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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2016 in Posts

  1. bennyboi

    Edging > cumming?

    I edge a lot while jerking off and start to realise that edging is more pleasurable than cumming. It's like the sense of excitement and control and discipline. And the longer you edge, the more proud of yourself, in a weird way. Often time when I jerk and cum quickly, I'll feel disappointed (once I feel so disappointed with myself because a week worth of load was just orgasm in about 30 min. Do you feel the same? Ps: Thinking of imposing a rule to only cum on weekend, weekday I can only edge otherwise I can't cum on weekend.
    2 points
  2. Wei... Why all of you all suddenly so sad, even monkey also sad At whatever stage we are, make the most of it... If manage to find a bf / husband, good. learn to treasure it and love each other, if cannot, also don't feel sad, you don't need someone to complete you. Attached people also got their own sets of problems de... Cheer up ba guys.
    2 points
  3. fallmerees

    Moaning Fetish

    I posted something new lol My moaning skills are kinda rusty :xxx
    2 points
  4. Any chubby keen to meet up now at clementi?
    2 points
  5. Dan L

    Pre Cum

    I have full of precum as well, even I am old now... hahaha
    2 points
  6. ExhibitGuy

    My Pictures

    How abt mine? Needs to haf warm tongue and mouth on it. Lol
    2 points
  7. How to Seduce Every Zodiac Sign 1. Aries: Spirited and Direct Be bold and aggressive.. no need for permission, steal a breathtaking kiss as soon as the moment seizes you. The more forceful the approach, the better. Compliments go a long way too .. tell them they’re sexy and desired! 2. Taurus: Simmering Sensuality Slow and steady.. savor the courtship phase. Bulls love gifts, show up with beautiful tokens. They’re extremely responsive to sensual stimuli, a subtle perfume will be a magnet. Lastly an earthy sense of humor seals the deal! 3. Gemini: Mind Stimulation First The fastest way to their bedroom is through the brain. They love to be consulted about intellectual matters, but better yet is if you have a specialized knowledge they don’t! Nothing gets them more in the mood than intrigue! 4. Cancer: Romance Rules They’re notoriously soft-hearted. Showing off your sensitive side seduces them. They secretly love being babied, and love being pampered with a home-cooked meal. Romantic atmospheres appeal to their sensualness. 5. Leo: 100% Focus Treat them like they’re the most important beings in the world! When the lights are turned low, run your fingers through Leo’s mane, they’ll purr with delight.. Murmur words of praise, it builds the perfect mood. 6. Virgo: Orderly Cleanliness is a virtue here, are your sheets laundered? You’ll need to be impeccably groomed too! Virgo likes to help, it makes them feel “needed” which is a good way to get closer to this organized creature. 7. Libra: Have Style They’re sophisticated.. This sign needs to be romanced in high style: champagne, evening dress and music. Most of all perfect your kissing technique, they want a lover with finesse. 8. Scorpio: Intrigue Them It’s challenging to seduce secretive Scorpio, and hard to gauge their reactions. A good first move? Take their hand and trace delicate patterns on the inside of their palm, let your body do the communicating. 9. Sagittarius: Be Adventurous Humor wins and gets you acquainted with the Archer’s bedroom. The prospect of making love outdoors excites them. This sign is ruled by the thighs and hips, they’ll become deadly serious when you zero in on these areas. 10. Capricorn : Use Sophistication A slow, steady approach works best with Goats. Limit your first encounter to a lingering kiss. Move further next time you see each other, with little caresses. They know that the best things in life are worth waiting for. 11. Aquarius: Unconventional Moves Quirky, they’re a tough nut to crack. Be creative and a friend first, appeal to their intellect. The more offbeat your manner, the more attracted they’ll be. Know they’ve a rebellious streak.. dare one to kiss you! 12. Pisces: Fantasy Oriented Transport them to another world.. verbalize fantasies. When they’re absorbed, a quick kiss on the back of the neck will do. They’ve many erogenous zones, including the feet. A friendly foot rub can fan the flames of desire.
    1 point
  8. When a guy lick or suck my nipples OR rim my fully-shaven ass-hole, I will get instant Hardon.
    1 point
  9. The Hunks of The Disney Heroes Collection Watching Frozen, The Little Mermaid of a handful of other Disney movies will NEVER be the same. The talented David Kawena, illustrator/photographer/art director, has created an erotic interpretation of the hunks from some of your favorite Disney movies. These guys are no longer the dreamy prince charming that cater to the fantasies of women…these are princes are hot, hard and ready to give you that happy ending you always wanted. Check out David’s stunning drawings in a series he calls The Disney Heroes Collection. WARNING: These illustrations may cause your pants to get tight. Prince Hanz from Frozen Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid Kristoff from Frozen Flynn Rider from Rupenzel David from Lilo & Stitch Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty John Smith from Pocahontas Captain Phoebus from The Hunchback of Notre Dame Hercules from Hercules Source: http://www.gayguys.com/2015/02/hunks-disney-heroes-collection/
    1 point
  10. Guest

    Journey of seeking for that partner

    Are you the type who changes your expectation as you grew older? It was like the chinese saying: If there is no fish to eat, shrimp is the immediate option. In your teenage: Your hormone was in rage, you started to explore every sensitive and sexual parts of your body. You can easily fall prey with your impulse for sexual experiments. You did not choose your man as long as he has a dick which you can touch and explore or if he sucked well. You wanted that first moment of man-to-man contact experience. In your 20s - you dreamt big, dreamt prince white riding a white horse, dreamt of fairy tale stories, looking for perfect hero as life long partner. You wanted a partner of equal to your straight friend's husband but you knew you have time to search and find. You are also in the play-mode hoping to hit target eventually. In your 30s - you cut a little, but still very arrogant and putting yourself high on pedestal for a catch. You want a person to be a career minded and stable person, a die-hard lover, you expect him to meet most of your criterias, if not all. You want him to look good, wear smart and presentable to your taste. You wanted a "family" that fit you. In your 40s - you moaned for not getting all the above man yet. You took stock of your expectation, but still very unsure what you really want from the person. You knew you are getting old, but you also want that person to be less of a burden for you. Your imagination ran wild but cautious. Your hope still remain cockily high, you still hold on to your 30s expectation, but gave way a little in the hope that you still get somesome "sensible" to your liking. You tend to be sociable, always ready to hop into any seminars or gathering that BW provided. You probably have found someone, but still unsure, you still hold on to your early years expecations. I know some of these group of people still showed the white of their eyes at those whom they didn't like. In your 50s - you are desperate to sell. You probably gave a drastic discount on your expectation. Your maturity took over your unrealistic expectation. Anyone close to your resemblance lifestyle (not your expectation) could easily become your choiced partner. But you are shy for various reasons. Life has reached a stage that you became rather inward looking. You looked at yourself, your success (or unsuccess) in life. You tend to be philosophical, tendency to lecture the youngsters. You felt you are smarter now, more realistic and enjoyed giving advices. Sometime bitchy too - hormornes changes? You may become less sociable, among young group of people. Your confidence in continue to look for partner, took a turn. In your 60s - you probably gave up but never lack of playfulness. You came to this forum as regular to muse and pass time. Finding partner may no longer on your card. You are more concerned of taking care of yourself, health and finances. You see love life from different perspective. Sex, is accidental but you may also become quite cruisy if your hormone took over - standing at the urinal in public toilet probably shed some light about boredom and you hack care about the risk of being caught. You also pondered, if those china money boy might be an option now, if you are wealthy. You are either ususually friendlier to anyone you met, but talking more than you should, or became a grouchy complain queen that even an ant crossing your path would become news of your problems. In your 70s: - hopefully you are still around and probably many will. Far and few, will cruise. Mobility became a challenge. You are likely home bound by now. Internet porn may still provide you the minimum sexual muse for jo for your last few drips. Young LGBT are likely to avoid you at all cost - when come to sex. You spend time at the coffee shops, drinking coffee and idle away, but your eyes still glued at every gorgeous fellows that walked pass and you may given grin at young boys that attracted you.... In your 80s - on rocking chair and staring blankly, minds wandering what is next to come.....
    1 point
  11. Our favorite hunks in our favorite trunks.
    1 point
  12. Donate or resell it carousell ? to minimize loss?
    1 point
  13. angsana

    Jurong Point

    Heyy anyone here later, what are the popular spots haah
    1 point
  14. lovehandle

    Pics Of Ur Cum

    wow, there is a thread for practically everything
    1 point
  15. I m quite sharp in picking up things, hence if it is not selling, it is not I m there for shopping hence no empty trips made, I wont go down for a carrot cake, lol while I may not dish out yummy stuff like jcho or friendly or royal sammuel , silverwing(just realised u changed your photo again, lol!)presenting my simple bfast: Cold soba
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. And if you want to know what its like living with a circumcised penis, from someone who ENJOYS it, drop me a PM and I will answer your queries
    1 point
  18. http://www.healthcommunities.com/std/faq-sexually-transmitted-diseases.shtml Most STDs cant be transmitted through underwear. But at your own risk, of course, especially if the wearer is frequent sauna goer who adits to having STDs.
    1 point
  19. Indian top... Looking for a blowjob...
    1 point
  20. Kesy

    Jurong Point

    Anyone here
    1 point
  21. xav-boy

    Jurong Point

    Seem quiet when I was there
    1 point
  22. not just uncles and chubs, but for anyone-not-your-type, just need to tell them clearly u are not interested and don't bother me. yes, they may circle back for a sneak grab or start some mindless chat, but no harm otherwise. and some of them actually just wanted a hug, which i've no probs - free hugs for all. twisting someone's finger is uncalled for.
    1 point
  23. Not a bad price... Why not? If you can mix work and pleasure...
    1 point
  24. From wat I understand, only married couples or cohabiting LTR couples will understand. Maybe he's trying to show he's LTR material?
    1 point
  25. TS your friend is a humpsup bi gay. After graduate usually straight friends go seperately way and have their gfs or wive. But your friend still remain single and was willing to travel with you. I think may know u are gay.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. sometimes when im gonna cum, its just too intense and my cum just ends up shooting further than i expected but its beyond my control haha. and i cant help moaning too when that happens, so embarrassing haha
    1 point
  28. Any choir enthusiast here?
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. when i stayed there were all white >40 years old white guys and 1 black guy i travelled alone and kind of shy so i never speak to them the place sure is not hotel quality but its a cool experience to be nude in the opening area and getting sunbath
    1 point
  31. Hi ...i am sg indian mature. Hairy body ...outgoing...relax type. Here for and to give Manly Love to you.
    1 point
  32. Anyone wants to meet for fun tomorrow. Indian btm 21/189cm/95kg line kesyboii
    1 point
  33. fallmerees

    Moaning Fetish

    my moaning haha :x
    1 point
  34. youngwanker

    My Pictures

    yummy! beatin off to u now;P
    1 point
  35. malayguy1986

    My Pictures

    Nice cock.. Feel like sucking it..
    1 point
  36. youngwanker

    My Pictures

    nice cock u have wad do u think of mine
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. passby

    Pics Of Ur Cum

    1 point
  39. 1 point
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