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Why Do You Want A Boyfriend?


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Hi, curiosity is killing me, so I'm just gonna ask.

Why do you want a boyfriend?

My answer: Life's really short, yet it's full of beautiful things. I really want to share every beautiful thing on earth with someone I love the most, someone who can see, hear, smell, feel and touch the best things on earth. But sometimes thinking of having to feel all these alone makes me feel sad, because there's no greater sorrow than having to enjoy the happy things in life alone.


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Guest Ironrod

Hi, curiosity is killing me, so I'm just gonna ask.

Why do you want a boyfriend?

My answer: Life's really short, yet it's full of beautiful things. I really want to share every beautiful thing on earth with someone I love the most, someone who can see, hear, smell, feel and touch the best things on earth. But sometimes thinking of having to feel all these alone makes me feel sad, because there's no greater sorrow than having to enjoy the happy things in life alone.

Sometimes doesn't meant u want, u get.

A life partner is somebody u cannot just want or wish for.

In this journey in life, we all hope to gain a little bit wiser so when we met our soulmate we know he is the one.

Go and listen to Hebe's "My Love" and understand every "bf" you are with could be a chance to learn more about yourself and understand what u really wants in a soulmate. Nobody is born to understand life - the more you think you know in fact the reverse applies.

You are a nice guy, just be yourself for now but I hope sometimes u will listen what others have to say and reflect upon it.

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Captain Marvelous....? y do i one a bf....?

aaarrrggghhh..... i need boyfriend.... u get d feeling life nt so bad after all.....

somehow.... we b come more alive wit a bf..... and truly njoy d precious moment even if only 4 just awhile.....

....esp pure mingling & nothing sex...

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Sometimes doesn't meant u want, u get.

A life partner is somebody u cannot just want or wish for.

In this journey in life, we all hope to gain a little bit wiser so when we met our soulmate we know he is the one.

Go and listen to Hebe's "My Love" and understand every "bf" you are with could be a chance to learn more about yourself and understand what u really wants in a soulmate. Nobody is born to understand life - the more you think you know in fact the reverse applies.

You are a nice guy, just be yourself for now but I hope sometimes u will listen what others have to say and reflect upon it.

i think you're misunderstanding me... the truth is i've never had a "bf", so that equals to me never having the chance to learn about myself. i've been, or at least i think i've been, learning what i know by myself. and yes i agree, no one is born to understand life, just like how no one is born to understand what love and relationships are.

and thank you, i'll listen more. i just feel that i've been a little misunderstood reading your post

and i think Hebe's "寂寞寂寞就好" is more apt for me... :)

Edited by CaptainMarvelous


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Guest elgar90

why want a boyfriend?

Cause he is the one that makes you happy when you are sad/ vice-versa

Cause he makes your life full of excitement or makes it horribly wrong

He makes you will feel like human again when you are a working zombie and make your life fulfilling

He makes you weak/crazy/warm/cold and most of the time horny~

Lastly... and if things goes bad, he make you realized that he is the only thing you ever want again..

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Because people are social creatures, they want something to cheer themselves up when something bad happens. And they're selfish so they won't share that someone with anybody else.

I'll rather get a dog for these kind of things, to be honest.

So I'll assume you will only engage in DIY sessions whenever you feel the need to release your sexual urge?

Instagram: vodkabaker

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Most people do...its that someone you can spend time with at ease. share your warm body with ..to walk with in this journey of Life

Why don't you want a bF? Unless you are a lone wolf type then it suits you. Theres nothing wrong though ^_^

If you do want one... keep searching don't expect him to be everything you want him to be. Respect and embrace your differences....remember to be a good fren first :D

Edited by Marineboy
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agree with many here...

1) want a listening ear, or be a listening ear, quality time

2) want a sense of touch, either just body to body or sexual

3) want gifts - that having each other will be the best gift

4) want to help each other do things (other than sex)

5) want to speak great stuff to each other

If my love languages are fulfilled then I'll be a satisfied man <3

Will you be my valentine's? :D

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I've never wanted or needed a boyfriend. I guess you could say I am a loner of sorts. But what I've always hoped and looked for was mutual chemistry.. to meet that someone who loves me as much (or maybe more) as I love him.

They say you never know when Cupid's arrow strikes. I suppose it's true. I found my man unexpectedly and now I'm pretty happy and contented to be off the market. ;)

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"Humans originally had four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, but Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spend their lives searching for the other half to complete them."

How to seek revenge 101: Know him. Befriend him. Make him trust you wholeheartedly. Destroy him. Utterly.

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"Humans originally had four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, but Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spend their lives searching for the other half to complete them."

Interesting and maybe Darwinian explanation! :lol:
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Guest Ironrod

i think you're misunderstanding me... the truth is i've never had a "bf", so that equals to me never having the chance to learn about myself. i've been, or at least i think i've been, learning what i know by myself. and yes i agree, no one is born to understand life, just like how no one is born to understand what love and relationships are.

and thank you, i'll listen more. i just feel that i've been a little misunderstood reading your post

and i think Hebe's "寂寞寂寞就好" is more apt for me... :)

Water balloon (I still prefer this name) Of course, I know u never have bf and what I wrote is not to explain your question instead it's to tell u some of your questions are pointless , what do u hope to learn and achieve by asking such?

It's like asking everyone " Why do you want a LV bag" so what u know others reasons , it's pointless when it's not your own.

Hope that explains.

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Water balloon (I still prefer this name) Of course, I know u never have bf and what I wrote is not to explain your question instead it's to tell u some of your questions are pointless , what do u hope to learn and achieve by asking such?

It's like asking everyone " Why do you want a LV bag" so what u know others reasons , it's pointless when it's not your own.

Hope that explains.

okay i get what you mean. i think, i just want to know what everyone is thinking, what everyone is wishing for in things like these. maybe there's nothing to learn from knowing what people want, but i think it's one of those things that i really want to know, even if there may be no purpose in it.

or maybe i just want to see if people are really sad... or something like that (not making sense again) and maybe i should start to find the answers myself? haha, but even coming close to the answers feel like a really faraway thing right now, so i don't wanna set myself up for disappointment again

and thank u, i think waterballoon is really catchy; it'd have stayed on if some trolls didn't come around to sabotage xD

Edited by CaptainMarvelous


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okay i get what you mean. i think, i just want to know what everyone is thinking, what everyone is wishing for in things like these. maybe there's nothing to learn from knowing what people want, but i think it's one of those things that i really want to know, even if there may be no purpose in it.

or maybe i just want to see if people are really sad... or something like that (not making sense again). and maybe i should start to find the answers myself? haha, but even coming close to the answers feel like a really faraway thing right now, so i don't wanna set myself up for disappointment again

and thank u, i think waterballoon is really catchy; it'd have stayed on if some trolls didn't come around to sabotage xD


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because i need someone to sample what i cook? then again, anyone can fill that role. not enough reason for a lover; explains why i'm single.

how abt, for more domesticated reason like having someone to shop at ntuc 24hrs with for a household?


Dignity is a facade we wear to hide our ignorance.

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hmm i want one so that i can spend more time not on my computer. somehow my friends have all drifted apart so im quite lonely now. ): well also because, well its nice to be able to hold on or lean on to someone when ur feeling tired and feel the warmth of their body. not talking about sex though. my bf is gonna have to wait a long long long time before hes gonna have sex with me -_- but sadly i dont have one. ):

Edited by lonely57
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To feel like I own the world when I have found my boyfriend =)

i kinda know what you mean. i wouldn't think i "own" the world but... having this perpetual void suddenly filled, i think i can imagine that feeling of conquering everything. :) one of my friends did once mention that i'm in love with the idea of love. well. perhaps "love" is subjective. to me, i don't know if it is "love" i am looking for, cos i believe it is fast becoming extinct. companionship, like i've mentioned before, is quite enough for me. but i just shared with another friend on the drive home just now, that there really is no rule or method of finding that special companion... it's all luck. and i don't have that luck yet.

in the meantime, i don't know what to do.

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Since day one until now, its begining to be very tiring to listen to your lament on the same subject, about you wanting a boyfriend so desperately.

More tiring than completing the Sundown marathon.

Someone here, who is the same age as you, said something very impressive to me.

" Although I want a relationship, but I dont want it now. I wanna explore life, learn things, learn more about myself first, before I can be mature enough, to decide what I really want, while cherishing what I have presently"

Now go learn this line coming from your own peers.

As for you, you really need some reality check about yourself.

Its emotionally very tiring to have a boyfriend someone like you.

You will be more like a emotional burden to anyone, especially the whinning all about me me me part

But firstly. lose those excessive fats and emotional bagguage of yours first, then we talk.

Give up those fairy tales.

Time to get real.

Edited by TheVisitors
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" Although I want a relationship, but I dont want it now. I wanna explore life, learn things, learn more about myself first, before I can be mature enough, to decide what I really want, while cherishing what I have presently"

I think that too, sometimes... I shuffle between conflicting thoughts & I know it's not the best thing but I'm trying


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Since day one until now, its begining to be very tiring to listen to your lament on the same subject, about you wanting a boyfriend so desperately. More tiring than completing the Sundown marathon. Someone here, who is the same age as you, said something very impressive to me. " Although I want a relationship, but I dont want it now. I wanna explore life, learn things, learn more about myself first, before I can be mature enough, to decide what I really want, while cherishing what I have presently" Now go learn this line coming from your own peers. As for you, you really need some reality check about yourself. Its emotionally very tiring to have a boyfriend someone like you. You will be more like a emotional burden to anyone, especially the whinning all about me me me part But firstly. lose those excessive fats and emotional bagguage of yours first, then we talk. Give up those fairy tales. Time to get real.

I think that's a little bit too harsh.. =/

But yeah, I agree with TheVisitors. Maybe you wanna try some sports or something, it will make you healthier physically, and mentally.

Anyhow, I think that the most important thing is to keep yourself happy and have no regrets. Idk, being in a relationship doesn't equals to happiness. Just my opinion though..

You can complain that roses have thorns, or you can also rejoice that thorns have roses

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I think that too, sometimes... I shuffle between conflicting thoughts & I know it's not the best thing but I'm trying

I know you are trying your best in what you do, by please don't forget, quit the idea you are not good enough. Quit the idea of trying too hard to be a perfectionist. Quit the idea that nobody likes you. Quit the idea that happiness can only be achieved if you have a boyfriend

Quit the idea that you will never never find someone special

Remember. You are nice and special, and you already have all that takes inside of you so as to create a special place for yourself in this harsh world.

You don't have to leap towards the impossible dream. Just as I had said, take things bit by bit, one at a time, without fear , hestitation or doubting your own self worth anymore.

From there, you will be able to see things will start to change for the better. Its all in the mindset. Yeah ?

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lol... quite a different mindset from what I have... xD

Quitting sounds very... hmm... Something I don't seem to think about often. :P

Well- Anyways- in respect to CaptMarve's Question-

I can't answer because I dun want one right now. ahahaha. xD xD xD

I think having close friends who are PLU and getting to share about stories are enough... I dun wanna greed for love- because I already love my friends (even though I dun even have a lot.- haha)

But yeah- Then again- Always having the mindset of "I Don't want to be alone" and "I am afraid of being alone" is very unhealthy... I think you should go find some hobbies or something to do if this has been in your mind all the time...

I think good relationships start out as friends... Then people just get closer and closer or something. Let fate decide everything else. :-D

And lastly- for the "Physical blah blah"...

Lol- I dun think everyone is as uptight about this... :-p I think "chubby" people are very huggable people. hahaha. :-p

I do not mind having close chubby friends who dun think about themselves too much... But being incredibly insecure ends up being a problem. o__o

I feel that in the end- it all comes to how good of a friend you are and how sincere you are as a person. :-)

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