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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2016 in Status Updates

  1. Light & shadow on my naked body. Well not that artistic actually.
    4 points
  2. I get agitated easily these days so don't push me too far aright.. :/
    4 points
  3. Waiting for dad for movie and texted when he was coming. He replied: "Will be there at about 46% battery" #funnydads
    3 points
  4. Im driving part time uber/grab My schedule for this week is 30th june 8pm to midnight 1july 8pm to midnight 3july 6am to 6pm 4th july 6am to midnight 5th july 6am to 11am/ 10pm to 2am
    2 points
  5. Yahright11


    1 point
  6. I am determined... to eat : 3 to 4 whole eggs, 1 cup (250ml approx) of soya milk, 2 Veg + 1 to 2 fruit juice per day !
    1 point
  7. Close to the heart, that's where you are... don't lose your way.
    1 point
  8. Hi there.." Welcome on board to the Blowing Wind forum"♥♥♥
    1 point
  9. My current best heartbroken cure: - Food - Gym
    1 point
  10. Carpenter

    Mouse hunt

    Mouse hunt
    1 point
  11. library research time again.. #mondaynotsoblue
    1 point
  12. HELLO HELLO HELLO... Single here and available.. FOR SALE or LEYLONG.. Registration opens now! #whenyoulosebetwithyouridiotbuddies I hope u guys r happy enuf when u see this -_-"
    1 point
  13. 4Lust

    Nice meaty ass...

    Nice meaty ass...
    1 point
  14. Positivity leads to Possibilities.. TGIF guys
    1 point
  15. I hv place in sembawang. Top here. Seek young chinese for anal or non anal fun
    1 point
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