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Guest Somnophilia - Asleep

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Guest Somnophilia - Asleep

Somnophilia (from Latin "somnus" = sleep and Greek φιλίa, "-philia" = love) is a paraphilia in which sexual arousal or orgasm are intruded on a sleeping person by having sexual contact with them.[1]

Some signs or symptoms that may point to Somnophilia include recurring thoughts regarding unconscious or sleeping persons and feeling sexual urges when in contact with or in the proximity of said individuals.[2]

There are possible treatments of somnophilia such as hypnosis, behavioral therapy and 12 step programs designed to terminate the behavior. While treatment is available, a somnophiliac may not seek it unless the behavior becomes destructive, problematic, or becomes a legal issue, which it is the latter - no consent is given to sexual act in the majority of cases and falls under sexual crimes legislation (unless pre-agreed for instance with a sexual/partner)

So far in my life, I've always really loved caressing, sucking and jerking off my boyfriends while they are asleep.....stealing a few licks....nuzzling them through their underwear to make them hard while they are still asleep...

All of them knew I did it and didn't mind (I always told them I liked doing that, and they said they didn't mind if I wanted to). Sometimes they'd wake up and we'd continue through with rabbit fucking....but on the days where they remain asleep throughout, I would get a raging hard on while exploring their entire body while they are in la la land.

In reverse, I have also always liked the idea of being played with while I'm asleep too.

Some of my partners did that to me, and I found it such a turn on to be half asleep and waking up to someone stroking me with his face. Sometimes I'd pretend to stay asleep, to let them get the thrill of the experience...otherwise, well you guessed it....rabbit fucking would follow.

Anyways, this interest I have in this particular act never bothered me before...since it was always with someone who was consenting.

But the other day, a friend of mine came over to sleep because he had a late night out drinking and didn't want to drive home in that state....and I found it really hard to fall asleep with him soundly asleep next to me.

I kept looking at the tent he was pitching through the cotton boxers he had on, and really wanted to get to work on it....despite the obvious risk. It got so difficult to the point, I walked out of the room and went to sleep on the couch instead. -.- Started thinking and reading more about this "interest" and realised that there was actually a word to describe it.

Anyone else can relate? Not talking about those "once in awhile play with someone to wake them up" kinda stuff.....that's normal lusting right?

Question is geared more towards those that find themselves always looking for this "scenario" to be played out in almost every encounter....

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Is there a reason why your font size keeps getting smaller near the end of your posts? I really couldn't be bother to squint when I'm on mobile.

HAHAHAHA, that caught me off guard.

You can complain that roses have thorns, or you can also rejoice that thorns have roses

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Adventure Time

While I was on a trip overseas recently, hooked up wih a chinese guy via jackd. He came to my hotel room and we had our share of fun, then he realised he couldn't go back to his place coz his friend had already gone to sleep and left him locked out. So we decided he could stay with me overnight and leave in the morning.


So he went into bed with me in just undies and a tshirt. When he had fallen asleep I felt horny again and decided to try fondling him without him waking up. I inched my hand closer and closer to him and soon my hand was just touching his outer thigh. My heart was beating fast and hard in my chest and I stopped to see if he was stirring, but he was still fast asleep.


Then I decided to go ahead and edged my hand up his thigh, stroking across to his inner thigh and ended with my hand just touching the bottom of his crotch. Again I check if he noticed but he was still fast asleep. I gently turned my hand and cupped his crotch. It was soft and fitted nicely in my hand. I gently squeezed it, watching his face, but he had no reaction. I then gently moved my hand up and down squeezing his crotch, feeling the whole of his soft bulge. I stroked it with my fingers, trying to separate his cock from his balls. I then gently stroked his flaccid cock up and down through his briefs with my index and thumb. Still no response as he continued sleeping. I then reached down and gave each of his balls a soft squeeze in turn, then rubbed his crotch up and down.


He seemed to be fast asleep, and i decided to go further. I reached to the side of his briefs and edged a finger into the side of his briefs. My finger went in and felt his skin and his hairy pubes. I then inserted a few more fingers and gently lifted  the front of his briefs slightly, then slowly inserted my entire hand. He hadn't stirred a single bit. I decided to stop for a bit and rested my hand on his crotch under his briefs, watching as his chest rose and fell slowlly, eyes shut and mouth slightly open. My heart was still beating hard with the thrill of fondling him while he was asleep pumping adrenaline through my veins. I then located the top of his flaccid cock and using my index finger and thumb, slowly pulled back his foreskin, and rubbed his piss slit with my index finger and squeezed the head of his cock. Moving my hand down I felt for his balls and rolled them in my fingers and cupped his ball sack in my hand, enjoying the feel of his bare cock and balls in my hand as he lay fast asleep.


After that I felt too tired and decided to turn back and fell asleep (sorry for the anticlimatic ending)

TBC in anyone is interested :P



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Guest gaysingaporean

When I was a teen (16), a new student from Hong Kong joined our class. He was tall and goodlooking, like a movie star! Even the nearby students from the all girl school knew about him. Seen him chatting with a few girls nearly everyday.

Anyway a couple of weeks after, a few of us were invited to his house for his birthday. After the party I stay back to watch the ending part of a TV show, when I realized I was the only one left. His mother said that I should sleep over as it was late and will call my parents about it. There will be our regular Saturday tennis lesson early next morning. He lived very near to our school.

On the whole we were not that close but he usually greeted me first whenever we see one another.I was too shy! And I think he knew I like him (as do lots of others, girls and boys).

He showed me to his bedroom and I saw there was only one bed, not single but not king sized either! He offered me his pajamas which was a little too big for me I was kind of surprised to see him going to bed in his T-shirt and y-front..Not much was said and he turned to say sleep well in Cantonese, I was quite excited and heart was beating fast but somehow I managed to sleep.

Sometime during the night I felt he was actually "spooning" me and he had an erection. I thought I have died and gone to heaven.

Then he started taking off my pajamas and the kissing started. I pretended to be asleep but after a few minutes, I opened my eyes and started to hugged him. His t-shirt was pulled up and his y-front was at his knees. What beautiful skin he had and everything else was perfect. 

Both of us pretended we were sleeping but our actions betrayed us big time... We went all the way, oral, anal the whole work.

In the morning we woke up in a mess with our clothes still undressed. I did not know what to say or whether to look him in his eyes. He, on the other hand, smiled and said we better hurry up or we will have no time for breakfast. No mention about what happened last night.

Everything was back as normal and that was it. His father was posted somewhere else, he left school and we lost touch.

About 20 years later, I was on a business trip in Hong Kong. During my check in, I noticed a sign board with a photograph of their manager with a familiar name on it. Sure enough it was my good old classmate. Told the front office personal that I knew him. That night I found a message that he wanted to meet me. We met at the hotel lounge and started catching up on the old days and he was asking about our then mutual friends and classmates. He's married with 2 kids and I told him I am gay and living with my then French boyfriend in Paris. We decided to have dinner and when we parted he hugged me and whispered in Cantonese,, I really like you alot! and left. I was speechless and over the moon. 

On the day of my check out, I was given an envelope by the receptionist with the written message..." I will always remember that night you spent the night at my place in 1968". I was so stupid to believe all those time that he was really asleep. I was smiling, crying, happy and sad all at the same time... That's life!

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