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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2012 in Posts

  1. hihi anyone here run/jog topless? for myself, I would go topless when I go run/jog cos it's cooler and since I m a nite jogger not many ppl will see...recently got to know this guy staying around the same area and we jog topless together. (serious jogging no other agenda)
    1 point
  2. Hello BW members! This thread is created for the purpose of organizing outings for the Generation Y and Z! Generation Y also known as Generation Next, referstothe YOUTH generation. Generation Z also known as the Internet Generation refers to members of the generation have spent their entire lives with the World Wide Web, having been commercially available since 1991. What this means is that this outing is for YOUNG and "INNOCENT" guys that are interested to: 1. Hangout for events such as bowling, KTV, Pool, Movies. 2. Sports 3. Study Groups 4. Clubbing 5. Chat and chill at Cafes 6. USS 7. Chalets 8. Going Overseas!!! PM here if you are interested to join the outings! :-)
    1 point
  3. KTV ! But that would have to wait until after my field camp.. :yuk:
    1 point
  4. Haha wait, is KTV the most popular activity or Picnic!? Or Just a simple dinner? What do the majority prefers to do on the first outing? Lol
    1 point
  5. derryfawne

    Crush Or Love?

    I think the following describes the differences well (source): Crush: Intense feelings Love: Feelings, but also a sense of commitment Crush: Weakened by time; feelings lessen L ove: Strengthened with time, feeling grows Crush: makes one worry or obsess Love: makes one relaxed and confident Crush: Wondering what the other person thinks of you Love: Knowing what the other person thinks, and if you don't, you discuss it with them Crush: Imagining what it would be like to be together Love: Knowing what it's like Crush: Every moment with them is blissful Love; Sometimes you want to scream because they drive you nuts, but you still love them Crush: You feel like you need the other person Love: You feel blessed to have the other person Crush: You desire the other person Love: You want what is best for the other person Crush: You think of them all the time, everything reminds you of them Love: You think of them when you're making an important decision or planning for the future, but you don't daydream about them any more Crush: Is exciting and thrilling, fireworks and sparks Love: is calm and quiet, warm and soothing
    1 point
  6. watched a str8 jap pxxn on water torture ....and it was disgusting...google about it and apparently the actress did not know what was coming(I didn't too! thought will be just acting with slight realism)...probably didn't know it was real and from sources it lasted 12 hours...few guys (and girls) just drowning this poor actress in swimming pool and glass tank and she was later hospitalized for 4months and production was arrested and jail 18 years.
    1 point
  7. Organizer, I hope you get ur lesson learnt o.O No repeating the same mistake I guess ^^ AND YES, THIS GROUP IS FOR YOUTHS AND THE LOW PROFILE PEEPS! (y)
    1 point
  8. SEPTIE1234

    2 Choose 1

    you meant give up or hold on? give up = to move on. yes? no? hahahanyway, give up. holding on is too tiring. you only live once . give up, move on and pursue greater things.
    1 point
  9. Gray

    Instrumental Music

    Reuben Kee
    1 point
  10. @Azorius: yarh!! I just don't know why i can't talk to my capricorns friends (only the male ones) without having the conversation ending up like a debate or quarrel. I don't even get quarrelsome usually so it's quite scary how they can make me like that xD; The link is great! Just read the on gemini and some of it are so true, as compared to other sources online Secret Gemini Inside anyone who has strong Gemini influences is a person who secretly longs to find his or her true soulmate, the mysterious twin who will make the Gemini feel complete. The more self-aware Geminis will realize in maturity that the wholeness they seek is to be found within, by gathering together their many parts, especially the earthy twin with the spiritual twin. Few people listening to a confident Gemini talk with that quicksilver, pucklike charm would ever imagine that the inner Gemini is often feeling desperately alone and lost. Communication is a lifeline to Gemini. Contact through words, ideas, gossip, or philosophy makes Gemini a happy, inspiring, and devoted person The appearances section is all wrong though, HAHA, its impossible to say how a certain zodiac tends to look like anyway.
    1 point
  11. starrs

    Post Your Random Thoughts

    "Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it" okay, now i know how cock rings existed.
    1 point
  12. Oh yea, outing outing.
    1 point
  13. Cancerian here. Apparently, I find Cancerian people are very 'xenophobic' because usually I have mostly Cancerian friends and my Cancerian friends also have mostly Cancerian friends. Basically, Cancerian people are not easy to understand if you are not one of 'em. And you should never make your Cancerian partner insecure or else you're gonna end up in HK drama. Anyway, if you want to find someone committed to building a love nest, high chances Cancerians will commit to it very much. Also, I think June Cancerians are usually the more bastard ones and July Cancerians are more emotional. (I'm June Cancerian.) Anyway for fellow Cancerians, check this page out: http://www.lilycat.net/cancer.html Personally, I have no favourite star signs but I have star signs I do think twice before getting into a relationship: 1. Scorpio: two fxxking bitches in school backstabbed me; 'nuff said 2. Sagittarius: I have 3 Sagis whom I have not have fulfilling relationships with 3. Aquarius: i can only get along with one type of Aquarius; for the other kind of Aquarius, we are sworn enemies ...and this is just me, but I think Cancerians are frequently obsessed with horoscopes. As the saying goes, post-sex Cancerians would say, "When are we getting married?"
    1 point
  14. haha yup coz ur title make interesting.... !!Thank you..new friends make my lives...=P
    1 point
  15. Guest

    Aj Nowadays..........

    Sigh . Why is it so hard to find a nice people to really talk to ? Is it me or i am the only one who realise that AJ now adays are quite snobbish ad unfriendly ?
    1 point
  16. Guest

    Iphone Anticipation Mode!

    1 point
  17. Fondling with my nipples, ass-crack and neck....
    1 point
  18. Quite true. My ex date was a Leo and i am a Virgo and we ended up in a very short period of time . lol
    1 point
  19. if ure first starting out gym. priority is not to eat weight gainer or protein supp. priority is to get training discipline, exercise and form right. weight gainer/protein supp without the above just make u gain fats. and if that's what you want, you can just eat weight gainer without going to the gym. if muscles is what you want, get the above right first. once u see some results (its quite easy to see results initially), then invest in those supps. if not, you're just wasting your money. supplements are just that - supplements. u still need to eat your regular nutritious meals. ultimately, it's still hard work in the gym. for now, you should do a serious review of what you've been eating. frequency wise and the nutritional contents of those food you've been putting in your mouth. stop eating rubbish! the most nutritious food i cud think of is home prepared food. outside hawker food is full of carbs and super low in protein. tell me, how much protein can get from a bowl of fish ball noodles. econ rice maybe, but choose the dishes wisely. get a PT or some pro friend who can advise you on the exercises to do and the correct form. yes i couldnt emphasis more on the form. wrong form and it's going to wreck your body. from experience, those training regimes/training methods offered by bodybuilders who are preparing for competitions are usually not suitable for 'normal' bodybuilders like most 'normal' pple. as such, i would caution following their advise blindly. one such advise is the bulking and cutting theory. for normal pple like us, this is too drastic. do you know how much you gotta stuff yourself silly during the bulking phase? and how much training you gotta go thru? some trained twice a day. morning and evening. are you able to take it or even have the time for it? not to mention the cost of all the supps including designer supps and all those meat you gotta buy. nowadays nothing is cheap (due to inflation), and that includes meat and supps. frankly, i often see many guys in my gym downing protein shakes after their workout. my observation tells me most did not grow that big. well some do, but most guys, they tend to grow just a little or none at all...or perhaps they've reached their plateau...i donno. if u die die must eat supp, i'll say go for weight gainer first AND remember to train. once or twice a week in gym is too little. 4 times is just right for now provided you gym productively every session. gaining some fats is inevitable during this phase but you will gain some muscles too and improvement in strength. once you hit abt 60, you can wean off the mass gainer and use whey protein.\ u must take note of your body frame and height if u wanna grow big. too short and too muscular makes one looks like humpty thumty and thats disgusting. looks very 'cartoon' also. good luck!
    1 point
  20. Www.Dickslips.tumblr.com. Check This Out !
    1 point
  21. I think all guys moan the same leh. x.X I think it's because you think they're straight, so it sound kinda better due to straight guys turns you on more? x.X
    1 point
  22. http://bara.fuzzybuns.org/content/manga.html For Bara (Muscle) Lovers
    1 point
  23. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=JkvIr-C167-
    1 point
  24. Hi Chinese boy.. I have yet to try any of the Thai massage near ATM but i know its cheaper then Singapore. RM70 for One hour i think so just want to try and i quite sure its the same type of Thai massage here..lor. cheers.
    1 point
  25. haa.. balls exposing.. it was a nice clear view though.. Am sure others ould have more experience...
    1 point
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