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Nothing Is Solid: This Is The World Of Quantum Physics

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Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over again.

Nothing is solid: This is the world of Quantum Physics

SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 / 268249 VIEWS

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13-620x400Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over again.

Nothing is solid.

This is the world of Quantum Physics.

They have proven that thoughts are what put together and hold together this ever-changing energy field into the ‘objects’ that we see.

So why do we see a person instead of a flashing cluster of energy?

Think of a movie reel.

A movie is a collection of about 24 frames a second. Each frame is separated by a gap. However, because of the speed at which one frame replaces another, our eyes get cheated into thinking that we see a continuous and moving picture.

Think of television.

A TV tube is simply a tube with heaps of electrons hitting the screen in a certain way, creating the illusion of form and motion.

This is what all objects are anyway. You have 5 physical senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste).

Each of these senses has a specific spectrum (for example, a dog hears a different range of sound than you do; a snake sees a different spectrum of light than you do; and so on).

In other words, your set of senses perceives the sea of energy from a certain limited standpoint and makes up an image from that.

It is not complete, nor is it accurate. It is just an interpretation.

All of our interpretations are solely based on the ‘internal map’ of reality that we have, and not the real truth. Our ‘map’ is a result of our personal life’s collective experiences.

Our thoughts are linked to this invisible energy and they determine what the energy forms. Your thoughts literally shift the universe on a particle-by-particle basis to create your physical life.

Look around you.

Everything you see in our physical world started as an idea, an idea that grew as it was shared and expressed, until it grew enough into a physical object through a number of steps.

You literally become what you think about most.

Your life becomes what you have imagined and believed in most.

The world is literally your mirror, enabling you to experience in the physical plane what you hold as your truth … until you change it.

Quantum physics shows us that the world is not the hard and unchangeable thing it may appear to be. Instead, it is a very fluid place continuously built up using our individual and collective thoughts.

What we think is true is really an illusion, almost like a magic trick.

Fortunately we have begun to uncover the illusion and most importantly, how to change it.

What is your body made of?

Nine systems comprise the human body including Circulatory, Digestive, Endocrine, Muscular, Nervous, Reproductive, Respiratory, Skeletal, and Urinary.

What are those made up of?

Tissues and organs.

What are tissues and organs made of?


What are cells made of?


What are molecules made of?


What are atoms made of?

Sub-atomic particles.

What are subatomic particles made of?


You and I are pure energy-light in its most beautiful and intelligent configuration. Energy that is constantly changing beneath the surface and you control it all with your powerful mind.

You are one big stellar and powerful Human Being.

If you could see yourself under a powerful electron microscope and conduct other experiments on yourself, you would see that you are made up of a cluster of ever-changing energy in the form of electrons, neutrons, photons and so on.

So is everything else around you. Quantum physics tells us that it is the act of observing an object that causes it to be there where and how we observe it.

An object does not exist independently of its observer! So, as you can see, your observation, your attention to something, and your intention, literally creates that thing.

This is scientific and proven.

Your world is made of spirit, mind and body.

Each of those three, spirit, mind and body, has a function that is unique to it and not shared with the other. What you see with your eyes and experience with your body is the physical world, which we shall call Body. Body is an effect, created by a cause.

This cause is Thought.

Body cannot create. It can only experience and be experienced … that is its unique function.

Thought cannot experience … it can only make up, create and interpret. It needs a world of relativity (the physical world, Body) to experience itself.

Spirit is All That Is, that which gives Life to Thought and Body.

Body has no power to create, although it gives the illusion of power to do so. This illusion is the cause of much frustration. Body is purely an effect and has no power to cause or create.

The key with all of this information is how do you learn to see the universe differently than you do now so that you can manifest everything you truly desire.


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This is really nothing new. We are already struggling to understand quantum physics, string theory, dark energy, multiverse and what not.

There are definitely some quantum of truth to all these but no one and nothing can be "proven beyond doubt" as our understandings of the universe keep changing with evolving technologies and scientific breakthrough.

Best to keep an open mind, I am even prepared to accept the possibility of a creator(s) but that notion Is the least plausible of options with regards to falsifiable evidence.

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Quantum physics is the only subject that I can't think by my logical mind. It is hard to imagine something that I can't see clearly.

I still remember my quantum chemistry lecturer told us this in his lecture;

"Everything can be modified, you just need the correct amount of energy to make it change"

In my thoughts "I need to release some energy in order to attract a guy"

What type of energy or how to get the energy, I need to figure it out by myself.

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This is so so skin-deep and shallow.


And the western scientists always think they are making big 'break thrus', when all their findings only point to the Eastern philosophy.


Whatever they have 'realised' have been written in the countless sutras by all the great arhats and disciples of the Buddha.


Our five consciousness are the 'functions' or 'receptors' that take in info. From there, our sixth consciousness - the sensory function - process the info and start to categorise and 'emotionalise' them. Thus our 'likes' and 'dislikes'. (Now you know why you like or dislike someone, even without apparent reason. I shall come to that, but for now, it is the 'emotion' or the 'feel' that help you shape the 'impression' for the object or the person).


The seventh consciousness - the mind - will determine whether the info is right or wrong. This also includes the sense of 'justice'. If one's mind is warped, he/ she will carry out the act, even if the act is wrong, for eg, murder or robbery. (Now you see why some people can join the terrorist groups and carry out mass murders; their minds are already thwarted even before they come into contact with any religious text; those words merely bring out the 'warpness' in them). The eight consciousness - the 'Alaya' consciousness - is the storehouse of our karmic energies. Here, EVERYTHING about us is kept and recorded. Our every thought, act and word committed. This consciousness determines Everything of us, and thus, we may for example fall in love with someone whom we should never have, like a drug addict, or a married person, and then for the next ten years, suffered in that relationship. Some will say "love is blind", but actually it is due to the karmic relationships that one is 'destined' to go through that suffering. Same goes for all the luxuries and wealth one is born or endowed with - his/ her karmic retributions are positive and well.


The ninth consciousness is the most powerful and all-overriding: it is the ultimate law of the entity of life. This law overrides all karmic retributions and functions, and allow one to break free from the gravity of one's own karmic energies. This 'change' is reflected throughout one's being, from the way he talks (which he may changed totally and stopped swearing/ cursing), to his behaviour, which maybe from boorish/ reckless to refined and sensible, to his thoughts, which he would stop harbouring evil or anguish thoughts, and start to 'listen' to the positive notes in his heart and mind. All the more, his eyes and ears would begin to seek out the 'positivity' in others, and appreciate the kindness of those around him, as compared with his older self, where he would 'see' and 'hear' only the negative things from his surrounding.


The whole chunk above ONLY deals with one's mental state, so to speak. I have not even touch on the 'ten factors of life', which Buddhism has dissected and analysed them, based on the 'moment-to-moment' time frame, which starts from the one's external appearance, and travel through one's being to finally reach the 'core' of that life.


Quantum Physics? "Once you see it, it is different from before you see it"? Huh! Those are all RUBBISH and CRAP theories! Those scientists think they are getting closer to understanding the 'true reality' of this world, but they are just writing some garbage that lead them further and further away from the truth!

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I clicked into this thread hoping to enrich myself with some worthy new discovery in the quantum physics field (and I'm truly open to the notion that nothing is solid). However, all I got was some beat-around-the-bush talk about "thoughts", "illusion" or "spirit, mind and body" with no supporting evidence beyond "Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven" or "This is scientific and proven."


Dear Guest (or several Guests), please don't mask philosophy as science or make insulting comments of science. We acknowledge your hard work spending many hours in front of your computer screens at home learning the very reliable laws of the universe as preached on very reliable websites by very reliable sages whom we just never heard of, but we would appreciate if you keep them to yourselves and not lower the level of intelligence on this forum any further. Thank you.

23 chn 173 63
trevvy/planetromeo same username
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Did quantum physics explain why there are increasing number of many so called vegetarians are being so mean and demanding when comes to food , having no this and that and cannot eat this and that , are they simply crazies ?!

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I think most superhero with superpower do understand the concept of quantum. They are playing with energy within their body.

I am still not really understand about it. I had a bad time studying quantum during my degree. I remember about molecule vibration, produce energy, photons, electron and etc. Went back to my room to study but I went 'blank'. I had to remember the facts rather than understanding the real things.

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Did quantum physics explain why there are increasing number of many so called vegetarians are being so mean and demanding when comes to food , having no this and that and cannot eat this and that , are they simply crazies ?!

Everything is related. Try to read about homeopathy but not 'homo party'

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Some dumb fellas like 'SomeGuyInSg' obviously take those dumb scientists' words and theses, if not their findings and observations, as the gospel truths.


No wonder this world is made up of fools and clowns.


So what if in the last moment, the number of cells in your body is different from the 'present' moment, as some have ceased functioning, and the replenishment is not equal to the number of dead ones, even if there is no 'present moment', as by the dumb quantum physics, the 'present' is forever lacking behind by the minute moment taken for the electronic pulses to be sent to your brain?


So what if the sunlight that you feel on your face is eight minutes later than the sun of the 'present moment', as the distance from it to Earth is about the same time for the light to reach us?


So what if by the dumb quantum physics' (dumb) logic, when you open a box and look in it just to find an apple, and that the apple, after you looking at it, is so-called 'different' from the one BEFORE you opened the box?


You mean, all these dumb logics and theories have anything remotely and distantly linked or related to you and your dumb self?


To return your kind-hearted 'suggestion', perhaps you should be the one to get out of your room and go out and feel the world, and experience what is called 'life'. Breaking down everything around and inside you to that 'momentous' time-frame, but which leave 'life' out of the analyses, is nothing but t-h-e-o-r-i-e-s. Nothing could be further from the 'real reality' that our lives are pulsating in.


Buddhism, on the other hand, deals squarely with the issues at hand, and every one of them that is affecting humanity. Try apply your dumb quantum physics on ISIS, greedy politicians, chaotic civil wars and cultural/ racial genocide, regional disasters and national poverty. If you can even use a single dumb theory on any of these REAL issues, then will quantum physics even begin to garner the basic respect it is so sorely lacking.


If not, they are ALL nothing but (dumb) theories that are lying at the furthest spot of the Universe, which has ZILCH relationship with anything that is found on this planet. Understand, boy?

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24 frames per second is such a weak and rather bad way to present his argument and I can not find any truth in that article and I doubt any quantum physicist would dare state something like this. Who are these "Nobel Prize winning physicists" ???

Even the human eye see things smoother 24 frames per second minimum which is true. I learn that in basic audio visual production sense when we make film or video movies or where refresh rate of a TV or Monitor is concern for playback, for smooth motion you need at least 24 frames per second. In gaming, we like to upgrade our Video Card to get faster frame rate thus no jerky motion when playing the game on large screen at high resolution. That explain how and why the human eyes can perceive motion or smoothness or jerky by adjusting frame rates..


On that note, we also have high speed camera that can capture 500 to 1000 frames per second and play back scenes. That is how you capture Slow Motion. For those with iphone, it has video mode that capture 30 or 60 frmaes per second apart from choiosing video size. You can video something at 60 frames per second and you play back at 30 frames per second thus you see what you shot moving in slow motion. So.. if there was something happening "in between" those "extra" frames how come we see nothing difference or in any way explain what this groupd of "Nobel Prize winning physicists" are claiming ? So why the in between frames does not show us "flashing cluster of energy" when we play back the video ????

I found the site where you copy the test from. And that is a site not known for factual news but allowa any far out there news and hearsay but the site themselves make no acceptance that anything posted there is verify and proven real.

This smell more like quackry then truth. Look at the photo I see an old PRC man with photshop glowing orbs around him and I totally can not find one single name of  any NOBEL AWARD winner there.  LINK: http://beforeitsnews.com/beyond-science/2014/09/nothing-is-solid-this-is-the-world-of-quantum-physics-2447662.html


And I am someone who love science and know a little about quantum physics and related theories on the subject for many years. I know scientists around the world has always theorise a lot of far out theories but TO WIN A NOBEL PRIZE for this, is totally not possible. It is too far fetch to be believeable left alone win the NOBEL AWARD for it.


Can you show me other links to where confirmation that back this article or theory from some university or link to Nobel Award site that talks about the award given for this "scientitic" finding.


It sound more like a fantasy or crazy cult religion thingy or the movie Matrix. Time to take the red pill my friend.

Edited by upshot

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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On that note, we also have high speed camera that can capture 500 to 1000 frames per second and play back scenes. That is how you capture Slow Motion. For those with iphone, it has video mode that capture 30 or 60 frmaes per second apart from choiosing video size. You can video something at 60 frames per second and you play back at 30 frames per second thus you see what you shot moving in slow motion. So.. if there was something happening "in between" those "extra" frames how come we see nothing difference or in any way explain what this groupd of "Nobel Prize winning physicists" are claiming ? So why the in between frames does not show us "flashing cluster of energy" when we play back the video ????


Aiyo boy, the video reel description is an analogy. It is trying to explain in an example familiar to us laymen what we see as ' real' could be an 'illusion'. Of course you won't see flashing of energy between the frames, because the video/tv or whatever playback device you are looking at itself is part of our perceived reality.

If you don't undertstand, no point trying to understand quantum physics. It requires another dimension of thinking.

Anyway if you are determined to find out more, try google ''how to understand quantum physics'

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Guest MatterIsEmptiness

another interpretation is that what you see as a solid object is in fact flashes of pulsating energies in quick succession, which gives you the illusion of the physical form that you see. The pulsating energies also form the barrier wall (hence appearing solid) which most other objects cannot penetrate.


in fact, there is plenty of space in a solid object, which only electro-magnetic particles/waves (i.e x-rays..) can freely penetrate through these illusionary 'solid bodies'.


hence, all Matter is Space (emptiness)

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Some dumb fellas like 'SomeGuyInSg' obviously take those dumb scientists' words and theses, if not their findings and observations, as the gospel truths.


No wonder this world is made up of fools and clowns.


So what if in the last moment, the number of cells in your body is different from the 'present' moment, as some have ceased functioning, and the replenishment is not equal to the number of dead ones, even if there is no 'present moment', as by the dumb quantum physics, the 'present' is forever lacking behind by the minute moment taken for the electronic pulses to be sent to your brain?


So what if the sunlight that you feel on your face is eight minutes later than the sun of the 'present moment', as the distance from it to Earth is about the same time for the light to reach us?


So what if by the dumb quantum physics' (dumb) logic, when you open a box and look in it just to find an apple, and that the apple, after you looking at it, is so-called 'different' from the one BEFORE you opened the box?


You mean, all these dumb logics and theories have anything remotely and distantly linked or related to you and your dumb self?


To return your kind-hearted 'suggestion', perhaps you should be the one to get out of your room and go out and feel the world, and experience what is called 'life'. Breaking down everything around and inside you to that 'momentous' time-frame, but which leave 'life' out of the analyses, is nothing but t-h-e-o-r-i-e-s. Nothing could be further from the 'real reality' that our lives are pulsating in.


Buddhism, on the other hand, deals squarely with the issues at hand, and every one of them that is affecting humanity. Try apply your dumb quantum physics on ISIS, greedy politicians, chaotic civil wars and cultural/ racial genocide, regional disasters and national poverty. If you can even use a single dumb theory on any of these REAL issues, then will quantum physics even begin to garner the basic respect it is so sorely lacking.


If not, they are ALL nothing but (dumb) theories that are lying at the furthest spot of the Universe, which has ZILCH relationship with anything that is found on this planet. Understand, boy?


If you think using the word "dumb" repeatedly would strengthen your argument or weaken your opponents', you must be very detached from academia. Choosing to throw insult only reflect poorly of your own character (oh, where is the Buddhism which you preached?) and reveal your insecurity in proving your stand.


If you are indeed so wise, go deal squarely with the issues at hand. Bring your philosophy to solve ISIS, greedy politicians, chaotic civil wars and cultural/racial genocide, regional disasters and national poverty. (Try ISIS first. I'll pay for your plane ticket to Iraq if you PM me ;) )


If not, they are ALL nothing but (wise) theories that are lying at the furthest spot of the Universe, which has ZILCH relationship with anything that is found on this planet. Understand, boy?

23 chn 173 63
trevvy/planetromeo same username
up for friends :)

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On that note, we also have high speed camera that can capture 500 to 1000 frames per second and play back scenes. That is how you capture Slow Motion. For those with iphone, it has video mode that capture 30 or 60 frmaes per second apart from choiosing video size. You can video something at 60 frames per second and you play back at 30 frames per second thus you see what you shot moving in slow motion. So.. if there was something happening "in between" those "extra" frames how come we see nothing difference or in any way explain what this groupd of "Nobel Prize winning physicists" are claiming ? So why the in between frames does not show us "flashing cluster of energy" when we play back the video ????


Aiyo boy, the video reel description is an analogy. It is trying to explain in an example familiar to us laymen what we see as ' real' could be an 'illusion'. Of course you won't see flashing of energy between the frames, because the video/tv or whatever playback device you are looking at itself is part of our perceived reality.

If you don't undertstand, no point trying to understand quantum physics. It requires another dimension of thinking.

Anyway if you are determined to find out more, try google ''how to understand quantum physics'



Sure i get your point but that sitll leaves the question .. name me who those Nobel Award team of scientists are if you defend this article as REAl SCIENCE so I can dig more into this ? I am pretty good with using google and I have yet to be able to set up string search of catchword to pull any other site to tell me more about this theory.

Edited by upshot

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Now I know why people do not find me young ,handsome , cute and hunky , it's quantum physics ! They are all cock eyed !! I somehow knew that . Thanks for the enlightenment , or should I just say enlightening . For enlightenment it would have to be someone else !

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If you think using the word "dumb" repeatedly would strengthen your argument or weaken your opponents', you must be very detached from academia. Choosing to throw insult only reflect poorly of your own character (oh, where is the Buddhism which you preached?) and reveal your insecurity in proving your stand.


If you are indeed so wise, go deal squarely with the issues at hand. Bring your philosophy to solve ISIS, greedy politicians, chaotic civil wars and cultural/racial genocide, regional disasters and national poverty. (Try ISIS first. I'll pay for your plane ticket to Iraq if you PM me ;) )


If not, they are ALL nothing but (wise) theories that are lying at the furthest spot of the Universe, which has ZILCH relationship with anything that is found on this planet. Understand, boy?


I sure know you will deviate my main points to zoom in on the irrelevant and trivial stuff, eg. REPEATED usage of the word 'dumb'. There is this thing called the 'troll bait' - it is to lure dumbsters like YOU to get on track to where I will like to lead you to. In this case, your deviation proved exactly what I am looking for - you simply don't have a point to refute, rebut or retort.


So after proving my wisdom, you being the dumb self here, of course and as sure as the sun rises and falls (which is nothing but our own Earth's revolution), again deviated from my points to lay down a challenge for me, which on the surface seems like is targeting my points, but in actual fact is just YOU trying oh-so-pathetically-hard in consolidating your own shaky ground and saving that last few pieces of 'face' which without them, you are sure as pale as a ghost. So...if I can't deal with the issues, from ISIS to Iraq, does that mean...you aren't dumb? LOL


It's like saying..."hey, if you can't jump up and touch the moon, it simply means you CAN'T jump", or "if you can't get the sun to rise from the West, it means you aren't wise". Wow...so this is how your parents raise you to become - a 'dumb' dumbster. LOL


No need to talk big lah. You can't even see your own dumbness and 'stoooopidity' (yeap, I specially created this word for you, so that you 'may' write another thesis on it, just like those dumb scientists you paid homage and tribute to ^^), still wanna talk about air tic? Go buy yourself a Barbie doll and play with her. Oh I forgot...you like Ken more than Barbie.



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Guest Glyph

I sure know you will deviate my main points to zoom in on the irrelevant and trivial stuff, eg. REPEATED usage of the word 'dumb'. There is this thing called the 'troll bait' - it is to lure dumbsters like YOU to get on track to where I will like to lead you to. In this case, your deviation proved exactly what I am looking for - you simply don't have a point to refute, rebut or retort.


So after proving my wisdom, you being the dumb self here, of course and as sure as the sun rises and falls (which is nothing but our own Earth's revolution), again deviated from my points to lay down a challenge for me, which on the surface seems like is targeting my points, but in actual fact is just YOU trying oh-so-pathetically-hard in consolidating your own shaky ground and saving that last few pieces of 'face' which without them, you are sure as pale as a ghost. So...if I can't deal with the issues, from ISIS to Iraq, does that mean...you aren't dumb? LOL


It's like saying..."hey, if you can't jump up and touch the moon, it simply means you CAN'T jump", or "if you can't get the sun to rise from the West, it means you aren't wise". Wow...so this is how your parents raise you to become - a 'dumb' dumbster. LOL


No need to talk big lah. You can't even see your own dumbness and 'stoooopidity' (yeap, I specially created this word for you, so that you 'may' write another thesis on it, just like those dumb scientists you paid homage and tribute to ^^), still wanna talk about air tic? Go buy yourself a Barbie doll and play with her. Oh I forgot...you like Ken more than Barbie.



That took a while. I was waiting for you to do this so I could close the thread.

And you were thinking you're gonna get the last laugh?

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