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[Walter's thoughts] The type of dates that you meet

Guest Walter

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Guest Walter

I wrote this post out of boredom, but I hope to share and reflect on my (limited) years of experiences dating in this digital age of Jackd and Grindr. This post is just based on my encounters, but bear in mind I am only in my 20s so it's not a lot of encounters. This is also a mini rant that also included things I wish I knew when I was younger.


I welcome you all to also share your experience, but let's be civilized and avoid labeling specific individuals. We all have different views and lifestyles, so do share your experiences and what you think!


Here goes:


The type of dates that you meet


1. The Rebound dude

So this guy hits you up, he's got a great personality, you get along well and he looks great. PERFECT! IS THIS THE RELATIONSHIP THAT YOU ARE WAITING FOR!? 


But here's the catch: he just broke up with his ex.


So you would give him time to recover, heck you would even become his therapist, listening to him when he is at the lowest point. And then he finally pulled himself together and ... /drumrolls


and then he gets back with his ex


he gets together with someone else





I am proud to say that I have nursed a few guys' wounds and they have gone on to have long lasting relationships, just not with me


I am sure there are people who got together soon after a relationship ended, and they are fine. I feel that just don't get too serious with guys who are freshly out of a relationship,  because they have so many things to straighten out on their own. But if you could be a good friend to them , it'd be rewarding as well. (To see people get better emotionally) Just don't pin too much hopes on such interactions.  



2. The social media influencer wannabe dude

He is not only obsessed with social media, but he only answers your text once every 12 hours. But when you go to his social media account, voila, he could tweet/instagram/snapchat the whole day. 


He flirts with the followers as if he is still single, and he gets really excited to see so many people lusting after him. And one app isn't enough, he needs to collect followers on everything: Instagram, Snapchat and twitter. 




From time to time, he needs to fish for compliments and validations through his selfie posts. He feels a need to stay relevant, even though you find his posts lame sometimes. 


He makes you feel like your social media account is lame, and he also hopes to hook up with more famous people on social media. 


If you don't like social media (aka me), dating a person like that could really be a nightmare. 



3. The dude who is a good guy but not the right guy

This is actually one that makes me feel that it's a pity. In this case, the guy is actually DECENT but you don't have the feelings for him. There's not a lot of sparks going on within you two, and you find it awkward to see him so in love with you. Everything looks picture perfect, but you can't imagine spending a life with him for the next few decades. You hate the fact that you don't have feelings for him even though he's a good guy.


You probably will have thoughts like

"Maybe it'll work out after a while"

"What if I can't find someone as good as him if I end it?"


But deep down you will know it is not a match, and you have to be fair to both yourself and the guy so you don't waste both your time anymore. This guy could very well mean the world to another guy, don't hog it if you don't even want it. 


4. The princess dude who doesn't know anything and needs to be served

"I don't know where to eat, you choose?"

"I don't know where to go leh, you decide"

"I don't know what to do leh, you suggest?"

"You take the initiative?"


Like it'll kill them to actually make a decision for once. Do they think they are very cute when they do that? 


During the date, they want their date to give in to them, do everything for them. After the date, they may have all sorts of complaints like how "the food could be better" but then refuse to recommend a place for the next date.



I am dating a man, not raising a child


I won't even tell them to be a man, JUST BE AN ADULT AND MAKE DECISIONS. A date involves 2 people, they need to realize how much of a turn off they are to some people.


5. The dude with commitment issues

All is going well but he never seems to want to take things to the next level. 

He wonders "What if someone better comes along?", or that "What if it's a bad move?" 


Rather than fixing things as a couple. he looks ready to end the relationship the moment things go wrong. After all, he has like 200 unread messages in Jackd. 

So you just wait day after day and go on doing your couple things, and hope that miraculously one day he would no longer have commitment issues and then you would be an official couple.





If he's not committed to you, something is holding him back. However, commitment issues can be a result of previous traumas. It can be hard for people to love again after going through excruciating breakups, especially when they can be common in this circle. You have to decide if you would want to work things out together with him (meaning that he has to seek professional help to cope with his commitment phobia), or to move on and find someone who could give you a relationship that you desire. Time heal all wounds, but have never helped with commitment issues. Waiting out will only waste your youth




Wonder what are some of your dating experiences? Or if you have met anyone as mentioned above?

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Guest entertained

This is a funny but true post haha, good job.

I can relate to the 3rd kind of guy, except i was told by the person i like that im decent but he doesnt have the spark for me :(.

how sad and depressing it is to be on the receiving side for this matter..

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Guest Walter
5 hours ago, Guest entertained said:

This is a funny but true post haha, good job.

I can relate to the 3rd kind of guy, except i was told by the person i like that im decent but he doesnt have the spark for me :(.

how sad and depressing it is to be on the receiving side for this matter..


It can be disappointing to be on the receiving side, I have also been through such situations. You will feel like you would want to try your best to see if anything changes, but unfortunately it doesn't so you have to let it go. 


But I believe someday there'll be someone who have the sparks for you, and it'll make you feel like it's worth it not to settle down with someone who doesn't feel the same way! :)

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Guest Walter
4 hours ago, Steve5380 said:

Interesting post, Walter.

What type of date are you?


That's an interesting question, let me type what type of date I am as if it's a continuation of the thread then:


The charmeleon dude

His personality and hobbies change as he dates different people, so he has no problem getting people to like him. In fact, getting people to like him feels like the goal.

He talks like an intellectual? No problem

He talks like a dumb jock? NO PROBLEM

He likes gardening? You'll be making your own pot of plants

He likes social media? Maybe you start to post more often as well

He likes art and design? You'll be dabbling in art and posting more photos of museum visits


He likes sex? You'll be... oh...



Over the years, he learned a a bit of everything based on the guys he date, but he lost himself along the way. some years later, he decides that it'd be better to do things on his own and develop his own personality. That way, when people falls for him, he doesn't have to worry that he's uninteresting and could stand his own ground. 

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Guest Walter
4 hours ago, Guest Blacklisted said:

Totally relatable! Haha! Sometimes I see myself in a few of the examples listed..


Glad to see that I am not the only one experiencing those :)

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25 minutes ago, Guest Walter said:


Over the years, he learned a a bit of everything based on the guys he date, but he lost himself along the way. some years later, he decides that it'd be better to do things on his own and develop his own personality. That way, when people falls for him, he doesn't have to worry that he's uninteresting and could stand his own ground. 


Good, Walter.  After learning and adopting so many styles over the years you finally settle with the way you are.  And hopefully you have retained some positives from the other styles.

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Guest Walter
3 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


Good, Walter.  After learning and adopting so many styles over the years you finally settle with the way you are.  And hopefully you have retained some positives from the other styles.


Yes I did, and nothing more fulfilling than being in a relationship being the person you really are. :)

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Guest funny funny
3 hours ago, Guest Walter said:


That's an interesting question, let me type what type of date I am as if it's a continuation of the thread then:


The charmeleon dude

His personality and hobbies change as he dates different people, so he has no problem getting people to like him. In fact, getting people to like him feels like the goal.

He talks like an intellectual? No problem

He talks like a dumb jock? NO PROBLEM

He likes gardening? You'll be making your own pot of plants

He likes social media? Maybe you start to post more often as well

He likes art and design? You'll be dabbling in art and posting more photos of museum visits


He likes sex? You'll be... oh...



Over the years, he learned a a bit of everything based on the guys he date, but he lost himself along the way. some years later, he decides that it'd be better to do things on his own and develop his own personality. That way, when people falls for him, he doesn't have to worry that he's uninteresting and could stand his own ground. 


wah shit ... this is me HAHAHA


was a very light hearted and funny thread. Thanks walter.  At first  I wanted to flame saying ... most people who write these stuff sit on the perspective that they are perfect and people they date are flawed. But the post above proved me wrong.


Nice nice, hope this forum has more of such posts hahaha! cheers man 

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Guest entertained
9 hours ago, Guest Walter said:


It can be disappointing to be on the receiving side, I have also been through such situations. You will feel like you would want to try your best to see if anything changes, but unfortunately it doesn't so you have to let it go. 


But I believe someday there'll be someone who have the sparks for you, and it'll make you feel like it's worth it not to settle down with someone who doesn't feel the same way! :)

Yeah, tried my best.. but still unable to let go for now.. nth much i can do now anw haha..

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Guest Walter
8 hours ago, Guest funny funny said:


wah shit ... this is me HAHAHA


was a very light hearted and funny thread. Thanks walter.  At first  I wanted to flame saying ... most people who write these stuff sit on the perspective that they are perfect and people they date are flawed. But the post above proved me wrong.


Nice nice, hope this forum has more of such posts hahaha! cheers man 


No one is perfect, I am sure we all had our silly stories and failures when starting out :p


Glad you enjoyed it, I may write more about dating app in the future if I have the inspirations again :)

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Guest Walter
4 hours ago, Guest entertained said:

Yeah, tried my best.. but still unable to let go for now.. nth much i can do now anw haha..

I am sure you tried your best! It's perfectly fine that you are unable to let go for now, just do take care of yourself!

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Guest Walter
4 hours ago, birth_ave said:

This is so on point! Totally relatable :) 

I was number 3 and somehow also became a chameleon after time, for good or for worse.

Omg I just realized I spelled Chameleon wrongly as Charmeleon hahaha too much pokemon. 

It can be a good thing, as long as you don't end up changing yourself too much just to please other people :p I am sure people appreciate having someone to do things together. 

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6 minutes ago, Guest Walter said:

Omg I just realized I spelled Chameleon wrongly as Charmeleon hahaha too much pokemon. 


Why not?  A Chameleon can also be charming!  He is a fellow rainbow colored.

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Guest dates

I reply to this post out of boredom, but I hope to share and reflect on my (limited) years of experiences in buying dates especially in this coming Ramadhan. This post is just based on my encounters, but bear in mind I am only in my 30s so it's not a lot of encounters. This is also a mini rant on the difficulties to differentiate and choosing all the different type of dates in the supermarkets.


I welcome you all to also share your experience, but let's be civilized and avoid labeling specific dates. We all have different views and taste, so do share your experiences and what you think!


Here it goes:


The type of dates that you meet in the supermarket:


  • Barhi dates: Named for the hot Arabic winds called “Barh,” these dates are medium-sized, thin-skinned fruit with soft, tender flesh and a syrupy flavor.
  • Deglet Noor dates: A semisoft date, deglet noor is the variety most often available and accounts for 95 percent of U.S. production. It has firm flesh and a color range from light red to amber.
  • Halawy dates: These soft dates are thick-fleshed, caramely, and sweet. Their appearance is wrinkled and the skin ranges from yellow to amber.
  • Khadrawy dates: Similar to the Halawys, these soft dates have a caramel-like texture and sweet flavour.
  • Medjool dates: These semisoft dates, sometimes called the Cadillac of dates, are sweet, moist, meaty, and firm-textured.
  • Thoory dates: This is a dry date with firm skin and chewy flesh.
  • Zahidi dates: The Zahidi, a semisoft date, is called “Nobility.” It has a large seed and crunchy fibrous flesh, and is often processed for sliced dates and date sugar products.
  • Kalmi dates: The rich dry fruit is a variety from Oman, available especially during the month of Ramzaan. It’s a variant of the black dates and is typically small and cylindrical in shape. These dates are high in potassium and helps prevent diseases like diarrhea
  • Ajwa dates: Popularly known as 'King of Dates', these were known to be Prophet’s favorite. Much softer and drier in texture they have a myriad of health benefits, one of them being increased immunity. These days they come stuffed with dry fruits enhancing it richness
  • Safawi dates: Safawi from Saudi Arabia, are chewy and have a sweet texture. They are huge in size with a dark colour. These are known best for treating anemia and intoxication
  • Mabroom dates: They fall under the category of premium dates; naturally rich in minerals and antioxidants, they are very sweet and chewy as well.
  • Chinese date, or jujube, is neither a variety of date nor a member of the same botanical family. It does, however, strongly resemble a true date in color and texture, and is used in much the same way.

Wonder what are some of your dates buying experiences? Or if you have met all the different types of dates as mentioned above?



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Guest Walter
6 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


Why not?  A Chameleon can also be charming!  He is a fellow rainbow colored.


Because I meant to say Chameleon which is a fellow rainbow colored creature that changes with the environment, but I said Charmeleon instead, which is just a pokemon with a fire tail ):

It's fine, guests can't edit haha

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Guest Walter
4 minutes ago, Guest dates said:

I reply to this post out of boredom, but I hope to share and reflect on my (limited) years of experiences in buying dates especially in this coming Ramadhan. This post is just based on my encounters, but bear in mind I am only in my 30s so it's not a lot of encounters. This is also a mini rant on the difficulties to differentiate and choosing all the different type of dates in the supermarkets.


I welcome you all to also share your experience, but let's be civilized and avoid labeling specific dates. We all have different views and taste, so do share your experiences and what you think!


Here it goes:


The type of dates that you meet in the supermarket:


  • Barhi dates: Named for the hot Arabic winds called “Barh,” these dates are medium-sized, thin-skinned fruit with soft, tender flesh and a syrupy flavor.
  • Deglet Noor dates: A semisoft date, deglet noor is the variety most often available and accounts for 95 percent of U.S. production. It has firm flesh and a color range from light red to amber.
  • Halawy dates: These soft dates are thick-fleshed, caramely, and sweet. Their appearance is wrinkled and the skin ranges from yellow to amber.
  • Khadrawy dates: Similar to the Halawys, these soft dates have a caramel-like texture and sweet flavour.
  • Medjool dates: These semisoft dates, sometimes called the Cadillac of dates, are sweet, moist, meaty, and firm-textured.
  • Thoory dates: This is a dry date with firm skin and chewy flesh.
  • Zahidi dates: The Zahidi, a semisoft date, is called “Nobility.” It has a large seed and crunchy fibrous flesh, and is often processed for sliced dates and date sugar products.
  • Kalmi dates: The rich dry fruit is a variety from Oman, available especially during the month of Ramzaan. It’s a variant of the black dates and is typically small and cylindrical in shape. These dates are high in potassium and helps prevent diseases like diarrhea
  • Ajwa dates: Popularly known as 'King of Dates', these were known to be Prophet’s favorite. Much softer and drier in texture they have a myriad of health benefits, one of them being increased immunity. These days they come stuffed with dry fruits enhancing it richness
  • Safawi dates: Safawi from Saudi Arabia, are chewy and have a sweet texture. They are huge in size with a dark colour. These are known best for treating anemia and intoxication
  • Mabroom dates: They fall under the category of premium dates; naturally rich in minerals and antioxidants, they are very sweet and chewy as well.
  • Chinese date, or jujube, is neither a variety of date nor a member of the same botanical family. It does, however, strongly resemble a true date in color and texture, and is used in much the same way.

Wonder what are some of your dates buying experiences? Or if you have met all the different types of dates as mentioned above?




Wow, that's very informative. The dates I never knew I needed and the dates that would never betray you :D (Well played pun) 

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I looked up three large grocery stores in my neighborhood and realized that they have a supply of dates.

It had never occurred to me to try out dates, and I don't know how they date them.

But I will try them out.  I don't feel that I am too old to date.

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22 hours ago, Guest Walter said:


4. The princess dude who doesn't know anything and needs to be served

"I don't know where to eat, you choose?"

"I don't know where to go leh, you decide"

"I don't know what to do leh, you suggest?"

"You take the initiative?"


Like it'll kill them to actually make a decision for once. Do they think they are very cute when they do that? 



I was on the other side once, was dating this guy for about 3-4 months, and I'm usually the one saying, "anything la" for dinner choices. Until one fine day, my date got pissed and say I always can't make a decision and the conversation goes like this:


Me: "Fine, if you say so, let's go to restaurant A"

Date: "We just went there 2 days ago!"

Me: "How about B restaurant"

Date: "I don't feel like eating B"

Me: "Then let's go C restaurant"

Date: "No, C restaurant sucks"

Me: "You have so many requirements and yet you make me pick when I'm the easy going one and fine with anything."

Date: (start sulking and complained I make bad decisions)


Needlessly to say, we stopped seeing each other a month later due to me finding him too needy.


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Guest entertained
5 hours ago, Guest Walter said:

I am sure you tried your best! It's perfectly fine that you are unable to let go for now, just do take care of yourself!

Will do, thanks Walter! :)

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The rapid-fire question dude


The dude who keeps asking questions about your life, your family, your vaccination history within the first 30 minutes. If I wanted speed-dating, I would have signed up for one and met a whole lot more dudes too.


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On 6/4/2018 at 11:18 PM, kratos said:


I was on the other side once, was dating this guy for about 3-4 months, and I'm usually the one saying, "anything la" for dinner choices. Until one fine day, my date got pissed and say I always can't make a decision and the conversation goes like this:


Me: "Fine, if you say so, let's go to restaurant A"

Date: "We just went there 2 days ago!"

Me: "How about B restaurant"

Date: "I don't feel like eating B"

Me: "Then let's go C restaurant"

Date: "No, C restaurant sucks"

Me: "You have so many requirements and yet you make me pick when I'm the easy going one and fine with anything."

Date: (start sulking and complained I make bad decisions)


Needlessly to say, we stopped seeing each other a month later due to me finding him too needy.



Was in your position and I totally get it..I just wished they could see for themselves

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Guest Walter
On 6/4/2018 at 10:36 PM, whiteshark said:

Funny that i found pieces of myself in every type up there lol 


:blink: how many personalities do you have heh

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Guest Walter
3 hours ago, birth_ave said:


Was in your position and I totally get it..I just wished they could see for themselves


On 6/4/2018 at 11:18 PM, kratos said:


I was on the other side once, was dating this guy for about 3-4 months, and I'm usually the one saying, "anything la" for dinner choices. Until one fine day, my date got pissed and say I always can't make a decision and the conversation goes like this:


Me: "Fine, if you say so, let's go to restaurant A"

Date: "We just went there 2 days ago!"

Me: "How about B restaurant"

Date: "I don't feel like eating B"

Me: "Then let's go C restaurant"

Date: "No, C restaurant sucks"

Me: "You have so many requirements and yet you make me pick when I'm the easy going one and fine with anything."

Date: (start sulking and complained I make bad decisions)


Needlessly to say, we stopped seeing each other a month later due to me finding him too needy.



Indeed, sometimes they lack an awareness about what they say or do haha. But at least you figured them out!

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Guest Walter
On 6/5/2018 at 1:44 PM, Beefycub said:

The rapid-fire question dude


The dude who keeps asking questions about your life, your family, your vaccination history within the first 30 minutes. If I wanted speed-dating, I would have signed up for one and met a whole lot more dudes too.



Ah yes, particularly on app. Makes it seems rather insincere to me, like they're just doing a background check on you to see if you are worth dating rather than trying to know you as an individual. 

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The Friend-ly Dude


He shared a lot about his close friends during your first date. Like....A LOT. About what they do, their traits, their family, their pets, their favorite activities together, etc. 1st red flag.


He then hyped himself up about having you to meet his friends....and to hang out together every weekend. 2nd red flag.


He gets unhappy if you ever suggest an actual date....with just both of you....without friends. 3rd red flag.


He probably sees you as important as his friends.....NOT. He could go out with his friends without you.....but he simply can't date you alone without his friends.


Enter the Friend-ly Dude.

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Individualistic Dude


- Order food/ drinks, just for himself.

- Housework when get to meet only once in that week, over his place.

- Siblings are not in talking terms with him.

- Purchased a bto flat made possible only along with his parent’s name but dont having dad/ mum to stay with him but park dad/ mum with one of the siblings.

- Only offered 200 to dad/ mum stating the other siblings will also be contributing.


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1 hour ago, Tampenises said:

Individualistic Dude


- Order food/ drinks, just for himself.

- Housework when get to meet only once in that week, over his place.

- Siblings are not in talking terms with him.

- Purchased a bto flat made possible only along with his parent’s name but dont having dad/ mum to stay with him but park dad/ mum with one of the siblings.

- Only offered 200 to dad/ mum stating the other siblings will also be contributing.


most of my gay friends not in talking term with their sibling 

i do order my choice of food and drink - not call individualistic unless he never offer u

most gay parents prefer to stay with married sibling then single gay unless no choice

$200 is just a monthly allowance, i m sure he will give extra during occassion too


well, we have to be open to see the other side of a person not on surface...

i can conclude he not suitable for you - let other appreciate him more.



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trust me...most gay have the worst adventure with gay dates.


my list of worst dates :

1. Order expensive steak pretend not to pay

2. Borrow money, handphone and laptop - MIA

3. Rush into quickies when you decline/reject upfront

4. CF guy

5. Move in suddenly with crisis - refuse to move out

6. ask for ltr but refuse to commit

7. caught red handed

8. short change the sex process

9. bitching others

10. forever want to go out for entainment eg movie, eat, dinning, clubing and karaoke.


sum up - i been single for the wrong reason


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Guest Date rape scape late
On 6/4/2018 at 10:00 PM, Guest dates said:

I reply to this post out of boredom, but I hope to share and reflect on my (limited) years of experiences in buying dates especially in this coming Ramadhan. This post is just based on my encounters, but bear in mind I am only in my 30s so it's not a lot of encounters. This is also a mini rant on the difficulties to differentiate and choosing all the different type of dates in the supermarkets.


I welcome you all to also share your experience, but let's be civilized and avoid labeling specific dates. We all have different views and taste, so do share your experiences and what you think!


Here it goes:


The type of dates that you meet in the supermarket:


  • Barhi dates: Named for the hot Arabic winds called “Barh,” these dates are medium-sized, thin-skinned fruit with soft, tender flesh and a syrupy flavor.
  • Deglet Noor dates: A semisoft date, deglet noor is the variety most often available and accounts for 95 percent of U.S. production. It has firm flesh and a color range from light red to amber.
  • Halawy dates: These soft dates are thick-fleshed, caramely, and sweet. Their appearance is wrinkled and the skin ranges from yellow to amber.
  • Khadrawy dates: Similar to the Halawys, these soft dates have a caramel-like texture and sweet flavour.
  • Medjool dates: These semisoft dates, sometimes called the Cadillac of dates, are sweet, moist, meaty, and firm-textured.
  • Thoory dates: This is a dry date with firm skin and chewy flesh.
  • Zahidi dates: The Zahidi, a semisoft date, is called “Nobility.” It has a large seed and crunchy fibrous flesh, and is often processed for sliced dates and date sugar products.
  • Kalmi dates: The rich dry fruit is a variety from Oman, available especially during the month of Ramzaan. It’s a variant of the black dates and is typically small and cylindrical in shape. These dates are high in potassium and helps prevent diseases like diarrhea
  • Ajwa dates: Popularly known as 'King of Dates', these were known to be Prophet’s favorite. Much softer and drier in texture they have a myriad of health benefits, one of them being increased immunity. These days they come stuffed with dry fruits enhancing it richness
  • Safawi dates: Safawi from Saudi Arabia, are chewy and have a sweet texture. They are huge in size with a dark colour. These are known best for treating anemia and intoxication
  • Mabroom dates: They fall under the category of premium dates; naturally rich in minerals and antioxidants, they are very sweet and chewy as well.
  • Chinese date, or jujube, is neither a variety of date nor a member of the same botanical family. It does, however, strongly resemble a true date in color and texture, and is used in much the same way.

Wonder what are some of your dates buying experiences? Or if you have met all the different types of dates as mentioned above?





Wasting everybody's time, wasting internet bandwith and off topic some more, wheres the moderators.

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10 hours ago, Diamond said:

most of my gay friends not in talking term with their sibling 

i do order my choice of food and drink - not call individualistic unless he never offer u

most gay parents prefer to stay with married sibling then single gay unless no choice

$200 is just a monthly allowance, i m sure he will give extra during occassion too


well, we have to be open to see the other side of a person not on surface...

i can conclude he not suitable for you - let other appreciate him more.



Thanks for the asseesment but confirmed not a match.


Was just sharing my take on a “Individualistic Guy”.


I see great importance of family. At least I been thru phrases in life which helped me undrtsnd the importance.


Food: He will only ask “You order or I order first”. 

I thought it has to be “Anything you like me to get for ya”? 

Not trying to command any form of attention but we are all brought up the “Courtesy begins with me”?


He happens to be the apple of his mum. Well maybe he requires his sibilings assistance to look and care for mum which leads me the point of monthly allowence of $200 is just too low. My point being: He got the bto flat bcos of his mums name. I thought he should do more with the monthly income hes drawing.

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