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Dark Times Ahead

Guest anonymous

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Guest anonymous

Just want to write to message as a reminder that we (the PLUs) are facing dark times ahead in regards to HIV. I think the resurgence in HIV infection among PLU is not incidental. And this is happening everywhere, from "ignorant Asia" to even liberally open and "well-informed" cities in the West (white dominated developed countries).

I believe it is due to several factors:

1. existing HIV patients dying later (due to medication) and have more time to infect others (I am not trying to be mean, but there ARE vengeful HIV+ guys there out trying to infect others).

2. Youngsters who did not went through the first HIV paranoia (early 80s) either believeing that they are invincible or that HIV+ a non-issue with the new medications. Acquintance of mine who frequent saunas or have flings told me that many of the young guys would not bat an eye become a bottom for a raw cock.

3. Highly irresponsible older guys (usually mid 30s to early 40s, good looking, well maintained, good body, some have established career) who seems to think they are invincible. I am not trying to stereotype. But I have heard of gossips, experience some guys before, who fits the profile and likes barebacking. I even know of people are are DOCTORS, financial controllers, lawyers, rich and moneyed, but love barebacking. Their behaviour kinda of shocked me and I cannot understand why they do that to themselves.

4. Prevalence of internet sex. This venue allows the closetted, and the "bi" plus other gays to indulge more in raw sex. I think the belief is that since there group (internet-"scene" gays) are not the "party/scene-queen" type, they are "safer" (less slutty?). Either that or some are just plain ignorant about safe sex (the closet and "bi" types).

5. Easier and much more frequent travels overseas (plus all the above factors).

Thats my take. Hope everyone really wake up their f**king idea. Please dun cry when the milk is spilled! It is TOO LATE by then, given our homophobic/puritan/hypocrite governments we have in this region.

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