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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2016 in all areas

  1. iamziz

    Fantasy with housemate

    It is the same principle - you don't eat and shit at same place. Just imagine things don't work out one day or the honeymoon period over, it would be awkward still staying same place. Worst if it didn't end nicely. Loads of dramas to follow. Besides, it would be wise to respect the privacy of fellow tenants.
    2 points
  2. I believe that Sex is not a must. As a relationship does not only consist of Sex, lust and desire but rather more on Love and cherishing the time together to be long lasting. I would say a relationship can goes on without sex but better if theres is occasionally
    2 points
  3. Now that i recall i have seen the whole fish many times during my childhood when my dad brings back many fishes from his share catch. The head of eel well it has a thousand teeths and its tail is like a leaf so for what i know no one eat them.. as in the wet martket they are chop off and throw away.. So what we see in the wet markets are only the pics of meat of this fish lor. When out for dinner with some bw friends and almost cry when came back bf told me he cook rice,fry egg and ate his dinner with peanut and banana.. I hate myself.. Will cook something better for dinner tonight.. he he
    2 points
  4. I've been watching some straight porn recently because of the storylines haha. But my focus is always on the guy rather than the woman. But overall, it doesn't appeal to me obviously haha. I mean, some of the ladies are definitely sexy but not in a way that turn me on you know. Duh... I'm gay hahaha.
    2 points
  5. Me Any young fit or good looking top who can shoot good quality and quantity of man juice? I'm a good looking btm who can give u one of the best bj u ever had, 175/58/26
    2 points
  6. cyberjaya anyone for lite fun. PM
    2 points
  7. If got leader like LKY, this would not happened. Singaporeans are truly lucky. http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/08/31/chinese-indonesian-youth-refuses-to-back-down.html Defying his parents’ admonition that he should simply accept his position as a member of a minority community, a young Chinese-Indonesian man has bravely reported to the police a group of men who reportedly assaulted him because of his ethnicity last Friday evening. Andrew Budikusuma, 24, needed five days to recover from his injuries and to obtain evidence such as CCTV footage. One day after the attack he recounted the incident on his Facebook account, which immediately attracted public attention. “My parents actually asked me not to file a police report but rather resolve the problem through dialogue, but I decided to proceed with legal action because I think that they have to be held responsible for what they have done,” Andrew told reporters at the police headquarters on Tuesday. Andrew was on a TransJakarta bus en route from Kuningan, South Jakarta, to his home in Pluit, North Jakarta, when the incident occured. The employee of a startup company said he boarded the bus at the West Kuningan stop at 8:30 p.m. His attackers got on the bus at 9 p.m. and immediately glared at him, shouting “You’re Ahok, aren’t you?” referring to Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama, who is also of Chinese ethnicity. When the bus reached the JCC bus stop in Senayan, several of the gang attacked him and tried to drag him off the bus. Andrew hit one of his assailants with a glass bottle that was within reach, which apparently deterred the others from continuing the assault. “Probably they had just been fired by their Chinese boss. It was their last salary day. They might have been furious and then vented their anger on me,” Andrew suggested, when asked to guess the motive for the attack. People of Chinese origin were denied their full rights as citizens of Indonesia until after the fall of Soeharto in 1998. In the past they were often treated differently from their compatriots. Although they constitute a small minority in the country there is a long-held perception that they dominate the national economy. Andrew’s actions have gained the support of other Chinese-Indonesians who claim they feel emboldened to take the same action should they suffer similar abuse. Shanty Jayanti Putri, 25, said that she felt encouraged to pursue equal rights. “Of course I would report it to the police. I am an Indonesian citizen; I have the right to receive protection from the country,” she told The Jakarta Post on Tuesday. Andris Juliawan, 30, said that the incident could have happened to him as he frequently felt negatively prejudged on account of his ethnicity. “I don’t care about their race, religion or background. If someone assaults me, I will report it to the police,” the entrepreneur said. The chairman of Human Rights watchdog Setara Institute, Hendardi, praised Andrew’s courage in filing a police report. It reflected the rising awareness of fighting for equal rights among citizens, he said. “He could become a pioneer for other Chinese. This should be a good opportunity,” said Hendardi. “We have seen improvements, such as how many Chinese-Indonesians have become engaged in politics in the country. Although there is still some racial discrimination, the situation is getting better now as compared to the past,” he said. (win/fac)
    1 point
  8. Yes... Twice in Nu Sentral's toilet...
    1 point
  9. horny after exercise. skype anyone? pm me.
    1 point
  10. Friendly

    Cooking Your Own Dinner?

    It's dinner time for tonight, black pepper crabs, white carrots soup,veg and onion egg lor. Seeing the smile on my bf face I am full already he he he ... He is happy and so am I ..
    1 point
  11. Sunway Mentari got one shell there .. Peep holes I guess
    1 point
  12. Sunway Subang pj area usj Shah Alam
    1 point
  13. Any chinese boys wanna grope or be groped til you cum? 26 chi 180 66 here. Woodlands.
    1 point
  14. anyone at jurong east?? i no place but dun mind toilets
    1 point
  15. cyber for lite fun, can PM
    1 point
  16. Any married men tops?
    1 point
  17. Anyone with place in woodlands or admiralty wanna fun later at 515pm? 37 160 67kg big booty chn
    1 point
  18. Place near serangoon mrt. any lean/fit keen to get blown?
    1 point
  19. i have a place until sunday, 22 y/o bottom here pm me
    1 point
  20. Any suckers wanna come to my place in yishun now?
    1 point
  21. Its At Toh Guan Near To An Industrial Area. Do U Dare To Do Public Sex?
    1 point
  22. It's the same if you visit a public bath in South Korea. The men there all have full pubic bushes. One noticeable difference from Japan though, most South Korean men are circumcised.
    1 point
  23. Guest

    Touching Video (Compiled)

    I'm feeling down lately. Watching these videos has somewhat uplifted me.
    1 point
  24. So sexy, you'll be tempted to wear it to the pool. The new TOOT Color Binder Bikini Brief comes in White, Black, Yellow & Turquoise. Check out the AW2016 collection at #02-06, Ming Arcade (opp Hard Rock Cafe), 21 Cuscaden Rd. Online at www.male-hq.com
    1 point
  25. moon_alex88

    Car Fun (Compiled)

    Car fun on Friday night. I am driving pm me line moon_alex88
    1 point
  26. Oei - public area, general conversation. you or "ni" arh - usually when angry Dear - when he sick, worried, happy, excited his name - public area, in front of friends and family, angry... hmmm...when I'm horny. Not need to call. Action speaks louder than words!
    1 point
  27. Regardless of which site/app a gay guy is using, if you do not practice protected sex then anyone will be at risk. So always equip yourself and stay safe (:
    1 point
  28. Looking Chinese Vers to caress my bulge ~~
    1 point
  29. Looking for lite fun in Serdang, Balakong or Putrajaya area.
    1 point
  30. anyone in cck with place for clean fun? 25chn here.
    1 point
  31. Hie... add me is wechat: edwardnair
    1 point
  32. I want to lick nipple and suck dick. In kota damansara. Anyone? Please wechat me rickydamansara
    1 point
  33. reminds me of how I always pick up snails which are crawling the pavements, and putting them on the side of the grass patch that they are heading towards, just so that they don't get crushed by human traffic on the pavement. This seems to be a habit I have been doing since I was young. I invite a lot of stares each time I pick up those "dirty" creatures, but those stares don't keep my conscience up awake at night, but the sound of crushing snails at my feet does.
    1 point
  34. Someone once told me this story: A guy was walking on a beach and saw another man picking up starfishes on the sand and throwing them as far back as possible into the sea. He looked around and realized there were uncountable starfishes stranded on the beach on that low tide. He walked towards the man and told him that his effort was futile and didn't matter as he couldn't possibly save all the starfishes stranded on the beach from dying before the tide came back in. The man just shrugged his shoulders and said "It mattered to those I managed to throw back into the sea..." The guy joined him in picking up as many as they could and threw them back into the sea. Please do help. Every bit no matter how small helps!
    1 point
  35. Around weld, kl live area at 2pm. Looking for indian, malay Pm me
    1 point
  36. Hard cock really need to unload, any takers. Mutual hj and bj At Cyberjaya, tonight or whenever.
    1 point
  37. Im living @ putrajaya. Ur stat?
    1 point
  38. Compiled scenes from this korean internet drama serial....think abit of BL or bromance theme.
    1 point
  39. See, NEVER ever be ashamed of who you are. Gay, gay lah!! Big fucking deal!! When these scums know that you are in the closet and am "afraid" to be exposed, the more they will blackmail you and harm you.
    1 point
  40. red strings..two people connected by this thread will have an important story, regardless of the time, place or circumstances. The red string might get tangled, contracted or stretched, as surely often happens, but it can never break.
    1 point
  41. Seem him at cruise club too. Remember to use protection if you play with him.
    1 point
  42. It's an onsen, not a gay sauna, what's wrong with that?
    1 point
  43. Line Chat: Younger Tops and Older Bottoms This is a chat room dedicated to younger tops who wish to meet, socialize or hook-up with older guys. There is no age restriction. The chat room is moderately active, and social activities are planned occasionally. Currently we have about 45 members and hope to grow it to 70 eventually. Especially hope more younger tops will join us! Don't be shy, this has been a very amicable chat room so far! PM me
    1 point
  44. Guest

    Learning Japanese Language

    Give away japanese learning materials /used book/photo copy sheets for those beginner who want to learn urself or those who might want it
    1 point
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