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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2016 in Status Updates

  1. I guess its common already in our circle that everyone prioritise those guys with nice body and good looking
    1 point
  2. “We judge others instantly by their clothes, their cars, their appearance, their race, their education, their social status. The list is endless. What gets me is that most people decide who another person is before they have even spoken to them. What's even worse is that these same people decide who someone else is, and don't even know who they are themselves.” ― Ashly Lorenzana
    1 point
  3. Finally made a kinky porn video after wanting to do one for so long.
    1 point
  4. Prepping for CNY interrogation. "Why don't you have a girlfriend?" Possible answers/scenarios: 1) "I just broke up with my girlfriend 5 years ago" 2) "studies come first" *breaks open lecture notes* 3) *points at zodiac chart* 'not my year' 4) *opens tinder* "Nope, nothing"
    1 point
  5. A bathtub, a crossdresser, 2 guys and baby oil.. I will let the imagination take over now..
    1 point
  6. Alan Rickman has passed away after a long bout of Fighting Cancer. He will be missed dearly . #ProfSnape #LoveActually
    1 point
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