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Nike Terminates Manny Pacquiao Endorsement Over His Homophobic Remarks


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From BBC: http://www.bbc.com/sport/boxing/35600341



Nike has terminated its relationship with Manny Pacquiao after the six-weight world champion described homosexuals as "worse than animals".

The 37-year-old, who is running for a senate seat in his native Philippines, later apologised for his comments.

"We find Manny Pacquiao's comments abhorrent," said a Nike statement.

"Nike strongly opposes discrimination of any kind and has a long history of supporting and standing up for the rights of the LGBT community."

The sportswear company added: "We no longer have a relationship with Manny Pacquiao."

Pacquiao's original remark was made in a television interview and he initially appeared unrepentant, writing on Instagram that he was "just telling the truth of what the Bible says".

However, he later wrote on Facebook he was "not condemning LGBT", while still voicing his opposition for gay marriage.

... http://www.bbc.com/sport/boxing/35600341


Any thoughts on whether Nike was harsh or impulsive in its decision? Many (from the Philippines, US, the world over) are lauding Nike's stance against homophobia, yet some others are asserting that Nike's termination of PacMan's sponsorship was a fitting illustration of the world's growing obsession with political correctness. Some are calling it outright to be a violation of his freedom of expression. Personally I think people are confused between the ideas of freedom of expression and freedom of consequence and I think Nike made a good call. What do you think?


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Those who bully LGBT people cause of some religious books is worse than a beast. Nike and Adidas had done a good job in dealing with those morons

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Oh dear.....he made such bigotry statements....he will definitely invite all the bad luck to follow him around. The 1st one has started....he lost his contracts...next is no more contracts and sponsorships, then losing matches, injuries....disability.....

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2 hours ago, Guest said:

What do you expect from Filipinos? The moment they gather any fame, arrogance will start flowing in their blood. That's why God has condemned them to be the sick men of South East Asia forever.


The reason for Manny Pacquiao's predicament is his insensitive statement of his stand. And what's the difference between you and Manny? He is famous, and you are anonymous (literally).

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He said that because in his religious country of birth, the majority of the people would support his views especially the Catholic church. I'd say IF one's can choose, no one would like to be born a gay.

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Different people get their different means to stardom. He didn't discover a new planet or proved a theory true that changed mankind.


TV drama stars in some countries become politicians. They become rich, do some dirty politics, get some kopi money and basically live the rest of their life in luxury. What wins them votes are the emotionally provoking feelings for the majority (popularity vote, let's be honest, we are more populist votes than listening and questioning policies).


For standing up to some countries religious views I would see it as a good tactic. He has already been to what many in his country deem a god. The winner of Ms Universe, perhaps a goddess. What will cause his fall, will perhaps be for any politicians, adultery, rape or drugs among the few.


Nike on the other hand, is challenging the social norms. A big part is also the movement of gay rights is more acceptable and open in their country. Dropping a star for another star is a pretty no-brainer question.

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12 hours ago, hannibalism said:

may i just say that someone is sounding a lot like dear old manny.


11 hours ago, hunkchaser said:


The reason for Manny Pacquiao's predicament is his insensitive statement of his stand. And what's the difference between you and Manny? He is famous, and you are anonymous (literally).


The reason for Manny Pacquiao's predicament is his false and ignorant statement of his stand. And therein lies the difference between the statement from Manny and the one you so abhor. 


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When one has nothing else better to say, keep quiet.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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He 'rationalises' the 'worse than animals' comment by saying that you don't see animals going for the same sex, "Do you see animals that go male to male or female to female?" [sic]


Yeah, cos animals can't be 'gay' at all. Homosexuality, at least the way we humans perceive it to be, has been observed in about 1,500 animal species. This guy needs to start watching a bit of discovery channel.

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20 hours ago, sharkbaithoohaha said:

He 'rationalises' the 'worse than animals' comment by saying that you don't see animals going for the same sex, "Do you see animals that go male to male or female to female?" [sic]


Yeah, cos animals can't be 'gay' at all. Homosexuality, at least the way we humans perceive it to be, has been observed in about 1,500 animal species. This guy needs to start watching a bit of discovery channel.


He looks up to animals as sexual role models ... this guy is pathetic.

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What we are is not what we want it. We want to be normal as the rest of the people as well the rest of the society. We born in this way cause is created by him and the nature same as those disable and handicapped people. Do they want to born that way? Do the poor want to be born poor? If a person have a strong faith and religious why on earth u look down on same mankind? Just because what we who we are? If you have a strong faith or belief in what u belief u should give guidance instead making such remark or comment. What we are is our destiny and fated. Can you fight your fate and destiny using your fist like in the ring? Well sit back and think. To be a good leader he or she will not past such remark and comment to a same mankind as an ANIMAL  infact he or she should come with out a solution as well ways to be a better person as national. Not condemning people or discriminate or judging even worse label a same mankind as ANIMAL. Well he is married let us leave it in the hand of KARMA..........God is great......

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