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Is It True If You're Fat Nobody Would Bother To Look At You ?

Guest lifeasiknowit

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it's just our superficial world, i'm afraid.
sometimes i wonder why I gym even, all that hard work.... is it because i want to look good for myself or for others... I wonder sometimes.

but having said that, just be happy, which can be many other factors, stop focusing on your body weight or looks, for that matter.

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Guest Teatree
On ‎29‎/‎12‎/‎2015 at 2:14 PM, dynox said:

yeah it's true. i can relate. think of it as motivation to lose the weight, i do. but at the same time, don't do it for just that, do it to lead a healthy life. they don't like you? so what.

Agreed.  Losing those extra KGs means leading a healthier lifestyle.  Having a healthy lifestyle means less chances of getting sick which translate to saving money.  And to top it all, you have a hot bod to show off too.   

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Guest SpiderWonder

I used to fat and from T&F. I asked myself this question too but I had a choice. So I ran and ran and shedded those pounds away. U can eat but eat in moderation, maybe u can take it as a treat after cardio exercises. ^_^

the mentality is Just Do It and Don't Give Up. 

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2 hours ago, Guest Teatree said:

Agreed.  Losing those extra KGs means leading a healthier lifestyle.  Having a healthy lifestyle means less chances of getting sick which translate to saving money.  And to top it all, you have a hot bod to show off too.   

This is very very true! being fat is like a seed for a very negative lifestyle.


I draw sexy men, visit http://www.toastwire.tumblr.com click on 'My Artworks'. Willing to take on comissions

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On 7/26/2015 at 3:35 AM, Dandriel said:

Take it from someone who was 107kg before and lost 35kg: life is tough when you are fat and it will only get tougher as you age, in almost every aspect. Like no matter how much you psych yourself into believing you are happy and comfortable, people are still gonna treat you in that shitty manner until you do smth about it. My metabolism is almost non-existent but I did not let that stop me.


On 7/26/2015 at 3:48 AM, Guest Fat2Fit said:

Hear hear! I went from 102kg to 72kg during NS. Then uni plus work got my weight up to 97kg during early thirties. By 37, my weight went down to 77kg and has been hovering there ever since. Every time, it was sheer determination and discipline. Most importantly, it is reminding yourself daily that your health is worth it and that you are worth it.


On 7/26/2015 at 9:32 AM, Guest Guest said:

The older you get, the harder to lose weight.  By 60, it is almost impossible to lose weight. 


On 7/26/2015 at 9:39 AM, Guest guest said:

I am 60 yrs old ....been 1.71 and 72kg all these while even though i love desserts. I keep fit by regular exercise regime four times a week.  


On 12/29/2015 at 8:16 PM, Guest Guest said:

I don't like fat guys. Even body builders are ugly. You should aim to be slim and even skinny if possible.

There are modern "fat cell theories"  (google it) that indicate that the number of fat cells we have is determined during childhood and adolescence, and then it remains nearly constant throughout life.  Being 'slim' or 'fat' is determined by the number of fat cells and the size of these cells.  Besides, the number of cells easily increment when gaining weight, but the number does not want to come down when fasting.

Those of us who were skinny as children and remained slim as young persons we are lucky that we can stay slim and remain this way just by eating a moderate and healthy diet without doing any extraordinary efforts, and our weight only fluctuates between narrow limits.  So we don't appreciate, don't understand the difficulty and the problem obese adults have when they want to lose weight.  Therefore we tend to blame them for not being able to do like we do, which is easy for us. This is unfair !!

Short of liposuction, the number of fat cells don't come down, and the only way to lose weight is to have the cells get smaller.  This requires a constant effort being deprived of the normal amount of food the body asks for, and being deprived of the more fattening foods.  This can be done of course,  and "Guest Fat2Fit" and Dandriel seem to have been successful.  Congratulations !!!

Another problem of drastically losing weight in adulthood is that the skin stretches to accommodate to the size of the body, and like the number of fat cells, it will stretch and adapt, but it will not shrink.  After a dramatic weight loss, through force of will or bariatric surgery, folds of loose skin are left hanging everywhere, something very unsightly. But this excess skin can be removed with surgery, which is however expensive and major.

There is no doubt that obesity should be avoided or corrected at any cost, and this objective is worth every effort and sacrifice.  We should not underestimate this effort nor call it 'vanity'.  Much health, self-esteem, satisfaction are in the balance.

We should be taught since childhood and as young people of the importance of staying slim. And a special warning should go to the slim or skinny boys who think that they should be 'bigger' and have the idea of muscular hunks as the ideal of beauty.  To do weight training is good and fine.  But excesses of 'bodybuilding' with bulking up on food could do irreversible harm. A firm and muscular body is good enough.  If one has feelings of being physically vulnerable, the best is to study a martial art instead of dreaming of becoming big and strong, because it is easy for the big and strong to become fatter and weaker as they age.  





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To answer OP's question,  yes, most people don't find fat guys are attractive.  But there's a minority group called chasers. Basically you have a choice unless being fat is genetic or medically related.  You can lose weight or join the bear community. Good luck to you.  Life is tough for most people anyway, thin or fat.

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I am a chaser and I love chubby guy. Now I put on some weight but I am not classified as a chub yet.

But to those skinny ppl from Africa. they will find me a chub.

And those with 6 pacs, lean body, look scary. And not nice to hug.

And lastly, how can fat ppl not be noticed?! unless the skinny is blind.

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14 hours ago, Traveler3032 said:

To answer OP's question,  yes, most people don't find fat guys are attractive.  But there's a minority group called chasers. Basically you have a choice unless being fat is genetic or medically related.  You can lose weight or join the bear community. Good luck to you.  Life is tough for most people anyway, thin or fat.

Agreed.  Most people don't find fat guys attractive, including fat guys themselves.  Given a choice, I would choose to lose weight even if I am genetically a fat person.  It boils down to time management and not finding excuses, as well as being discipline in your diet. 

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4 hours ago, benedict5856 said:

I am a chaser and I love chubby guy. Now I put on some weight but I am not classified as a chub yet.

But to those skinny ppl from Africa. they will find me a chub.

And those with 6 pacs, lean body, look scary. And not nice to hug.

And lastly, how can fat ppl not be noticed?! unless the skinny is blind.

I'm 1.63m and 103kg, ke yi ma? 

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We have an unhealthy culture of fat-shaming. While generally being obese tends to have deeper psychological issues, being a few kg overweight is no big deal. However if you are morbidly obese, yes, you have a problem that is bigger than just your weight. 


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I wouldn't generally call myself a chaser, but some people actually do looks better when they r fat than when they r slim. I just prefer the muscular type, all healthy n stuffs, but hey if you r fat n live a healthy life by exercising even though you didn't get to be like men's health models n ended up looking more like bearish muscular type that's OK too. It's your health that counts, not your body. Heck, I'm a slim guy but wanting to gain more weights.

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Any bwers here could advise me on losing weights? I'm really lost and don't know what went wrong.

I've been to the gym for past 6 mths and was very dejected that my weight did not go down.

I visited the gym usually twice/thrice a week.

In each session I will do weights as I read that more muscles help to burn fat. I also tried to do weights that exercise my overall body.

I will do 4x10 for the following regime
- squat / deadlift
- bench press
- lat pulldown
- Pec Deck Flyes
- Leg extension

After which I will do Elliptical for 30/60 mins depending on my schedule or burpee tabata for 4 min.

I've changed my diet as well. I used to snack until since 6 months ago I cut them out totally. Now for every meal, i ate normally as in cai png, fish soup noodles. Less oily food etc.

I'm very desperate to lose weight because I want to get into relationship.

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2 hours ago, Guest said:

Any bwers here could advise me on losing weights? I'm really lost and don't know what went wrong.

I've been to the gym for past 6 mths and was very dejected that my weight did not go down.

I visited the gym usually twice/thrice a week.

In each session I will do weights as I read that more muscles help to burn fat. I also tried to do weights that exercise my overall body.

I will do 4x10 for the following regime

- squat / deadlift

- bench press

- lat pulldown

- Pec Deck Flyes

- Leg extension

After which I will do Elliptical for 30/60 mins depending on my schedule or burpee tabata for 4 min.

I've changed my diet as well. I used to snack until since 6 months ago I cut them out totally. Now for every meal, i ate normally as in cai png, fish soup noodles. Less oily food etc.

I'm very desperate to lose weight because I want to get into relationship.

Firstly, only focus on particular muscle groups in each day per week instead of all those everyday, (back/ chest and shoulders/legs/arms)

secondly, its not much about the strength training that will make you weight (well, strength training does work indirectly as the more muscle mass you have, the more efficiently ull lose fat), its more about the cardio.

find anyway, swimming, fast walking, sex, jogging, cycling etc... anyway that will make your heart go poomp poomp at a steady pace for 20-30min each time. at least 3 times a week. 

Also eat lesser white rice and eat more wholegrains, instead of rice try brown rice, quinoa, barley, oats


of course i can't say that i've studied nutrition before, nor am i personal trainer, all these is based on my experience of losing weight from 79kg to 74kg, bulk of my info comes from google.

Edited by Clickclock


I draw sexy men, visit http://www.toastwire.tumblr.com click on 'My Artworks'. Willing to take on comissions

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Guest Hot Swimmer

First thing sign up a gym membership. 2nd thing, Join the gym devil commando training program. 3rd keep diet. 4th. Be persevalent.

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Guest Teatree
3 hours ago, Guest said:

Any bwers here could advise me on losing weights? I'm really lost and don't know what went wrong.

I've been to the gym for past 6 mths and was very dejected that my weight did not go down.

I visited the gym usually twice/thrice a week.

In each session I will do weights as I read that more muscles help to burn fat. I also tried to do weights that exercise my overall body.

I will do 4x10 for the following regime

- squat / deadlift

- bench press

- lat pulldown

- Pec Deck Flyes

- Leg extension

After which I will do Elliptical for 30/60 mins depending on my schedule or burpee tabata for 4 min.

I've changed my diet as well. I used to snack until since 6 months ago I cut them out totally. Now for every meal, i ate normally as in cai png, fish soup noodles. Less oily food etc.

I'm very desperate to lose weight because I want to get into relationship.

Don't be dejected if your weight did not go down.  You could be gaining muscle weight which, as you know, will help to burn fats.  Weight training only help you to gain muscles.  To lose fats, and to lose it fast, you have to include high intensity cardio.  Watch your diet as well. 

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On 7/20/2015 at 4:38 PM, MadMan said:

First we need to ascertain if you are really overweight or obese. Perhaps if you could tell us your stats.

Secondly, obesity could be genetic and pathological and not simply an issue of lifestyle choices. If both your parents are obese, and you are fat since childhood, then you unfortunately will have a hard time keeping slim. If due to hormonal problem like hypothyroidism, then you should consult a doctor.

Obesity are partly affected by genes but that does not mean you cant do anything about it. My father, my mother, my brother are all fat. I had been fat a little than control what i eat and becomes thin a little than did not control again and becomes fat again and finally now back to control again and get back my average BMI. It all depends on personal will power if you want to be fat or fit. Well my parents and my brother never listen to me and never want to control so they are fat all the way.

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6 hours ago, Guest said:

Any bwers here could advise me on losing weights? I'm really lost and don't know what went wrong.

I've been to the gym for past 6 mths and was very dejected that my weight did not go down.

I visited the gym usually twice/thrice a week.

In each session I will do weights as I read that more muscles help to burn fat. I also tried to do weights that exercise my overall body.

I will do 4x10 for the following regime
- squat / deadlift
- bench press
- lat pulldown
- Pec Deck Flyes
- Leg extension

After which I will do Elliptical for 30/60 mins depending on my schedule or burpee tabata for 4 min.

I've changed my diet as well. I used to snack until since 6 months ago I cut them out totally. Now for every meal, i ate normally as in cai png, fish soup noodles. Less oily food etc.

I'm very desperate to lose weight because I want to get into relationship.

Exercise WILL NOT make up for the fattening effect of eating too much and eating the wrong foods.

You can do aerobics until you wear out your body but this won't help until you attack the problem of WRONG NUTRITION.

The arithmetic of  CALORIES is only a rough approximation that is being abused.  You would have to do aerobics the whole day long to "burn" the calories in a big meal.

To change to GOOD NUTRITION:

- eat many meals a day of equal size, like 5 ones separated by 3 hours (or three main ones with two large snacks in between)

- don't drink any sodas but drink water at ambient temperature

- eliminate rice, pasta, white bread and instead eat beans, lentils, whole wheat bread

- eat plenty of green vegetables steamed, like kale, collards, spinach, broccoli, cabbage

- don't eat anything fried.  For protein eat eggs, chicken breasts, turkey, yogurt...  but don't eat deli meats.

-....  etc. etc.

Start changing progressively, but consistently.  Don't leave it as a short new year resolution but hold firm until next December 31.

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7 hours ago, Guest said:

Any bwers here could advise me on losing weights? I'm really lost and don't know what went wrong.

I've been to the gym for past 6 mths and was very dejected that my weight did not go down.

I visited the gym usually twice/thrice a week.

In each session I will do weights as I read that more muscles help to burn fat. I also tried to do weights that exercise my overall body.

I will do 4x10 for the following regime

- squat / deadlift

- bench press

- lat pulldown

- Pec Deck Flyes

- Leg extension

After which I will do Elliptical for 30/60 mins depending on my schedule or burpee tabata for 4 min.

I've changed my diet as well. I used to snack until since 6 months ago I cut them out totally. Now for every meal, i ate normally as in cai png, fish soup noodles. Less oily food etc.

I'm very desperate to lose weight because I want to get into relationship.

I think you need better diet .

In recent weeks,  I lost about two kgs by sticking to the following diet:

Coffee,  one egg, rolled oats for breakfast. Some light meal with a banana for lunch. Salmon, veggies,  brown rice for dinner. Fruits,  nuts, and dark chocolate for desert and snacks.  Green tea during the day. 

I also go to gym twice a week with a combined weight training and cardio, with high intensity.

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On 30 December 2015 at 3:57 AM, Steve5380 said:





There are modern "fat cell theories"  (google it) that indicate that the number of fat cells we have is determined during childhood and adolescence, and then it remains nearly constant throughout life.  Being 'slim' or 'fat' is determined by the number of fat cells and the size of these cells.  Besides, the number of cells easily increment when gaining weight, but the number does not want to come down when fasting.

Those of us who were skinny as children and remained slim as young persons we are lucky that we can stay slim and remain this way just by eating a moderate and healthy diet without doing any extraordinary efforts, and our weight only fluctuates between narrow limits.  So we don't appreciate, don't understand the difficulty and the problem obese adults have when they want to lose weight.  Therefore we tend to blame them for not being able to do like we do, which is easy for us. This is unfair !!

Short of liposuction, the number of fat cells don't come down, and the only way to lose weight is to have the cells get smaller.  This requires a constant effort being deprived of the normal amount of food the body asks for, and being deprived of the more fattening foods.  This can be done of course,  and "Guest Fat2Fit" and Dandriel seem to have been successful.  Congratulations !!!

Another problem of drastically losing weight in adulthood is that the skin stretches to accommodate to the size of the body, and like the number of fat cells, it will stretch and adapt, but it will not shrink.  After a dramatic weight loss, through force of will or bariatric surgery, folds of loose skin are left hanging everywhere, something very unsightly. But this excess skin can be removed with surgery, which is however expensive and major.

There is no doubt that obesity should be avoided or corrected at any cost, and this objective is worth every effort and sacrifice.  We should not underestimate this effort nor call it 'vanity'.  Much health, self-esteem, satisfaction are in the balance.

We should be taught since childhood and as young people of the importance of staying slim. And a special warning should go to the slim or skinny boys who think that they should be 'bigger' and have the idea of muscular hunks as the ideal of beauty.  To do weight training is good and fine.  But excesses of 'bodybuilding' with bulking up on food could do irreversible harm. A firm and muscular body is good enough.  If one has feelings of being physically vulnerable, the best is to study a martial art instead of dreaming of becoming big and strong, because it is easy for the big and strong to become fatter and weaker as they age.  






On 30 December 2015 at 3:57 AM, Steve5380 said:





There are modern "fat cell theories"  (google it) that indicate that the number of fat cells we have is determined during childhood and adolescence, and then it remains nearly constant throughout life.  Being 'slim' or 'fat' is determined by the number of fat cells and the size of these cells.  Besides, the number of cells easily increment when gaining weight, but the number does not want to come down when fasting.

Those of us who were skinny as children and remained slim as young persons we are lucky that we can stay slim and remain this way just by eating a moderate and healthy diet without doing any extraordinary efforts, and our weight only fluctuates between narrow limits.  So we don't appreciate, don't understand the difficulty and the problem obese adults have when they want to lose weight.  Therefore we tend to blame them for not being able to do like we do, which is easy for us. This is unfair !!

Short of liposuction, the number of fat cells don't come down, and the only way to lose weight is to have the cells get smaller.  This requires a constant effort being deprived of the normal amount of food the body asks for, and being deprived of the more fattening foods.  This can be done of course,  and "Guest Fat2Fit" and Dandriel seem to have been successful.  Congratulations !!!

Another problem of drastically losing weight in adulthood is that the skin stretches to accommodate to the size of the body, and like the number of fat cells, it will stretch and adapt, but it will not shrink.  After a dramatic weight loss, through force of will or bariatric surgery, folds of loose skin are left hanging everywhere, something very unsightly. But this excess skin can be removed with surgery, which is however expensive and major.

There is no doubt that obesity should be avoided or corrected at any cost, and this objective is worth every effort and sacrifice.  We should not underestimate this effort nor call it 'vanity'.  Much health, self-esteem, satisfaction are in the balance.

We should be taught since childhood and as young people of the importance of staying slim. And a special warning should go to the slim or skinny boys who think that they should be 'bigger' and have the idea of muscular hunks as the ideal of beauty.  To do weight training is good and fine.  But excesses of 'bodybuilding' with bulking up on food could do irreversible harm. A firm and muscular body is good enough.  If one has feelings of being physically vulnerable, the best is to study a martial art instead of dreaming of becoming big and strong, because it is easy for the big and strong to become fatter and weaker as they age.  





One should not use the "juvenile fat" idea to set limits. Just look at the BBers off season. The "range" is quite spectacular. Many juvenile fat persons can get ripped in their adulthood without lipo.

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There are a lot of theories on lose weight formulas, as well as those shortcut to 6 pack abs and fat burners supplement, most of which are targeting your wallet.  But in the end, it still boils down to your will, discipline and determination.  Of course, your genetics played a big part too. 

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Guest just dropping by
On 18/07/2015 at 10:09 PM, Guest Lifeasiknowit said:

Frankly speaking guys


I thought of going to the psychiatrist but I don't know how to start .

People make fun of me being smelly cause I'm fat

Why do they have to be so mean?!!!!?

Sometimes I thought of giving up to slim down and just remain this size


When you say "I can't resist food", have you ever asked yourself what is motivating you towards eating those food? Is it hunger? Is it greed? Do you feel better after eating food? What sort of food do go for? Are they high caloric food? Are they sweet, salty, spicy? 

What primes/prompts you to eat? Does the action of eating occur at set/regular periods throughout the day (like meal times, tea time etc).

If you intend to see a psychiatrist, I would assume that you believe this eating problem (perhaps you consider it to be more of a "lack of ability to resist food") you are experiencing is psychological. As with all sorts of psychological assessments, the goal is always to find out the areas in your life that would lead/provoke you to eat. You can always seek professional help by looking for certified psychologists in Singapore (if this is where you live). For example, I googled "Singapore psychologists" and I found this website: http://www.center4psy.com/contact.asp  

   Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the associations listed above. I am not promoting any       companies or services. I am only offering my two sense worth.


I would like to point out that you acknowledged having tried to slim down, which is good, because you have made attempts to slim down. Whether those attempts were positive or negative doesn't matter as long as you do not fulfil the thought of giving up. The frustrations of slimming down, especially if you are already overweight, can be huge when you don't observe immediate results, or when you don't see changes to your weight within the first few weeks.

Weight-loss is never immediate. Exercising will never bring you immediate results. You cannot expect yourself to walk, say, 1km today, and expect to lose 1kg. Exercising and weight loss is a long process. It can be tedious, but it will be rewarding. You will feel good about yourself, have more energy, and become more confident. Although you won't experience any of those sensations immediately, you will eventually experience them in the long haul. 

Whichever way you interpret my opinions, I hope you continue to be persistent in losing weight, and staying healthy mentally and physically.

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Let me share my personal encounter for fat loss. Not I use the word fat loss, not weight loss because it is the one that you do not want to exist in excess. You must try to retain as much muscles as possible during your fat loss process because the more muscles you have, the higher your basal metabolic rate (BMR) will be.

If you really want to lose weight:

  1. You have to monitor closely what you eat . Whatever enters your mouth, you have to record it even if it is a small piece of chocolate, epok-epok, sweets, etc. If you are an office worker who exercises moderately, target for total calories of 2000 to 2300 kcal. Whatever you eat: kuey chap, satay, mee rebus, RECORD IT DOWN. Use an app e.g. MyFitnessPal to ensure you do not go overboard in your meals. Remember: 80% of fat loss comes from food intake
  2. Monitor your daily activities. Purchase activity tracker e.g. Polar Loop so that you will hit 100% activity level on daily basis. I personally use it and also sync it to my Bluetooth heart rate monitor when I work out to ensure that I meet my daily activity target. Hit the stairs, walk more in shopping mall, walk back home from the MRT instead of taking feeder service, etc. to meet the daily activity target. Even if you do not hit the gym or run, you remain an active person. This will account for 20% of fat loss
  3. Use these two tools so that you will ensure discipline and follow the routine. Even if you overeat or did not meet your activity target, do a daily reflection on why you do so and how you are going to overcome those obstacles. Get back to the program!!! Never give up. Look forward to the new sexy you.

Hope this helps to get your motivated. Invest in your health!

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18 hours ago, Clickclock said:

Firstly, only focus on particular muscle groups in each day per week instead of all those everyday, (back/ chest and shoulders/legs/arms)

secondly, its not much about the strength training that will make you weight (well, strength training does work indirectly as the more muscle mass you have, the more efficiently ull lose fat), its more about the cardio.

find anyway, swimming, fast walking, sex, jogging, cycling etc... anyway that will make your heart go poomp poomp at a steady pace for 20-30min each time. at least 3 times a week. 

Also eat lesser white rice and eat more wholegrains, instead of rice try brown rice, quinoa, barley, oats


of course i can't say that i've studied nutrition before, nor am i personal trainer, all these is based on my experience of losing weight from 79kg to 74kg, bulk of my info comes from google.

Cardio? Erm, i would say calories and weight training play a bigger part than cardio. I could get lean with doing minimal cardio but i do train with high intensity and volume. I will only implement cardio if i want to go below 10% bf. But i don't really see the point in maintaining such a low bf %. That being said, i implement cardio in my routine for cardiovascular health, not to lose fats. 

Edited by Choco
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Some people  are blessed with good genes and just by dieting they could easily lose weight. Well for starters if you could afford, I would highly recommend getting a personal trainer. They are able to teach you to activate the right muscle group when working out and correct your form. But not all trainers are good as most of them would just want to leech on your money by making you sign packages. Looking hot takes time and sometimes years. Don't be fool by those who are able to to achieve amazing results with like 3 months because they are veterans who look fat because they are in their bulking season. Consistency and patience is the key. Don't be put down by ppl who keep telling you that you can't make it. Good luck to all who taking the first step in losing weight !

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Hi all, thanks for the valuable advice. Really appreciate them.

Currently I'm adopting weight training and cardio to build muscle mass and reduce fats at the same time.

As mentioned previously, I will do 4x10 for the following regime
- squat / deadlift
- bench press
- lat pulldown
- Pec Deck Flyes
- Leg extension

After which I will do Elliptical for 30/60 mins depending on my schedule or burpee tabata for 4 min.

How heavy and how many rep should I lift or could you share your gym routine? I noticed I'm getting stronger and can lift more heavier weights. I'm afraid I will over train and become huge.

I hope to train and attain the body like below


My advice to those who are obese, y not adopt a positive mindset and start being active. U take charge of ur body.

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Guest Teatree

The most important is getting toned and fit, not necessary muscular.  You look good and attractive in any attire, or shirtless.  To top it all, a fit guy enjoys sex much better than an unfit and fat guy.

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15 hours ago, Guest said:

One should not use the "juvenile fat" idea to set limits. Just look at the BBers off season. The "range" is quite spectacular. Many juvenile fat persons can get ripped in their adulthood without lipo.

Why not? The theory that the number of fat cells is determined in our youth is positive. We should be motivated to remain slim since childhood. 

And yes, bodybuilders can lose much fat when they slim down, but it it is not easy.  And even obese adults lose fat after bariatric surgery.  But the issue here is how to remain slim without constant intense efforts or drastic operations.

Normally we are not scientists involved in cell research, so what we know comes from what we read and hear. There are many articles that support the theory of what you call "juvenile fat", and practically no challenge to that.  Even if there is probability that this theory is false (like with most theories) isn't it better to stay on the safe side?


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10 hours ago, Guest said:

As mentioned previously, I will do 4x10 for the following regime

- squat / deadlift

- bench press

- lat pulldown

- Pec Deck Flyes

- Leg extension

How heavy and how many rep should I lift or could you share your gym routine? I noticed I'm getting stronger and can lift more heavier weights. I'm afraid I will over train and become huge.

You seem to have a good regime of weight lifting exercises.  Not to do all the same day but perhaps divided into two sessions: lower and upper body.

Over train and become huge are two different things.  Over training leads to muscle damage and bad health.  But to become huge means to do all what is optimum for building muscle, and...  it is not easily reached.  If you don't take a bunch of supplements with amino acids and steroids, you have little probability of getting too big.  If in doubt, avoid sets with few reps of very heavy weights, and instead increase the number of reps with moderate weight, concentrating on good form.  AND don't forget to eat healthy food in moderation.  Aerobics won't do too much for your figure but they are good for your heart and lungs IF... IF you do them with high intensity (not fooling around forever at a slow pace to "burn fat")

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Agree with many others opinion on this topic. For me, the first priority is for health reasons. We need to eat healthy and exercise regularly.  This is an effective anti aging strategy.  The goal is to age well, both physically and mentally. Consequently, you can  feel good about yourself as you grow older.  To this end, we need to live a  disciplined, healthy lifestyle. While I admire the work ethic of bodybuilders, such emphasis on muscle building,  especially if they use steroids or other unproven supplements, is detrimental to health. Plus, big muscles are not aesthetically appealing to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i think what matters most is how comfortable you are with your own body and at what size do you feel most comfortable. I lose weigh and gain weigh like yoyo but as long as i feel comfortable i try not to think too much about those who call me names or deign to ask if i gained weight. There will always be someone for whom you look attractive to, regardless of your size so don't sweat over it. But, if you do decide to lose weight, do it because you want to be healthy and not because no one was checking you out. All the best!

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4 hours ago, Nateyang said:

i think what matters most is how comfortable you are with your own body and at what size do you feel most comfortable. I lose weigh and gain weigh like yoyo but as long as i feel comfortable i try not to think too much about those who call me names or deign to ask if i gained weight. There will always be someone for whom you look attractive to, regardless of your size so don't sweat over it. But, if you do decide to lose weight, do it because you want to be healthy and not because no one was checking you out. All the best!


Life would be great if we could give comfort the first priority. But often our goals get in the way of comfort. 

For each height and body type there is a range of desirable weight. 

This does not need to be too rigorous, but it is a reasonable criterion for setting a goal.

If we want to reach an optimum weight for health reasons AND good looks, this is the best motivation.


You may want to analyze WHY you lose and gain weight like a yoyo.  

There may be some logical reasons, like changes in life circumstances.

But if weight changes randomly for no reasons, this is not a good sign.

If we have a good, healthy diet and sufficient physical activity, our weight should remain nearly constant

thanks to a regulating mechanism in our healthy body.

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3 hours ago, Nateyang said:

I guess it could be work related. Coz when I'm at work I drink up to 1 litre of coffee a day and then I get stressed and loses appetite. I eat a average of 4 meals in a week. 


So what are you planning to do about that?

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4 hours ago, Nateyang said:

I guess it could be work related. Coz when I'm at work I drink up to 1 litre of coffee a day and then I get stressed and loses appetite. I eat a average of 4 meals in a week. 


Stress actually made you fat. People tend to eat, drink or smoke alot when under stress. When you totally lost appetite due to stress related problem, you are suffering from mild depression.

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44 minutes ago, teatree said:


Stress actually made you fat. People tend to eat, drink or smoke alot when under stress. When you totally lost appetite due to stress related problem, you are suffering from mild depression.

Oh. Oops. Perhaps it's that. Coz when I see food, I literally throw up. 

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9 hours ago, Nateyang said:

Oh. Oops. Perhaps it's that. Coz when I see food, I literally throw up. 


You wrote earlier:

" i think what matters most is how comfortable you are with your own body and at what size do you feel most comfortable.", and

" I guess it could be work related. Coz when I'm at work I drink up to 1 litre of coffee a day and then I get stressed and loses appetite. I eat a average of 4 meals in a week."


Are you comfortable with that ??   Or would you prefer to start caring for your body before it gets destroyed?

A good job is important, but without good health there is no good life..



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On 1/2/2016 at 4:57 PM, Guest said:

Hi all, thanks for the valuable advice. Really appreciate them.

Currently I'm adopting weight training and cardio to build muscle mass and reduce fats at the same time.

As mentioned previously, I will do 4x10 for the following regime
- squat / deadlift
- bench press
- lat pulldown
- Pec Deck Flyes
- Leg extension

After which I will do Elliptical for 30/60 mins depending on my schedule or burpee tabata for 4 min.

How heavy and how many rep should I lift or could you share your gym routine? I noticed I'm getting stronger and can lift more heavier weights. I'm afraid I will over train and become huge.

I hope to train and attain the body like below


My advice to those who are obese, y not adopt a positive mindset and start being active. U take charge of ur body.

Actually this kind of body dont need gym training. Its more of eating a clean diet of non fat stuff and just a bit of exercising is enough to obtain it. Going to the gym is for people to build up bigger muscle than this kind of body.

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27 minutes ago, yoyo74 said:

Actually this kind of body dont need gym training. Its more of eating a clean diet of non fat stuff and just a bit of exercising is enough to obtain it. Going to the gym is for people to build up bigger muscle than this kind of body.


Hmmm... we can't rule out that the guy in this picture spends quite some time and effort working out in a gym. 

There are many people who eat "clean diet" and do some little exercising who don't look that muscular.


Nutritional guidelines have changed and today non-fat-stuff is neither a necessity nor a desirable goal anymore. 

Fat is not the big evil anymore, and neither is some cholesterol.

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32 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


Hmmm... we can't rule out that the guy in this picture spends quite some time and effort working out in a gym. 

There are many people who eat "clean diet" and do some little exercising who don't look that muscular.


Nutritional guidelines have changed and today non-fat-stuff is neither a necessity nor a desirable goal anymore. 

Fat is not the big evil anymore, and neither is some cholesterol.

Well the person in the picture can train in the gym but my point is non gymmer can also get this kind of body with 6 pecs. For the little few mins a day is enough to get a bit of muscles like the person in the picture. Just do those exercise that burst all your energy within a very short duration in order to gain muscle mass and not those millions of reps of exercise using far from maximum strength. If your desirable goal is the one in the picture with 6 pacs, you better eat a clean diet without fats.

For me i had chosen the vegetarian diet. The liver of human beings and animals is the organ that keep producing cholesterol and is more than enough to survive. Eating meat from animals will cause input of more useless cholesterol to the body. Cholesterol is the stuff that choke your arteries that pump blood to your heart so the lesser you eat meat the lesser your chances of getting heart attack and much more healthier.

Eat a clean diet and end results is much more healthy and 6 pacs will be yours sooner or later. This kind of dieting need lots of will power as u will need to forgo lots of delicious food. My will power is super strong and can hold this diet forever.

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