电视连续剧主题曲后 ,

成绩仿佛已经尘埃落定 。唱家喻户晓的歌曲 , 引起共鸣是不容置疑的事实 , 他懂得如何掌握现场的气氛 ,

熟知中国一般听观众要求是什么 , 或许外地人不容易苟同 , 但我却喜欢他的演绎方式 , 至少比起第一届 ,

成绩较让人信服 。我是歌手2 , 造就了茜拉和邓紫琪 , 开拓了她们未来在中国大陆的歌唱事业和市场 ,

她们的歌唱生涯会起如何变化 , 且让我们拭目以待吧 。

A plus for his musicality and creativity/fusion.

Very predictable.

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Really there are no losers in this finale although there were some minor hiccups.

Zhang Yu and Chen Zhi Peng were painful to watch.

Both were so off-key in Jolin's song.


Han Lei deserved the award but really, he appealed to a niche crowd.

His first song was one I learnt when I was a kid... in fact, as I've mentioned in my earlier post, he still sings old songs to boost the votes.  I cannot deny his singing technique though.


GEM was not at her best tonight...Her Queen medley borders on shouting, rather than singing.  Her stage costume is the 2nd song was salah.. should have tried to be a biker chick/rock chick.  


Sheila and Huang-ma .. they can continue to duet with each other for a long time to go.  Sheila's mid-range is outstanding. Although current, her song choice of EXO-Mama was a surprise.  She can go the distance, together with GEM.


Zhang Jie and his guest, JJ  Lin did a fairly good job but if you listen properly, the key was a bit too high for JJ and he lowered it in the 2nd stanza of the song.


Gary Chao Ge can continue his bad boy image but can he last?

That's all.. and don't forget to watch next week's programme - the Reunion show.

(LeTV apps works for me)

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Really there are no losers in this finale although there were some minor hiccups.

Zhang Yu and Chen Zhi Peng were painful to watch.

Both were so off-key in Jolin's song.


Han Lei deserved the award but really, he appealed to a niche crowd.

His first song was one I learnt when I was a kid... in fact, as I've mentioned in my earlier post, he still sings old songs to boost the votes.  I cannot deny his singing technique though.


GEM was not at her best tonight...Her Queen medley borders on shouting, rather than singing.  Her stage costume is the 2nd song was salah.. should have tried to be a biker chick/rock chick.  


Sheila and Huang-ma .. they can continue to duet with each other for a long time to go.  Sheila's mid-range is outstanding. Although current, her song choice of EXO-Mama was a surprise.  She can go the distance, together with GEM.


Zhang Jie and his guest, JJ  Lin did a fairly good job but if you listen properly, the key was a bit too high for JJ and he lowered it in the 2nd stanza of the song.


Gary Chao Ge can continue his bad boy image but can he last?

That's all.. and don't forget to watch next week's programme - the Reunion show.

(LeTV apps works for me)

Gary Chao should sing the Cantonese song by Beyond for the Finale. It has a good arrangement.

He is talented but too much booze and fighting screw up his image. Sigh.....


Shila should not pick Wong Ma. The runs were all over the place. There should be only one diva on the stage, not two.

She could have sang 'qin zhan gao yuan' to show off her range and to hear a Malay sings it is another treat.


Zhang Yu and that little tiger not in sync. dun know what they are doing, just wayan.


Should get Stephanie Sun to sing with Zhan Jie because her voice is lower and would complement his. JJ 'svoice is just too similar, no contrast.


GEM is smart to get Fan Da Tong to duet with her. Interesting chemistry.


The runs that Uncle Han lei did in the intro showed off his technique and control. No lyrics but just beautiful sounds. Quite mesmerising.

That guy is very experienced though he looks like some regulars in the Chinatown sauna. hehe

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Personally I find Han Lei is over-rated. He has 1st position in a few episodes which I feel that position should have gone to someone else.

I like Shila, GEM and Zhang Jie. All these 3 have different quality in their voices.

In the final, I dislike all the songs actually. Oops!

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I am so sad that Shila was not the champion. Oh well, it was expected. However, I do not agree that Han Lei should be crowned the first.

Han Lei looks like one of those CMI uncle in Chinatown sauna. If he looks like Hu Jun or Lu Yi, then okay lah.

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Guest Raymond

Can't believe Han Lei got first singing a children's song .. so kalong.


For a moment, I thought Zhang Jie was asking the audience to join him for laksa. His song selection has all along been quite good. .. until the grand finale.

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《我是歌手》第二季落幕 记者会变“老婆表彰大会”

四海网来源:四海网撰稿:ldn发布时间:2014-04-07 10:00:030
























据周笔畅的经纪人透露,笔笔原本集齐了“古惑仔”五兄弟郑伊健、陈小春、 谢天华、钱嘉乐和林晓峰同唱《友情岁月》,曲都编好了,但最终因为港台名额限制而没能成行,成为最大的遗憾。

* 声明:分发转载需署名链接:http://www.4hw.com.cn/new/yule/54892.html 本文由四海网特约会员ldn原创/整理/撰稿,部分文图内容可能未经严格审查,相关评论均为网友自发,不代表四海网立场。更多:娱乐新闻

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Ya I guess you are right, Josh. Should not be surprised coming from a nation that has no qualms using a ghost singer at the Olympics and makes no apologies for it when exposed.

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Yeah, totally agree. But i guess he is quite talented in a sense, he used several interesting instruments in his songs which are quite good. But after a while, it just seem forced, like using it to win the hearts of the audience. Cant deny that he is experienced, anyway it is just a entertainment programme, feel like the programme is a bit ironic though.

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I guess (at least for me) the novelty of Sheila is wearing out... 

Audiences (me included) are likely to switch to a newer singer if Sheila does not come out with a new song.

She can't stuck in the same formulaic singing in every programme.


When you put 10 singers-contestants together, there is a difference.

Julia Pang's rendition was way superb than Gary Chao's singing.

Yang Zhong Wei (is he not gay?) tried and can outsing Sheila any time.


Disappointingly, Han Lei was painful to watch.

He really massacred Winnie Hsin's "Wei Dao"... he came across as blend as best.

The new arrangement did nothing to improve the nature/quality of the song.

Terry Lin won once again with all the clear, crisp high notes.

高手过招, 便知道谁的功力较好/深。。

韩老弟, 林哥也不是浪得虚名的。。

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  • HendryTan changed the title to China's Singing Competition / Songs - 中国好声音 + 中国好歌曲 + 我是歌手 + 快乐男声 + 中国风 + 蒙面歌王 + 隐藏的歌手 + 中国新歌声 + 梦想的声音
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