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Guys Born In 2020S Gather Here


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Sigh. Just before "enter a Messenger", Macbeth Act 5, Scene 5.

Anyway. Humans thrive on forming groups, not on segregation. It's when the group becomes too large, too impersonal, that subgroups are created. At any rate, I'll be the first to admit it was a rant. I understand that it's helpful for the ingenues, who generally benefit from having same-age peers to relate to, but it just seems that a touch too many posts in the Members Lounge are about rallying around a decade. I'm sure many such posts were a knee-jerk bandwagon reaction, but old worrywart here is just a mite concerned in a subtext already prone to ageism and a community context of recently evolving fractal lines.

Mercurio sacris fertur Boebeidos Undis

virgineum Brimo composuisse latus

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i think it's to gather people of the same age group, so that there're less generation gaps and what not within the same group of people, but what gives. none of these are compulsory so i believe we still have a freedom to hang out with who we wanna hang out with :)


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i think it's to gather people of the same age group, so that there're less generation gaps and what not within the same group of people, but what gives. none of these are compulsory so i believe we still have a freedom to hang out with who we wanna hang out with :)
I agree to CM.

I also believe many people feel comfortable with people with similarities.

It's hard to connect when people are having conflicting interest. Though, I'm not saying that people from the 90s cannot connect to the people from the 80s, or what not.

An example would be, someone from the 90s trying to talk Pokemon to a 70s.

I'm sure there would be head-scratching.

I'm not saying we're outcasting/segregating each other to be with someone of similar interest, but I believe it's the similarities that people connect.

And just like what CM said, "none of these are compulsory" and "i believe we still have a freedom to hang out with who we wanna hang out with", I'm sure there are things that make people of different age group that click and come together.

How to seek revenge 101: Know him. Befriend him. Make him trust you wholeheartedly. Destroy him. Utterly.

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I gotta agree with XiaoMessy. The topics that one generation talks about will be pretty different from another. The influences in their teens, the things they seen will be quite different. Plus, this is just a forum, anyone can really just add a comment anywhere. No one is going to stop you, I'm sure the members are not going to say nasty things to each other.

Having spoken to a Pokemon before... a little bit hard to take him seriously. LOLx

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Guest Ironrod

An example would be, someone from the 90s trying to talk Pokemon to a 70s.

I'm sure there would be head-scratching.

Excuses me! I am 70s and I know what is pokemon and now I am playing Starwars Online.

It's a matter of interest - not age or when u are born.

Like I have no interest in FASHION, u talk to me abt it I also won't care.

Hope that corrects u and your mindset.

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Why do we even try stiring the pot of shit?

Cliques will form, different people for different taste. I do know for sure, different generations will have people who stereotype, kinda feel especially true for singaporeans. I'm guessing because we are taught to stereotype by our education system right from the start.

Correct me if I am wrong, the 70s seem to be the hornier lot in BW? (Stiring some shit here)

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