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Asian New Face

Guest tintin

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Guest tintin

His name is 柯震东. He acted in a movie <那些年,我们一起追的女孩> which is now showing in Taiwan and suddenly, becomes the "poster boy" even among the gay community. 柯震東在《那》片中,呈現出不少青春無限的回憶,就連「男孩子第一次的性探險」打手槍也都幾近逼真背部全裸的呈現. :clap: :thumb:



Extra News:

柯震東 20歲還和老爸晚安吻# d) o4 c' I8 u" ^ :blink:

TT1069同志貼圖交友網" I2 S0 X# F3 A

中國時報【林志勳/台北報導】0 R- e: [$ e% e$ V- D) t

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也參演的柯震東爸爸,對日前兒子爆父子在家都光溜溜、不穿衣說:「沒有啦,他亂講的啦!」柯震東說:「就是有啊,你只拿枕頭遮住重要部位!」父子感情好,柯爸爆兒子至今每晚睡前還是跟爸爸親親道晚安:「鼻頭一下、臉頰一下、嘴巴一下。」眾人慫恿下,父子示範男男吻,一旁的哈林被嚇到。 :oops:


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He doesnt look too twinky for a 20 yo.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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His face looks Korean which is the in thing now in East Asian market of entertainment. His body probably suits the teen fan market , not too buff and not too intimidating, but for the gay market his nipples are too low, his chest is saggy and droopy and his pecs are not defined , no cleavage , but he has all the time in the world, he is only twenty, by twenty five he will blossom into a full sexy body, if he finds a good body trainer for his personal use

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His face looks Korean which is the in thing now in East Asian market of entertainment. His body probably suits the teen fan market , not too buff and not too intimidating, but for the gay market his nipples are too low, his chest is saggy and droopy and his pecs are not defined , no cleavage , but he has all the time in the world, he is only twenty, by twenty five he will blossom into a full sexy body, if he finds a good body trainer for his personal use

I liked, definitely my kinda of guy, his face alr made me droopy. Wished I could get a bf liked him, I'm still single!

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