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Sp Lawrence Khong And His Anti Lgbt News (Compiled)


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The Catholic church “has no authority whatsoever, moral or otherwise, to comment on whom I can and cannot love," civil activist Dr Vincent Wijeysingha wrote, citing an abusive incident involving a priest when he was 15.

In response, the Archbishop said that "while every individual, regardless of his imperfections, is to be treated with love, compassion and respect, we do not condone any act that is contrary to God’s commandments".

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The Catholic church “has no authority whatsoever, moral or otherwise, to comment on whom I can and cannot love," civil activist Dr Vincent Wijeysingha wrote, citing an abusive incident involving a priest when he was 15.

In response, the Archbishop said that "while every individual, regardless of his imperfections, is to be treated with love, compassion and respect, we do not condone any act that is contrary to God’s commandments".

Poo poo!! Take a cue from the pope, high and mighty one! We need to change the archbishop who is more up to speed with the rest of the world. Singaporeans thinking they are more moral than others, when the island is just an inconsequential small dot on the world map. But westerners seem to think otherwise. What a joke.
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Guest BO JI

I am taking what Vincent says with a humongous scoop of salt. Why did he not mentioned anything at the height of the Catholic Church scandal?

Police should investigate and Vincent must say which church was that man from.

Vincent was caught between feeling sorry for his pastor and anger at the current Archbishop. Weighing between the shame encounterance and the intimation from all these religiously high "moral" pastor against GLBT, he has no other choice but to sacrifice himself for the sake of definding us.  He did a good job to silent the Catholic once and for all, to avoid future repeition of catholic trying to collaborate with people like lawrence and the white islam.


Vincent got more balls than many straight people. Which is why I always believed the gay community have more "JI" seeds than the straight people. Straight people BO JI (no seed).



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I know the history of the Christian religion well and am re-reading it again.


Throughout the many centuries, there have been scandals, bloodsheds, killings, murders, sexual indiscretions and more...in the Christian faith.


Christians killed Christians and others.  The Crusaders invaded the Middle-East and got slaughtered too by smarter Turks.  Now, what is all this high-brow stuff about LGBT being against the Will of God?   So, the historical killings and wars were all sanctioned by the same God too?  And sanctified in the Holy Bible?


It is time that the Christians kneel and pray more for God's forgiveness for all that Christians have done throughout history in violation of the very first commandment...Thou Shall Not Kill.


Even Pope Francis is asking:  Who am I to judge?    He was replying in the context of homosexuality as to whether it is a sin.

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It is mentioned in the bible :D


John 3:16  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.


It is mentioned in the Bible?  So what?  The Bible is nothing but an old book (a compendium of old scriptures that someone unknown people choose among many others to promote their agenda).   As soon as you start thinking about the writings,  they reveal themselves as pure nonsense.  For example:


-"For God so loved the world"  WHAT?  This God must be a monster to love this place of suffering, injustice.  He loved the people?  Yuck, even worse!  We the people of this world are definitely not too lovable,  except some cute guy here and there,  and... such love is not shared by this God!


- "his one and only Son".  How can a monotheistic God reproduce and have a Son?  Who is this 'Son's mother?


- "eternal life" ???   This is so EASY to say!  But it cannot be but bullshit,  because we won't ever know if something is eternal,  because... 'eternal' is NEVER reached.

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I know the history of the Christian religion well and am re-reading it again.


Throughout the many centuries, there have been scandals, bloodsheds, killings, murders, sexual indiscretions and more...in the Christian faith.


Christians killed Christians and others.  The Crusaders invaded the Middle-East and got slaughtered too by smarter Turks.  Now, what is all this high-brow stuff about LGBT being against the Will of God?   So, the historical killings and wars were all sanctioned by the same God too?  And sanctified in the Holy Bible?


It is time that the Christians kneel and pray more for God's forgiveness for all that Christians have done throughout history in violation of the very first commandment...Thou Shall Not Kill.


Even Pope Francis is asking:  Who am I to judge?    He was replying in the context of homosexuality as to whether it is a sin.


If you know much about the Christian religion,  you surely know about its root the Jewish religion.  You must have read in the Torah (books written by Moses) all the barbarities committed by the israelites "chosen people of God"  against their enemies, killing children and women and taking their belongings,  all with the approval of ... God!

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Guest asyrus

here I was thinking divorce is the biggest threat to the family unit...

on the contrary, events like pink dot promotes awareness and acceptance which in turn can help mend families that fragmented from disillusionment on what the alternative lifestyle is actually like...

if the gays don't tell you what their life is really like, where do the str8s get their information about the lgbt lifestyle? from the media?

and again, in your opinion, how much of the media can you believe?

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here I was thinking divorce is the biggest threat to the family unit...

on the contrary, events like pink dot promotes awareness and acceptance which in turn can help mend families that fragmented from disillusionment on what the alternative lifestyle is actually like...

if the gays don't tell you what their life is really like, where do the str8s get their information about the lgbt lifestyle? from the media?

and again, in your opinion, how much of the media can you believe?


Divorce is a big threat to the family unit?  But, but... nobody is forced into divorce! 


A threat to family union is our natural imperfection that sometimes makes impossible to live together in harmony.  Forcing two people who have grown apart to live together can be a hell on earth, a constant source of fights that seriously damage any children around.


Divorce is the way to resolve the situation of people who should not stay together.

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I know the history of the Christian religion well and am re-reading it again.


Throughout the many centuries, there have been scandals, bloodsheds, killings, murders, sexual indiscretions and more...in the Christian faith.


Christians killed Christians and others.  The Crusaders invaded the Middle-East and got slaughtered too by smarter Turks.  Now, what is all this high-brow stuff about LGBT being against the Will of God?   So, the historical killings and wars were all sanctioned by the same God too?  And sanctified in the Holy Bible?


It is time that the Christians kneel and pray more for God's forgiveness for all that Christians have done throughout history in violation of the very first commandment...Thou Shall Not Kill.


Even Pope Francis is asking:  Who am I to judge?    He was replying in the context of homosexuality as to whether it is a sin.

Homosexual act and thought is a sin...  Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

 Romans 1:24-27 

Edited by jolterxtreme
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It is mentioned in the bible :D


John 3:16  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

It is also written: Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ Matt 7:21

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Divorce is a big threat to the family unit? But, but... nobody is forced into divorce!

A threat to family union is our natural imperfection that sometimes makes impossible to live together in harmony. Forcing two people who have grown apart to live together can be a hell on earth, a constant source of fights that seriously damage any children around.

Divorce is the way to resolve the situation of people who should not stay together.

Regardless, a divorce dissolves the family unit and therefore, is a threat to it.



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Regardless, a divorce dissolves the family unit and therefore, is a threat to it.


This is nonsense.  As I had noted before, no couple is forced into divorce.  


Divorce simply formalizes a dissolution of family unit that had taken place prior to the divorce for many possible reasons.

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This is nonsense.  As I had noted before, no couple is forced into divorce.  


Divorce simply formalizes a dissolution of family unit that had taken place prior to the divorce for many possible reasons.


But you've just said it. It dissolves the family unit. It causes the family to break up. How is that not a threat to the family unit?



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Homosexual act and thought is a sin...  Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

 Romans 1:24-27 


I just checked in Paul's letter to the Romans, and there is no "Homosexual act and thought is a sin".  This must be YOUR INVENTION.


It is not clear who was Paul referring to in his bashing.  But the bashing included the following:


29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;... blah blah blah


Those of us who are gay and know countless gays we know that vesicles 29, 30,  don't apply to what gays are today.  Just the opposite.  I have several gay friends with straight siblings living selfish lives who are the only ones to take care of their parents and even help their siblings.  I have never met a gay who is full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice.  Maybe there are some, but must be a small minority.


Jolterextreme,  your post seems to be the product of ignorance.   Maybe you want to inform you better about what gays really are, so you don't propagate a lie.

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But you've just said it. It dissolves the family unit. It causes the family to break up. How is that not a threat to the family unit?


No, I didn't say that it dissolves the family unit.  


When a divorce is sought,  there IS NO MORE family unity.  All what remains are some people who want to live separately but are forced to remain in a legal and financial status they don't want.  So the divorce resolves this.

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No, I didn't say that it dissolves the family unit.  


When a divorce is sought,  there IS NO MORE family unity.  All what remains are some people who want to live separately but are forced to remain in a legal and financial status they don't want.  So the divorce resolves this.



This is nonsense.  As I had noted before, no couple is forced into divorce.  


Divorce simply formalizes a dissolution of family unit that had taken place prior to the divorce for many possible reasons.





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This is nonsense.  As I had noted before, no couple is forced into divorce.  


Divorce simply formalizes a dissolution of family unit that had taken place prior to the divorce for many possible reasons.


No, I didn't say that it dissolves the family unit.  


When a divorce is sought,  there IS NO MORE family unity.  All what remains are some people who want to live separately but are forced to remain in a legal and financial status they don't want.  So the divorce resolves this.


LOL, the self-contradicting chao ang moh Steve with no brains and a small dick is caught backpedalling!

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Hmm... The personal attacks from guest above is uncalled for. Honestly, it reflects as badly if not worse about you when you call this guy "no brains and small dick". How does that make you seem better off?

Why are some gays so prone to personal attacks and bitching?

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1 of my ex colleague is from FCBC and u know what...after i commented on pink dot and wearing pink. she PM me and said she supports her church and pastor and she didnt reply to me after that.


cult member.

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Guest Guest

1 of my ex colleague is from FCBC and u know what...after i commented on pink dot and wearing pink. she PM me and said she supports her church and pastor and she didnt reply to me after that.

cult member.

Lol many uneducated christians are like that. Many homophobes are from the lower rungs of society. Observed that from cleaning ladies and sales assistants. Usually the vain but no taste in fashion, ugly and physically out of shape ones are the first to express prejudice and disdain towards lgbts. Have you seen many secured and confident, free willed good looking people say mean things and act mean towards gays. People who do these are usually the CMI ones who are conveniantly venting their frustrations from personal failures and shortcomings in life on another more marginalized group in society.

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although I am gay, i dont support gay couple adopting kids or surrogate their own kid.


it is still better for the adopted kid to have a mother and father.

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Sure they are not under influence, duress or peer pressure from a bigger group of ppl belonging to the CMI group or immediate institutions like second or third tier schools or so-called authority like stat boards? Maybe the group is formed under such institutions? I am not sure the people you have met are truly independent in thought. They might be damaged by their parents or some other 'guardians' in the past?

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Take a deep breath...  concentrate... concentrate,  and perhaps you realize that I said it right.  Divorce comes AFTER the family union has been broken.


In a way it is like the doctor who writes the death certificate.  This act is not what killed the person, but merely an official way to declare the person dead.

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although I am gay, i dont support gay couple adopting kids or surrogate their own kid.


it is still better for the adopted kid to have a mother and father.


And what if there is no mother and father?  Is it better for the kid to languish in orphanages than to be adopted by a gay couple who want to give him love? 

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Take a deep breath...  concentrate... concentrate,  and perhaps you realize that I said it right.  Divorce comes AFTER the family union has been broken.


In a way it is like the doctor who writes the death certificate.  This act is not what killed the person, but merely an official way to declare the person dead.


Now that's just crazy talk. 

Since the dissolution, rather than the creation, of a marriage tends to more effectively undermine its purported sanctity, shouldn't we elevate Jesus' otherwise ignored Word by passing the "Whatsoever God hath joined together, let no man cast asunder" bill based on Matthew 19:6? Granted, this is a rather inconvenient proscription, but it was rather adamantly underscored by Jesus. While the suspiciously unmarried Jesus never mentioned those dreadful homosexuals, married or otherwise, He expressly pointed out to His ostensible followers that if they married more than once (even if just on a reality TV program for some cheap attention), they would be committing adultery. (Matthew 5:32 and, for good measure, Matthew 19:9) 

But, you know, on second thought, that's rather inconvenient for the heteros. So let's just pick out the verses that talks about *others* people.



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Can't you all see that these actions and speeches are all just OPPORTUNISTIC BAITS to lure the confused and anti-homo to his church, given the current condition that now CHC is in a trial brawl, and that there is a HUGE RELIGIOUS VACUUM here in Singapore?


These kind of pastors, very much like Kong Hee, are superbly business-minded and opportunistically sensitive. The moment they sense that the 'wind' is in their favour, they will go all out to do all the monkey dances and tribal war-calls. The reason is simple: to get as many naïve and gullible fellas, youths or parents alike, to come join their congregation, thereby expanding and ballooning their membership size, and in the end boost up his pocket monies.


Now that CHC is in a mess, where else do you find the next best chance and time to do this?! It will be now! And using this 'PinkDok' as a jumping board, Pastor Khong is just being 'timely' and 'sharp', as far as business and commercial are concerned.

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Now that's just crazy talk. 

Since the dissolution, rather than the creation, of a marriage tends to more effectively undermine its purported sanctity, shouldn't we elevate Jesus' otherwise ignored Word by passing the "Whatsoever God hath joined together, let no man cast asunder" bill based on Matthew 19:6? Granted, this is a rather inconvenient proscription, but it was rather adamantly underscored by Jesus. While the suspiciously unmarried Jesus never mentioned those dreadful homosexuals, married or otherwise, He expressly pointed out to His ostensible followers that if they married more than once (even if just on a reality TV program for some cheap attention), they would be committing adultery. (Matthew 5:32 and, for good measure, Matthew 19:9) 

But, you know, on second thought, that's rather inconvenient for the heteros. So let's just pick out the verses that talks about *others* people.


Now that's just crazy talk.


Are you trying to make a case for homosexuality by showing the 'heteros' that they don't comply with the "Word of God", therefore they should look at the log in their eye instead of the splinter in the eyes of homosexuals?  


Once you have proven to yourself that the Bible calls homosexuality an abomination,  you should better stay away from that nonsense and not try to use it for your purposes.  Otherwise they can say that even the devil uses the scriptures for his purposes.


Don't you realize that in today's world,  DIVORCE will also be practiced (is already being done) by homosexuals as well?  So are you shooting yourself in the foot?


"Whatsoever God hath joined together, let no man cast asunder"  !!  Are you also buying into the nonsense of "Holy Matrimony"?

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Now that's just crazy talk.


Are you trying to make a case for homosexuality by showing the 'heteros' that they don't comply with the "Word of God", therefore they should look at the log in their eye instead of the splinter in the eyes of homosexuals?  


Once you have proven to yourself that the Bible calls homosexuality an abomination,  you should better stay away from that nonsense and not try to use it for your purposes.  Otherwise they can say that even the devil uses the scriptures for his purposes.


Don't you realize that in today's world,  DIVORCE will also be practiced (is already being done) by homosexuals as well?  So are you shooting yourself in the foot?


"Whatsoever God hath joined together, let no man cast asunder"  !!  Are you also buying into the nonsense of "Holy Matrimony"?


Hmm... maybe I should work on my sarcasm tag.

I was actually trying to show the hypocrisy of using tenets in religious text, created by and for a society more than 2000 years ago, to justify the disapproval of the same sex relations when it's clear that they don't follow all (or even a majority) of them in current times. 



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He certainly harbours more hatred than love.

May god enlighten him.

Edited by fab



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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离天堂上帝最远的人 , 往往是误以为自己是上帝 “代言人”的愚民 ,

不修身修心修口 , 还不断歪曲事实和上帝的本意 ,误人误己 ,

实际上 , 行为很可笑无知 。

Edited by leechee2010
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1 of my ex colleague is from FCBC and u know what...after i commented on pink dot and wearing pink. she PM me and said she supports her church and pastor and she didnt reply to me after that.

cult member.

Ya the churches need this kind of people to survive..herd followers, easy to be brainwashed, lack of independent critical thinking skill, willing to give money blindly..and most importantly scared to admit they hv been following a bogus leader.
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when she PM me and told me she is from FCBC and that she supports her pastor. its like a confrotation straight in my face.


i mean WHO CARES . i dun even go and PM her i dont like her pastor. she is removed from my FB list.

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Hmm... maybe I should work on my sarcasm tag.

I was actually trying to show the hypocrisy of using tenets in religious text, created by and for a society more than 2000 years ago, to justify the disapproval of the same sex relations when it's clear that they don't follow all (or even a majority) of them in current times. 


Good.  Here we fully agree.  I didn't understand your thinking earlier. 


Religion is full of hypocrisy, and void of any logic.  Maybe its emotional nature brings out the dumbness of people so they get blocked from realizing how much nonsense is in it.  

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20-30 years from now he will stand before his god and he shall be judged for all his hateful words and deeds.

Meanwhile let's continue loving one another.


You think so?   Maybe in 20-30 years he will die and his body will rot.  This will be the end of him.  No God to stand in front of,  no judgement.   He will not BE anymore the same as he WAS NOT before being born.   His hateful words and deeds will be nothing more than the human nature of an inferior guy who didn't have the essence to realize that his actions belonged to the negativity of humanity.  Another few decades later, and nobody will remember who this guy was, and all what will be left of him is some ash or dirt.


Meanwhile let's oppose him in whatever way we can, expose his lies,  fight his evil,  while otherwise tuning him out completely and continue loving one another. 

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Well, long time in college and in our Uni history discussion, it was said thati was during the Roman reign,  Constantine wrote or perhaps even rewrote the Bible, to be in his favour.

In another words, the Bible is man made




But if you were to read Conversation with God, it never condemn the love between two humans of the same gender, in fact, analyized the flaws and misinterpretation of the Bible , 


Read this if you are interested



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Well, long time in college and in our Uni history discussion, it was said thati was during the Roman reign,  Constantine wrote or perhaps even rewrote the Bible, to be in his favour.

In another words, the Bible is man made




But if you were to read Conversation with God, it never condemn the love between two humans of the same gender, in fact, analyized the flaws and misinterpretation of the Bible , 


Read this if you are interested




I read that with interest.  Here is a piece of it:


"To chose someone of the same sex for one’s sexual activity is to annul the rich symbolism and meaning, not to mention the goals, of the Creator’s sexual design. Homosexual activity is not a complementary union, able to transmit life; and so it thwarts the call to a life of that form of self-giving which the Gospel says is the essence of Christian living. This does not mean that homosexual persons are not often generous and giving of themselves; but when they engage in homosexual activity they confirm within themselves a disordered sexual inclination which is essentially self-indulgent."


What a miserable piece of nonsense!    If I have sex with another guy I am  "annulling the rich symbolism and meaning, not to mention the goals, of the Creator's sexual design?


The Creator, if there was one,  did not care to make every act of sex an act of procreation.  And if this happens,  only one in millions of sperm is effectively used "for its purpose".    Same with other animals and plants.  There is an universal overabundance of seeds and sperm, and there does not seem to be anything wrong with it.


I can have homosexual activity a million times and still fertilize a woman here and there and have children.   But if gays don't do this fertilization of women, we are helping society and our planet by reducing the problem of overpopulation.


This "call to a life of that form of self-giving which the Gospel says is the essence of Christian living" is not the only way to procreate anymore.  Today we have artificial insemination and babies can be made without a man fucking with a woman.  And tomorrow there might be even human cloning.  So this old argument in favor of heterosexual sex  (and condemnation of homosexual sex)  is obsolete.

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Isn't this guy the one who sacked a female employee because she had committed adultery, accusing her for being immoral and had sinned but "forgive and forget" his own daughter who had a child out of wedlock. Perhaps committing adultery as a married woman is an unforgivable sin whereas getting pregnant out of wedlock if you are single is not sinful but is just being easy.

Just wondering if he had ever met or even know the father of his grandchild. Well, so much for a "wholesome family".

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Guest Guest

Dear Fellow Pastors,

1. On Friday (June 20), I posted this on my Facebook Page:

“I’m so happy that Singapore’s Muslim community is making a vocal and visual stand for morality and Family. I fully support the ‘wear white’ campaign. FCBC, together with the LoveSingapore network of churches, will follow suit on the weekend of 28 and 29 June, island-wide. I look forward to celebrating the Family with the Muslim community and I am pleased to partner with them in championing virtue and purity for the good of our nation!

LoveSingapore will also be supporting an online Family campaign called FamFest Singapore www.facebook.com/FamFestSingapore . This is a unique FaceBook page by TOUCH Family Services. It promotes the right Family values. It celebrates the contributions of the Family in Singapore.

The family unit is the lifeblood of our nation. The time to stand and defend what is right is NOW.

2. In doing so, we—meaning our church FCBC and the LoveSingapore network of churches—are not being confrontational and divisive.

Let me explain.

a. We are merely defending the official position of our government—the substance and tone of declared government policy.

1991: Singapore Government White Paper on Shared Values—“In recent decades, many developed societies have witnessed a trend towards .... more permissive social mores, such as increasing acceptance of “alternative lifestyles”, casual sex relationships and single parenthood. The result has been to weaken the family unit. Singapore should not follow these untested fashions uncritically.”

2007: PM Lee’s Parliamentary Speech—“Homosexuals work in all sectors, all over the economy, in the public sector and in the civil service as well. They are free to lead their lives, free to pursue their social activities. But there are restraints and we do not approve of them actively promoting their lifestyles to others, or setting the tone for mainstream society.... ”

b. We are merely echoing the voice of the conservative majority:

2013: The survey by Our Singapore Conversation found that “society in general did not accept gay lifestyles...The majority of respondents across almost all educational profiles rejected same-sex marriage.”

2014: A recent survey by the Institute of Policy Studies states— “When it came to sexual relations between two adults of the same sex, 78.2 per cent of respondents said it was wrong. And 72.9 per cent did not agree with gay marriage.”

3. So, who is being confrontational and divisive?

Think carefully. It is not us. We are doing the right thing for the good of our nation. It is the gay activists who are confrontational and divisive:

a. They are attempting to take down 377A.

b. They are going against the official position that disallows the public promotion of the homosexual lifestyle.

c. They are blatantly acting contrary to the conservative majority's stand on morality.

4. Realise this, we—meaning our church FCBC and the LoveSingapore network of churches—do not hate or despise homosexuals. We esteem them as persons of intrinsic worth, deserving love and care. But we cannot and will not endorse homosexuality. We will continue to resist any public promotion of homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle.

5. I believe it is time for the Church to work with like-minded groups (like the Muslims) to register our opposition to the Pink Dot Event before it is too late. Did you know that recently, the Law School of the National University of Singapore hosted the launch of a book entitled Mobilising Gay Singapore by Lynette Chua? Every pastor should read this to find out what our premier university is promoting. It's clear that the LGBTs in Singapore have been strategising for some 20 years to normalise homosexuality in our nation. They are making headway—on our watch! The Pink Dot Event is an important feature of their gameplan.

6. We must let our government know that, in allowing the Pink Dot Event to continue without restraint, they are more than tolerating the gay agenda. They are bordering on endorsing and emboldening the LGBT claim to gay rights. We must continue writing private letters to our Ministers. But we have come to the point where the Pink Dot Event is getting so unashamedly public and loud with their agenda that we can no longer just rely on private communication.

7. We must let the Multinational Corporations know that they have no business in supporting this Pink Dot Event. They cannot and should not meddle with our national values.

8. We must put a stop to the public promotion of the Pink Dot movement. Ultimately, what gay activists want is to redefine Love, redefine Marriage, and redefine Family.

9. Meanwhile, what can churches do together?

a. As mentioned in two previous communiques to pastors and leaders, please make a stand for Family. Be part of FamFest Singapore on June 28 and June 29. At all our church services, pray for Families and say the Family Pledge together. Mobilise all to join the “Virtual Family Gathering” on the FamFest Singapore Facebook page www.facebook.com/FamFestSingapore . I have re-attached the powerpoint and suggested announcement script.

b. We have a unique opportunity this coming weekend to stand in solidarity with the Muslim community on this social cause. Let us support their call to “wear white” as a symbol of purity and virtue for the natural Family. So, please encourage all to show up in white for church service on June 28 and June 29.

10. I sincerely would like to hear from you. Drop us a short email to say: We’re IN.

Thank you and may God bless you!

Lawrence Khong

Chairman, LoveSingapore


Do you think what comedienne Margaret Cho said is relevant and a good reply to what LK is exhorting other like minded Xtians to get on board his campaign.


If only we don't have restrictions and censorship on speech like what Margaret Cho can say; but the reality is we need to keep the social harmony that is important for Singapore, but just enjoy her jokes , but come back to earth after that , hor . We are not in America, where people heck care about religious bigots, and will say that to the bigots face.


Title of vid , " These Christian Groups have lost their minds ". From you tube.



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Isn't this guy the one who sacked a female employee because she had committed adultery, accusing her for being immoral and had sinned but "forgive and forget" his own daughter who had a child out of wedlock. Perhaps committing adultery as a married woman is an unforgivable sin whereas getting pregnant out of wedlock if you are single is not sinful but is just being easy.

Just wondering if he had ever met or even know the father of his grandchild. Well, so much for a "wholesome family".


See how comical this pastor is, photographed as a 'magician' with his tattooed daughter, and read this fantastic article.



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