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Gay Interviewee & Interviewer

Guest Job seeker

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Guest Job seeker

Hi guys

If you are a gay boss and you know your candidate is a gay interviewee. What will be your reaction?

1. You are likely to shortlist him for job because we are birds of the same feather

2. YOu will shortlist strictly by his looks and by your type of guy only

3. You will not shortlist him in case he jeopardize your position by selling you out.

4. You prefer straight subordinate than gay one? because the former is more sexy in your eyes?

5. You will shortlist him by merit and not by orientation

6. You will shortlist him thinking someday you guys might become LTR or ONS.

7. You will shortlist him thinking there might be chemistry of working together because he is gay.

8. You believe gay are more meticulous in work or more gossipy and play politics?

9. You pity him because he suffered discrimination outide so you will shortlist him to give him a chance

If you are an interviewee and your interviewer is gay. What will be your reaction?

1. YOu believe a gay boss is easy to work with and understanding so you want the job badly.

2. You will try very hard to please him in order for him to short list you

3. You will want to work for him only if he is your type of guy by look

4. You will not want to work for him in case he sexually harrass you if he is not your type

5. You will be jittery because he knows you are gay and may exploit & preasurise you during work.

6. You want the job because you have someone you could fantasise everyday and possibility of developing into a


7. Because he is gay too, so you want to really help him succeed and contribute more for him in work.

8. You want the job because a gay mentor is hard to find and you believe he will help you succeed.

As for me:

I will choose no. 1 and 8.

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What a load of crap!

Job should be given based on the interviewee's abilities and one should not discriminate because he is gay or str8. If you are a professional in your field of work, you should be ashamed of yourself if you chose someone based on the fact that he is the type of guys you like.

So what if he is your type and you gave him a job? Does that means he will have to or want to sleep with you?

I think you must be mixing your fantasy of role play with real life and I can bet you must be a worker and not a boss. Because a real boss won't think that way.

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Guest Job seeker

May be I should put it this way.

If a gay candiate and a straight candidate have the experiences and qualifications suited for the job you advertised. Which one of them will you choose based on the above lists?

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Guest Job seeker

Firstly, which industry are you in and are you a boss yourself?

Please enlighten us, how u know who is gay and who is str8? Was it from their dressing, your gaydar or they wrote it in their resume?

Aiyo!!! this is just for open discussion lah, no need so serious wan.

I am just saying if you happened to know he is gay via his gestures, voices, actions and look which are clear symptoms of a typical gay style, than there must be something that cause you to tick during the interview mah. Just curious about the phsycological aspect in such awkward scenario. Just like a fundamentalist christian will definely accord priority to their own kind - for instant if a fundamentalist christian interview a gay and his church fellows, the latter will definitely be shortlisted mah. If I am a boss, I will not recruit someone who hate our kind right?

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The employee's skill set is more important than sexual orientation and also how they would fit into the existing team members. Also it all depends on the industry you are in. The creative fields are more open to gay men but some are less so. As the employer, i would choose base on skills and how he can fit in to the organisation as we would need to work as a team. Rather pointless in hiring him just because he is also gay if the other team members are not going to accept him and cannot work as a cohesive whole.

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What a load of crap!

Job should be given based on the interviewee's abilities and one should not discriminate because he is gay or str8. If you are a professional in your field of work, you should be ashamed of yourself if you chose someone based on the fact that he is the type of guys you like.

So what if he is your type and you gave him a job? Does that means he will have to or want to sleep with you?

I think you must be mixing your fantasy of role play with real life and I can bet you must be a worker and not a boss. Because a real boss won't think that way.

I think YOU are a load of crap. You are one piece of shit who goes around making seemingly smart-alec comments that tries to turn others off. Your comments just reflects who you are...a wanna-be, no substance so try to flaunt your prowess as a silly moderator....Get a life...

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What a load of crap!

Job should be given based on the interviewee's abilities and one should not discriminate because he is gay or str8. If you are a professional in your field of work, you should be ashamed of yourself if you chose someone based on the fact that he is the type of guys you like.

So what if he is your type and you gave him a job? Does that means he will have to or want to sleep with you?

I think you must be mixing your fantasy of role play with real life and I can bet you must be a worker and not a boss. Because a real boss won't think that way.

Obviously you lack some sense of humour. Can't you see he is just asking for fun?

And stop asking people silly list 1-6 type questions next time, don't act like expert in everything when obviously you are NOT. I was told only thing true about you is your body is longer than your legs.

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Guest Ur the bitch

Aren't you guys the bitch. I can't imagine both of you are actually agreeing with the crap that was posted. It seems crap do stick together. 臭氣相投.

Time and agin, u r being asked to shut your trap (which should only allow shit in) and u still dun get the message. Such a silly bitch. You are the bitchy one creating more trouble than anything. People genuinely ask some questions or say some stuffs for fun...open ur stupid trap for wat? Waiting for shit to be dumped in?

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If im the boss, i would hire the hot gay guy hoping that i could fxxk him on my desk.

If im the employee, ill choose the job with the hot gay boss even if other company pays better, hoping that he would ask me to fix his cpu located under his desk once a while. That would make me love going to work everyday, for once.

Edited by imchaser

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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