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6 Reasons Why a Gym Body Isn't a Healthy Body

Guest 小熊叔

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Guest 小熊叔

But this is not an excuse to be lazy, only don't overdo gym.


A passing glance at the media and the advertising industry’s portrayal of the modern gay man is a portrait of massive pecs, bulging biceps, a teeny-tiny waist, and thighs the size of tree trunks. This impossible pinnacle of perfection is what we are led to believe is that of a healthy man, but for a countless number of gay men who are killing themselves to achieve it, it can be anything but.

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Before this topic can be taken seriously,  it is necessary to define what "gym body" means.

Is a gym body one that is bulky and overbuilt thanks to steroids and other harmful practices?


Definitely NOT.  Those of us who frequent gyms, who are not overbuilt but have grown some muscles thanks to perseverance and effort, we disagree.

There is no need to discourage "gym bodies" because of a false association with drugs.

The reality is that heavy weight lifting will build muscles. Even without a single drop of amino-acids, steroids, protein shakes and other stuff.


There should be a distinction between those who are naively ambitions and want to take shortcuts to attain a decadent goal of being bigger than others,  and those who are smart.  The smart recognize that there are no intrinsic health problems with weight lifting, except for possible muscle or articulation damage due to overdoing it.  And here "smart" means to know what to do to avoid this and how to let the body recover if accidentally some damage happens.  The body is good at repairing itself with proper time and care. 


A healthy muscular body is perfectly possible as long as the goal of "pinnacle of perfection" is smartly rejected.  We should forget the false idea that if some is good, more is better. There is a majority of neglected bodies around, either too fat or too skinny,  that  even a body not perfectly slim and with musculature not yet perfect can be a big advantage in the looks department.  And speaking of looks,  there is a peak beyond which more muscle -> more ugly.


Edited by Steve5380
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We need an article like this to tell / remind us ah ?? 


Isn't it already known - too much of anything is no good.  The keyword is "in moderation" and "balance" .



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10 hours ago, Guest John said:

We need an article like this to tell / remind us ah ?? 


Isn't it already known - too much of anything is no good.  The keyword is "in moderation" and "balance" .



Moderation and balance suits most of us perfectly.  But there are cases where too much is not too much.  isn't swimmer Joseph Schooling being criticized here in another thread for not doing too much?  And speaking about body cultivation,  some professionals like male ballet dancers need "too much" to survive.  But they are smart, don't take drugs and don't abuse their too much.  I post here a video that I posted before elsewhere,  a good example that illustrates some male bodies that are close to a "pinnacle of perfection"  (at least in my humble estimation  :) )




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