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10 Reasons Why Science Wants You To Masturbate

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while I remembered someone posted about exceesive masturbation on this forum, here's why you should masturbate (seen at SMRT feedback fb page):



10 Reasons Why Science Wants You To Masturbate

So what are you waiting for?

by Fiona Cheong August 24, 2015, 7:12 pm


1. It gives you a natural high








Masturbation releases dopamine and oxytocin, two endorphins that reduces stress and trigger a positive feeling in the body.

2. It can help you have better sex



Masturbation tones and strengthens the pelvic muscles – which means ‘training’ can lead to better and longer sex. As you age, pelvic exercise can even prevent erectile dysfunction and incontinence. And, according to the University of Chicago, frequent masturbaters have more sex than those who masturbate less often.


Source: Your Tango / Tandfonline

3. It’s a natural flu remedy



A blocked nose in the summer is caused by swollen and inflamed nasal blood vessels, irritated by pollen in the air. During masturbation, the nervous system constricts blood vessels, soothing those in your nose and allowing you to breathe normally.


4. It can fight cancer




An Australian study found that men who masturbate more than 2 times a week are 36% less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer before the age of 70 than those who masturbate less.

5. It boosts your self-esteem






Studies found that women who masturbate have overall higher self-esteem than those who don’t because they know what their body is capable of.


6. It fights off infection






For women, a morning pleasure session can help prevent cervical and urinary tract infections by encouraging fluid circulation, according to Anthony Santella of the University of Sydney. Masturbation also boosts cortisol levels, which regulates immune functioning.


7. It’s great for your hair






Dr Michael Roizen points out that blood flow is a major determinate of both internal and external beauty. The increased blood flow during masturbation is great for both your skin and your hair.


8. It relieves cramps



Flying solo that time of the month increases blood flow to the pelvic area, easing pain. Muscle contractions that occur during masturbation relieve tension in the muscles of the uterus.
Source: Care2


9. It can help prevent diabetes






Studies have found that women who regularly masturbate could be less prone to type-2 diabetes.


10. It improves sleep





According to Dr. Sheenie Ambardar, the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for feelings of relaxation and sleepiness

Edited by sum1outhere_03

Will you be my valentine's? :D

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Guest I mastubate regularly

Your body keep producing all the semen day and night non stop unless you're suffering from some sickness.

All this semen is being stored in a very small place and will at some point overflow in a wet dream if you do not cum for a long time.

So, masturbation actually helps to clear those "old stock" and while replenhing with newer stock which you'll otherwise still has to clear it naturally in your wet dream.

And masturbation is certainly more enjoyable than wet dream.

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Guest Guest
3 minutes ago, Guest I mastubate regularly said:

Your body keep producing all the semen day and night non stop unless you're suffering from some sickness.

All this semen is being stored in a very small place and will at some point overflow in a wet dream if you do not cum for a long time.

So, masturbation actually helps to clear those "old stock" and while replenhing with newer stock which you'll otherwise still has to clear it naturally in your wet dream.

And masturbation is certainly more enjoyable than wet dream.

Depends on your age also.

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Guest guest scientist
On 6/19/2017 at 10:11 PM, Guest I mastubate regularly said:

Your body keep producing all the semen day and night non stop unless you're suffering from some sickness.

All this semen is being stored in a very small place and will at some point overflow in a wet dream if you do not cum for a long time.

So, masturbation actually helps to clear those "old stock" and while replenhing with newer stock which you'll otherwise still has to clear it naturally in your wet dream.

And masturbation is certainly more enjoyable than wet dream.

in traditional chinese medicine study, that's not true, all the "good stuff" (精气) is stored in kidney and all this good stuff is transported to the rest of our organs, bones, brains, skin, eyes, teeth, hair etc. that is why when u masturbate too much, your kidney tends to be very weak. just because something makes u feel good doesn't mean its always good for you.

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Guest Guest
2 minutes ago, Guest guest scientist said:

in traditional chinese medicine study, that's not true, all the "good stuff" (精气) is stored in kidney and all this good stuff is transported to the rest of our organs, bones, brains, skin, eyes, teeth, hair etc. that is why when u masturbate too much, your kidney tends to be very weak. just because something makes u feel good doesn't mean its always good for you.

In TCM term, masturbate really not a good thing if done too often, as losing qi is no good for a person body. TCM always ask people to conserve qi.

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On 2017-6-20 at 1:11 PM, Guest I mastubate regularly said:


And masturbation is certainly more enjoyable than wet dream.


Personally I find wet dream more enjoyable.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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