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Karaoke Outing!


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Hoi!! Get ur own nickname, thats already taken. :oops:

Lol. I still didn't get your name. I have poor memory towards name memorization. oh Shy, u make me shy. *blushes* haha! :oops:

erm.idiot blac! haha.. what's so naise abt me being a target board!haha. but stop emo-ing le okie!:)cheer up!

eh... mr ilumanova, can like don't post O_O. i don't like to expose myself so publicly lol. i'm really S.H.Y. LOL.

bribe me! lol! kiddin!

Thanx illuma! Your voice also quite not bad. Make me suspicious that you have a musical background lol. And all of you guys seems like you've got a lot of practice.

Thanks! I thought it was bad, voice crack for a couple of times ytd. Hvn't been singing for awhile. Haha. Hmm.. musical bckgrnd ngo ngo time ago.. lol

You all want to hear illumaNova's song? Bribe me and I'll give you the link~ xD

What are u talking abt? crazy ah? lol.

.......Inner Peace.......

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Guest brian87

idiot you! >.<||| *murder look LOL*

Brian your S.H.Y = Super Hiao Yaojing? =x Kidding.


You all want to hear illumaNova's song? Bribe me and I'll give you the link~ xD

yepyep why not XD

can i join your next gathering? :rolleyes:

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Well Like I ve said, if U dont wan to miss the next gathering, organise it.

Carnivore Carnivore, What do you eat? I have sharp teeth, I only eat meat! Herbivore Herbivore, what do U munch? I like leaves and plants for Lunch! Omnivore Omnivore, How about you? All kinds of meats and plants will do! ;)

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I think cause yourplanning still quite sometime away, people might not be certain of their plans yet. At least thats for me, if 12th august I still cant confirm yet.. but if 29th july then I can give my answer..

Carnivore Carnivore, What do you eat? I have sharp teeth, I only eat meat! Herbivore Herbivore, what do U munch? I like leaves and plants for Lunch! Omnivore Omnivore, How about you? All kinds of meats and plants will do! ;)

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can i just randomly ask, if anybody wanna go sing this thu afternoon?

dunno how many ppl would make it on weekday la...

but this is kinda adhoc...

just feeling like doing it suddenly...

so, any takers? 3 or 4 ppl will do!!

I know of this awesome place where we can free extension up to 7 or 8 hours on weekday... and still cost around $17....

come PM me!!


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can i just randomly ask, if anybody wanna go sing this thu afternoon?

dunno how many ppl would make it on weekday la...

but this is kinda adhoc...

just feeling like doing it suddenly...

so, any takers? 3 or 4 ppl will do!!

I know of this awesome place where we can free extension up to 7 or 8 hours on weekday... and still cost around $17....

come PM me!!


That sounds awesome :) but i'll have to see if I can recover by then.

Instagram: vodkabaker

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can i just randomly ask, if anybody wanna go sing this thu afternoon?

dunno how many ppl would make it on weekday la...

but this is kinda adhoc...

just feeling like doing it suddenly...

so, any takers? 3 or 4 ppl will do!!

I know of this awesome place where we can free extension up to 7 or 8 hours on weekday... and still cost around $17....

come PM me!!


I can! =D

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