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Male HQ

About This Club

A club for gamer be it Mobile or PC. Everyone is welcome to join. To meet friends, play together and if possible find teams to push ranks or even participate in competitions. Example of games are like ; Mobile Legends, Dota 2, Arena of Valor, PUBG, 王者荣耀 and etc. Everyone with hobbies like these are welcome to join. :D Find Friends, Form Teams!
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Hello my fellow friends from Land of Dawn 😁 looking for serious players to rank up together. DM me if u r keen to play together ☺️ my hero pool is very limited, only good at playing certain heroes namely Khufra, Layla, Vale, Eudora, Vexana, Harley and Estes. In fact, can play many other heroes, just that not really good.
  3. Can i join. I pub until very sian liao. I play tank.
  4. Support/ Mage here Anyone wants to climb ranked together?
  5. I'm interested. I play mage/tank/fighter Game ID: 171711919 Line ID: les12345678 telegram: Les123123
  6. anyone want to start a squad in ML with me?
  7. I just recently started playing dota and have been ranking with a friend ever since I could. Been playing a lot of Grimstroke, dark willow, Warlock and Oracle. Add me on steam: JoKoYuGi if you wanna play rank or casual game together.
  8. I've created a poll to see our compatibility... >.<

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