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Who Never Had A Bf?


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neither do i, those who approached me just wants one thing...


That reminds me of a song from the local play production , Beauty World, written by Michael chiang, songs written by Dick Lee.

Theres this song - Single in Singapore - sung by singer Jacintha A, who express the woes, misadventures of a very desparate single girl in Singapore, seeking for relationship and love !!

The clip is 9min but the song comes in at 6.45min. Meanwhile watch the clip and have a realy good laugh!!

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Guest Thaiboyz

One has to put in alot of effort and sacrifices to make love works. Both parties must aware what they want and expect when getting together, to share but not to control and over-ride personal rights. Most importantly to stay together thru good and bad times. To me tats LOVE :)

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Nv had one before as well. Not that I can remember.

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -- Leo F. Buscaglia

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Haha, guys, let's just start a meetup session. seems like we all are looking for a partner. Same goals! :)

I'm afraid to start with one. I'm lonely. Afraid that is more about lust rather than love involved.

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I am 35. Never have one yet too.

Is either always the one I am keen not keen on me or vice versu.

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Waited for 14 yrs, tried , rejected, unsuccessful trial dating....Tired...don;t know how u guys keep up with the waiting....I think im done with it. Being single seems to be the best and happiest thing to me. Not walloping myself into despair, just think being by myself isnt a bad thing after all...I will have freedom and I don't know how to do the 2 persons RS thing anymore too.

Btw Im in mid to late 20s.

Edited by Freedom711
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Guest Ian lim

Haha, guys, let's just start a meetup session. seems like we all are looking for a partner. Same goals! :)

ha ha ha...meet up too fast le lar...let's chatting first bah?

btw i am 19 yrs old..

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Nvr had one, they say I'm too immature. People did wan to be my bf, but they are players.

Maybe what you need is an equally immature partner and together you'll both be happy and half crazy. Personally, I dont like overly pragmatic and "matured" (not to mean old) people myself :) 18 yo, nvr had too :o

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had 1 on Aug 19 and we broke off on Oct 19 after i get to know he is actually a player, having lots of guys at the same time...

still hoping to get 1 tat is worth my contributions & sacrifices...

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I'm not sure if this counts but...mine didn't even last more than 24 hours....

He said he didn't want to concentrate on his studies and that he didn't feel like settling down, tada. I was dumped. orz.

Worst of all was that I really thought it was my first and last stop.

You can complain that roses have thorns, or you can also rejoice that thorns have roses

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Guest guest friendly

In this century, is it true that one must support his bf and not letting his bf to work?

If he cannot support his bf, then he is not suitable to become a bf then? Is it true also?

Then what should be true?

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Guest guest friendly

Frankly, say if you got a bf, would you want yourself don't work, let ur bf be the breadwinner, provide you monthly maintenance, allowance and accomodation?

Will you try to do something by occuping uself or just let to rot at home? :rolleyes:

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Frankly, say if you got a bf, would you want yourself don't work, let ur bf be the breadwinner, provide you monthly maintenance, allowance and accomodation?

Will you try to do something by occuping uself or just let to rot at home? :rolleyes:

If you ask me, honestly, I wouldn't want to depend solely on my bf. I would still work, like duh lol..

You can complain that roses have thorns, or you can also rejoice that thorns have roses

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Frankly, say if you got a bf, would you want yourself don't work, let ur bf be the breadwinner, provide you monthly maintenance, allowance and accomodation?

Will you try to do something by occuping uself or just let to rot at home? :rolleyes:

Huh? How come when attached with bf no need to work and let my bf be the breadwinner?! Whether staying or not staying with bf, dun think anything wld change and still continue to work lor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never had one... don't think I'll ever able to find one either... :)



"The two of us are living in the same era, believing in the same future

Yesterday’s tears and today’s smiles will stay true

We’ve experienced the same pain, we’ve gathered the same kindness

And we’ll turn them into the strength to live on tomorrow"



progress - ayumi hamasaki


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Guest darkflame

why not all the above meet up in a group , and see if there is any potential couple in the group. That will solve the problem of no bf

Sounds like one of those Japanese go-kon parties where a number of men meet an equal number of women. :lol:

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