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[Int'l News] Reports Of Violence Against LGBT

Guest No To Violenc Against LGBT

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Guest No To Violenc Against LGBT



Excerpt from article:

"PETALING JAYA — Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists on Thursday (Dec 27) condemned the violent assault of two young men after they were beaten up by several unknown assailants for allegedly having sex in a car.

LGBT activist Numan Afifi Saadan, who shared the video, which has since gone viral, chastised the act of violence against the LGBT community and said it needed to stop.

“THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! I categorically condemn this anti-gay violence and call on the authority to investigate on this hate crime. Enough is enough. p.s. If anyone knew the victims, please let them know that we’re here to give support. We need to stand up against injustice,” he said in a tweet on Thursday."


Please share if you guys know more details on where this took place. Just be more careful while overseas.

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Guest assault

Malaysian activists condemn assault of two men accused of homosexuality

Published28 December, 2018 Updated 28 December, 2018

PETALING JAYA — Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists on Thursday (Dec 27) condemned the violent assault of two young men after they were beaten up by several unknown assailants for allegedly having sex in a car.

LGBT activist Numan Afifi Saadan, who shared the video, which has since gone viral, chastised the act of violence against the LGBT community and said it needed to stop.


“THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! I categorically condemn this anti-gay violence and call on the authority to investigate on this hate crime. Enough is enough. p.s. If anyone knew the victims, please let them know that we’re here to give support. We need to stand up against injustice,” he said in a tweet on Thursday.

In the 96-second video, several individuals believed to be security guards can be heard in the background verbally abusing the duo while cursing them in Malay and calling them an “embarrassment”.


The video starts with the two shirtless victims being confronted by the group of men inside a car in an unidentified housing area.

After ordering the duo to exit their vehicle, the suspects then proceed to assault the victims physically.

The clip ends with the unidentified group demanding for the victims’ identity cards.

The video, which has also made its way to Facebook, has since been shared at least 1,200 times and viewed over 88,000 times.

Local LGBT rights group, PELANGI Campaign, also condemned the violent assault on the two young men.


“We categorically condemn this anti-gay violence and call on the Malaysian authority to investigate on this hate crime. Enough is enough,” it said in a tweet.


Human rights lawyer Eric Paulsen also weighed in on the subject, urging authorities to investigate and arrest the perpetrators involved.

“This is serious assault, an aggravated hate crime. Hope the authorities will investigate & arrest the perpetrators. Everyone deserves equal protection under the law,” he tweeted.


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I don't tire to recommend gay men to take on a martial art.  We gays tend to be non aggressive, more passive,  willing to avoid conflicts.

But shit happens, like the case in this thread shows.  

One good, mostly defensive martial art is Aikido,  which I have been learning for several years and making progress with it. 

Women and people who are a little older benefit from this art, which is non violent and with practically no risk.

Younger people can enjoy more aggressive martial arts, which empower even more.

But it is not necessary to prevail in a confrontation with expert fighters, who usually don't assault people.

It takes time, persistence, some work and money to pursue these arts, something unsuccessful people don't have.

Most street tugs that assault people on the street don't have any preparation. Even if they are young and strong,

they may not be a match for someone who knows how to defend himself and uses the element of surprise.

Although I don't look so old as I am,  some lowlife may see me as a vulnerable victim and give me the opportunity

to apply long practiced calmness plus some techniques of Aikido to make him fall on the floor and pin him down,

and it is up to me to decide if to minimize his damage or, if they are several assailants like him,

break something in him that puts him out of commission.

I hope I will never have any experience with that, but if it does, I'll be ready.


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Guest running
On 12/29/2018 at 6:39 AM, Steve5380 said:

I don't tire to recommend gay men to take on a martial art.  We gays tend to be non aggressive, more passive,  willing to avoid conflicts.

But shit happens, like the case in this thread shows.  

One good, mostly defensive martial art is Aikido,  which I have been learning for several years and making progress with it. 

Women and people who are a little older benefit from this art, which is non violent and with practically no risk.

Younger people can enjoy more aggressive martial arts, which empower even more.

But it is not necessary to prevail in a confrontation with expert fighters, who usually don't assault people.

It takes time, persistence, some work and money to pursue these arts, something unsuccessful people don't have.

Most street tugs that assault people on the street don't have any preparation. Even if they are young and strong,

they may not be a match for someone who knows how to defend himself and uses the element of surprise.

Although I don't look so old as I am,  some lowlife may see me as a vulnerable victim and give me the opportunity

to apply long practiced calmness plus some techniques of Aikido to make him fall on the floor and pin him down,

and it is up to me to decide if to minimize his damage or, if they are several assailants like him,

break something in him that puts him out of commission.

I hope I will never have any experience with that, but if it does, I'll be ready.



You are scaring the shit out of all these lil Asian bottoms now by letting us know your martial arts knowledge....


We are damn scared now!

Please give us sufficient advance notice before you fly in to Singapore so that we can run away..


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45 minutes ago, Guest running said:


You are scaring the shit out of all these lil Asian bottoms now by letting us know your martial arts knowledge....

We are damn scared now!

Please give us sufficient advance notice before you fly in to Singapore so that we can run away..



Would you run away from an old man in his 70s?  C'mon, respect the poor vulnerable elders.

Why would Singaporean lil Asian bottoms attack me?  To sequester me and force me to top?  :o:lol:

One uses defense techniques only when one is attacked, and is in danger!  :D


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