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  1. Just thought I'd drop a review of my trip for:- Prime Massage - weekday at about 1.30pm - I managed to get a walk-in 90 minute oil massage. Maybe it was early in the day. Only managed to get one massage this trip as I only needed one! The masseuse was very firm and got all my knots, that I was sore the next day and was in no shape to get tenderised again. Ran out of time on my third day. I tipped 250 THB. The Quarter Silom - I think this will be my go-to hotel in Bangkok now. Book yourself a slightly larger room with balcony. It was clean however the aircond did smell a bit musky - probably from the humidity of Bangkok. Walls are a bit thin, can hear room neighbours having a conversation. It is VERY CRUISY. Everytime I walked into the reception foyer, gym or the breakfast room, I felt like I had walked into a gay sauna and I was the 'fresh meat' with the eyes looking. The breakfast food spread was not bad for a small hotel - but not what some might expect eg. noodle bar or egg station - be realistic for the cost of the hotel. The gym is small and basic-to-OK equipped to maintain major muscle groups, however it is full of young local men that sit at machines and are there for literally hours...you can do the math. I had fun in the steamroom however on 2 days of my stay. Be discreet please as staff do check and there are straight patrons. DJ Station and GOD - Unfortunately I only got to go for one night out of the 3 nights I was here as I went during the Buddhist Lent festival which meant that Saturday and Sunday nights, they were closed. The Friday I went, it was busy - entry to both is 400THB each. DJ required me to show ID which I used a photo of my passport on my phone. I enjoyed DJ more than GOD as I personally got more "eye contact" with guys. GOD was just so busy and dark it was a meat factory, like animals in an abattoir. You can't see much, and you can't meet anyone. Music abruptly ended at 2.51am and the bright lights came on and they closed shop. Maxwell Onsen - close to The Quarter, but a bit of a walk from Sala Daeng station. Entry is 580THB (correction). Crowd is mostly below 40, of Asian descent. Very easy on the eye, but also very competitive as a result. Service is good, except for the front counter ladyboss. Food was karaage chicken or kimchi pork bowl. I had a funny moment when I went, as there were two Caucasian men who were obviously straight and wore their jinbai pants downstairs in the pools and sauna. I asked them what were they doing and advised them that the place is a gay and bisexual venue..they didn't know as they just googled "sauna near me". We all had a good laugh about it, I advised them not to go into the steam room. They left soon after anyway. The action happens in the steamroom and it gets packed. It's a dark steam room, and not illuminated like Zen, so be wary. Other than that, it was mostly just retail therapy at Chatuchak/Platinum Fashion mall and eating street foods. Also, side note, if you're using Grindr - you're not in SG anymore. Don't start with a message/demand of "pic" when you have zero profile photos or one very blur photo and the other person has 3 or 4 clear profile photos. I scolded someone for that, and I knew they were from SG before I even asked and got blocked lol. Grow up and be respectful. I hope this helps to those going in the future.
    7 points
  2. Blue Line - BP to Bugis line @ 7.30am: I took the train at Beauty World and chosen the door opening side to lean against the metal bar and you boarded at King's Alber Park. It was packed with passengers and you tried to squeeze in and stood with your back in front of me. I was wearing a pair of white shorts (commando) with a blue T-shirt while you wear a pair of grey sweatpants and white singlet. As the train was moving, your butt tends to touch my bulge and at times i can feel that you tried to rub against it. Since the train was fully packed, i used my palm to touch your butt over the sweatpants and found out that you were in commando too as i didn't feel any other materials except your sweatpants. When the Train stopped at Tan Kah Kee, your hand rubbed my bulge and i gave a throbbing motion over my cock and you inserted your hand into my shorts and grabbed my cock and stroked and you place my hardon cock straight and u pushed yourshelf against my cock, that is, my cock was sandwiched between your butt cheeks. I was fully so horny that my hand went over to your frontal and rubbed your cock which yours already hardon and i can feel some sticky stuff over your sweatpants (leaking precum). When the train stopped at Botanic Garden, you alighted while i alighted at Bugis. If you are reading this, please PM me so that we can arrange some fun and would love to taste your thick cock and balls and your tight ass too
    7 points
  3. 6 points
  4. My mind raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness. What if the place was sketchy? What if the photos were misleading? As I finally emerged from the other end of the market, I took a deep breath, relieved to be out in the open again. The familiar sounds of the city gradually returned, pulling me back into the present. Google Maps indicated that I was near, and I could see that the location I was heading to was an apartment building in the distance, its facade blending in with the surrounding buildings. It looked decent enough, but my nerves were still on edge. As I finally reached the apartment building that resembled an office complex, I took a deep breath and glanced around. The building had a sleek glass facade and doors that required card access. I could see the lobby within, modern and well-lit, but I was quite sure I wouldn’t be able to get in on my own. Taking a seat on a nearby bench, I pulled out my phone and messaged through the app, letting them know I was outside and describing my outfit so the masseur could find me easily. The service agent replied almost immediately, acknowledging my message. Even with this prompt response, the seconds felt like hours as I waited for my masseur. Someone walked over, disregarded the "No smoking" sign on the wall and lit up a cigarette. The smell wafted uncomfortably close as I shifted anxiously on the bench, trying to ignore the distraction and focus on the upcoming experience. Despite the delay and the unexpected company, I reminded myself that this was part of the adventure — a story to tell once the nerves settled and the massage began. Would the experience live up to the reviews? I was about to find out.
    6 points
  5. 1. Name: Leon 2. Age: 33 3. Height: 1.73 4. Weight: 75kg 5. Role: Bottom / side 6: Stay: West 7. Interests/hobbies: Walking/hiking + Photography. Anything simple would be nice! 8. Self-description: Im an introvert so prefer to spend time alone or with someone in a quiet environment. I am quite discreet so tbh a discreet close friend is good enough for me, anything more is a bonus 😄
    5 points
  6. 1. Name: Dam81 2. Age: 43 3. Height: 1.83 4. Weight: 87kg 5. Role: top / side 6. Interests/hobbies: music, movies, gyms at FF, plays nintendo switch, collect pop mart toys, hiking etc. I stay in the north west / west region and I stay alone from Mon to Thursday although I own the place. 7. Self-description: been told that I’m a sweet and caring guy by the last person who dated but I guess it takes two hands to clap. I guess in life we have a lot of responsibilities; work, family and love. All 3 are revolving around you. My dad passed on early when I’m in my 30s, so family would be always be on my mind first. 8. The kind of guy I hope to be with: someone who knows what he wants, someone who can accept who I am, someone that hopefully we can learn from each other. If possible older or near my age. We don’t need to text or call on and off all times of the day but good that we check in with each other once a while. If you are busy, let me know, so I know I’m not ignored.I’ll trust you until you give me the reason not to. If I did something that upsets me, let me know and I can fix it. Talk it through when we have quarrels or fights. 9. Would be nice if he stays alone too and in the west too, if that happens. Life’s too short for dramas, 10. i don’t believe that in a relationship; both need to be like “peas in a pod”, sometimes I believe if you like someone, you will try to change for the person if he is worth it. if you really are keen to have a date, to know each other more, message me.
    5 points
  7. So after a lot of thought, I finally signed up for this evening’s HIIT session. I’ve been meaning to try HIIT, so this was a good opportunity. The session has a range of stations, like burpees, sit-ups and skipping. If you’re familiar with HIIT, you know it’s high intensity because of the duration at each station (30 seconds, rest for 20 seconds, another 30 seconds). Thankfully the session lasted for 2 rounds. It was definitely non-stop perspiration for me, even in an air-conditioned studio. But it actually feels good! Do consider bringing a bigger towel as it will support your tailbone when doing sit-ups. A face towel is too small lah… If you’re concerned about being in the nude, don’t worry lah. Everyone’s a man and we all have the same private parts. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Go ahead and book a session if you’re considering a change in your fitness routine or just want to burn those stubborn fats! (as I type this review, I can feel the soreness in my thighs…)
    5 points
  8. Isit okay if I just contribute one ?
    5 points
  9. Just experienced a 3 in 1 service (massage + prostate + edging) by @Slimfit90 who came from Penang and from start to finish, the professionalism and attention to detail were quite remarkable. His technique is somehow between simulation and relaxation that was both unique and deeply satisfying. Overall, the service provided exceeded my expectations.
    4 points
  10. Hi 1. Name: Joel 2. Age: 44 3. Height: 185cm 4. Weight: 94kg 5. Role: Bottom 6. Interests/hobbies: Gym, Cooking, Baking, Traveling 7. Self-description: Primarily Looking for potential dates leading to a long-term relationship. My values - family, commitment and honesty. I believe that love can be for life. Are you the one? 8. The kind of guy I hope to be with: A Top Manly Guy who believes in Loyalty, Honesty and Monogamy and is ready to date (with having a Long Term Relationship in mind)
    4 points
  11. Discreet fit Chinese bi staying around Clark Quay enjoy giving BJ Into bisexual or straight curious man preferably average build or fit sporty. Telegram: discreetcurious PM if keen
    4 points
  12. This is a gay forum. If you not into gay, this is not the place for you. Get out and don't come back!
    4 points
  13. Hi there looking for ltr with local Chinese btm guys. Hit me up. I'm local Chinese pure top 171 61 age 37 Looking at one whom likes to swim jog and of cos bonus travel around the world. White collar straight acting guys preferred. Regards
    4 points
  14. You were lying down almost in a fetal position oblivious to everything around you. Seemed like you were in a world of your own. Totally isolated and needing to be left alone. I saw you multiple times and you intrigued me. It was almost like you overdosed and were unconscious. Everyone respected your vibe and let you be. Such a fine specimen, lanky. Finally after a few rounds, curiosity got the better of me. You had shifted a bit and your torso was facing upwards. I reached down and touched you. I knelt and began loosening your towel. No response. I opened your towel and felt your limp cock. No response. I moved up and kicked your nipple. You let out a moan. You were alive. I continued to the next nipple. More moans. I went back to your cock which started stiffening. I took it into my mouth. And then you grew. And grew. And grew. Your erect cock was massive. I couldn’t believe it. It was pushing into my throat. You were so hard. I worked hard to take you in. Meanwhile others started manhandling me. Someone started jerking me off. Another was fondling my chest and nipples. I didn’t care. Your amazing cock had all my attention. I tried to take you all in but just could not. I paused and went back to your nipples and got high hearing you moan. I licked your exposed pit and I you seemed to like that too. But that would not keep me away from your cock for long and I was back at it again in no time. It was the biggest cock I’ve ever had. I went down on it again and again. My hand started pumping that massive tool while my mouth worked your head. I felt you lift your pelvis, indicating you were close and increased my pace. Soon you shot into my mouth. That taste that can only be cum. I continued savouring your cock as it began to soften. Then I moved to your nipples to lick them again. You nudged me and I knew you needed your space. So I left. Satiated. Your cum in my mouth. I saw you downstairs on the bench with your phone. You look so young. It should be illegal for someone to be so hot and have such a glorious cock. I sat next to you to say hi. You were not interested. It was already a huge effort for me to reach out away from the anonymity of the darkroom so I left quickly. I’m glad I encountered you. I’m glad I was curious. I’m glad even days after.
    4 points
  15. Was at Clementi MRT toilet pee. 2 guy just came between me. Keep looping. Make me hard sia. Suddenly just grab my cock n stroke. Lucky someone came in. If not i cum liao
    4 points
  16. Haha wow so dramatic I felt like you are fantasising
    4 points
  17. Hi everyone, I'm back to piss off those haters and I'll continue my sharing. If you don't like my post, my reviews or comments, please ignore and scroll. I really don't mind if you read my posts or not. As long as my post is a good review and able to help’s others and who have appreciate it, that's fine. Most of my post, is rated popular post, anyway. Haters always jealous! Whether true or false, readers decide for themselves. To those readers who have sent me private messages, supporting and encouraging me, thank you for your support and encouragement, and I’m glad my posts have been helpful to you. Thank you, there are still many readers who appreciate my posts. I appreciate it. To the haters, you will continue to hate! Please do continuously hate and I will continue to piss you off with my post and review! Thank you for making me famous, haters!!! Haha 😂😂😂! Enjoy!!! Let the horse comes, haters!!!
    4 points
  18. 30 mins ago, at near Expo Hall 2 toilet at the end, was naked doing edging at urinal. Suddenly you come in and saw me,then you ask me and know I'm edging, you help me edge with your strong hand for few time until cant control already and cum all out into the urinal. Finish with im suck ur dick till you cum at urinal and pee and went out. If you here, msg ya.
    4 points
  19. Hi there, good day. I'll be in Penang for massage on following dates: 1) 4/8 (Sun) 1pm to 9pm 2) 5/8 (Mon) 9am to 9pm 3) 6/8 (Tue) 9am to 9pm 4) 7/8 (Wed) 9am to 12pm Hope u can book an appointment. Hear from u again. Regards, John from KL *By appointment only, 1st arrange 1st serve only. *To know me, read my profile. To contact me telegram @ModelMsg WhatsApp 0179930991, John.
    3 points
  20. 24jul. Ytd night 650-7ish. We met at 4th floor and the moment we touched each other and we went into the corner room behind. U have a nice big chest and nice nips. Im the one with nip stud on my left. We had nips played and u like to kiss alot. U are fit n sexy, i topped u with no rubber. U moan alot and i really like ur moan. U like it every time i thrust my shaft into u. U played my nips till im close and i pulled out to release. U licked my nips while I releasing, i told u lick it more and i can cum second time. Haha I released 2 times on ur chest and u told me im sexy as well. 😜 after the session, saw u dressed up and leaving while im changing up too. Hug n touch u before u left:) Pity did not get ur contact if not i would want to do it with u again. Super nice ass and chest 😝
    3 points
  21. This is my collection over the last 3 years!! Not too sure on the rules, so I censor the pink one just in case 😅 Guess which one's my favourite 👀 hint: it can be remotely controlled 🤭
    3 points
  22. Well I made my first move. I am bi- curious and always had the curiosity to visit a sauna. I Felt doing my first move in Hong Kong was a good idea since I don't know many people there! Here is how it went! 1. I was nervous a lot, was thinking yes or no on this decision for all day. But then I decided I should. Did some research and found Soda Sauna in HK. During day time, I went to the area to have a look around. 2. Time was around 9pm, weekday, so expected less crowd. Got into a hot pair of Andrew Christians. My bulge is big and this made it look even bigger due to special pouch in them. Other clothes were ones that I can get off easily. 3. Arrived in the location. Went up the stairs, got on lift. When I pressed the floor, others in the lift gave a look who cares. 4. Opened the door and headed to the reception. I am more brown complex skin and was clearly an alien. The reception felt I am but nervous, the guy repeated it is a "gay sauna". I nodded, paid, got the towel, and keys which you can put on your wrist. 5. Opened the door and first sight was a naked guy heading to a bath. Nice lean body with cute small cock. But if a shocker for first sight! 6. Headed to locker, got my clothes off. Didn't get the undies off and people were noticing my bulge. Put the towel on my shoulder and headed to a bath. 7. Bath was alone but I was getting some looks. People seem to waiting for an invite, which I didn't make. This time I got off undies but got it back after the bath. 8. Walked around non stop a bit. Steam room was empty, dark room area had a guy waiting but not my type. It's quite a small place. 9. There was porn playing on a tv and I went to sit on the bench infront. There was another guy standing, asked me to come close by hand gesture. I was a bit reluctant so just stayed on the bench. Of course he invited, came close etc. 10. Finally asked him to sit (all these communication was through hand gestures) and I just gave him some squeezes over his towel. He did the same on top of my undies. Both of us were erect. He has a 5 inch. 11. Invited me for sex (first words murmured to my ears) but I said I just need a hj... we went to the bath area and it didn't take a long to spray the cum. Washed up together and I parted. He said he will stay longer, but I decided I had enough for my first visit. Got dressed, put the towel in the bin, gave the key to the reception! It was a good experience and I would love to go again!
    3 points
  23. Came to Permata for the second time recently, around 6pm, there were a lot of patrons, especially the men's shower area, but most of them were not PLU. I originally wanted to go swimming, but unfortunately I forgot to bring my swimming cap, so I didn't dare to enter the swimming pool because the security guard had a sharp gaze. So I just hung out in the bench area, got some sun, and then hung out in the men's shower area. During my visit, there were a lot of good looking guys with good bodies. I couldn't stop keeping my eyes on these guys, but unfortunately they weren't PLU. I was there for about an hour or so and nothing seemed cruise but there was a sexy uncle who caught my attention with his see-through trunk. He started getting sexy in the shower and slowly took off his bathing suit. I was like "Wow" his erect cock is so big. He took his time to seduce me, making his bubbles grow more and more. When there were not many people around, he started to get closer to me and took my hand to feel his erect penis. It was so tight, huge, and juicy. I started masturbating him and he moaned slowly. When he got so high I got down on my knees for a wonderful blowjob that he couldn't resist. Then he took off my bathing suit and got down completely on his knees and sucked me to death. Oh gosh, his sucking skills made me feel like melting. Both blow and cum together in the shower area. We continued to shower and left Permata at about 7.30pm. Until then, we haven't seen any PLUs cruising around at that specific time. May able to try again, someday for more lucks! Entrance Fee : MYR 8 (Cash or TNG) Operational Hour : 8-11am, 4-7.30pm Cruisy : 3/5 Attire : Swimwear + Swim Cap (Take note, swim cap is a MUST) Remarks : Cruise at your own discretion’s / risks and be safe, as it is a public area and it could be caught! Alert ‼️
    3 points
  24. jcboy18

    so horny alone 😞

    so horny alone😞
    3 points
  25. Axel Lai

    Stretch for Health

    Hello all, I'm Axel. Currently a semi-competitive bodybuilder passion in training and helping people to achieve a healthy life. I'm doing a new program called "Stretch", this program is 45 Minutes, out-call, bringing health close to you or those who have problem travelling. In this 45 minutes, you will be in different static position depending on the stretches (can be standing/ seated/ kneeling/ lying sideways or prone or supine), I will be moving you around to stretch you: these stretches involves muscles from neck to calves muscles, helping them to release tightness and ease tensions. These stretches are particularly helpful for: - Active Individuals who moves a lot in their daily life: improving mobility - Inactive people who sits and does not move a lot: enhancing range of motion to prevent tightness - People who have existing injuries like: back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, lower back, etc. Usually these stretches are good at easing pains and help the person to relax and therefore aid in sleeping (at night), or energise oneself for the day (morning stretches). If you are keen to find out more: Do not hesitate to contact me @ 82858496. Cheers!
    3 points
  26. Sammybedead

    how often do u wank

    For me it's every night. Though how I cum has definitely changed as of recent. If I'm lazy, I'll do it the standard way... but if I'm really feeling it, chastity + Lovense Edge 2 and nipple play (sometimes with VR sissyhypno) for some handsfree goodness 😋 and then I'll sleep like a baby 🤭
    3 points
  27. Seeking bisexual or straight curious man only for discreet hook up if chance arises. I enjoy giving BJ. Need not reciprocate. I’m lean fit bisexual Chinese in late 30s. Able to host sometimes. Not into Indians. No offence. Do PM me via telegram if you for the bills ID: discreetcurious
    3 points
  28. hosting now at IP. anyone keen to suck ?
    3 points
  29. I am sure many people have known someone from somewhere like regulars in a coffee shop greeting one another silently after some time going to the same place. I have bump into one recently when I am a regular at a sporting goods shop, it's always the usual crowd and there is this one guy that I just notice after some time and we started just smiling at one another nodding to greet one another, then a bit of casual chat like what am I here for today, and he's just looking around picking some accessories, and this was like over 8 years ago I was stopping by a coffee shop along south bridge road late one night and notice a jogger running past into a street and he looks very familiar but just let it go and not try and remember who, but about 20 minutes later he run back towards the coffee shop and he was looking at me running past, then double back then told me I look familiar, and I said the same, then our memory came back when I ask about his hobby that we use to bump into one another and didn't actually talked and that we seem to be friend, but are not friend.. He sat down when I offer to buy him a 100+ and we chatted about our hobby and that we both have aged and is no longer as active.. After a short chat, he ask if I would like to continue our chat at his place, which is just across the street as although it's late at night, it's still stuffy and he is sweating from the run and since I have nothing to do, I accepted his invitation, and we both walked to his place, and we started chatting about relationship which I found out he was never married and never in any serious relationship, and I ask why because he is a decent looking guy.. and the place he is living in seems to suggest he is doing well, and he shrug it off telling me.. Hard to explain lah, then ask me about how's married life after 50's. I told him.. getting less exciting, as I am active while my wife is never interested in any outdoor activities and I hinted by saying.. Let's just say, it's not because of age, but it just less exciting and less frequent if you know what I mean, and he laughed and told me he know what I mean, and in between chat he was subtlely physical, like he will squeeze by arm telling me I am still in good shape (My own opinion is the oppersite).. At his place, he brought out some of the sporting goods blings he bought overseas and told me he will go for a quick change.. His place is a studio apartment and his bedroom is those loft style type and he has a small bar counter and took a seat there to wait for him.. he came out shirtless, wearing a clean dry running shorts, it was those short one with curved slit at the side, we chill by the counter and he offered me some liquor which I declined because I am driving and took a sprite from the fridge, and we chatted about "Those things we do back in the days" laughed about silly things we think we want to achieve but never manage to, and during our conversation, his hand is either squeezing my arm of my thigh and then later he just rested his hand on my thigh and sometime stroking when he laugh, and I notice he actually had an eraction and have been shifting himself to hide it, it's not obvious because he will shift and cross his leg but is noticeable when he uncross his leg and he kept them closed. I will be lying if I say I didn't felt turn on seeing him in just his shorts and after knowing his cock is now hard, and it turn me on even more considering there is really nothing much he can do if I don't react and there is also the fear that I could have sense the wrong signal, as things can go very wrong if anyone of us made the wrong move.. He of course won't straight out suggest or ask if I want to fuck him, and me would risk getting a punch in the face if I reach out and touch his eracted cock.. So, what I did is touch him back a little, my hand got closer to his thigh, then did what he did, I stroke it and eventually rested on his thigh, and he clasped his leg in crossed position likely to hide his eraction, then I move my hand closer to his bud cheek and stroking his thigh more sensually and started to lossen his leg uncross them and this time, he seem to want me to notice his erection and we still continued to chat and the physical touches are still subtle and he is binching on drinks, like pour a bit, down it, pour another one, down it in very short interval. I excuse myself to use the bathroom and my mind have conflicting thoughts.. What's going to happen if he straight out grab my crotch?, and what if he don't, thinking I am a pure straight guy? and I finished peeing, then washed my cock (Just in case), and happen to just wet my jeans a little below the knee.. and when I went back to the bar, I just place my hands on his thigh and this time, without any thoughts slip inside and stroke his cock and quickly retract and rested my hand on his thigh then I guess he got the signal and he reached for my waist stroking it, then move up to my chest, then he uses both hands to stroke my body then push my shirt up to remove it, then he suggest I should remove my jeans since it's wet and I can dry it with a hair dryer (obvious excuse), and he help me remove my belt, unzip and remove my jeans leaving my underwear, and he really went to retrive his hair dryer, and I notice his cock has gone soft, no more eraction, and I thought. OK. That's it.. call it a day after drying that small little wet spot.. but while I was drying, sitting there with just my underwear and he pour another drink and there I saw his shorts started forming but this time he didn't hide it and walked away went up to his bedroom and when he came back down, stand behind me and grab me from behind, kissing my neck, ears, rubbing his face on my cheek, then reached down to stroke my cock until I got an eraction, and he shifted to the front and started kissing me and we frenched kiss for good few minutes with him stroking my cock from outside my underwear, and I reach and grabbed his cock giving him slow hand job and and softly pinching the tip of his cock, and he pulled my hand guided me up to his bedroom.. By his bed, he grab me tightly from behind kissing my back, then pushed my underwear down, and I climbed up his bed and position myself on four and he kissed my back, rolled his tongue down my ass line licking my ass then down licking my balls and slip under between my legs to reach for my cock and suck it, and he shifted himself so we are in a 69 position with his head hanging down the edge of the bed, and I climbed down and he let me mouth fuck him in 69 position and in between he was slurping sucking on my balls when I position myself and moving my hips to let me lick my balls and he did that for a few minutes and he pushed my head down and ask me to suck his cock and I complied, and while we're sucking one another, he pulled my hip hard to make me go deeper into his throat and I got worried at first because he was choking and I notice his face is wet with his own saliver, but he assured me he is ok and ask me to pump harder which turn me on a lot which made me suck his cock more sensually, and he came with loads of cum and I know that was really a long orgasm as his cum just kept flowing which I now estimate enough to overfill an espresso cup, then he reached his drawer took out a condom, filled it up with lot's of lubricant, slip it on for me, then ask me to pump the lubs into him, and I climbed up on top of him, his leg spread wide open and I started pumping him and he pulled my face down kissing me taking in any remaining sperm he have left on my face.. We parted ways after thanking one another for the wonderful and exotic experience, and apologized for messing up his bed but he assured me it's worth it, and we did laughed at ourself when we taked about the initial experience, where we both hesitated but ended up having sex, but we both agreed, it wouldn't have been exciting if either one of us have actually straight out initiated it, and I fully agree with him, because I told him, if he have asked if I want to go to his apartment to have sex, I will straight out reject him, and he told me he will do the same..
    3 points
  30. I always meet this acquaintance at the library by chance. If I accidentally flash my hairy thighs and legs, or I rub his bearish belly by mistake, the next thing is we are exploring each other's bodies at his home.
    3 points
  31. By today's living standard; a tip should not be less than $10. Generally masseurs working at establishment are not well paid plus the commission they get for each booking is also not much; hence a generous tip is what the masseur hopes for after he delivered a good massage. If he gets $20 tip per day and working 25 days; he would be richer by $500. Considering most of the masseurs are from Malaysia, China or Indonesia; converting S$500 into their local currencies is a lot of money. It It is alright not to tip home based masseurs but please tip the masseurs working at establishment.
    3 points
  32. Was there about 7pm. Slowly and surely the crowd lessen to left 3 of us mature uncles. 1 botak uncle with his bald eagles 🦅, the other is a flamboyant peacock 🦚 and me with my graceful flamingo 🦩. We were all soaking in the hot pool in our birthday suit enjoying the peaceful serenity and chat occasionally. Bald eagles (smooth and clean) was a bit shy and talk very little while the peacock was the chatty one. I tried to limit the conversation so as to enjoy the peaceful onsen. At 1 point, we compared our 50 shades of grey and did what most men would do. After onsen, we adjourned to have a drink at the cafe nearby. It was a great company and we agreed to meet again next month. 🐒
    3 points
  33. Seeking platonic frottage and jerk buddies to travel together. Can explore diff places and fondle on the go 😂😂 preferably within the age gap of 19-35.
    3 points
  34. Nickstone


    Mine was last year and this year. And yes, it's pure luck! It's not a known cruising spot. Which I feel, makes it even more exciting, going in not knowing if/when you'll get lucky hehe. And when you unexpectedly see someone getting a hard on in the urinal is a thrilling feeling
    3 points
  35. U just need a buddy like me go for a walk or hike or jog then surprise u by grabbing u one corner force kneel down on u n let u sniff n choke till u gagged or till my satisfaction haha I did it few times from few requested brahs some love it unexpected adventure I think it so fun haha
    3 points
  36. MT0601


    I can confirm this. GF toilet near MyNews/Batik and the other one near Max Fashion. But my luck is not as good as yours as I've only had 3 encounters haha. All happen during weekend late afternoons. I then tried to observe the place or cruise more within the next few weekends when I'm there but no luck. Feels dead. Mostly family and no cruisers. I suspect the 3 times I was successful might be a case of pure luck by being at the right place at the right time. Was your encounter recent? Mine was about 2 years ago.
    3 points
  37. Atlas Star

    weird ppl everywhere~~~

    weird ppl everywhere~~~
    3 points
  38. Let this be a good lesson when we are into a relationship. Specifically to @juion, the only way to mend the situation is to take accountability for what is happening with you and your boyfriend. Accountability is the only way to get back to ground zero. Blaming is not the way to make things right. At ground zero, you guys get back to basic. My question to you, and you can ask your boyfriend too, why the agreement to have Grindr account in the first place? As is, this app is about hook-up (to put it bluntly). Obviously there was some kind of agreement between the two of you to use it. Why does it become a problem then? Hopefully the two of you can work things out should this relationship is worth to keep.
    3 points
  39. Tantric Massage Surprised to know that a massage can impart energy… something I think not many are aware of. I almost fall into sleep just within 10 mins into the session. It’s really a nice and unique experience…
    3 points
  40. Am @ CW now. 2 foreigners Bangla I think, did an activity behind a shower curtain. Then they photographed and vide themselves in and beside the pool. Upstairs 2 regulars did an activity behind a curtain; one of whom I thought was straight! Now 2 slim well endowed guys are commencing an activity in the shower.
    3 points
  41. Haha gay sauna of course Years back millennials like me or us love to go California Fitness Bugis (this consider the most gayest or bi gym u encounter) from newbies to bodybuilder even though it is toxic or red flag to some yet it is the most cruisy sure get some action every night or day (depends) haha 2nd place is Fitness First (East) & Central haha 3rd is Virgin Active (Main) raffles place But trust me as we speak Anytime Fitness is also cruisy but depends on time location peak hrs (present & future to come) Active SG used to be good spot to cruise as more & more gym fitness operators bring to Singapore, most adult above 25 no longer go active SG. Now Active SG cater to those newbies like JC, Poly, ITE, few grandpas, few adult women & sec 3-5 students this is based on my decades till now experiences haha. For me since I love to be naked hardness nude exhibit outdoor so much I would like love to have outdoor gym in Singapore (no Aircon) the sweaty u r the turn on hardness I get... There is so many gym operators even those in HDB basement decks gyms to CCs to industrial parks love the idea & creative of it but I still or hopefully love an outdoor gym where u be free shirtless with tights or satin shorts or etc ....but in Singapore context we still an conservative Country.
    3 points
  42. In all my years as regular swimmer, I think only a handful is this daring and dare risk the consequences. Most would make sure ‘it’s safe’ before going over board and as far as imho it takes some ‘encouraging signs’ to urge them on. So unless someone make the first bold moves, most time it’s just lurking and eye contacts. So don’t reciprocate and I am usually left alone to enjoy my quiet swim. As most of us are observers, so are these ‘horny’ folks, they know when to leave someone alone. Of course in extreme rare cases we do get 1 or 2 who’s head got controlled by the little one. In this instance it’s my choice to finish up my shower and leave.
    3 points
  43. Nickstone


    Turns out I've been cruising in the wrong toilets at KL sentral... It was super exciting on the way back to take the MRT, I accidentally saw a toilet, went it and check it out and it was the cruisy toilet. OMG, the amount of guys crusing there! So hot!!!
    3 points
  44. The schedule for models on the website showed he was available the next evening, and my itinerary was pretty flexible, so I decided to go ahead and book him. This would be my first time using the LINE app business account, which I thought had more features than that of WhatsApp. Booking the appointment was straightforward: a quick chat with the service agent, providing some details, and confirming the time. The business didn’t have a physical storefront, so the massage location was only provided after my appointment was confirmed. The next day flew by with more sightseeing and sampling of local cuisine, soaking in every bit of what Taipei had to offer. But in the back of my mind, I was also anticipating my evening plans. I’d done my homework and pinned the massage location on Google Maps. It was just a few metro stops away from my hotel and a short walk from the station. Forty-five minutes before my appointment, I left my room and made my way over, my heart beating a little faster with each step. After exiting the metro station, as I walked along the main road, I noticed that most of the roads and paths were dimly lit, which added to my apprehension about trying this for the first time. The occasional flickering streetlight didn’t help calm my nerves. "Just my luck," I thought, "I hope I don't end up in some dodgy place." The bustling noises of the city felt oddly distant, and I couldn’t shake the feeling of venturing into the unknown. I cut through a wet market that was already closed for the day, relying on Google Maps to guide me through what appeared to be a shortcut. The market stalls, now empty and silent, cast eerie shadows that seemed to stretch longer as I walked. Once vibrant with activity and the chatter of vendors, the market now lay dormant, its spirit subdued in the twilight. The usual hustle and bustle of the city faded into a muffled background, replaced by the faint rustling of plastic sheets and the distant hum of traffic. It was a stark contrast to the lively streets I had grown accustomed to during the day. I hurried through, the echoing footsteps of my own adding to the surreal atmosphere. "Great, just great," I muttered under my breath.
    3 points
  45. 3 points
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