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A Christmas Parable

Guest Matt

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Hey! Hi!

Surprised to see you here tonight.

Surprised to see you too!

Where are your friends?

Well ...

I thought you were always out with this bunch of people: dinner, coffee, outing, farm visits, pot luck parties, church and so on ...


I suppose they have other friends too.

Its OK.

OK? Had some quarrel?

We always choose to be happy.

I see.

What about yourself? Why are you here tonight?

I came to meet someone. I'm a little early.

Anyone I know?

I'm not sure.

You're not sure?

Ya, he is someone I've not seen for a long time.

I see.

You see I wasn't sure what has become of him. So I SMSed him one day.

A friend of yours?



Its like I have not seen you for a long time also, right?

I see.

So how are you?

Much have happened.


And yourself?

Much the same.

Where have you been hiding?


Ya. Seems like you've been avoiding me.

Huh?! Is that what it seems?


I wasn't hiding. You know I put no wall around me.

I too have no wall. No man can be an island.

But I think its more likely you're very busy seeking and visiting many other islands.


And surely you were not looking for my remote island, were you?

I don't usually avoid anyone, unless the person is of questionable character.

Huh? You saying I'm of questionable character?

No, no that is not what I meant.

You don't? But that's the direct logic of what you said.

Haiz, you never change, always so logical.

And you've not changed too.

So you believe in being active in a relationship?

What do you mean?

To take the initiative; to work with your hands rather than depend on fate or luck, or hope for miracles; to act and not wait.

Not really.

Then what do you believe?

That there is a time to wait, and there is a time to act.

And when is the time to act?

When the ball is in your court.

If I dont play ball?

Then you are not in the game.

I don't usually wait. I just move on.

Waiting for the ball to return to your court is part of the game. It is not serve and forget. To move on means you are quitting the game altogether.

Maybe sometimes I don't know the ball is in my court.

Then pity the person trying to play ball with you, and he really needs a miracle.

Haha. Why did you SMSed this perhaps friend then?

He had in the past ignored my SMS, and I was afraid to try again.

And you still think he is friend?

I won't know if I didnt try.

Why are you afraid then?

Sometimes we are afraid to know the truth.

So you are like me too?

Haha. You know yourself better.

A mirror helps sometimes.

You see, it is like there is a door before me. Maybe it is not locked, maybe it is. But if I go and try to open the door, then I'll know for sure.

So what are you saying?

You see if door is locked, and if I tested it, then I know for sure that I may never enter that door again. And so I rather not try, and live in the hope - or rather prefer ignorance's comfort - that the door can yet be opened.

Thats too hard for my brain at this hour. I think I need another beer.

Let me get it for you.

After 5 rounds of beers

Hey is your friend coming? We've been here for almost two hours, and its almost midnight.

I don't know. But its OK. I'm used to waiting.

Some "friend" you've got.

I suppose its always better late - even very late - than never at all.

People always fly your aeroplane?

Haha. Well I fly peoples' aeroplane too.


Don't you?

I don't think I do.

People from IRC are not obliged to keep any word.


There are times when I espy from afar, keeping watch over the meeting place, and if the person is not my type I just go off.

You are so bad. Your karma catching up on you.

Its a meat market. You dont and cant blame anyone for not being their type, do you? You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

Oh please, spare me. I am going to get a headache soon. I'll get more beers.

Returns with more beer

Jon, where are you?

Checks the loo, walks around and outside, and back inside.

Hey bartender, did you see where my friend went?

Your friend?

Ya, the person I was talking to the whole night.

I am sorry but I thought you were the only customer in here tonight.

checks the bills

Ya, only you have paid for anything so far.

What?! Are you very very sure? Did you or did you not hear people talking here all night?

Err ... I'm not sure.

You're not sure?! I asked did you or did you not hear voices?

Like I'd said, I'm not so sure.

Oh fxxks!

fumbles with handphone and calls a number

gets telco service message that number is not in use

calls another number

Hello! Hello! Can I speak to Jon?

Jon's not here.

Can I have his handphone number please? This is his friend, Mark.

I am sorry, but Jon is no longer with us. He died last week.

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Good attempt at creative writing. Creative, but very hard to follow or to take seriously. Some pointers: Always intro the person speaking. A simple




would do very nicely. Unless you were trying to achieve a Shyamalan moment with a monologue of a guy with 3 personalities.

And what has this got to do with a Christmas Parable? Might as well call it a Tree Planting Day Parable.

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