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Erp Helps Cut Congestion?


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I refer to the today's ST (Dec 15th) front page with a special report that "claimed" that drivers agree that ERP helps cut congestion.

If you read further, and even flipped to the continued page with the charts, you will realise that how skewed this report is.

Just on the question on Has the ERP reduced traffic, only 26.3% agreed! That meant a whopping 62.7% DISAGREED that ERP eased congestion!

Granted that it was a improvement from last year's to which only 15.3% agreed, but if you look at question 1, 54% of the surveyed DOES NOT PAST THROUGH any ERP while traveling to work.

Hence if you talked about statistic, this kind of report is simply rubbish...

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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Its a way to get around the censorship of the chief editor, who over the years learn to be smart.

But whoever reads it knows ---- ERP doesn't work!!!!

I think they put it in a brilliant way....

misleading??? its much better than to get into lawsuits again....

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