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So.. I Went Out On A Date With This Guy...

Guest stoopid

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Guest stoopid

Wore a slipper , jeans & a shirt . And he was like saying why did'nt i dress up properly .

I was like wtf ? Just wanted to wear something comfortable also wrong ?

2nd - We were eating deserts and he complains that i ate without a class ?

He seems to commenting on everything i DO .

And guys . do you think he's abit controlling ?

Control the way i eat & the way i dress ?

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If u're just having dessert then he is probably being stuck and and acting like a brat. So, it really is about the context of the date. Sure slippers jeans and a shirt might be fine for desserts, but it wont be proper to, for lack of a better example, a museum.

Whatever the case, you guys probably just didnt have much chemistry together. :) Just saying.

Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.

-- Oscar Wilde

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Scope some ice cream with your dessert spoon, form a little see saw with your dessert spoon and something cuboid, say a cube of sugar or butter. Catapult the ice cream at his face. Leave just enough to pay for food and jet pack outta there. Cheers.

:thumb::lol: Excellent!
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Guest Guest

Wore a slipper , jeans & a shirt . And he was like saying why did'nt i dress up properly .

I was like wtf ? Just wanted to wear something comfortable also wrong ?

2nd - We were eating deserts and he complains that i ate without a class ?

He seems to commenting on everything i DO .

And guys . do you think he's abit controlling ?

Control the way i eat & the way i dress ?

Depends on situation, right? If you are going to a nice restaurant and eating there, wearing slippers and eating like a pig won't make the cut. If you are going to a hawker centre and eating desserts there, then maybe something is wrong with him. But if you are at a simple eatery, then it depends already. Observe how the others are dressed too.

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He is not controlling. He is digging excuses to leave you. Usually this is the first sign. When you do not have much emotion for a person, whatever he does irritates you.

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.

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Wore a slipper , jeans & a shirt . And he was like saying why did'nt i dress up properly .

I was like wtf ? Just wanted to wear something comfortable also wrong ?

2nd - We were eating deserts and he complains that i ate without a class ?

He seems to commenting on everything i DO .

And guys . do you think he's abit controlling ?

Control the way i eat & the way i dress ?

Wear bumuda or kakis if you intent to wear slipper. Wear jeans better come with shoes. With regard to food and he still brat, he is hinting that you are not his type. Finished your dessert quickly and move on..

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it depends on the occassion for the date. 1st date? regular dates?

For 1st date, its just appropriate to at least wear any type of shoes, slippers are just too sloppy. its not really dressing up but just to look presentable, you are also trying to make an impression. you did not tell us what he was wearing.

i agree with the rest above, if at dessert time he said that, that it is just not a good match. at least he stated the reasons rather than just disappeared without any contact...

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Guest Guest

LOL. Next time call it a meetup, which means no sex forever, just friends.

If you are going on a date, ask if the person if he minds a no fashion guy who wears jeans with slippers, or ah pek singlet with shorts to orchard.

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Call me old school for all you want.

I think there is always this need to dress appropriately.

At my old age, how my date dress is hardly significant.

I should thank him for taking his time to meet up.

Anyway for youngsters, wearing slippers is quite a norm nowadays.

I dont think much about it.

It is just your way of dressing casually.

Ignore this person because it is definitely a mis-match.

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To say that he's downright rude would be an understatement.

But for a date, it's worth to make a good impression. So I guess I would've dressed up slightly more (not too sure what 'eating without class' is), but I won't blacklist someone just because he shows up in slippers either. It's just that he'd lost whatsoever chance to make maximum impact.

“Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard

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it's always about wearing the right stuff to the right place, even if comfort may not be at its best.

it's like your wouldn't wear a suit to a beach to suntan and neither do you wear slippers to a decently-classed restaurant.

and yes, jeans with slippers is a big no-no unless you have injuries on your feet or toes.

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Next time wear mismatching pieces on purpose, I'd honestly do that just to see how appalled it'd make him XD

Do as you will, screw convention :smokin: those who are genuinely interested will see past it, those who don't... dun really matter.

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I do believe in dressing well for at least the first date. IMO, it makes me feel like you respect me, you respect yourself and you respect us, and most importantly, you care enough to make yourself look good.

my most recent date was the opposite though - he turned up in polo, berms and slippers.. but hey we were in heartland area, and he asked me on Whatsapp earlier if we can be super casual, ;)


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Call me old school for all you want.

I think there is always this need to dress appropriately.

At my old age, how my date dress is hardly significant.

I should thank him for taking his time to meet up.

Anyway for youngsters, wearing slippers is quite a norm nowadays.

I dont think much about it.

It is just your way of dressing casually.

Ignore this person because it is definitely a mis-match.

I think dressing up well for a first date shows one's courtesy, respect and commitment to give a good impression. My date didn't dress up because he was on a business trip to Singapore and I think that's forgivable. It's always better to over-dress than under-dress.

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Overdressing might seem to be pretentious, but compared to the sin of presenting yourself without much dignity, it's generally a small one.

Plus, being so uptight over wanting to wear casual clothing... the irony.

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Personally, I've nothing against jeans and tshirt. But I do drawn the line at slippers/flipflops, no matter how expensive the brand. It just shows a sloppy mindset of the person for a date.

And since you went to a relatively nice dessert place at Clarke Quay, slippers will really be a bit out of place IMO. If one is serious about his first date, a little effort to impress is important, no? Unless you are the stuck-in-the-clouds type who believes that his first date must see beyond the heck-care slippers..... then I rest my case.

Good luck with your future dates.

Instagram @the_meowprince

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now how about taking a picture of the clothes and slippers you were wearing (sans the face if you like) show to us plus tell us where you were suppose to meet up. Then we can comment whether is it appropriate.

I guess you heard what others said, for any 1st date, impression matters. efforts placed in matching that expectation would be much appreciated by both, example you wouldnt want to show up on your 1st date wearing singlet and shorts while he is in shirt and pants heading for dinner (unless shorts is his thing)

but if it was suppose to be a sex date, well I hope you wore sexy underwear underneath :P

:thumb: When I Think It, I Do It, I Win It! :thumb:

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I think if you want to be comfy sloppy its good to check with the other party...especially one you have not met.

I even wear sandles to church...but my sandles do look like shoes with holes but i slip a sock on lah.

SInce poeple think its disrespectful...i stop going lor :oops: :lol:

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dear stoopid (not insulting you, it is your nick),

you shud just close this thread.

its just a confirmed mis-match.

move on with life and more future dates, listen to all the korkor and jiejie advice above and take note not to make the same mistake again...

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Some guys really look good in a simple t, jeans, berms, shorts, slippers, tank tops and flip flops

But for some, no matter how they try to dress up, they look more disasterous than Sept/11 that you wonder why there is no fashion police to arrest them

Either they look like some coloured -blind clowns whose just retired from the circus, or bought (even stole) their clothes, which are the extreme leftovers from the Salvation Army.

If you got a decent average look and a nice build, you can get away with anything

But if a guy doesn't like you, and even you strip naked and throw yourself to him, he will still find you annoying....

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Guest tesuG

I think you have the choice to wear the anything you like to wear. It doesn't concern how my date dress at ANY location - dress to impress? or just be wearing what he feels to be comfortable in or wearing a statement or just feel particularly quirky.

You certainly don't have to explain anything to him. If he don't get it, you may explain. If he choose to criticize you, stay away from his toxins :)

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desert shop at clarke quay ?

Is it a swanky or a casual joint?

Another factor to consider is the dresscode and/or dressings of the other patrons.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Isn't it very obvious.. You already have the answer. Dont act cute and ask this kinda lame question.

He is simply not interested in you.. By now, those in this circle should know that if One is interested in anyone in particular even if for first time meeting up, one is able to except the other no matter how he dress. I mean even if in your case, slipper, shorts for a simple meetup in a simple place like cafe etc..

Move On!!!

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Do you like this guy? If you think it is worth your effort then maybe you should go out for a second date with him? He might be nervous on the first date and became a blabbermouth.. Sometimes people are nervous but just do not show it.. Or he might just be the person who sucks on the first date.. The second date might turn out to be just fine..

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Guest Blaidd_Drwg

Let's not even talk about being "comfortable" or "bein born this way".

When you are on a date, you have to portray some subtle signal of give-and-take AKA compromise. You, being so casual, without discussing with him if it is okay beforehand, is already a sign that you are too non-chalant about dating. It screams of a "don't care mentality", something which I believe everyone will undisputedly agree is a no-no in a relationship - I don't care about what happened to you at office today; I don't care about your hobbies and interests; I don't care this, I don't care that.

How can a relationship grow on that kinda attitude?

Sure, I do not discount exceptions in which two sloppy individuals can make a relationship work. But for the most part, the mating dance ritual of the majority has remained for reasons I will not explore further because it will result in an hour's long lecture about society and individuals.

Of course as you go out on more dates with this particular "type" of person and there is no way that he can give in to your casual ways even though you have put in effort on your part, just let go lor. This is not a matter of mismatch but rather a matter of "no compromise", another thing which a relationship cannot work on.

But to be direct, you actually wear rather decent d, shirt and jeans. But why slippers? Are shoes that hard to put on? A sports shoe would even do ba if you don't want to dress to the nines.

And if you had dress a little more presentable, I think that the second comment about eatin wouldn't have come out of his mouth. The power of impression. Do not underestimate it.

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