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What is the most subtle way to show you're gay?

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Guest Walking With Pink Panthers

Wear a pink tee-shirt (singlet) ... or a rainbow tee-shirt (singlet) ... or tee-shirt, singlet, bag, notebook, and so on depicting gay celebrities like Kumar, BD Wong, George Takei, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie O'Donnell, Ru Paul, Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Adam Lambert, Elton John, Sam Smith, Tom Daley, or whoever else you might enjoy.

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If someone asks, r u gay?


Reply, u say leh?


Btw y is there a girl in this video?

1 hour ago, Guest guest said:







never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Try and see

Or you can do what the guy did at the start of this video - when your guy friend invites you to his house, show up in your speedos and pretend to say, "I thought we were going swimming."



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3 hours ago, yoo_ris said:

What's your goal in mind?

Just wanna show off that I'm interested in guys so they can actually flirt with me lol



2 hours ago, auscent said:

By showing Im more interested in myself, work and the world. Not like most straights solely on their kids. 

You snapped



1 hour ago, justanotherme said:

Use grindr and let the world hear the notification sound.

Lmaooo I should try this






Edited by callycal
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If you're a big guy, wear the biggest g-shock watch you can buy.


If you're a slim guy, wear tight (but not too tight) clothes which are one size too small than usual.


If you're born in the 60s and 70s, wear a coded hanky at the back of your pants.  (Google the gay hanky code).


If you're a guy, get your eyebrows subtly trimmed.


Using a rilakkuma phone case or having a rilakkuma soft toy in your car or deliberately exhibiting your entire 32 piece Snoopy collection in your home.


Liking your Facebook friend's post of his 32 piece Snoopy collection, his selfie wearing tight clothes, or him showing off his newly trimmed/shaped eyebrows. 


Walking,  having a drink or coming out of a cinema with your loudly dressed gay siren of a friend.


Wearing a shirt which has more than 3 shades/colours.


Having Madonna music leaked out from your earphones.


Edited by FattChoy
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Hahahah I have the same issue as you until I started wearing my earrings more often (I take them off for work).

Even then, I can tell you know, there's not much difference - or at least in Malaysia. I get more double takes at most.

I think it's not in our culture to go up to someone and introduce ourselves. He's shy, you're shy, everyone's shy.

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12 hours ago, FattChoy said:

If you're a big guy, wear the biggest g-shock watch you can buy.


If you're a slim guy, wear tight (but not too tight) clothes which are one size too small than usual.


If you're born in the 60s and 70s, wear a coded hanky at the back of your pants.  (Google the gay hanky code).


If you're a guy, get your eyebrows subtly trimmed.


Using a rilakkuma phone case or having a rilakkuma soft toy in your car or deliberately exhibiting your entire 32 piece Snoopy collection in your home.


Liking your Facebook friend's post of his 32 piece Snoopy collection, his selfie wearing tight clothes, or him showing off his newly trimmed/shaped eyebrows. 


Walking,  having a drink or coming out of a cinema with your loudly dressed gay siren of a friend.


Wearing a shirt which has more than 3 shades/colours.


Having Madonna music leaked out from your earphones.


what?!! wearing a g shock is gayish? liking Snoopy or Doraemon is gayish too?
It is saddeniing to hear that ( i love some cartoon characters but i have never exhibited or showcase them in a cabinet or such)
But i do agree b it a slim or NOT, and overly tight shirt is never sartorially acceptable, men's shoulder shdnt be squeezing  (too short/tight a pair of berms or running shorts would suggest something to me too)

Wearing 3 colour (so long black and white is not considered as colours that is fine) 
What era are we in now? U must be extremely OLD school, i m sorry to say this


I agree w LeanM,
while i toy w colour -matching (pushing boundaries - not to show that we r gay) but to spice up what is truly clothings that represent each and every unique individuals
no way i can accept myself donning a pink undies (shirt is fine) or socks or skimpy items ie too revealing (eg a singlet at a non beach or sportive event-dont have muscles to flash too)

2 hours ago, LeanMature said:

Nothing beat a pink sock.

A person who booked a ticket to those white christmas or Songkran to  Thailand is a clear indication of being gay!
In this era, we NO longer plainly use accessories/merch/clothings (eg a cufflink of teddy bear ) to judge a person (a judgement has to be wholesome before it is conclusive)
those on their fb ,have their own photos published in a rainbow stripe manner(u knew what i m saying) likely is gay, even though they might claim that they r supporting an LGBT movement

Those who are singles but always walk in&out of their neighbourhood with that same guy is really a good hint and w roving eyes too 
i felt gays Just Love to stare (even if u spot another gay on the street, there is nothing much u can do)  but somehow they tend to stare w their roving eyes and then "gin" u (i m not sure how to describe gin - not an alcohol but read as "gin"za)

While i dont use (ear) rings, mine r studs, plenty of straight guys (it could be due to Kpop culture) wear a pair of rings on their ears 
(whether u wear a pair or single stud depends on age grp, younger gen will always don a pair ie 2 - just saw a guy wearing a pair of rings larger than a thumb-circumference) 
Mine is a single stud type (even Feng Wei Zhong Aloysius - dead in NZ does that and his brothers praised him for that & felt so proud of him) : so pls dont use our older/old way of thinking to colour the world




give me a 5, i wannac, i removed them too (i dont wear them very frequently nowadays , prolly lazy, twice a mth, i do wear them to office eg an event or a dress down day) so it depends

2 hours ago, iwannac said:

Hahahah I have the same issue as you until I started wearing my earrings more often (I take them off for work).

Even then, I can tell you know, there's not much difference - or at least in Malaysia. I get more double takes at most.

I think it's not in our culture to go up to someone and introduce ourselves. He's shy, you're shy, everyone's shy.


Edited by lovehandle
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Oh ya i forgotten, while we shdnt judge based on brands /clothing/merchandise but the behaviour of constantly sharing about: 
or excited over sales of Hollister /Superdry, A&F and Underarmour* (is as good as telling u something gayish about them) etc
Straight men wear those brands and women too but they don't do  it all the time

I have fb frens every trip to ctries that sell the above felt excited and all his gay frens will comment on the posting to get him to buy

to me Hollister is not even fit to be called a fashion apparal, underarmour didnt entice me to step into any of their outlets

to do sports/gym, any brand like Nike , Addidas and many more (we r really spoilt) but if a guy kept saying the abv brands , then it is very obvious

@ a swimming pool, seeing what kind of swim wear one don would tell u is he gay (with the combination of the above discussion too) 

we do not judge a human alone w just one factor (eg swimming trunks)


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3 minutes ago, -Ignored- said:

Oh ya i forgotten, while we shdnt judge based on brands /clothing/merchandise but the behaviour of constantly sharing about: 
or excited over sales of Hollister /Superdry, A&F and Underarmour* (is as good as telling u something gayish about them) etc
Straight men wear those brands and women too but they don't do  it all the time

I have fb frens every trip to ctries that sell the above felt excited and all his gay frens will comment on the posting to get him to buy

to me Hollister is not even fit to be called a fashion apparal, underarmour didnt entice me to step into any of their outlets

to do sports/gym, any brand like Nike , Addidas and many more (we r really spoilt) but if a guy kept saying the abv brands , then it is very obvious

@ a swimming pool, seeing what kind of swim wear one don would tell u is he gay (with the combination of the above discussion too) 

we do not judge a human alone w just one factor (eg swimming trunks)



Those are not even subtle.  

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kekekeke ok not subtle woh cos i dont have gay frens on fb or soc media

I only happened to click on their frens's frens photos (that are not pte mode) then i realised 

they will also claim what is wrong with purchasing those sports clothing or fashionable items eg Hollister since they are on a great sale
(they made it so clean)

So we have to add up all these to make a conclusion , but i disagree that wearing a gshock or liking only snoopy characters are being gayish leh!!!
I have parents coming to me that they have no interests in snoopy or whatever cartoons (that means previously they know nuts about those Peanuts character) only recently their gal asked to watch a movie/cartoon related to snoopy , then the interests of snoopy grow!!! i m shocked that there r Singaporeans who doesnt know Snoopy
Btw, all my cousins/nephews/godsons and god god whatever love soft toys/collectibles (be it a Line bear or snoopy or Pokemon) , whenever goin shopping with me or they knew i m on a holiday trip (they will request* for me to get them such cuddly/plushy toys )
and u will be extra-surprise that the gals/niece/god daughters and females will not, so i asked what do they want, they want idols/things that are related to humans eg Kpops items (more of the concrete stuff)
Never will the gals be bothered w a barbie doll so long that they grew up (from puberty stage onwds)

But it is a straight no-no for a male (gay or not) to overly-fancy Hello Kitty!! (I knew some males r ok with H.Kitties, not sure why though)

Maybe Line characters is a more obvious SUBTLE  gay hint???

* : purchase requests or bday requests (in whatever form)  for gifts r mostly cartoon-based soft-toys (their mothers told me one is NEVER enough, they needed MORE) 
and they are all boys/mens (some about to reached "A" level"/poly grp) - the opinions are also gathered from mums' colleagues and friends (not solely from me)

(he is a famous youtuber into a fantastic brand, pls dont ask me whether is he gay?)
recent blog is his fav items! the first item on the list is a racoon keychain
I guess most guys like animals/zoos and plant 


i read somewhere in this forum that plant growers/farmers are gayish too(so sad to hear this)

the key is in MOderation is ok(eg i wont have more than 3 pots of plant at one time), too much is indeed OVER!!! 
(having said that , i dont deny there is always a minority who doesnt go w the norms, e.g. they said for sure metrosexuals and gays are into proper undies, not those with holes or torn, but i felt so yucky when i saw some w pathetic underwear!and they are at least 3X richer than  me)

Edited by lovehandle
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Guest Dirtily Professor

Rainbow bracelet? Not a bad option. But is such an item, even though it's relatively small, actually considered subtle?

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i think let's not bother w subtle or NOT (it is very subjective) 

A person could be hanging himself w tons of accessories that may be for gay, but if the other person is blind to such hints, , it is still NEVER loud enough as a hint

a gay can b so straight-acting w tinge of subtle hints, but to a hyper-sensitive gaydar man, ie Loud enough to let the latter assume he is OVERLy gayish

what is the point of trying to prove yet unable to exhibit your own nature???
so long u r NOT being described as "sister" ie great enough

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Guest Sabrina
On 5/8/2019 at 5:53 PM, callycal said:

Showing you're gay without publicly saying you're gay. iykwim

I don't subtly show, I proudly display like fireworks.  

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20 hours ago, -Ignored- said:

some subtle v not acceptable behaviours here: 

will give a clue to it


confused, so am i straight acting or more sissy here? haha


you know, as i mature, I am less bothered about what others think - and yeah, I do call my bros, sisters, and just be myself.


i think being muscular is a bit more visually reassuring than a skinny femme, but i like the duality of a muscular man who is not trapped in masculinity.


it is a fine line - i met some guys who are so insecure they are just like stone walls with no expression, scared to let out their inner selves.


they hate others for being soft, and they hate themselves if they are seen as soft.

it's a circle of hate, and that becomes their own personal hell. my condolences to them, because it's a waste of life.


life is a precious and special gift. we should honour it with love and laughter. not by repressing it and self-hating,

eventually whatever you don't celebrate and cherish will disappear. it is the law of the universe. 







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i think this is not a judgement place (usu without even meeting up/ seeing the person in real, it is extremely hard to comment)

it is more of discussion are there any items or etc that cangive the hint of being gay ( i shared what straight men has NEVER worn or used or excited abt) 

and sissy or not has nothing to do with gay orientation

Just like many gals are in football (School /national) team or what balls, but when they shed that, they r very girlish and feminine, sexy and ..........Just like any women
many kept assuming what? gals in soccer or ball teams what ? r they very tomboyish or les?
Lesbian (is a sexual orientation) nothing to do w sports or more muscular than other gals
joining a ball team or watching a match excitedly has nothing to do w manliness or NOT , but it is they enjoyed being competitive and the thrills of fighting over it

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Guest Poke

Go to gay dominated areas and cruising spots to spin the pokestop. You'll get the gifts from there. And constantly send these to the friends you want to subtly tell .


Is it subtle enough?

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Guest lil finger

drink any hot drinks in front of others by holding the cup with the small finger straight up the same styles as your when tour hard dick is standing straight..

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28 minutes ago, benedict5856 said:

I am glad that i do not need the subtle way to tell others that i am gay.

My looks, my voice, betrays it all.


But at times when some ppl are suspicious of me, they asked me, i just tell them, '"Yes i am, but u dun worry, bcas you are not my cup" 


oh wow!!!!!!!!
i think TS or some might be OVERLY straight acting too manly yet wish to drop his colleague a hint

some of the hints are listed here:
hey i followed your IG/Soc media (of your gym methods/bodies) /blogs hence u knew he is.........
and the stare and gin method mentioned previously 

they also explained that Korea (beautiful , white makeup) males doesnt mean they r gays or sissies
It is Also not possible to wear a plug for too long!!

I felt FuFu is very very open leh!! i like his concept
In another thread, someone ask is it obvious to observed Les, good to view this:


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Guest Fit Uncle

Looking much younger than uncles about my own age, no wrinkles, well cared skin, fitting clothes, clean hair cut, 

Even when I just sit still, they say I'm gay for caring so much about my clean and fit image when others just let go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

his IG account is stated at the youtube
 he called himself an Uncle too, have a gd laugh he said:
the drinks seemed true - but i dont go to gay pub or pub lately

needless to say
all Andrew Christn underwear 300% confirmed
Straight men go for CK !

Cher ? i dont get it

Agree w "Call me by the name" - u identify yourself w it (i felt it is a 3/10 - one of the lousiest gay movie created)

Watching Kumar is nt gay!


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I just did reservist, and one of the days booked out to meet some friends.


While waiting at the busstop, there was a cute guy reading Call Me By Your Name.


I was kinda openly checking him out (ICT horniness) but eventually caught his eye,  and nodded at the book.


He nodded back and gave the slightest shy smile.


I think pretty subtle way to advertise in public, haha. Especially since only people in the know will be aware of that book/film.





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Guest Try and see
4 hours ago, tomcat said:

I just did reservist, and one of the days booked out to meet some friends.


While waiting at the busstop, there was a cute guy reading Call Me By Your Name.


I was kinda openly checking him out (ICT horniness) but eventually caught his eye,  and nodded at the book.


He nodded back and gave the slightest shy smile.


I think pretty subtle way to advertise in public, haha. Especially since only people in the know will be aware of that book/film.


Wow!! Was he also from your ICT camp?

I so far haven't spotted anyone reading that book in public yet.


But now that you mentioned the book being a subtle sign of being gay, I remember back in Dec 2017, I was in Sydney and I had just seen the movie when it first came out.


(I didn't realise movies in Australia are so expensive! My ticket was around A$22, but out of nowhere, a young Aussie guy came up to me and offered to let me use his membership card for a discount. So I ended up paying around A$16. Because the cinema seats in Australia are free seating, I should have asked if he wanted to sit together. There's a high chance that he also likes guys, since he came to watch the show alone. But I just stupidly thanked him and walked away. I was a bit shy at that time, but had he asked me, I would have said yes.  :wub:)


Anyway, I ended up liking the movie a lot so the next day, I went to the Kinokuniya near my hotel and bought the book. The cashier who attended to me was a China girl (who spoke very good English), and when she saw me paying for the book, she said, 


"Oh, that's a very good movie. I saw it recently. Have you seen it yet?"


I told her that I did.


There and then, I think she must have known  :D



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Guest Facade

I think one obvious one is to look at who they follow on IG. 


Both straight and gay guys do follow shirtless, muscle men on IG. But straight guys usually follows gym/bodybuilding models and they prolly caption things like "not huge yet" or "gonna bulk soon/gonna lean cut soon" or "body goals" following the pic of the guy they want to be like. They also like to post IG stories or pics of them exercising. And for those who do sports, its usually obvious who their sportmates are, so you can exclude them from thinking that they are their gay friends/cliques.


For gays, we do follow shirtless guys too, but they're more on the flamboyant/posey model type. Like half of they're IG page will be filled with shirtless selfies. The captions that comes along with the shirtless pic will also be 70% unrelated to fitness (talks about past experiences, when the shirtless pic was taken etc). And if you see that the group of friends they take are mostly guys (birthday parties, overseas trips with a little dash of angmoh friends in the cliques, intention/pic(s) of going songkran), you can highly suspect that they're gay.

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49 minutes ago, Guest Facade said:

I think one obvious one is to look at who they follow on IG. 


Both straight and gay guys do follow shirtless, muscle men on IG. But straight guys usually follows gym/bodybuilding models and they prolly caption things like "not huge yet" or "gonna bulk soon/gonna lean cut soon" or "body goals" following the pic of the guy they want to be like. They also like to post IG stories or pics of them exercising. And for those who do sports, its usually obvious who their sportmates are, so you can exclude them from thinking that they are their gay friends/cliques.


For gays, we do follow shirtless guys too, but they're more on the flamboyant/posey model type. Like half of they're IG page will be filled with shirtless selfies. The captions that comes along with the shirtless pic will also be 70% unrelated to fitness (talks about past experiences, when the shirtless pic was taken etc). And if you see that the group of friends they take are mostly guys (birthday parties, overseas trips with a little dash of angmoh friends in the cliques, intention/pic(s) of going songkran), you can highly suspect that they're gay.

Yup, agree with this

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Guest Try and see
2 hours ago, Guest Facade said:

I think one obvious one is to look at who they follow on IG. 


Both straight and gay guys do follow shirtless, muscle men on IG. But straight guys usually follows gym/bodybuilding models and they prolly caption things like "not huge yet" or "gonna bulk soon/gonna lean cut soon" or "body goals" following the pic of the guy they want to be like. They also like to post IG stories or pics of them exercising. And for those who do sports, its usually obvious who their sportmates are, so you can exclude them from thinking that they are their gay friends/cliques.


For gays, we do follow shirtless guys too, but they're more on the flamboyant/posey model type. Like half of they're IG page will be filled with shirtless selfies. The captions that comes along with the shirtless pic will also be 70% unrelated to fitness (talks about past experiences, when the shirtless pic was taken etc). And if you see that the group of friends they take are mostly guys (birthday parties, overseas trips with a little dash of angmoh friends in the cliques, intention/pic(s) of going songkran), you can highly suspect that they're gay.


Good observation!

It seems like gay guys, especially the fit ones, will try to be shirtless as often as possible, even in front of their female friends.


I notice that a lot of the American gay Youtubers will film their videos while being shirtless, even when they are just sitting in front of the camera talking, with the air-conditioner on!


Also, gay guys tend to be very fussy about their underwear, whereas straight guys will not really bother.


So sometimes, the type of underwear can hint at a guy's sexuality (I believe there are countless videos, forum threads and articles on that topic!)

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