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Born white men the luckiest true?

Guest HappyGoLucky

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Guest HappyGoLucky

Everywhere they go get better treatment for example in airlines ads always have them pampered. Whether straight or gay always have their worshippers from almost any races. Aren't they the luckiest don't you think?

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You should go and spend time living in a a Western country with predominantly white people. 


Not all whites are good-looking or attractive. They are just like us. Tall, short,  skinny,  fat etc. 


But yes,  there are very good-looking and well-toned whites out there. 



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"White Supremacy"



Other white people who have weird opinions.

--nuff said

How you make your life to be lucky is how you make your life to be.

Edited by feedersmiracle

Speaking loudly, suffers softly. Smiles so wide, cuts unseen inside.

Bitin' the bullet, but never kick the bucket.

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I think white people only get treated like gods when they are in an Asian country.


In a white country, they are nobody and definitely don't get any special treatment from their fellow whites (obviously).


In fact, I notice that if there is more than one white person within a social setting in an Asian country, they usually don't get along. It's like, they naturally can't stand each others.


I have seen quite a lot of situations in here in Singapore where white people mistrust and dislike each other, and even taking each other to court.


So it's not really true that being born white is the luckiest thing.

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Com' on guys. Let's face the facts and call a spade, a spade. The fairer the skin and the younger you are, the more the opportunities you get. But whether you make use of the opportunities or not, is a separate matter all together.

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The original poster is talking about white privilege, which is an established (but negative) phenomena. To me it's not related to fairness of the skin but in the global balance of power where white = superior human beings.


And you have to admit, some people here do kowtow to them. I'm sure you've all seen it. Just three days ago when I was at Owndays, the salesgirl treated this white guy like he was God even though he was just browsing. When it came to me, that smiley face and friendly attitude disappeared, and she started looking bored. And mind you, I was buying not one, but two pairs of glasses. No effort at friendly service at all.

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Yeah, noted the staff of a particular chain coffee house I frequent tend to shout out 'Welcome to _________!' (all smiles and all) whenever a caucasian takes a step in at the entrance but rarely at any other races.

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I am proud of being Asian. I think indeed there exists White previledge.  But on the other hand,  we Asians tend to have stable family, caring parents,  good education,  and physically we age much better. The most important thing is to be happy with what you have, and have achieved,  not being disturbed by some issues which are out of our control. 

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7 hours ago, Guest said:

I think white people only get treated like gods when they are in an Asian country.


In a white country, they are nobody and definitely don't get any special treatment from their fellow whites (obviously).


In fact, I notice that if there is more than one white person within a social setting in an Asian country, they usually don't get along. It's like, they naturally can't stand each others.


I have seen quite a lot of situations in here in Singapore where white people mistrust and dislike each other, and even taking each other to court.


So it's not really true that being born white is the luckiest thing.


I have lived in Australia for over 30 +years and still am.


I can confirm what you said is true.  Those whites in their own countries are no body and definitely don't get any special treatment from their fellow whites. Only stupid and ignorant people will treat them like gods in Asia.   


It is not true that being born white is the luckiest thing,quite the opposite in general in my observations.


6 hours ago, jo.sam said:

The original poster is talking about white privilege, which is an established (but negative) phenomena. To me it's not related to fairness of the skin but in the global balance of power where white = superior human beings.




Bearing in mind that the rise China has already tipped the gobal balance of power where Chinese (in China and oversea Chinese) and East Asians are being viewed by whites in a more favourable light compared to those days when they were dirt poor and weak.  Just the other day, the news report said that there are more billionaires in China than the US with India ranking No.3  The whites are no longer feeling superior like they used to until the past 20 years.  China, Japan and soon India will control the world's wealth in the long terms.





Singapore is viewed most favourably by the whites here for the progress and achievements gained so visibly in your country.  Those who have visited SG come back with most favourable comments and respect to your country.  Be proud and know who you are my SG friends.



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500 years ago maybe I will entertain you and say yes they are born blessed,but nowadays?


Ask them to go fuck spider. 

This is not the middle age or colonial era. 


Their economies is in shambles and they are the biggest whiners in the world nowadays as their systems collapse. 

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1 hour ago, Traveler3032 said:

I am proud of being Asian. I think indeed there exists White previledge.  But on the other hand,  we Asians tend to have stable family, caring parents,  good education,  and physically we age much better. The most important thing is to be happy with what you have, and have achieved,  not being disturbed by some issues which are out of our control. 




100% agreed with your thoughts.  Asians should know and be proud of our own heritage , civilisations, achievements, capabilities and abilities.   Time is on our side and our rise is unstoppable!  

That so called White privilege was given to them by gross ignorance or forced and should stop  All nationalities and races are equal and should be treated equally.

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Last time myself and my Ang Moh partner went browsing for glasses at Owndays, the girly staff was so friendly to my partner while I got ignored, as We walked away from the shop, she quickly noticed We were together and I could see her face changed to a paiseh expression. So I jokingly told my partner, you are so lucky being born white, in Asia you get treated better than most other races.

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You can tell by the number of Singaporeans with English names, some given by their parents, some themselves esp after they start work. You hardly see Japanese or Thai with English names. 

So subliminally, most Singaporeans are closet angmoh worshipper.


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You guys are a bitter bunch sometimes.  Being a western white guy, I find your comments both humorous and offensive.  I have traveled many countries and here is what I found:


1. If you act like a guest in a foreign country, you are treated with respect and treated kindly

2. Yes, some countries look at us as walking "ATMs", I understand that point of view because everyone in the USA is rich supposedly (absolutely not true)

3. Ever try to get on an elevator in Singapore or China?   Frankly, people are impolite (on MRT also).  I think in the USA we are taught from childhood to be polite.  Even my Singaporean friends comment on how different this is in the US (and my friends from China also).   Being a big guy, I do enjoy standing in the way as the Singaporeans try to rush onto an MRT train that isn't going to leave without them anyway.  

4. To be honest...the girls that i have dated (yes I am bi), tell me that the western guys treat them more respectfully and that is why they like them.  Facebook posts of men beating their wives and kids in some Asian countries abound..check them out...and this type of behavior should not be condoned.  In many western countries, this type of behavior is considered a crime and the man can be prosecuted.  A minor slap of a kid is one thing...but is there ANY reason to hit a kid over and over or a spouse or partner?  

5. Ummm..so Asian guys don't have BO when they sweat......I don't think so.  I do admit that some of the Europeans shower less than US people, that is their culture..I don't enjoy it..but that is the way it is. We are all culturally different

6. In the USA, Asian people are thought to be very bright, hard working and stingy...the final quality is a bit negative don't you think?  But they are also considered to be some of the most "pretty" people in the country and are a great example for other parents in terms of getting their kids to work hard in life.


By the way, in the USA, these rules apply also.  Act with respect and be polite, don't speak badly of others and we do fine.  Of course, not everyone gets along everywhere but the generalizations in this thread are quite laughable.





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1 hour ago, genevaguy said:

You guys are a bitter bunch sometimes.  Being a western white guy, I find your comments both humorous and offensive.  I have traveled many countries and here is what I found:


1. If you act like a guest in a foreign country, you are treated with respect and treated kindly

2. Yes, some countries look at us as walking "ATMs", I understand that point of view because everyone in the USA is rich supposedly (absolutely not true)

3. Ever try to get on an elevator in Singapore or China?   Frankly, people are impolite (on MRT also).  I think in the USA we are taught from childhood to be polite.  Even my Singaporean friends comment on how different this is in the US (and my friends from China also).   Being a big guy, I do enjoy standing in the way as the Singaporeans try to rush onto an MRT train that isn't going to leave without them anyway.  

4. To be honest...the girls that i have dated (yes I am bi), tell me that the western guys treat them more respectfully and that is why they like them.  Facebook posts of men beating their wives and kids in some Asian countries abound..check them out...and this type of behavior should not be condoned.  In many western countries, this type of behavior is considered a crime and the man can be prosecuted.  A minor slap of a kid is one thing...but is there ANY reason to hit a kid over and over or a spouse or partner?  

5. Ummm..so Asian guys don't have BO when they sweat......I don't think so.  I do admit that some of the Europeans shower less than US people, that is their culture..I don't enjoy it..but that is the way it is. We are all culturally different

6. In the USA, Asian people are thought to be very bright, hard working and stingy...the final quality is a bit negative don't you think?  But they are also considered to be some of the most "pretty" people in the country and are a great example for other parents in terms of getting their kids to work hard in life.


By the way, in the USA, these rules apply also.  Act with respect and be polite, don't speak badly of others and we do fine.  Of course, not everyone gets along everywhere but the generalizations in this thread are quite laughable.


Asians calling out white privilege = we're a bitter bunch. Congratulations on being white by the way.

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Guest emomomo
2 hours ago, genevaguy said:

You guys are a bitter bunch sometimes.  Being a western white guy, I find your comments both humorous and offensive.  I have traveled many countries and here is what I found:


1. If you act like a guest in a foreign country, you are treated with respect and treated kindly

2. Yes, some countries look at us as walking "ATMs", I understand that point of view because everyone in the USA is rich supposedly (absolutely not true)

3. Ever try to get on an elevator in Singapore or China?   Frankly, people are impolite (on MRT also).  I think in the USA we are taught from childhood to be polite.  Even my Singaporean friends comment on how different this is in the US (and my friends from China also).   Being a big guy, I do enjoy standing in the way as the Singaporeans try to rush onto an MRT train that isn't going to leave without them anyway.  

4. To be honest...the girls that i have dated (yes I am bi), tell me that the western guys treat them more respectfully and that is why they like them.  Facebook posts of men beating their wives and kids in some Asian countries abound..check them out...and this type of behavior should not be condoned.  In many western countries, this type of behavior is considered a crime and the man can be prosecuted.  A minor slap of a kid is one thing...but is there ANY reason to hit a kid over and over or a spouse or partner?  

5. Ummm..so Asian guys don't have BO when they sweat......I don't think so.  I do admit that some of the Europeans shower less than US people, that is their culture..I don't enjoy it..but that is the way it is. We are all culturally different

6. In the USA, Asian people are thought to be very bright, hard working and stingy...the final quality is a bit negative don't you think?  But they are also considered to be some of the most "pretty" people in the country and are a great example for other parents in terms of getting their kids to work hard in life.


By the way, in the USA, these rules apply also.  Act with respect and be polite, don't speak badly of others and we do fine.  Of course, not everyone gets along everywhere but the generalizations in this thread are quite laughable.






Yeah... White privilege is absolutely a real thing. If you are denying the existence of white privileged, your post is so comically wrong I am not even sure how to correct you.


I'm going to try by just saying this: we live in a world which historically has been dominated by white people. This means that the average white person is richer, has had more social opportunity to improve him or herself, and will generally be associated with this background of privilege. Heck in the lgbt context, white societies are thus far the only ones which have accorded full equality to all sexual orientations.


Please don't pretend this does not give you an inherent advantage.

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6 hours ago, Guest said:

You can tell by the number of Singaporeans with English names, some given by their parents, some themselves esp after they start work. You hardly see Japanese or Thai with English names. 

So subliminally, most Singaporeans are closet angmoh worshipper.



Choosing English names does not mean they are angmo worshippers lah.  It is as good as saying speaking English most of the times are too. 

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4 hours ago, genevaguy said:


3. Ever try to get on an elevator in Singapore or China?   Frankly, people are impolite (on MRT also).  I think in the USA we are taught from childhood to be polite.  Even my Singaporean friends comment on how different this is in the US (and my friends from China also).   Being a big guy, I do enjoy standing in the way as the Singaporeans try to rush onto an MRT train that isn't going to leave without them anyway.  



oh reeeeealllly......? Take a look at this video on our MRT then... Let the video speak for itself.




4 hours ago, genevaguy said:


4. To be honest...the girls that i have dated (yes I am bi), tell me that the western guys treat them more respectfully and that is why they like them.  Facebook posts of men beating their wives and kids in some Asian countries abound..check them out...and this type of behavior should not be condoned.  In many western countries, this type of behavior is considered a crime and the man can be prosecuted.  A minor slap of a kid is one thing...but is there ANY reason to hit a kid over and over or a spouse or partner?  


And this guy Julien Blanc is from where again? Asia? Europe? USA? Very respectful, huh?




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17 hours ago, Guest said:

Bearing in mind that the rise China has already tipped the gobal balance of power where Chinese (in China and oversea Chinese) and East Asians are being viewed by whites in a more favourable light compared to those days when they were dirt poor and weak.  Just the other day, the news report said that there are more billionaires in China than the US with India ranking No.3  The whites are no longer feeling superior like they used to until the past 20 years.  China, Japan and soon India will control the world's wealth in the long terms.




Asia is on its march, that much is a given. But to say that even China has tipped the global balance of power is an overstretch. One day, it will get there, but it isn't there yet, not at this point in time.


First, you're taking wealth as the only measure of global power, which is inaccurate. Having the most billionaires also does not erase the fact that the average Chinese chinese citizen's spending power is still extremely low. Their purchasing power, measured by GDP per capita is still about US$13,000 while even countries like Malaysia averages at US$25,000, while we Singaporeans are at a comfortable US$80,000. That figure will of course rise but my point here is this: Just because China is rising doesn't mean white privilege doesn't exist. Those two should not be conflated as one is economic while the other is social. The two haven't met yet.

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Guest Angmo is superior
4 hours ago, genevaguy said:

You guys are a bitter bunch sometimes.  Being a western white guy, I find your comments both humorous and offensive.  I have traveled many countries and here is what I found:


1. If you act like a guest in a foreign country, you are treated with respect and treated kindly

2. Yes, some countries look at us as walking "ATMs", I understand that point of view because everyone in the USA is rich supposedly (absolutely not true)

3. Ever try to get on an elevator in Singapore or China?   Frankly, people are impolite (on MRT also).  I think in the USA we are taught from childhood to be polite.  Even my Singaporean friends comment on how different this is in the US (and my friends from China also).   Being a big guy, I do enjoy standing in the way as the Singaporeans try to rush onto an MRT train that isn't going to leave without them anyway.  

4. To be honest...the girls that i have dated (yes I am bi), tell me that the western guys treat them more respectfully and that is why they like them.  Facebook posts of men beating their wives and kids in some Asian countries abound..check them out...and this type of behavior should not be condoned.  In many western countries, this type of behavior is considered a crime and the man can be prosecuted.  A minor slap of a kid is one thing...but is there ANY reason to hit a kid over and over or a spouse or partner?  

5. Ummm..so Asian guys don't have BO when they sweat......I don't think so.  I do admit that some of the Europeans shower less than US people, that is their culture..I don't enjoy it..but that is the way it is. We are all culturally different

6. In the USA, Asian people are thought to be very bright, hard working and stingy...the final quality is a bit negative don't you think?  But they are also considered to be some of the most "pretty" people in the country and are a great example for other parents in terms of getting their kids to work hard in life.


By the way, in the USA, these rules apply also.  Act with respect and be polite, don't speak badly of others and we do fine.  Of course, not everyone gets along everywhere but the generalizations in this thread are quite laughable.






If USA is as small as Singapore, it will be amusing to see how the big guys rushed and squeeze in MRT and elevators.  I can guarantee there will be a lot of punches and bullets flying cowboy style. 


Singapore has a lot to learn from USA, and one thing we learnt is freedom of speech and expression, not withstanding you find it offensive and laughable.


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2 hours ago, Guest Angmo is superior said:


If USA is as small as Singapore, it will be amusing to see how the big guys rushed and squeeze in MRT and elevators.  I can guarantee there will be a lot of punches and bullets flying cowboy style. 


Singapore has a lot to learn from USA, and one thing we learnt is freedom of speech and expression, not withstanding you find it offensive and laughable.


Thanks for playing..but there is limited freedom of speech in SG..what is that park that you can congregate in on occasion to "protest"?  Not true in the USA.  But I'm not here to defend either country.  


My own experience in my lucky ability to travel many places in the world and meet many people is that we are all basically the same...we want a good life, happy family, etc. If people are jealous of white people, get over it and make your life and your country's life better....that is what it is about.  I have learned a bit about the gay/bi community in SG...the viewpoint of them isn't right, isn't fair and is almost biblical in nature.   My point of view is "live and let live" let's not throw stones, bullets, swing bats, etc.   If you are my friend, colleague, employer, employee, or just a person at the market....you deserve my respect and I hope to get yours, even if you are black, white, asian, etc. 


If people were upset by my post, so be it...if it starts a discussion, great....



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11 hours ago, Guest said:

You can tell by the number of Singaporeans with English names, some given by their parents, some themselves esp after they start work. You hardly see Japanese or Thai with English names. 

So subliminally, most Singaporeans are closet angmoh worshipper.




Many of us have added Christian names in addition to our Chinese names because we are Christians and want to associated names with past model Christian characters as portrayed in the Bible.  Many of the western names especially those of English are actually derived from Jewish Biblical names.   Christians are still a minority in Japan and Thailand.

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Guest I LOVE Whites!

Can you Asian blokes give the white man a break? You guys are just jealous! Like they all say, hatred stems from jealousy. I live in Australia and I LOVE it here. 99% of the people here are kind, friendly and very polite. Please tell me Singaporeans are like that. Nup. Not one bit. Singaporeans are Kiasu, Kiasi, Kaypoh , Kiabo!! Aussies are very open, they are very accepting of me and they do not judge me for who I am.


Please tell me that you can really be yourself in Singapore without being afraid of being judged or you are not afraid to come out. Being gay in Australia? Big fucking deal. MOST white people don't fucking care!! So long as you are nice to them, they will be nice to you. You are who you are and you live your own life. Yes, everybody knows I'm gay. Yes, I only date whites. Yes, I only have white friends and Yes, the whites in Australia are heaps better than the Asians here. 


Deny it or try justifying your flimsy argument but you guys know DEEP in your heart of hearts that the white man is superior in every sense of the word to Asians!   

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16 hours ago, Guest said:

You can tell by the number of Singaporeans with English names, some given by their parents, some themselves esp after they start work. You hardly see Japanese or Thai with English names. 

So subliminally, most Singaporeans are closet angmoh worshipper.


That's so true. In one list of a university student committee,  every one of them has an English name, Alvin this, Roger that, etc.. It is truly shocking. 

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4 hours ago, Chukie Guido said:

Thank you so much for posting a reply like this.  I was going to do something but not sure if it was going to be so polite and nice as yours.  I do love the attention I get in Asia and the extra copi and rojak I get...but I am super nice to the aunties and uncles that serve me when i greet them, talk with them in their language and thank them when they assist me.  That does often get me extra stuff...but I am nice to them REGARDLESS of whether I get extra stuff or not.  I smile and say hello to my colleagues in Asia, I thank the bus driver if I can, I chat with people if we sit in the same place for a long time....that is just me.  At home, I am not a nobody as writers have suggested, but I am not given as much attention as I am given in Asia when in shops, cafes, etc. as there are many people JUST LIKE ME here.  I shower daily and use deodorant, and yes do care about my appearance and smell...but that is our culture (US) for many but not all of us.  I have some money when in Singapore and Asia, but I still take public transportation, take Air Asia when I can, and stay at affordable places when in Japan for example...I need to watch what I spend just like many of my Asian colleagues and friends.  I will buy things if they appear to be reasonable or a bargain just like anyone else. There is truth to the 'whites' not earning but demanding respect from others and conquering the world around them.  However, that is pretty much a thing of the past.  What remains is the social conditioning and I understand that is not going away for some time. 


LOL! Some Americans can't even hate enough of your own Americans. Take a good look at your own bigoted and racist Presidential candidate Donald Trump. To think he has gotten so far in this campaign too...

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22 minutes ago, Guest I LOVE Whites! said:

Can you Asian blokes give the white man a break? You guys are just jealous! Like they all say, hatred stems from jealousy. I live in Australia and I LOVE it here. 99% of the people here are kind, friendly and very polite. Please tell me Singaporeans are like that. Nup. Not one bit. Singaporeans are Kiasu, Kiasi, Kaypoh , Kiabo!! Aussies are very open, they are very accepting of me and they do not judge me for who I am.


Please tell me that you can really be yourself in Singapore without being afraid of being judged or you are not afraid to come out. Being gay in Australia? Big fucking deal. MOST white people don't fucking care!! So long as you are nice to them, they will be nice to you. You are who you are and you live your own life. Yes, everybody knows I'm gay. Yes, I only date whites. Yes, I only have white friends and Yes, the whites in Australia are heaps better than the Asians here. 


Deny it or try justifying your flimsy argument but you guys know DEEP in your heart of hearts that the white man is superior in every sense of the word to Asians!   


I think your own words just showed how psychotically extreme your own thinking is. You have practically gone insane already. In the meantime, let the white people eat the custard pie you are.



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4 hours ago, Guest said:

Many of us have added Christian names in addition to our Chinese names because we are Christians and want to associated names with past model Christian characters as portrayed in the Bible.  Many of the western names especially those of English are actually derived from Jewish Biblical names.   Christians are still a minority in Japan and Thailand.


Not necessarily true, if you live in a white (usually predominantly English speaking) cuntry, they want you to conform as in if you don't adopt a common Christian first name such as John, etc, it will be very difficult to find a job.

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27 minutes ago, Guest said:


I think your own words just showed how psychotically extreme your own thinking is. You have practically gone insane already. In the meantime, let the white people eat the custard pie you are.




Haha...pie or shits?

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The only way to stop the white privilege is stop kowtowing to them but looks like not gonna happen since America is still the number one power even in this Asian or specifically China century.

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8 minutes ago, Guest said:

Oscar nominations 2016 is one of the evidence of WHITE PRIVILEGE.


US is the only superpower in the world, so not surprising that majority of Americans think likewise. The race they hated most is Chinese because China is rising and could possibly share power with US in 20 to 30 years.

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7 minutes ago, Guest said:


US is the only superpower in the world, so not surprising that majority of Americans think likewise. The race they hated most is Chinese because China is rising and could possibly share power with US in 20 to 30 years.


Not just the whites in America but mostly ALL of them behave the same way because too many willing to kowtow to them.

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22 minutes ago, Guest said:


Not just the whites in America but mostly ALL of them behave the same way because too many willing to kowtow to them.


Heard that in America, even criminals like to target Asians and not the whites. There was also a recent news that an Asian American law enforcer was sentenced for shooting dead a black American but this never happened to whites cops. So racist!

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I think Asians have nicer skin and physique in general. Perhaps its their diet and lifestyle. When i was on exchange in Europe, the European guys are like partying/drinking beer like water. Besides, guys look nicer with a tan than having fair skin. At least for Asian guys anw. 

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13 hours ago, Guest I LOVE Whites! said:

Can you Asian blokes give the white man a break? You guys are just jealous! Like they all say, hatred stems from jealousy. I live in Australia and I LOVE it here. 99% of the people here are kind, friendly and very polite. Please tell me Singaporeans are like that. Nup. Not one bit. Singaporeans are Kiasu, Kiasi, Kaypoh , Kiabo!! Aussies are very open, they are very accepting of me and they do not judge me for who I am.


Please tell me that you can really be yourself in Singapore without being afraid of being judged or you are not afraid to come out. Being gay in Australia? Big fucking deal. MOST white people don't fucking care!! So long as you are nice to them, they will be nice to you. You are who you are and you live your own life. Yes, everybody knows I'm gay. Yes, I only date whites. Yes, I only have white friends and Yes, the whites in Australia are heaps better than the Asians here. 


Deny it or try justifying your flimsy argument but you guys know DEEP in your heart of hearts that the white man is superior in every sense of the word to Asians!   


Thank goodness we have at least one less Asian with such low self esteem out of our shores. Let's hope he gets pumped up with more self confidence up his ass and down his throat when when he is away. Good luck. 

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Guest Hot Swimmer

Lived in Sweden 2 years. Swedish guys are mostly blonde hair with blue eyes and elvishly good looking compare with other whites.

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the level of ignorance by some are pretty amazing.  :frustrated:


the only thing i'm envious of of white folks is how they can change their hair color, eye color, etc. and still look so natural.  would be so much fun when it comes to putting on disguise.  haha


by the way, what's "kiabo"? sorry, didn't get that one..

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19 hours ago, Chukie Guido said:

Thank you so much for posting a reply like this.  I was going to do something but not sure if it was going to be so polite and nice as yours.  I do love the attention I get in Asia and the extra copi and rojak I get...but I am super nice to the aunties and uncles that serve me when i greet them, talk with them in their language and thank them when they assist me.  That does often get me extra stuff...but I am nice to them REGARDLESS of whether I get extra stuff or not.  I smile and say hello to my colleagues in Asia, I thank the bus driver if I can, I chat with people if we sit in the same place for a long time....that is just me.  At home, I am not a nobody as writers have suggested, but I am not given as much attention as I am given in Asia when in shops, cafes, etc. as there are many people JUST LIKE ME here.  I shower daily and use deodorant, and yes do care about my appearance and smell...but that is our culture (US) for many but not all of us.  I have some money when in Singapore and Asia, but I still take public transportation, take Air Asia when I can, and stay at affordable places when in Japan for example...I need to watch what I spend just like many of my Asian colleagues and friends.  I will buy things if they appear to be reasonable or a bargain just like anyone else. There is truth to the 'whites' not earning but demanding respect from others and conquering the world around them.  However, that is pretty much a thing of the past.  What remains is the social conditioning and I understand that is not going away for some time. 


1 hour ago, Chukie Guido said:

Donald Trump is a xenophobic, narcissist, and chauvinistic person and one of the worst politicians the US could ever have.  It saddens me so much that he has garnered so much popularity.  I understand that many of you will lump all Americans into the same boat (and already have) but please know that there are many of us here who do not support him at all.   He  would set us back into the dark ages and our security issues would only worsen if he were to make it to the white house, for all of our sakes....let's hope he does not.


Funny how someone here will lump all Americans into the same boat when they talk about how "nice" and "polite" they are, and then suddenly run away from all association to others who are xenophobic, narcissist, and chauvinistic, AND ALL WITHIN A SPAN OF 18 HOURS! LOL... :D :doh:

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On 3/1/2016 at 6:27 AM, Guest said:


Thank goodness we have at least one less Asian with such low self esteem out of our shores. Let's hope he gets pumped up with more self confidence up his ass and down his throat when when he is away. Good luck. 

 Why would I have a low self esteem issue when I am the one who got out of your country and am having a ball of a time here? You guys are the ones who are having esteem issues to be levelling so much hatred and racist remarks on the white man. I am Asian but in Australia, I am viewed as an equal - ALWAYS. Can you say the same in Singapore? Fat chance. You get called Ah gua, gay, girlie, bapok, get asked over and over again why you are still unmarried or have no girlfriend and you have to live a life mired in lies!! Do you even DARE to tell people upfront that you are a gay man? Can you even be yourself and who you want to be? You people in Singapore are more racist than anybody else and you know it!! So don't go hating on the white man because you know that they are wayyyyyyyyyyy better than you Asians.    

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On 3/1/2016 at 8:25 AM, Guest said:



Funny how someone here will lump all Americans into the same boat when they talk about how "nice" and "polite" they are, and then suddenly run away from all association to others who are xenophobic, narcissist, and chauvinistic, AND ALL WITHIN A SPAN OF 18 HOURS! LOL... :D :doh:


You are a sad case. You know nothing about this man but you have an axe to grind with him. Whats your problem?? Got rejected by whites and so you now hate them? Get a life darl. A REAL one!! 

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Guest Disgusted Aussie
On 1 March 2016 at 0:21 PM, Guest I LOVE Whites! said:

Can you Asian blokes give the white man a break? You guys are just jealous! Like they all say, hatred stems from jealousy. I live in Australia and I LOVE it here. 99% of the people here are kind, friendly and very polite. Please tell me Singaporeans are like that. Nup. Not one bit. Singaporeans are Kiasu, Kiasi, Kaypoh , Kiabo!! Aussies are very open, they are very accepting of me and they do not judge me for who I am.


Please tell me that you can really be yourself in Singapore without being afraid of being judged or you are not afraid to come out. Being gay in Australia? Big fucking deal. MOST white people don't fucking care!! So long as you are nice to them, they will be nice to you. You are who you are and you live your own life. Yes, everybody knows I'm gay. Yes, I only date whites. Yes, I only have white friends and Yes, the whites in Australia are heaps better than the Asians here. 


Deny it or try justifying your flimsy argument but you guys know DEEP in your heart of hearts that the white man is superior in every sense of the word to Asians!   


You really have projected a very bad and nasty image of us Aussie here.  Gross , mean, disgraceful, nasty and ignorant are what I can think of your racist words and character.

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1 hour ago, Guest Disgusted Aussie said:


You really have projected a very bad and nasty image of us Aussie here.  Gross , mean, disgraceful, nasty and ignorant are what I can think of your racist words and character.


You need to tie him up and spank his butt.

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10 hours ago, Guest said:

 Why would I have a low self esteem issue when I am the one who got out of your country and am having a ball of a time here? You guys are the ones who are having esteem issues to be levelling so much hatred and racist remarks on the white man. I am Asian but in Australia, I am viewed as an equal - ALWAYS. Can you say the same in Singapore? Fat chance. You get called Ah gua, gay, girlie, bapok, get asked over and over again why you are still unmarried or have no girlfriend and you have to live a life mired in lies!! Do you even DARE to tell people upfront that you are a gay man? Can you even be yourself and who you want to be? You people in Singapore are more racist than anybody else and you know it!! So don't go hating on the white man because you know that they are wayyyyyyyyyyy better than you Asians.    


"You" Asians? Lol! It really really prove how low your self esteem is, to be affected by those names. 

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