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All on China & China's Political Discussions (Compiled)


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4 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

The only issue I see is that, in comparison to many other nations, China still has a relatively small military budget. 


This is an outright lie!





As of 2023, the official military budget was announced to be 1.55 trillion yuan, the second largest in the world behind the US.





I m not sure what intention you have in posting your obvious untruths into BW, but go on because it doesn't make you any cent more credible to BW readers. 





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2 hours ago, singalion said:


This is an outright lie!





As of 2023, the official military budget was announced to be 1.55 trillion yuan, the second largest in the world behind the US.



I m not sure what intention you have in posting your obvious untruths into BW, but go on because it doesn't make you any cent more credible to BW readers. 



An elephant's normal shirt certainly cost more due to its size, as compare to that of a rabbit who wear branded shirts.  The elephant spend out of necessity, the rabbit spend to show off.   Like western countries,  you too are barking at the wrong beast.

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2 hours ago, singalion said:

He did not make any effort to support his claims with any facts!

It are just drawn up CLAIMS that Sweetie Pie thinks are facts. 

Everyone can claim something but without substantiation such claims are without worth or value. 

I debunked his claims already...




Your "facts" are based SOLEY on Western media coverage, and we can all see where this is going.  BW requires a wider range of independent and diverse perspectives from outside the West newspaper/youtube, which you and @Steve5380constantly used to brainwash readers.  Gosh!!

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2 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Your "facts" are based SOLEY on Western media coverage, and we can all see where this is going.  BW requires a wider range of independent and diverse perspectives from outside the West newspaper/youtube, which you and @Steve5380constantly used to brainwash readers.  Gosh!!


But your post didn't even mention any facts at all but just your personal unsubstantiated claims... 


Your silly claim on Western media is nonsensical. I can post the same from Japanese or Korean media...


Check yourself in your post, there is no evidence of your claims at all. 





Everyone can write something here, but if you don't substantiate it, it's without worth and not factual. 



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2 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Your "facts" are based SOLEY on Western media coverage, and we can all see where this is going.  BW requires a wider range of independent and diverse perspectives from outside the West newspaper/youtube, which you and @Steve5380constantly used to brainwash readers.  Gosh!!


But your post didn't even mention any facts at all but just your personal unsubstantiated claims... 


Your silly claim on Western media is nonsensical. I can post the same from Japanese or Korean media...


Check yourself in your post, there is no evidence of your claims at all. 



On 11/18/2023 at 6:04 PM, Sweetie Pie said:

With a land boundary of some 22,800 km, China is bordered by North Korea (friend of China)  to the east; Mongolia (Friend of China) to the north; Russia (strong Allies of China now) to the northeast; Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan (all loves President Xi)  to the northwest; Afghanistan, Pakistan (Friendly nations of China), India (very Jealous of China success), Nepal (Friend of China) and Bhutan (Friend of China)  to the west and southwest; and Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam (All friends of China) to the south.   Where did the neighbour hates came from, your mouth?


If you are referring to other neighbours across the sea like (Phillipines, South Korea and Japan), these countries have one thing in common, America expansion of military bases in these proxy countries to stir shit in China water. You don't want such neighbours and its mastermind in your backyard


Where was the substantiation? imaginary???


Everyone can write something here, but if you don't substantiate it, it's without worth and not factual. 




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7 hours ago, singalion said:


Why bother about Sour Pie's unsupported claims he posts into BW. 


He did not make any effort to support his claims with any facts!



It are just drawn up CLAIMS that Sweetie Pie thinks are facts. 


Everyone can claim something but without substantiation such claims are without worth or value. 


I debunked his claims already...



Sweetie-and-Sour Pie should learn how to write, and then start a career as a writer of FICTION.  :) 

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5 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

An elephant's normal shirt certainly cost more due to its size, as compare to that of a rabbit who wear branded shirts.  The elephant spend out of necessity, the rabbit spend to show off.   Like western countries,  you too are barking at the wrong beast.


It seems that @singalion is right about your lack of substantiation.  WHERE have you ever seen an elephant with a shirt and a rabbit with branded shirts?  In China ???

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3 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


Sweetie-and-Sour Pie should learn how to write, and then start a career as a writer of FICTION.  :) 


Yes exactly!. His fantasy fiction of posting claims and his wishful reality is hilarious but nowhere found in facts. 


I can pin a lot of claims also but I prefer to look at facts... 



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Ha ha, the real losers are those who unable to substantiate their points. 


Sweetie Pie failed to substantiate anything of his posts. 


I can pin down a lot here who I imagine to be PRC's friend but if I can't support it with any single piece of evidence, how realistic or supported by facts is it????


=> It is worth nothing!



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3 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


It seems that @singalion is right about your lack of substantiation.  WHERE have you ever seen an elephant with a shirt and a rabbit with branded shirts?  In China ???


Depends on what you smoke! 

You won't only see elephants with branded shirts bit also white rabbits running around... 😂



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China’s Real Military Budget Is Far Bigger Than It Looks

By Mackenzie Eaglen


June 16, 2023


Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party is wasting no time in consistently increasing military spending. At the opening of the 14th National People’s Congress this past March, Beijing announced a defense budget of $227.79 billion (1.55 trillion yuan), a 7.7 percent increase from the previous year following a decade of similar substantial hikes


China’s real military budget is far bigger.

the real Chinese budget, in terms of military, is probably close to about $700 billion dollars.” This far more competitive figure is equivalent to roughly 4 percent of the PRC’s GDP. 






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Guest Stoopid
10 hours ago, singalion said:



China’s Real Military Budget Is Far Bigger Than It Looks

By Mackenzie Eaglen


June 16, 2023


Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party is wasting no time in consistently increasing military spending. At the opening of the 14th National People’s Congress this past March, Beijing announced a defense budget of $227.79 billion (1.55 trillion yuan), a 7.7 percent increase from the previous year following a decade of similar substantial hikes


China’s real military budget is far bigger.

the real Chinese budget, in terms of military, is probably close to about $700 billion dollars.” This far more competitive figure is equivalent to roughly 4 percent of the PRC’s GDP. 






Another questionable and unheard western news outlet.

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well,  the media checkers didn't find any fault with them...



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AEI doesn't seem critical also. Surely nothing "doubtful" or questionable....






The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, known simply as the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), is a center-right[2] think tank based in Washington, D.C., that researches government, politics, economics, and social welfare.[3][4] AEI is an independent nonprofit organization supported primarily by contributions from foundations, corporations, and individuals.


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The institute has been described as a right-leaning counterpart to the left-leaning Brookings Institution; however, the two entities have often collaborated. From 1998 to 2008, they co-sponsored the AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, and in 2006 they launched the AEI-Brookings Election Reform Project. In 2015, a working group consisting of members from both institutions coauthored a report entitled Opportunity, Responsibility, and Security: A Consensus Plan for Reducing Poverty and Restoring the American Dream.



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In this thread I am consistently told how completely wrong I am about China.  Well... I have been wrong before, and I don't mind to be corrected and I am happy to discover my mistake.  To have learned something more!


I just watched a video by a guy who made his first trip to China, to Shanghai.  This interested me.  Maybe I was completely wrong, and I looked forwards to follow his experience and see the incredible achievements by the Chinese:



Right from the start he said that he had not prepared for this trip.  This is very dumb, one should research in depth any unknown place one has not yet visited.  


Right from his arrival in Shanghai,  I saw a lot of Western technology.  This included:  the airplane, the airport with all its facilities, its architecture, it's machines, the electric lights, the clothes, the cellphones, etc.    I could share his excitement being in an unknown place, but I don't fully believe it was so unknown to him.  He surely had a companion, who filmed everything, and they may have had the whole trip well prepared in advance.  I didn't have this luxury in my trips throughout Asia.


He finally made it outside, on the streets of Shanghai.  There I also recognized everything of Western technology, the cars, the buses, the street lights, all the architecture. I saw it identical to any other Western city.  So....  where are the Chinese achievements.  I SAW THEM from the first time the guy was eating his noodles:  CHOP STICKS !!!   At last, something genuinely Chinese, and not copied from the West!  


He commented that the city is nicely unpopulated, contrary to Bangkok for example.  Maybe this is sign that the Westerners are fleeing China?   One hears that Shanghai has lost much of their foreigners, visitors.  But I am impressed, I like what I saw, the same as what I experienced in other Asian cities.  A part of this is that signs are frequently subtitled in English, and that one often finds people who speak this language. I have enjoyed this trait not speaking Thai in Bangkok, not speaking Japanese in Tokyo, not speaking Korean in Seoul, not speaking Mandarin in Taipei, and not speaking Singlish in Singapore. 


AND HERE is one remarkable difference with the West:  In the US and Europe one seldom reads Mandarin in signs, and very few people speak Chinese.  This is,  I am sorry to write, one element that indicates the predominance of the Western English over the Chinese Mandarin.  And from what I saw in the video, ALL the technology one sees in Shanghai has originated from the West,...  except...  the CHOP STICKS.  It is good that the Chinese have one thing to feel proud about :)


It is not different in other Asian cities I have visited throughout S.E. Asia.  But this is nothing wrong.  It shows that Asians are smart and accepting of the technologies that benefit them,  and do their best to propagate and improve them. Cost of living in China seems to be adequate, and I am changing my mind.  Maybe I will also visit Shanghai one day.  Before it becomes a ghost city... 


One last observation:  the people I see in the video all seem to be happy and content.  Sooo... what does China needs Taiwan for?   Doesn't China have enough of its own to be happy?   What if instead it chooses a huge war, and this beautiful Shanghai is destroyed by a nuclear device?  Let's hope this will never happen. :thumb:




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6 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


One last observation:  the people I see in the video all seem to be happy and content.  Sooo... what does China needs Taiwan for?   


Because Taiwan's politics are so messed up, its democracy is rapidly eroding, its leaders lack guts, allowing the governments of Japan and the Philippines to seize control of the surrounding islands, and, as of late, the government and its top officials' corruptions are becoming more brazen.  Since the majority of Taiwan's presidents put their family in America and became US citizens, they are no longer able to serve the island nation's population impartially and have no stake in Taiwan in the event of conflict.   The island is destroying itself and China must come in fast and furious.  War is necessary to save Taiwanese and the island from falling into the hands of a wrong presdient holding potential America citizenship.  

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48 minutes ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Because Taiwan's politics are so messed up, its democracy is rapidly eroding, its leaders lack guts, allowing the governments of Japan and the Philippines to seize control of the surrounding islands, and, as of late, the government and its top officials' corruptions are becoming more brazen.  Since the majority of Taiwan's presidents put their family in America and became US citizens, they are no longer able to serve the island nation's population impartially and have no stake in Taiwan in the event of conflict.   The island is destroying itself and China must come in fast and furious.  War is necessary to save Taiwanese and the island from falling into the hands of a wrong presdient holding potential America citizenship.  


Well... even if your doom predictions for Taiwan are true... why is this China's business?  China would not be held responsible for the demise, maybe America would be,  and China can continue comfortably cultivating its Panda bears. 


There is no indication that Japan and the Philippines are robbing Taiwan of its islands, and even if it is so,  this is Taiwan's business and China does not need to get involved,  instead continuing with its Dragon festivities and dances.  And even in this horrible doom you predict for Taiwan,  this island would be still willing to sell China advanced semiconductor chips, if China asks politely.

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9 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Because Taiwan's politics are so messed up, its democracy is rapidly eroding, its leaders lack guts, allowing the governments of Japan and the Philippines to seize control of the surrounding islands, and, as of late, the government and its top officials' corruptions are becoming more brazen.  Since the majority of Taiwan's presidents put their family in America and became US citizens, they are no longer able to serve the island nation's population impartially and have no stake in Taiwan in the event of conflict.   The island is destroying itself and China must come in fast and furious.  War is necessary to save Taiwanese and the island from falling into the hands of a wrong presdient holding potential America citizenship.  


Really amazing how you manage to post here exactly the opposite of the truth. 


The democracy in Taiwan has been strenghtening in the past 15 years... 


The disputed islands are also in the economic zone of the Phillipines... 


Just wonder if you take aim to simply distort the truth on BW and just intend to post clear falsities. 



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4 hours ago, singalion said:


Really amazing how you manage to post here exactly the opposite of the truth. 


The democracy in Taiwan has been strenghtening in the past 15 years... 


The disputed islands are also in the economic zone of the Phillipines... 


Just wonder if you take aim to simply distort the truth on BW and just intend to post clear falsities. 



We should thank @Sweetie Pie for his postings.  This allows us to learn what is factual by accepting what is diametrically opposite of his "facts".

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On 11/21/2023 at 10:57 AM, Steve5380 said:


Well... even if your doom predictions for Taiwan are true... why is this China's business?  China would not be held responsible for the demise, maybe America would be.


Enough of posting through your anal orifice.  Taiwan problem is absolutely China problem because they are not blonde and potato is not their main dish unlike the America which should stay out of the Chinese internal affairs.

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Guest Deranged
1 hour ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Enough of posting through your anal orifice.  Taiwan problem is absolutely China problem because they are not blonde and potato is not their main dish unlike the America which should stay out of the Chinese internal affairs.

by your ‘logic’ every country in Asia is therefore China’s problem. Along with a few in Africa and South America too…


You are sadly as deranged and dumb as fuck as ever 

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2 hours ago, Guest Deranged said:

by your ‘logic’ every country in Asia is therefore China’s problem. Along with a few in Africa and South America too…Yu think ou


You are sadly as deranged and dumb as fuck as ever 

Is it all you have to say to get me agitated? You will be very dissappointed but I felt as calm as a swan gently floating in a lovely pond.

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51 minutes ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Is it all you have to say to get me agitated? You will be very dissappointed but I felt as calm as a swan gently floating in a lovely pond.


Maybe YOU ARE a swan gently floating in a lovely pond... and thinking like a swan.  Cuack cuack :) 


4 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Enough of posting through your anal orifice.  Taiwan problem is absolutely China problem because they are not blonde and potato is not their main dish unlike the America which should stay out of the Chinese internal affairs.


You are very experienced in this, so tell me how to post through an anal orifice.


Try to think about TODAY'S world.  Regional divisions are something of the past.  Today everything is global.

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Guest Deranged
10 hours ago, Sweetie Pie said:

Is it all you have to say to get me agitated? You will be very dissappointed but I felt as calm as a swan gently floating in a lovely pond.

huh? Who said anything about wanting to get you agitated? I don’t really care about your reaction, I was just posting to state facts. 

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14 hours ago, Startup said:

There is a saying that says, the sea is open to all rivers, and tolerance is great. This is the breadth and depth of Chinese culture.


In the past, when Deng Xiaoping and Teresa Teng were both alive, there was a saying in China: listen to Old Deng during the day and listen to Little Deng at night. What is this concept? If you know that Teresa Teng has never been to the mainland and has served as a labor force in Taiwan, you can understand that ordinary Chinese people do not have the current popular ideology.


So why did it evolve into the current situation? The reason is simple. Do you know where the most anti-China and anti-communist people are? In fact, it's in China. As long as 10% of the people in China join the China-hating party, that is a very huge number. What will these 140 million people do? Of course, it means colluding with foreign countries to undermine China's development.


Those theories about the China threat, China’s invasion of Taiwan, debt traps, genocide in Xinjiang, etc. coming from the Western media all have the participation of the country-hating party. Once a lot of things are spread to ten, many people will be convinced, including many Singaporeans.


There are a few members here who often take pleasure in making remarks that undermine China, and I don’t even bother to communicate with them. There are many things that you can tell right from wrong with just a little bit of brainpower. It's incredible that some people think about things with their buttocks. Especially the foreigner who said he had never been to China was a typical case of brainwashing.


Those who understand will naturally understand, and those who don’t understand will always pretend to be asleep. I firmly believe that China's development is peaceful, unlike the West that relies on robbery and plunder, but pretends to be a saint and makes you grateful to it.




"Sea open to all rivers and tolerance" may be the breadth and depth of Chinese culture,  BUT NOT of the PRC's CCP.


You have it wrong.  The 10% of the people in China you mentioned are not China-hating,  but it's CCP government hating.  This is not unusual, but it happens in every country.  In the US, a large group of Republicans hate the Democrat controlled government.


"the China threat, China’s invasion of Taiwan, debt traps, genocide in Xinjiang, etc."  are not "theories" but FACTS. And the Western media merely reports them.

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13 hours ago, Startup said:

Why is China's rise a good thing?


Because of the Western rule for many years and the US dominance since World War II, we have become their slaves on many levels. Sadly, many people don't realize it and become fools who regard thieves as their fathers.


I am not saying that we should be anti-Western, abandon Western education, and admire our own beauty, but I am saying that we should not worship foreign countries and think that the moon in foreign countries is always round.


One member said that Chinese technology is copied from Western technology. This is the proper Western self-centered thinking. He is a foreigner, so it is not surprising that he has such thoughts. But Easterners must not have the same idea as him.


First of all, scientific and technological progress is not exclusive to certain countries or groups. It is the common product of human civilization. It's like the United States has blocked the development of China's space industry and believes that only the United States is qualified to develop the space field. That is a very naive and short-sighted idea.


Besides, China also has inventions that change the world. The invention of paper alone could change our approach to the pursuit of knowledge. Holding a book and talking about China at the same time shows how ignorant you are of drinking water and remembering its source.


So don’t look at everything from a Western perspective. Western civilization also has its dark side. We must see and learn from others, and we must see the excellence of our own culture, and then give full play to our strengths. Never make others angry or destroy your own prestige.



Oh yesss... Asian nations have become SLAVES of Western technology, ha ha.  And China not only imported and adopted and used Western technology, but it is also STEALING it,  stealing what is Western intellectual, technological property and using it for their own manufacturing, use.  In contrast, this intellectual, technological property is respected in the West.


My estimation is that all races, ethnic groups in different countries have equal mental capacity.  The predominance of modern science and technology in the West is purely circumstantial.  I don't even believe that Jews have some extra intelligence, even as I have Jewish family.  History is full of advanced societies who were not Ang Mohs.


Yes, it is said that the paper was invented in China?  But not the papyrus, which came from the Egyptians. And the most important recording media TODAY is the digital one, invented IN THE WEST.  And the wheel was NOT invented in China but in the early Mesopotamia.  


Ah.. but gunpowder was invented in China.  This cannot be considered a very happy invention, can it be?  All guns that kill people use gunpowder.  The only positive of gunpowder is the ability to release instantly a huge energy,  good for mining, for example.  But here the best product is dynamite, invented in the West.

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15 hours ago, Startup said:















14 hours ago, Startup said:









13 hours ago, Startup said:
















Did you write this yourself or did you copy it from somewhere?


You really think you can exclude English speakers if you write in Mandarin?


Your posts are interesting but at the end I asked myself what's the point?


Coming from Mao to Singaporean Chinese and their media absorption is noteworthy but I m not sure the younger Singaporeans have any clue what you're talking about...

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14 hours ago, Startup said:

Is there genocide in Xinjiang?


The CCP does have some control over Xinjiang, but it does not lead to genocide as exaggerated by the West. This is not much different from Singapore’s control of Muslims here.


Really, there are some things that you can understand with just a little bit of brainpower. But there are two members starting with S, so it’s okay not to mention them.


Are you a person who bashes those whose ideas don't coincide with yours?  What is your basis to consider that some members lack brainpower?  To the point that you think that posting in Chinese will prevent them from reading what you write?   WHO is lacking some brainpower...  or some civility?

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14 hours ago, Startup said:




说中国不是,就会被扣帽子: 不自知的美国奴隶、崇洋媚外、认贼为父、傻子、不懂饮水思源、灭自己威风。这算不算道德绑架?





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1 hour ago, PlayersGroup said:


说中国不是,就会被扣帽子: 不自知的美国奴隶、崇洋媚外、认贼为父、傻子、不懂饮水思源、灭自己威风。这算不算道德绑架?






I would rather say the PRC media is too government / CCP controlled to know what the journalists or common people actually think. 


Even the local social media in Mainland China  is heavily controlled and filtered. 


The fact, that many Chinese prefer to leave China and live overseas (despite being plunged into a totally different culture) shows that something must be wrong or amiss in China. 


This blaming or critic on Western media by certain members here to disqualify certain views  seems just a pretext for general critic without any value. 


I think Singaporeans are not so dump to not fear China and to be aware of risks resulting in Singapore by PRC's activities or policies. LKY while keeping a friendly tone with China never forgot of getting cornered by the PRC and sought keeping a healthy distance...



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55 minutes ago, singalion said:


I would rather say the PRC media is too government / CCP controlled to know what the journalists or common people actually think. 


I think Singaporeans are not so dump to not fear China and to be aware of risks resulting in Singapore by PRC's activities or policies. LKY while keeping a friendly tone with China never forgot of getting cornered by the PRC and sought keeping a healthy distance...



China is feared by its own people,  it is feared by its neighbors, by even a pacific small island like Singapore.  So it cannot be the incarnation of Buddhist peace.  Instead its attitude reflects its intention of wielding POWER.  What would it be if it becomes the dominant power on the planet?   Something to fear by the whole of Humanity!

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China was the biggest contributor to research in top science journals last year.



Chinese cities soar in science ranking while US and European rivals drop




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3 hours ago, Startup said:

How to refute those who are full of ideologies? There is no need, because the data is a powerful slap in the face.


China was the biggest contributor to research in top science journals last year.



Chinese cities soar in science ranking while US and European rivals drop



It can only mean one thing. China is a down-to-earth country. Unlike the United States and Western countries, which are still living in the glory of the past, sitting back and enjoying their achievements, they are complacent.


There are four and a half time more people in China than in the US.   So unless the Chinese research is four times larger than the US one,  there is no "glory" for China.  "Down-to-earth" can mean a lot of things,  like the finances of the poor Chinese who invested in high rise real estate that was never finished, and it is now down to earth!

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8 hours ago, Startup said:





The Hong Kong China News Agency is directly linked to the Overseas Chinese Affairs Department, which is a government department of the PRC.


The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council is an external name of the United Front Work Department of the Chinese Communist Party.

Founded: 1978

Subsidiary: Hong Kong China News Agency




Posting into BW such one sided propaganda channel media doesn't bring any unbiased information.


You complain repeatedly about "Western Media" but then can't resort into anything different than posting videos from youtube directly from the CCP...


This is not a very intelligent move.







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8 hours ago, Startup said:






The main point here is (besides the fact that the video is published by the CCP directly via it's Hong Kong affiliate) that the words of "cold war" derive from the mouth of CCP politicians and government journalists from the PRC.


NATO is not expanding into this region at all.


The same issue here incurs as with the Russia Ukraine war and Russia's which is to blur the fact that it is the PRC which is encroaching into the turf of the territory of South East Asian nations within the Spratly Islands.


You are confusing the fact that it is the PRC who is the aggressor and not NATO.


What is NATO doing in that region? Nothing.

The fact that NATO signs some discussion forum agreements with South Korea and Japan does not constitute any aggressive act. (China is doing the same with African nations or more recently the South Pacific nations. )


The video is simply some PRC propaganda to push the blame to someone else while intending to ignore that the PRC is the troublemaker (and surely not NATO).


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6 hours ago, Startup said:



But you are viewing China through an ideological lens also...

You are misguiding BW readers here by pretending that your posts are objective or neutral. But they aren't.


The fact is that you are posting just total bias into BW.


You mean you can silence other people here by resorting to using Mandarin language or exclude them from the discussion?


What a joker you are...


You don't need to discuss with me, but I won't permit you to post your ideological untruths here. And you won't stop me from responding to your posts.



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25 minutes ago, singalion said:


What a joker you are...


You don't need to discuss with me, but I won't permit you to post your ideological untruths here. And you won't stop me from responding to your posts.



You mean to say that you won't permit him to post his ideological untruths here without you calling his bluff.  Well done!


I personally don't mind him posting whatever the Moderators allow him to post,  this being true or completely false.   It won't change REALITY,  and what gets posted about politics in a gay forum won't change the world.   What posts here can do, maybe... they  can make the world be less homophobic... by an infinitesimal...  but every bit helps!  :)  

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5 minutes ago, Startup said:

The US-China summit in San Francisco as summarized by George Galloway.






I don't know much about this George Galloway, but from what I hear him saying I realize that he is a cynical old man who just speaks bullshit.  The fact that he is old does not make him wise. ( not like me, I am old AND wise, ha ha ) 


America's government IS NOT a dictatorship,  while China's IS A DICTATORSHIP.  So to refer to Xi as dictator is the correct name.  Period!   And Galloway... f*ck yourself,  you idiot Brit!

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6 hours ago, Startup said:





The Taiwanese Professor Guo , who was a member of Tsai Ing-wen's DPP but stepped out when his proposals for an approach with the PRC were neglected, surely has sense of the topic.


However, just jumping on the word's of "China's rise"

We have seen that the PRC has grown economically in the past years.


It doesn't mean anything as certain economies have risen to higher outputs in the past 20 years.


But the error that some people do in the thinking process here is, that China's growing economic power doesn't equate that other powers have declined in their economy.



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