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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2016 in all areas

  1. Friendly

    Cooking Your Own Dinner?

    Cook chicken rice with curry vegetables tonight for dinner. Did offer one BW member to join us but he pehsai lor.. Meeting some BW members for drinks after this dinner with bf. Life is great. Cheers
    3 points
  2. Friendly

    Cooking Your Own Dinner?

    Tahu goreng for afternoon snack for me with green tea lor
    3 points
  3. I want to say something. I believe Singaporeans hated those who are lured by money and rooted here with lucrative tranactions from a government, whom many people were equally displeased with. Thus, part of the hate, on the existing govt, was also thrown at the foreigners who may, or may not win us a medal, and who may or may not, know our local political scene and divide. They probably don't care being a pawn, as long as there is obecenely huge money to be earned as "talent" and they have choices to stay or leave. Li Jia Wai (the table tennis gal) who was hugely rewarded by our govt, set a poor example for our govt reasoning, but ironically a good example for people to point out the loopholes of buying "fake citizen" to win us a name on world stage. Another reason is the large amount of money, these foreigner received overnight, when many locals were still jobless and struggling to make end meet. Resentment of unfairness was triggered. Instead of helping the poor, the govt deemed fit to spend million to buy olympic medals, through the hand of foreigner. Than, there are also the the rude behaviours of massive foreigners in Singapore, which has nothing to do with these imported sports talent, but were lumped together as one by the local. The devide between between them and us is a decade knot created by previous and the existing PM. Adding insult into humiliation, our govt was seen too involved in shielding the foreigners, at our countrymen expenses and constantly brought the foreign sports talent out, on stage, to boast and lecture our very own people. Such progressive and decade long wounds inflicted on the local people became a permanent scar and will never dissappear. Amidst all the bashing from govt, thru TV or papers, that local people has nothing to show. Joseph, the quiet olympian, local born (not recognised as talent from this govt), won Singapore most precious olympic and our historical gold medal. Symbolically, he represented all Singaporeans at large, the woes and quiet achievement often ignored by this govt politically and economically. Joseph's success, came as a shock to our skeptical govt and the corporate world, who did not provide a cent to Joseph's success. His family, endured as a result, to personally invest and groom their beloved son by selling assets and kept him going during their aged years. It is a personal family inspiring story, worth written into books to replace those politician self-glorified books. He is truly, the son of Singapore now. While the nation immerse and soaked in the joy with Joseph, bonding him to our long forgotten heart, it is the govt who became quick to steal the limelight. It is nothing inappropriate and nothing new. One of them went overborad to claim credit that she was part of Joseph's success. This MP set a new blow and new low on her own govt. The mindset of the govt is for all the see. Comments were congratulatory and swearing and it was obvious they were referring to who and which. The more the govt bloopered, the more the people became xenophobic. I prayed that this National Day Rally, the govt could, at least spare a thought for the local citizens, in the name of Joseph Schooling, whom we are extremely proud because he and his family, not only brought us tears but also washed those brokeness years away. Like Joseph Schooling, I may not listen to this year National Day Rally. There is nothing inspiring to hear our PM repeating his message very year. Thanks for reading my heart.
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Gently pinch my nipple with one hand, and finger my boyhole with the other. That's enough to make me look like a boyslut in your bed.
    2 points
  6. i freeball almost everyday, even in sports shorts, jeans etc. i love the feeling of my cock head rubbing against the fabric~
    2 points
  7. I usually freeball at home and naked when sleep. But when on field camp then I will freeball under the tights usually can see my cock shape. I usually sleep shirtless in field camp so my dick head can be seen when my pant slip downward lol
    2 points
  8. The neck >< Kisses on the neck really get me going
    2 points
  9. 如果你爱的人对你同样的也有好感,你的痴你的好,不会是输,而是加分,他会更珍惜疼爱你,除非他对你毫无感觉,甚至反感,你的缠,只是困扰。
    2 points
  10. I think one of the perks of a relationship is that emotional connection with someone special. Someone who you know will be there with you in times good and bad. Someone who will hold you when you need to be held. Someone who will catch you should you fall. Many people on this forum talked about open relationships after a few years, yes, it is a possibility. However what we rarely hear are gay couples who have been monogamous forever, and they do exist. Sex is one of the most intimate moments a couple can have. Making love to someone you love is very different to fucking someone at a sauna or an anonymous hookup. How exciting sex is between a couple takes work. Every couple fall into a pattern after a while, and patterns are stable and comforting because they are reliable. However you can always shake things up every so often to keep sex exciting. Both guys within the relationship need to put in work to keep things fun and exciting. I think it is within our biology to want to connect with another person, hence relationship. It is part of our survival, straight or gay or whatever. As self-sufficient as we can be, there will be times when we do need someone there, to cheer us up, to comfort us, to make us feel good about ourselves. We are not invincible, as much as we like to be. We cannot. Relationship takes work. It is not going to just happen. You need to put in effort to make it work.
    2 points
  11. any group sex tomorrow till sunday in kl area?
    2 points
  12. Relationship: - 1) Sleep together. Enjoy waking up to see your love one sleeping next to you. 2) Two persons help to kill loneliness, be it during christmas, valentine or CNY and other festive days. 3) Shower together. Enjoy his body to the fullness, while his fans can only drool and dream of him being naked 4) A source of motivation, encouragement and inspiration during your down & depressing time. 5) Once in a blue moon, you wished there is someone to offer opnion and advices when you can't make an important decision. 6) A sense of security. Two guys walking in the dark provide phsycological, physical and emotional security. . 7) Sharing. Sometimes we were forced to buy more than what we needed due to discount. Two persons can share. 8) His presence, gave you excuses the avoid not popular events and thus not getting blame for being anti-social because you guys wanted to spend quality time together. 9) Status. Telling friends, straight or gay, that you are monogamously attached and enjoyed life as a couple. 10) Sex fulfillment, as and when you needed it, it came in an instant - no pornography or tiresome cruising work. 11) Referree - for jobs, you can conspire with your buddy to provide your future employer with a good reference check on you. 12) Tour, nobody should be made to travel alone, your partner is a safe choice instead of travelling with strangers 13) Buddy, to look after your house when you are away from home - due to work. 14) When sick, he will help to buy meal or cook some soup for you. 15) A buddy can be a guinea pig, to try out your new cooking skill. 16) A sports buddy, jogging buddy, Taichi buddy or swimming buddy. 17) Fetch you an umbrella from home when you are stuck in the storm. 18). Do laundry together. Massage each other's back, trim each other's unreachable pubic hair The above non financial involvement, is good enough to create a lasting and fulfilling relationship.
    2 points
  13. KENZ

    Pokemon Go [Now in SG]

    Join us and play lah hee hee Even my mum now also diao the game liao. Can you imagine this 50 plus year old ah soh, morning go marketing, sure will swing by the local gym to fight with others and come back complain to me how she lost badly LOL
    2 points
  14. Ok , I realised some bw-ers are very sensitive, anyway stop the quarrel and focus PURELY on the topics. (I have seen pp that I praised them but ended up they mistaken my intention) So while we r sharing in public (not messaging) pls don't get personal
    2 points
  15. When a guy lick or suck my nipples OR rim my fully-shaven ass-hole, I will get instant Hardon.
    1 point
  16. Not once , not twice but countless of times~ Whenever i asked him out on certain days , he will always reply " see how on that day " OR see how first " And yes . I am always the one who initiated the meetup and never did once he initiate it . Sometimes it just led me thinking if i am his backup last min plan if he can't find any plans on that particular day I think i have reached a point whereby i am kinda sick of it . Perhaps the one who care so much are the one who always got hurt . Perhaps... I Should just care less . I shall not be a dumb-idiot asking him out anymore , i shall not be the one initiate to ask to meet.
    1 point
  17. DISTANT WORLDS BACK IN SG. {{To Zanarkand intensifies}}
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Snapping pics and catching pokemon along the way....
    1 point
  20. i love small cocks (:
    1 point
  21. I can give a free massage. A beginner here. But cant host. Line: yours.truly Wechat: boymalay1
    1 point
  22. chapapa

    Pre Cum

    I love precum... always want to milk it out taste it and put it on other sensitive places then lick it up! I personally have lots of precum when being aroused at my nipples or hole... leak a lot of honey
    1 point
  23. Yeah but eventually bought 300pcs and gave 180pcs for family and friends.
    1 point
  24. Ground floor toilet
    1 point
  25. Vometra. The Presidential Election will the next thing to go.
    1 point
  26. Looking for people help to unload this Friday KLIA . 10pm. Interested PM thanks
    1 point
  27. samdiggin

    Pokemon Go [Now in SG]

    dId u guys engage in eye contact with any guy playing thus far?hahah
    1 point
  28. It's the content. Self-sufficient- Why putting yourself in front of your love one's. Fail in a few years, or we eventually open it up - Negative thoughts before it starts. No matter how much you enjoyed with friends/buddy... in the end of the night you are still sleeping alone.....you are empty.... Your partner is where your heart and soul knows where it belong
    1 point
  29. Both my handsome bf and i are still not yet disclose our sexual identity to our parents and relatives. We both come from traditional families. Right now we are living together secretly. None of our siblings know we are couple. They just thought we are normal good friend. Hope one day we will have the courage to tell. On that fateful day when my handsome bf and i decided we should be couple together, we actually went to 四马路观音庙 together to pray the Guan Ying telling her we are in love and are going to be couple. And we asked for her blessings. Till this day i will never forget that. It was very lovely we did that together as if our personal marriage.
    1 point
  30. doncoin

    Wedding Dinner Party

    Here's one thing I've learnt from my own experience and relationship. You don't take your significant other for granted. We both made a lot of mistakes along the way. We've hurt each other the worst way we possibly can. However, we also learn to forgive each other and rebuild each other. Sometimes when your partner/bf is screaming at you and saying angry hurtful things at you, the natural response is to scream and say hurtful things back or build a wall and create distance to protect yourself. However, we need to take a step back and listen. What and why is he screaming in the first place? Too often we use anger as a way to express our pain, when in reality we are really hurt by something our partner did, or said intentionally or unintentionally. I learnt that lesson the hard way. We almost lost each other. So, a relationship is a full time job. It can be fragile. I've learnt how important my husband to be is to me and vice versa. We are both committed to making us work, and strengthen our relationship. Treasure your relationship. Take the time to hold and hug your love ones, not just that man in your life.
    1 point
  31. Any review for the following AC product?
    1 point
  32. care to share, andy? the member and u with another masseur in the same room?
    1 point
  33. 1/100th of an egg yolk is a strict no-no to me, not to mention double
    1 point
  34. Kinda horny. kinda need to suck a cock. anyone?
    1 point
  35. u did two massage on the same day? Anyway, tks for the info! gd to hear that they r professional in the scrub though my experience w HTS wasn't that ok
    1 point
  36. Ahh! JO pic for a horny Monday!!
    1 point
  37. Friendly

    Cooking Your Own Dinner?

    Garlic and Chilli is good for you. Lots of health product use garlic. Using it for cooking has health benefits I would say. And chilli is a pain killer for our body lor. Google and you will be able to read lots of informations on garlic and chilli.
    1 point
  38. Friendly

    Cooking Your Own Dinner?

    Saturday night in the mood to cook dinner. Fish head with yam soup, sambal prawn and veg. I always use sea prawn which is abit X but use to eating them. My father was a fishing boat pilot, so had fresh seafood growing up. Don like farm prawn or fish . There is a difference lor.
    1 point
  39. Nipples is definitely my spot... Hardon plus leaking
    1 point
  40. Friendly

    Cooking Your Own Dinner?

    Pork Ribs with lotus roots and peanuts. I am a lazy cook, I use my 7 year old slow cooker to cook all my soup lor .
    1 point
  41. Friendly

    Cooking Your Own Dinner?

    Pepper crabs is easy to cook, heat up 2 tablespoons of oil and add in some chop garlic and stir 30 second then add black pepper and crabs. Stir for about one minute add black sauce and a little water (less then half cup) Then cover it and let it cook for another 5 minutes depend on how many crabs lor. Tada .,Black pepper crabs . Cheers
    1 point
  42. Friendly

    Cooking Your Own Dinner?

    Dinner I cook always have soup, a seafood dish and veg. This pic of snapper fish cost me $7 from wet market . What to do that day bf requested for steam fish ha ha
    1 point
  43. anyone who sensually (yes anyone) touched my inner thighs is enough to send me to 9th heaven
    1 point
  44. In bed and volunteer my body naked for your entertainment!
    1 point
  45. Anyone wan a quick blow or fun in car now? i drive n willing to travel
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. cynyd

    Ming's Massage @ Novena

    Actually i'm just looking for someone that can host a massage n exploration session for a newbie like me. Never tried a massage with a man b4... Thats all
    1 point
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