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There are usually very few true jazz fans about especially Singapore and most who think or claim they love jazz, gets it wrong what's really is defined as jazz music and ends up labeling the wrong genre of music as jazz when it is not. heheh.

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There are usually very few true jazz fans about especially Singapore and most who think or claim they love jazz, gets it wrong what's really is defined as jazz music and ends up labeling the wrong genre of music as jazz when it is not. heheh.


r u a true jazz fan?  would like to learn about jazz music from u.

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I am not that keen to start a Jazz 101 here hehe... I learned that from my father now so much what he tells me but what I listen out for in the music he played at home and also he is into jazz guitar himself as did I tried heheh but fail to keep up with the playing for over a decade now. You just need to appreciate music, know a little about how music is played, listen to a wide range of music from fundamental styles. Many don't like jazz or have an appreciation for how you perform jazz, how free form expression it gets, feeling the musician's highs and lows as he/.she takes with a song. Be sheer varying the tone, pace and emotion.. they can change the dynamic of the song into many facets or leave a marked distinction in the recorded song that once you hear it, you almost immediately know who was the artiste that played or sung it.


Personally Jazz is like Classics... there are very fundamental bits in it that has complexity, personality and layers. You can almost visualize the music in your mind's eye. It is not like pop music..for sure and it takes a long time to get into it. YouTube has a rich range of videos to get one started. It will take years but once you get there, it is a very enriching music genre that last a life time. It is hard to get tired of it as the song keep changing. thus people  love to go jazz concerts and jazz bars like in the USA.. they can go on a different night or concert by the same musicians but yet each time the same song is played.. the mood is not the same. The mood of the audience and musicians' mood ( like maybe he is tired, argued with someone earlier that day, had a wonderful experience before they played..etc) coming together can effect how good or average a song is played.

It's free flowing expression meets precise and total mastery over the musical instrument you use to project that expression. That's jazz.

If you get a chance.. go watch WHIPLASH which was in the cinema not long ago. That is about one fo the best movie about jazz and you are talking fundamental jazz standards. The movie concentrated on drums mainly as story center on that. And the best part is the lead actor in the movie is the same guy who played the failed ( in my opinion) Fantastic Four reboot. He is in life a real drummer from young so he did a lot of the drumming in the movie. It is the best movie in a long time and well praise by everyone who saw it. The protagonist character opposite the lead actor in that movie played by JK Simmons was awesome. And it does represent what being a top musician is all about. Looking not so much for the fame but about being the best, to be the next legend. And I love drum as much as guitars so I am a great avid fan of Buddy Rich among a list of other less well known session musicians.

You will notice the best musicians tend to be less popular or well known so no use for me to rattle off to you a lot of names as most you might not have known who they are. But to avid jazz fans and other celebrity jazz musicians you heard, they will die die hire those people to back them up on their stage performances and music recordings.

Some video you put up above are not really jazz as per say but more poppish and easy listening "jazzy' songs for commercial selling. Four Play is about as authentic of the lot with a close second being Nat King Cole's daugther and a yet youngish new comer like Jamie Callum but he is more easy-to-swallow jazz intermixed with big band and poppish tune.

This is the ending part of the movie WHIPLASH which me and  a lot of people can not get enough of watching heheh.... goosebump.  


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Great guitar virtuoso like the late Joe Pass whoes style comes across like so effortless but yet totally control and he drive the song in all direction and pull it back to the main chorus again.  He does it so well that he does not even need a band to accompaniment him


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Another legend Wes Montgomery ... a very laid back style but very unique style  




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Another of my favorite , the fiery style of gyspy jazz guitarist legend Django Reinhardt  and he only had 2 fingers playing style after an accident that lost him one finger.. But he was still one of the fastest..  In this documentary on the first video which also feature a great jazz violist Stephane Grappelli along with others.. This is a good jazz documentary of old jazz to get you started.


You can Google for more of their songs and see how well they know their instruments. Most jazz greats here and others videos when you start to google were not rich and mega famous.. but has a very small and tight fan following and well sort after by bigger stars.. In fact many died poor.. they are more about perfecting their playing style and playing with other like minded real musicians to make the best music unlike today.



Here's a video of one of their classic standards



If you heard Django style.. he likes to attack the music. For any musicians to play with him, you have to be brave and good. He push you hard and you have to keep up. He is very temperamental too but that is what makes him such a great musician. There was a recording of song he did where he broke a guitar string half way thru but he carried on like nothing happen by rethinking his fret work hehe That is mastery. at it's best and with only 3 fingers to play.

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But as an exception to the rule... there is one who made it to being a commercial success story. And that is George Benson. Another more contemporary jazz guitarist I love. A very distinctive style again.. He was at the height of is jazz guistar playing as you can see in this video. Then he became commercial by playing less his guitart and started to sing and made some really good and some mushy shit love songs in the 80s and 90s but after that he went back to his original roots to play really hard cord jazz music as he did. And I can say of all the jazz musicians he is by far the richest and he is according to financial news the highest earning session musician in the world 2015! With a net worth in the hundreds of millions.



By the way in this same video you can see one of the most successful Japanese jazz saxophonist to come out of Japan Sadao Watanabe. I prefer to listen to him then to that stupid Kenny G nonsense. heheh


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The grandfather of drumming.... the king.  BUddy Rich. And he does it wearing 3 piece suit too. He as drumming at his best till his death. To date almost all the drummers in the world..jazz or pop has to give tribute to hi, and wish they can play like him till in their 60s or older heheh



Jo Jones.. another legendary drummer. He makes drumming look like a cake walk hehe always smiling which is his trademark.


Duke Ellington masters - Drum Solo by Rufus Jones


Amazing Drum solo - Sonny Payne 1962

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** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Another Geroge Benson hit.. just got to put this here.... He is the kind of singing and playing the tune on the guitar at the same time. I have a guitar similar to that but mine was named after Joe Pass from Epiphone Gidson

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One of my favorite standards... done by difference artistes...  Moody's Mood

Original version by James Moody


(James Moody and Patti Austin)


George Benson's with Patti Austinversion


Modern version by Quincy Jones, James Moody, Brian McKnight


Moody's Mood For Love - Take 6, Brian McKnight, Patti Austin

Even a pretty good version by Amy Winehouse

If you listen to the song and note the pitch and how the notes are composed, you might notice if you play instrument .....this are actually how a saxophone would play the jazz notes. Not sure if you know what I mean. That is because the original is by James Moody and he is a sax player. After you listen to the singing and then go back to the first video to see James Moody played the song on his sax.
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** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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heheh I am not all about anal sex and toys now hor it seems.. heeeee..

So.. there you go. some stories on Jazz as I learn it and still learning... I have not even gone to the 60s to 80 to 2000s heheh.. But I think you get the picture on where to start the fundementals

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One of the best jazz pianist of all time, Oscar Peterson -
This link feature one of the best album I listen to every now and again when I am working and need to get creative. Jazz music has always been very emotional to me. It takes up high and then brings you down to the dark. If I want to create a mood change in my life, listening to jazz never fail to change it.


It has a good bit of bossa nova influence as you will notice.  There was a time when jazz started to gather a lot of influence with many other music genre like , bosa nova, blues, R&B and may other influences including what we have now like pop jazz or fusion jazz which to me are not quite about great instrumental mastery but more about taking a big chunk of what the masters did back then and use it in their repertoire.   Listen enough to the old fundamentals you start to catch a lot of what the modern jazz bands have taken for their own. thus I always go back to listen tot he older bands and solo musicians. Why hear a copy when I can hear the original heheh. It is almost classic as little has change.. if you close your eyes and hear a good recoding from the old and one from a modern band.. you will not be able to tell the difference.


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Btw Gary Moorse plays blues, folk and rock mainly but I would not say he play jazz heheheh.. I love Gary Moore as a guitarist. He is really a very UNDERRATED guitarist but nevertheless a very great virtuoso guitarist and singer


Don't even get me started on guitars and all the guitarists from the 1930s till 2010s. heh

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For a more modern day artiste I follow that still has a old play style as he was influence by his father, Bucky a seesion musician all his life, that would be John Pizzarelli. Here is a link to a classic jazz quartet performance  But I would consider hm 'tame' by jazz standards but I like his old style handing of songs though he did try his hand at original song writing as well.



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heheh I am not all about anal sex and toys now hor it seems.. heeeee..

So.. there you go. some stories on Jazz as I learn it and still learning... I have not even gone to the 60s to 80 to 2000s heheh.. But I think you get the picture on where to start the fundementals


thank u for all ur sharing.  i'm impressed by how much u know abt jazz.  u r indeed not all abt anal sex n toys.  :)

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Interesting funny bit though not serious...

CHRISTOPHE GODIN explains the difference between a jazz guitarist and a rock guitarist


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Get the entire recording of it... magical.

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This is jazz fusion which came along I think around the late 70s and this example is what I call "poppish fusion jazz". This one of Guthrie Govan peforming with a group of South Korean guys.. The band is so so but Guthrie is quite a teacher of the guitar and varying styles. They do pretty good fusion blues funk thingy laced with a taint of jazz heh. Many who listen to this for the first time would call this jazz actually heh to my horror every time I hear utter.



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One of the best Jazz trumpet musician - Chet Baker


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Great Dame of Jazz singer... Billie Holiday


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Diana Krall - In terms of contemporary jazz artiste and also someone who does her own arrangement, sing and play the piano She is getting better and better over the decades.

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At the height of jazz experiment and crossovers... Bosanova jazz came about to mainstream US I think in the 60s and 70s  and from that came musician like Antonio Carlos Jobim,  João Gilberto, Stan Getz and Gilberto Astrud

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What I love about jazz is that it not free and not something you just listen. It wants you to work for it. You have to give something of your time to learn about it. The original, the basic of it and be able to let yourself go and get under the skin of the music. To know a little about what it takes to not just sing but how an instrument is played or countered by another instrument. How a song originate initially and then how it gets transform and interpreted by various artistes and style of music.

It is very involving music. It is not something at first you can sit back and just hear it. You can but it does not make sense if you do thus there are a portion of people who do not like it and worst when they heard the original version of a song and now someone else is performing it and the artiste add so many musical hooks to it at various point of the song to enhance it or change the mood from the original that a normal non jazz audience will find it too hard on their ear to appreciate it.

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This Joe Pass and Ella recorded in UK in 1975 is one of my favorite since finding out someone upload it long time back.

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Another guitar legend of mine Charlie Byrd. I purposely choose their older playing period video to show you how good they are even at their age. Amazing talent has no age boundary


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Miles Davis - An early album from 1957 in collaboration with a number of well know jazz session musicians. I love the youtube as there is now an ever growing number of uploads from people and companies releasing old records and videos of artistes. I have some of those old LPs, Albums, Singles, cassettes and CDs but most can not be played like my old audio cassettes. But thank goodness for the internet and digital music reproduction. I manage to find all those old favorites of mine or my dad's.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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For "cool Jazz" I think this colloboration between Bob James and David Sanborn was the best. This sure takes me back to the 80/90s heh


Best song: Since I fall for you sung by jazz male vocalist Al Jarreau & You don't know me.

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A good collection of female jazz singers over the years for anyone to go Youtube and re-discover or discover new what really good singing and music is all about then showing a a pretty face and breast to sell some silly stupid bland music album. hehe 


Women: The Best Jazz Vocals

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I am more of a casual jazz listener. Was quite surprised to find that Singapore has a thriving Jazz scene.

Yes, it's a pleasant surprise as it is not easy to spot a fan of jazz music unless u r at d jazz section of music stores or d jazz festival. Would luv to hav more fans share their favourites here.

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Yes, it's a pleasant surprise as it is not easy to spot a fan of jazz music unless u r at d jazz section of music stores or d jazz festival. Would luv to hav more fans share their favourites here.


I don't buy from local shops anymore for more then a decade heheh.. all online.

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For "cool Jazz" I think this colloboration between Bob James and David Sanborn was the best. This sure takes me back to the 80/90s heh


Best song: Since I fall for you sung by jazz male vocalist Al Jarreau & You don't know me.


i like this collaboration album.

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