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Dramas/movies theme songs (Asia region only) - and always refer to the FIRST POST to avoid repetition [电视剧/电影歌曲 (仅限于亚洲区域) - 请务必参阅第一页, 以避免重复]


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I suppose there are quite a number of members here, like me, grew up with a lot of TVB dramas and their great songs (mostly before the millennium). So I thought it might be good that we could share those songs here - do keep it to Asia region (mainly from Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan) yeah.


Let's restrict to songs from dramas/movies for now, and avoid repetition so that we could enjoy more "forgotten songs" from the past eh, haha.



Edited previously on:

1) 18 Oct 2020:

Please do include at least the title of the show, as some are foreign shows (example - Korean drama/movie), most of us would not be able to read that language eh.

Or the song title might not be the same as the show title yeah.

(Easier for those who are interested to do a search with the show title available)

Thank you.


2) 15-16 Nov 2020:

For everyone's convenience and to avoid searching through the pages for a particular song, now you could click on the title below and be directed to that particular MV straight away.


Also, in order not to have repeated contributions, kindly refer to the list below before posting eh, so that we all could enjoy more different songs from the past to present.  :) 


However, some of the songs might not be linked because your contribution did not include any show title eh (such as foreign language ones, or I do not know the show title, or even the videos were deleted by "owners"). 


By the way, please do compile all the songs of the same show (including its sub-songs) in one post, otherwise it is quite troublesome for me to link them all eh (example 海角七号 & 人间中毒). Thanks.


Continuous editing is always ongoing - when new songs are added. Do let me know if my link(s) is incorrect or video(s) has been deleted too, thanks.








Hong Kong drama series

书剑恩仇录 - 1976 (插曲),   倚天屠龙记 - 1978,   天龙八部 - 1982,   射雕英雄传 - 1983,   神雕侠侣 - 1983,   笑傲江湖 - 1984,   倚天屠龙记 - 1986,   射雕英雄传 -1994,   神雕侠侣 - 1995,   笑傲江湖 - 1996,   天龙八部 - 1997,   倚天屠龙记 - 2001,


啼笑姻缘 - 1974,   清宫残梦 - 1975,   巫山盟 - 1975,   董小宛 - 1975,   别后 - 1975,   狂潮 - 1976,   陆小凤 - 1976 (插曲),   十大刺客 - 1976,   三国春秋 - 1976,   陆小凤之武当之战 - 1978,   奋斗 - 1978,   变色龙 - 1978,   网中人 - 1979,   天蚕变 - 1979,   天龙诀 - 1979,   刀神 - 1979,   楚留香 - 1979,   绝代双骄 - 1979,   上海滩 - 1980,   京华春梦 - 1980,   千王之王 - 1980,   太极张三丰 - 1980,   大内群英 - 1980,   浮生六劫 - 1980 (插曲),   千王群英会 - 1981,   过客 - 1981,   女黑侠木兰花 - 1981,   万水千山总是情 - 1982,   十三太保 - 1982,   香城浪子 - 1982,   苏乞儿 - 1982,   家春秋 - 1982,   播音人 - 1983,   楚留香之蝙蝠传奇 - 1984,   天师执位 - 1984,   侬本多情 - 1984,   新紮師兄 - 1984,   醉拳王无忌 - 1984,   楚河汉界 - 1985,   钟无艳 - 1985,   碧血剑 - 1985,   黄金十年 - 1986,   狄青 - 1986,   秦始皇 - 1986,   达摩 - 1986,   季节 - 1987,   大运河 - 1987,   大明群英 - 1987,   绝代双骄 - 1988,   天涯歌女 - 1989,   义不容情 - 1989,   他来自江湖 - 1989,   盖世豪侠 - 1989,   我本善良 - 1990,   人在边缘 - 1990,   蜀山奇侠 - 1990,   今生无悔 - 1991,   灰网 - 1991,   月儿弯弯照九州 - 1991,   蜀山奇侠之仙侣奇缘 - 1991,   壹号皇庭 I-V - 1992-1997,   大时代 - 1992 (插曲),   都市的童话 - 1993,   原振侠 - 1993,   射雕英雄传之九阴真经 - 1993,   笑看风云 - 1994,   阿Sir早晨 - 1994,   婚姻物语 - 1994,   异度凶情 - 1994,   碧血青天杨家将 (ATV版) - 1994,   碧血青天珍珠旗 (ATV版) - 1994,   包青天 (TVB版) - 1995,   包青天 (ATV版) - 1995,   刑事侦缉档案 I-IV - 1995-1999,   真情 - 1995-1999,   親恩情未了 - 1995,   天地男儿 - 1996,   900重案追凶 - 1996,   大闹广昌隆 - 1997,   真命天师 - 1997,   乾隆大帝 - 1997,   妙手仁心 1&2 - 1998, 2000,   烈火雄心 - 1998,   天地豪情 - 1998,   离岛特警 - 1998,   陀枪师姐 - 1998,   茶是故乡浓 - 1999,   先生贵姓 - 1999,   双面伊人 - 1999,   洗冤录 1&2 - 1999, 2003,   创世纪 - 1999-2000,   新鲜人 - 2000,   陀枪师姐2 - 2000,   杨贵妃 - 2000,   十月初五的月光 (又名  澳门街) - 2000,   男亲女爱 - 2000,


酒是故乡醇 - 2001,   寻秦记 - 2001,   七姐妹 - 2001,   陀枪师姐3 - 2001,   婚前昏后 - 2001,   流金岁月 - 2002,   谈判专家 - 2002,   无头东宫 - 2002,   戆夫成龙 - 2002,   西关大少 - 2003,   冲上云霄 - 2003,   九五至尊 - 2003,   陀枪师姐4 - 2003,   卫斯理 - 2003,   天子寻龙 - 2003,   帝女花 - 2003,   黑夜彩虹 - 2003,   隔世追凶 - 2004,   天涯侠医 - 2004,   金枝欲孽 - 2004,   怪侠一枝梅 - 2004,   大唐双龙传 - 2004,   栋笃神探 - 2004,   妙手仁心3 - 2005,   随时候命 - 2005,   学警雄心 - 2005,   阿旺新传 - 2005,   人间蒸发 - 2005,   秀才遇著兵 - 2005,   法证先锋 - 2006,   凤凰四重奏 - 2006,   谜情家族 - 2006,   奸人坚 - 2007,   溏心风暴 - 2007,   学警出更 - 2007,   岁月风云 (中港合拍) - 2007,   天机算 - 2007,   乱世佳人 - 2007,   溏心风暴之家好月圆 - 2008,   法证先锋II - 2008,   搜神传 - 2008,   最美丽的第七天 - 2008,   秀才爱上兵 - 2008,   少年四大名捕 - 2008,   古灵精探 - 2008,   宫心计 - 2009,   巾帼枭雄 - 2009,   富贵门 - 2009,   老友狗狗 - 2009,   蔡锷与小凤仙 - 2009,   学警狙击 - 2009,   碧血盐枭 - 2009,   古灵精探B - 2009,   绝代商骄 - 2009,   巾帼枭雄之义海豪情 - 2010,   蒲松龄 - 2010,   公主嫁到 - 2010,   摘星之旅 - 2010,   谈情说案 - 2010,   情越双白线 - 2010,   读心神探 - 2010,   刑警 - 2010,


法证先锋III - 2011,   花花世界花家姐 - 2011,   紫禁惊雷 - 2011,   万凰之王 - 2011,   我的如意狼君 - 2011,   鱼跃在花见 - 2011,   点解阿Sir係阿Sir - 2011,   潜行狙击 - 2011,   天与地 - 2011,   铁马寻桥 - 2011,   On Call 36小时 - 2012,   飞虎 - 2012,   幸福摩天轮 - 2012,   雷霆扫毒 - 2012,   法网狙击 - 2012,   回到三国 - 2012,   天梯 - 2012,   大太监 - 2012,   护花危情 - 2012,   造王者 - 2012,   On Call 36小时II - 2013,   金枝欲孽贰 - 2013,   巨轮 - 2013,   神枪狙击 - 2013,   恋爱季节 - 2013,   女警爱作战 - 2013,   神探高伦布 - 2013,   心路GPS - 2013,   情逆三世缘 - 2013,   法外风云 - 2013,   师父, 明白了 - 2013,   使徒行者 - 2014 (插曲),   飞虎II - 2014,   名门暗战 - 2014,   单恋双城 - 2014,   载得有情人 - 2014,   再战明天 - 2014,   爱我请留言 - 2014,   守业者 - 2014,   大药坊 - 2014,   叛逃 - 2014,   八卦神探 - 2014,   华丽转身 - 2015,   张保仔 - 2015,   冲线 - 2015,   风云天地 (中港合拍) - 2015,   无双谱 - 2015,   师奶Madam - 2015,   天眼 - 2015,   枭雄 - 2015,   实习天使 - 2015,   巨轮II - 2016,   公公出宫 - 2016,   纯熟意外 - 2016,   超能老豆 - 2016,   幕后玩家 - 2016,   铁马战车 - 2016,   警犬巴打 - 2016,   EU超时任务 - 2016,   一屋老友记 - 2016,   城寨英雄 - 2016,   致命复活 - 2016,   无间道 (中港合拍) - 2016,   巾帼枭雄之喋血长天 - 2016,   殭 - 2016,   不懂撒娇的女人 - 2017,   降魔的 - 2017,   使徒行者2 - 2017,   踩过界 - 2017,   溏心风暴3 - 2017,   亲亲我好妈 - 2017,   与谍同谋 - 2017,   超时空男臣 - 2017,   赌城群英会 - 2017,   同盟 - 2017,   我瞒结婚了 - 2017,   夸世代 - 2017,   宫心计2 深宫计 - 2018,   跳跃生命线 - 2018,   飞虎之潜行极战 - 2018,   守护神之保险调查 (中港合拍) - 2018,   翻生武林 - 2018,   逆缘 - 2018,   BB来了 - 2018,   兄弟 - 2018,   果栏中的江湖大嫂 - 2018,   栋仁的时光 - 2018,   再创世纪 - 2018,   是咁的, 法官阁下 - 2018,   特技人 - 2018,   天命 - 2018,   白色强人 - 2019,   今宵大厦 - 2019,   多功能老婆 - 2019,   好日子 - 2019,   包青天再起风云 - 2019,   荷里活有个大老千 - 2019,   福尔摩师奶 - 2019,   铁探 - 2019,   十二传说 - 2019,   法证先锋IV - 2020,   飞虎之雷霆极战 - 2020,   使徒行者3 - 2020,   踩过界2 - 2020,   黄金有罪 - 2020,   那些我爱过的人 - 2020,   迷网 - 2020,   大酱园 - 2020,   C9特工 - 2020,   机场特警 - 2020,   木棘证人 - 2020,   香港爱情故事 - 2020,   坚离地爱坚离地 - 2020,


陀枪师姐2021,   失忆24小时 - 2021,   大步走 - 2021,   爱美丽狂想曲 - 2021,   伙计办大事 - 2021,   逆天奇案 - 2021,   一笑渡凡间 - 2021,   宝宝大过天 - 2021,   刑侦日记 - 2021,   智能爱人 - 2021,   七姐妹 - 2021,   我家无难事 - 2021,   把关者们 - 2021,   星空下的仁医 - 2021,   换命真相 - 2021,   十月初五的月光 - 2021,   拳王 - 2021,   青年心城之撑起青春 - 2021,   异搜店 - 2021,   铁拳英雄 - 2022,   青春不要脸 - 2022,   飞虎3壮志英雄 - 2022,   家族荣耀 - 2022,   今宵大厦2 - 2022,   食脑丧B - 2022,   双生陌生人 - 2022,   十八年后的终极告白2.0 - 2022,   童时爱上你 - 2022,   黑金风暴 - 2022,   白色强人2 - 2022,   黯夜守护者 - 2022,   美丽战场 - 2022,   下流上车族 - 2022,   超能使者 - 2022,   法证先锋V - 2022,   有种好男人 - 2022,   轻·功 - 2022,   新四十二章 - 2023,   廉政狙击 - 2023,   女法医JD - 2023,   隐形战队 - 2023,   法言人 - 2023,   隐门 - 2023,   灵戏逼人 - 2023,   破毒强人 - 2023,   你好, 我的大夫 - 2023,   罗密欧与祝英台 - 2023,   宠爱 Pet Pet - 2023,   香港人在北京 - 2023,   叠影狙击 - 2023,   新闻女王 - 2023,   妳不是她 - 2024,   飞常日誌 - 2024,   本尊就位 - 2024,



Hong Kong movies

倚天屠龙记之九阳神功 - 2022,   倚天屠龙记之圣火雄风 - 2022,


曼波女郎 - 1957,   不了情 - 1961,   一水隔天涯 - 1966,   鬼马双星 - 1974,   大家樂 - 1975,   天才与白痴 - 1975,   半斤八两 - 1976 (插曲),   秋霞 - 1976,   跳灰 - 1976,   发钱寒 - 1977,   卖身契 - 1978,   摩登保镖 - 1981,   最佳拍档 - 1982,   搭错车 - 1983,   火烧圆明园 - 1983,   阴阳错 - 1983,   蜀山 - 1983,   君子好逑 - 1984,   开心鬼 - 1984,   上海之夜 - 1984,   开心鬼放暑假 - 1985,   打工皇帝 - 1985,   为你钟情 - 1985,   法外情 - 1985,   开心鬼撞鬼 - 1986,   刀马旦 - 1986 (插曲),   英雄本色 - 1986 [including 英雄本色2 and 英雄本色3 (夕阳之歌)],   倩女幽魂 - 1987 [including 倩女幽魂2 (人间道) and 倩女幽魂3 (道道道)] (插曲),   胭脂扣 - 1987 (插曲),   用爱捉伊人 - 1987,   秋天的童话 - 1987,   龙兄虎弟 - 1987,   爱的逃兵 - 1988,   八星报喜 - 1988,   中国最后一个太监 - 1988,   大丈夫日记 - 1988,   流金岁月 - 1988,   旺角卡门 - 1988,   至尊无上 - 1989,   阿郎的故事 - 1989,   纵横四海 - 1989,   开心鬼救开心鬼 - 1990,   新半斤八两 - 1990,   天若有情 - 1990 (插曲),   笑傲江湖 - 1990,   阿飞正传 - 1990,   黄飞鸿电影系列 - 1991,   至尊无上II之永霸天下 - 1991,   Yes一族 - 1991,   九一神雕侠侣 - 1991,   何日君再来 - 1991,   双城故事 - 1991,   逃学外传 - 1992,   九二神雕之痴心情长剑 - 1992,   痴情快婿 - 1992,   神算 - 1992,   明月照尖东 - 1992,   阮玲玉 - 1992,   笑傲江湖2东方不败 - 1992,   92黑玫瑰对黑玫瑰 - 1992,   东方三侠 & 现代豪侠传 - 1993,   飞越谜情 - 1993,   天若有情II之天长地久 - 1993,   太极张三丰 - 1993,   赤脚小子 - 1993,   霸王别姬 - 1993,   梁祝 - 1994,   金枝玉叶 - 1994,   都市情缘 - 1994,   夜半歌声 - 1995,   花月佳期 - 1995,   墮落天使 - 1995,   金枝玉叶2 - 1996,   百分百感觉 - 1996,   甜蜜蜜 - 1996,   古惑仔之人在江湖 - 1996,   古惑仔2之猛龙过江 - 1996,   古惑仔3之隻手遮天 - 1996,   97古惑仔:战无不胜 - 1997,   爱你爱到杀死你 - 1997,   半生缘 - 1997,   风云雄霸天下 - 1998,   98古惑仔:龙争虎斗 - 1998,   新恋爱世纪 - 1998,   美少年之戀 - 1998,   愈快乐愈堕落 - 1998,   心动 - 1999,   喜劇之王 - 1999,   孤男寡女 - 2000,   一见钟情 - 2000,   友情岁月之山鸡故事 - 2000,   胜者为王 - 2000,   花样年华 - 2000,   百分百感觉2 - 2001,   瘦身男女 - 2001,   芭啦芭啦樱之花 - 2001,   男人四十 - 2002,   无间道 - 2002,   无间道II - 2003,   无间道III终极无间 - 2003,   百年好合 - 2003,   向左走,向右走 - 2003,   2046 - 2004,   大城小事 - 2004,   如果.爱 - 2005,   三岔口 - 2005,   天生一对 - 2006,   每当变换时 - 2007,   色, 戒 - 2007,   天水围的日与夜 - 2008,   十月围城 - 2009,   风云II - 2009,   岁月神偷 - 2010,   月满轩尼诗 - 2010,   全城热恋 - 2010,   新少林寺 (中港合拍) - 2011,   扫毒 - 2013,   分手100次 - 2014,   十月初五的月光 - 2015,   破风 - 2015,   消失的爱人 - 2016,   拆弹专家 (中港合拍) - 2017,   原谅他77次 - 2017,   黄金兄弟 - 2018,   扫毒2天地对决 - 2019,   热血合唱团 - 2020,   拆弹专家2 - 2020,   征途 (Double World) - 2020,   我的笋盘男友 - 2020,   幻爱 - 2020,   麦路人 - 2020,   总是有爱在隔离 - 2021,   梅艳芳 - 2021,   真 . 三国无双 (中港合拍) - 2021,   感动他77次 - 2021,   喜欢妳是你 - 2021,   过时·过节 - 2022,   饭戏攻心 - 2022,   扫毒3人在天涯 - 2023,   爆裂点 - 2023,   潜行 - 2024,



Singapore drama series

神雕侠侣 - 1998,   笑傲江湖 - 2000,

小飞鱼 - 1983,   新兵小传 - 1983,   狮城勇探 - 1983,   雾锁南洋 - 1984,   雾锁南洋2之风雨同舟 - 1984,   雾锁南洋2之赤道朝阳 - 1984,   吾家有子 - 1984,   阳光蜜糖 - 1984,   怒海萍踪 - 1984,   铁蝴蝶 - 1985,   豪门内外 - 1985,   亚答籽 - 1985,   咖啡乌 - 1985,   人在旅途 - 1985,   青春123 - 1986,   红绿灯 - 1986,   家和万事兴 - 1986,   踏上征途 - 1986,   天涯同命鸟 - 1986,   绝代双雄 -1986,   芝麻绿豆 - 1986,   红头巾 - 1986,   盗日英雄传 - 1986,   奇缘 - 1987,   戏班 - 1987,   五脚基 - 1987,   调色板 - 1987,   变迁 - 1987,   冷月剑无言 - 1987,   提防小手 - 1987,   空军 - 1988,   边缘少年 - 1988,   牛车水人家 - 1988,   舞榭歌台 - 1988 (插曲),   迷离夜 - 1988,   世纪情 - 1988,   飞越银河 - 1989,   早安老师 - 1989,   亲心唤我心 - 1989,   浮沉 - 1989,   金兰结 - 1989,   铁警雄风 - 1989,   剑断江湖 - 1989,   燃烧岁月 - 1989,   钻石人生 - 1989,   鼓舞青春 - 1989,   壮志豪情 - 1990,   出人头地 - 1990,   逆风天使 - 1990,   生命街车 - 1990,   乱世黎明 - 1990,   大内双宝 - 1990,   多多富贵多多情 - 1990,   天生一对 - 1990,   飞跃巅峰 - 1990,   开心家族 - 1990,   一代天骄 - 1991,   三面夏娃 - 1991,   最后一个大侠 - 1991,   烈焰焚情 - 1992,   执法先锋 - 1992,   火舞风云 -1992,   霹雳红唇 - 1992,   戏剧人生 - 1992,   爱在女儿乡 - 1992,   双天至尊 - 1993 [including 双天至尊2 and 双天至尊3],   傻妹俏娇娃 - 1993,   莲花争霸 - 1993,   鹤啸九天 - 1993,   生活歌手 - 1994,   情网 - 1994,   天使追缉令 - 1994,   美梦成真 - 1994,   侠义包公 - 1994,   壮志骄阳 - 1994,   烈火情人 - 1994,   白蛇后传 - 1994,   七月俏佳人 - 1995,   阳光列车 - 1995,   阳光列车II - 1995,   潮州家族 - 1995,   金枕头 - 1995,   敢敢做个开心人 - 1996,   解连环 - 1996,   新阿郎 - 1996,   豆腐街 - 1996,   和平的代价 - 1997,   不老传说 - 1997,   都市夜归人 - 1997,   东游记 - 1998,   家人有约 - 1998,   陌生人 - 1998,   福满人间 - 1999,   出路 - 1999,   天蝎行动 - 1999,   千年虫 - 1999,   新方世玉 - 1999,   琼园咖啡香 - 2000,   家事 - 2000,   我来也 - 2001,   谁与争锋 - 2001,   九层糕 - 2002,   河水山 - 2002,   荷兰村 - 2003,   孩有明天I & II - 2003 & 2004,   同心圆 - 2005,   梦在手里 - 2005,   舞出彩虹 - 2005,   海的儿子 - 2006,   宝家卫国 - 2007,   黄金路 - 2007,   手足I & II - 2007,   一房半厅一水缸 - 2008,   爱在你左右 - 2008,   大城情事 - 2008,   不凡的爱 - 2008,   心花朵朵开I & II - 2008,   小娘惹 - 2008,   当我们同在一起 - 2009,   乒乓圆 - 2009,   书包太重 - 2009,   双子星 - 2009,   美食厨师男 - 2009,   想握你的手 - 2009,   拍。卖 - 2011,   星洲之夜 - 2011 (续篇),   甘榜情 - 2011,   行医 - 2011,   千方百计 - 2012,   再见单人床 - 2012,   对对碰 - 2012,   警徽天职2 - 2013,   志在四方 - 2013,   96°C 咖啡 - 2013,   揭秘 - 2013,   信约:唐山到南洋 - 2013,   信约:动荡的年代 - 2014,   警徽天职3 - 2014,   烧。卖 - 2014,   最爱是你 - 2014,   逆潮 - 2014,   祖先保佑 - 2014,   信约:我们的家园 - 2015,   起飞 - 2015,   志在四方II - 2015,   虎妈来了 - 2015,   长辈甜心 - 2015,   警徽天职4 - 2016,   真探 - 2016,   十年...你还好吗? - 2016,   绝世好工 - 2016,   美味下半场 - 2016,   第一主角 - 2017,   卫国先锋 - 2017,   祖先保佑2 - 2018,   千年来说对不起 - 2018 (续篇),   入侵者 - 2018,   心点心 - 2018,   警徽天职之海岸卫队 - 2019,   谢谢你出现在我的行程里 - 2019,   下一站, 遇见 - 2019,   天空渐渐亮 - 2019,   我的万里挑一 - 2019,   你那边怎样·我这边OK - 2019,   攻星计 - 2019,   水漾少年 - 2020,   单翼天使 - 2020,   我的女侠罗明依 - 2020,   男神不败 - 2020,   味之道 - 2020,   操控 - 2021,   触心罪探 - 2021,   卧虎藏鬼 - 2021,   心裡住着老灵魂 - 2021,   人心鉴定师 - 2021,   21点灵 - 2021,   多年后的全家福 - 2022,   寄生 - 2022,   你的世界我们懂 - 2022,   卫国先锋2 - 2022,   黑天使 - 2022,   遇见你, 真香! - 2022,   黄金巨塔 - 2023,   整你的人生 - 2023,   欧巴, 我爱你 - 2023,   家人之间 - 2023,   送餐英雄 - 2023,   从零开始 - 2023,   天公疼憨人 - 2023,   金色大道 - 2023,   陪你到最后 - 2023,


热带雨 - 2019,



Taiwan drama series

倚天屠龙记 - 1994


保镖 - 1974,   侠中侠 - 1974,   满亭芳 - 1977,   戏说乾隆 - 1991 (插曲),   青青河边草 - 1992,   梅花三弄之梅花烙 - 1993,   梅花三弄之鬼丈夫 - 1993,   梅花三弄之水云间 - 1993,   包青天 - 1993,   还珠格格 - 1998,   太阳光 - 1998,   流星花园 - 2001,   情深深雨濛濛 - 2001,   MVP情人 - 2002,   爱情白皮书 - 2002,   蔷薇之恋 - 2003,   终极一班 - 2005 (续篇),   终极一家 - 2007 (续篇),   斗牛要不要 - 2007,   命中注定我爱妳 - 2008,   终极三国 - 2009 (续篇1, 2),   败犬女王 - 2009,   新兵日记 - 2010,   绝对达令 - 2012 (续篇),   终极一班2 - 2012 (续篇),   两个爸爸 - 2013,   终极一班3 - 2013 (续篇),   终极X宿舍 - 2014 (续篇),   白袍下的高跟鞋 - 2014,   新世界 - 2015,   听见幸福 - 2015 (续篇1, 2),   星座爱情牡羊女 - 2015,   星座爱情狮子女 - 2015,   星座爱情双鱼女 - 2015,   星座爱情水瓶女 - 2015,   星座爱情魔羯女 - 2015,   超级大英雄 - 2015,   出境事务所 - 2015,   钢铁之心 - 2015 (续篇),   莫非, 这就是爱情 - 2015 (续篇),   好想谈恋爱 - 2015 (续篇1, 2),   一代新兵之八极少年 - 2015,   七个朋友 - 2015,   他看她的第2眼 - 2015,   长不大的爸爸 - 2015,   失去你的那一天 - 2015 (续篇),   一把青 - 2015,   明若晓溪 - 2015,   致, 第三者 - 2015 (续篇),   军官.情人 - 2015 (续篇1, 2),   料理高校生 - 2015 (续篇1, 2),   舞吧舞吧在一起 - 2015 (续篇1, 2),   我的鬼基友 - 2015 (续篇1, 2),   唯一继承者 - 2015 (续篇),   爱上哥们 - 2015 (续篇),   恋爱邻距离 - 2015 (续篇1, 2),   必娶女人 - 2015 (续篇1, 2),   终极一班4 - 2016,   火车情人 - 2016,   聂小倩 - 2016,   我和我的十七岁 - 2016,   后菜鸟的灿烂时代 - 2016 (续篇),   我的极品男友 - 2016 (续篇1, 2),   狼王子 - 2016 (续篇1, 2),   飞鱼高校生 - 2016 (续篇),   必胜练习生 - 2016 (续篇),   美好年代 - 2016 (续篇),   遗憾拼图 - 2016,   让爱飞扬 - 2016,   High 5 制霸青春 - 2016 (续篇),   独家保镖 - 2016 (续篇),   在一起, 就好 - 2016 (续篇),   浮士德的微笑 - 2016 (续篇),   恶作剧之吻2016 - 2016 (续篇),   HIStory (My Hero) - 2017,   HIStory (离我远一点) - 2017,   HIStory (著魔) - 2017,   深蓝与月光 - 2017,   红色气球 - 2017,   终极三国2017 - 2017,   已读不回的恋人 - 2017 (续篇1, 2),   我的男孩 - 2017,   这些年, 那些事 - 2017,   只为你停留 - 2017,   我的爱情不平凡 - 2017 (续篇),   钟楼爱人 - 2017 (续篇),   我和我的四个男人 - 2017 (续篇),   噗通噗通我爱你 - 2017 (续篇1, 2),   稍息立正我爱你 - 2017 (续篇1, 2),   HIStory2 (是非) - 2018,   HIStory2 (越界) - 2018,   美男鱼澡堂 - 2018,   终极一班5 - 2018,   人际关系事务所 - 2018 (续篇),   前男友不是人 - 2018 (续篇1, 2),   HIStory3 (圈套) - 2019,   HIStory3 (那一天) - 2019,   想见你 - 2019 (续篇),   我们不能是朋友 - 2019 (续篇),   爱情白皮书 - 2019,   灵异街11号 - 2019,   如果爱, 重来 - 2019 (续篇),   最佳利益 - 2019,   男神时代 - 2019 (续篇1, 2),   我是顾家男 - 2019,   守着阳光守着你 - 2019 (续篇),   必胜大丈夫 - 2019,   因为爱你 - 2020,   馋上你 - 2020,   戒指流浪记 - 2020,   天巡者 - 2020 (续篇),   预支未来 - 2020,   坠爱 - 2020 (续篇1, 2),   未来妈妈 - 2020,   永远的第一名 - 2021,   第二名的逆袭 - 2021,   HIStory4 (近距离爱上你) - 2021,   酷盖爸爸 - 2021,   爱的奥特莱斯 - 2021,   火神的眼泪 - 2021,   恋爱是科学 - 2021 (续篇),   比悲伤更悲伤的故事: 影集版 - 2021 (续篇),   无神之地不下雨 - 2021 (续篇1, 2),   华灯初上 - 2021 (续篇1, 2),   无邪 - 2021,   约定 - 2021,   隔离后见个面, 好吗? - 2021,   我家浴缸的二三事 - 2022 (续篇),   基因决定我爱你 - 2022,   亲爱的亚当 - 2022,   妈, 别闹了! - 2022,   正负之间 - 2022,   酷盖爸爸2 - 2022,   About Youth - 默默的我, 不默默的我们 - 2022,   爱情发生在三天后 - 2022,   我的牙想你 - 2022,   第9节课 - 2022,   HIStory5 (遇见未来的你) - 2022,   台湾犯罪故事 - 2023,   模仿犯 - 2023 (续篇),   地狱里长 - 2023 (续篇1, 2),   有生之年 - 2023,   八尺门的辩护人 - 2023,   奇迹 - 2023 (续篇),   免疫屏蔽 - 2023,   绝对占领 - 2023,   保留席位 - 2023,   恆久定律 - 2024 (续篇),   华丽计程车行 - 2024,   关于未知的我们 - 2024 (续篇),



Taiwan movies

往事只能回味 - 1971,   爱的天地 - 1973,   雲河 - 1974,   一簾幽梦 - 1974,   在水一方 - 1975,   疯女十八年 - 1979,   小城故事 - 1980,   走不完的路 - 1980,   原乡人 - 1980,   滚滚红尘 - 1991,   囍宴 - 1993,   十七岁的天空 - 2004,   盛夏光年 - 2014,   海角七号 - 2008 (插曲1, 2, 3),   那些年,我们一起追的女孩 - 2011,   女朋友。男朋友 - 2012,   我的少女时代 - 2015,   楼下的房客 - 2016,   比悲伤更悲伤的故事 - 2018 (续篇),   谁先爱上他的 - 2018,   我的灵魂是爱做的 - 2019,   一吻定情 (中台合拍) - 2019 (续篇),   我的青春都是你 (中台合拍) - 2019,   下半场 - 2019,   傻傻爱你, 傻傻爱我 - 2019,   寒单 - 2019,   亲爱的房客 - 2020,   刻在我心底的名字 - 2020,   可不可以, 你也刚好喜欢我 - 2020,   消失的情人节 - 2020,   跟你老婆去旅行 - 2021,   诡扯 - 2021,   月老 - 2021 金钱男孩MONEYBOYS - 2021,   灵语 - 2021,   我没有谈的那场恋爱 - 2021,   一杯热奶茶的等待 - 2021,   再说一次我愿意 - 2022,   我吃了那男孩一整年的早餐 - 2022,   想见你 - 2022 (续篇),   关于我和鬼变成家人的那件事 - 2023,



China drama series

神雕侠侣 - 2006,   天龙八部 - 2013,   射雕英雄传 - 2017,   倚天屠龙记 - 2019,   天龙八部 - 2021,


西游记 - 1986 (插曲),   杨门女将之女儿当自强 - 2001,   仙剑奇侠传 - 2005,   少年杨家将 - 2006 (续篇),   仙剑奇侠传三 - 2009,   步步惊心 - 2011,   宫/宫锁心玉 - 2011,   甄嬛传 - 2011,   深宫谍影 - 2012,   宫锁珠帘 - 2012,   精忠岳飞 - 2013,   步步惊情 - 2014,   宫锁连城 - 2014,   类似爱情 - 2014,   琅琊榜 - 2015,   无心法师 - 2015,   不可抗力 - 2016,   上瘾 - 2016,   无心法师2 - 2017,   三生三世十里桃花 - 2017,   将夜 - 2018 (插曲),   延禧攻略 - 2018 (插曲),   盛势 - 2018,   爱情进化论 - 2018,   庆余年 - 2018,   从前有座灵剑山 - 2019,   烈火军校 - 2019,   绝代双骄 - 2020,   将夜2 - 2020 (插曲),   无心法师3 - 2020,   三生三世枕上书 - 2020,   太古神王 - 2020,   月上重火 - 2020,   小娘惹 - 2020,   狼殿下 - 2020,   了不起的儿科医生 - 2020,   冰糖炖雪梨 - 2020 (续篇),   我才不要和你做朋友呢 - 2020 (续篇),   天醒之路 - 2020,   山河令 - 2021 (续篇),   司藤 - 2021,   暴风眼 - 2021,   你是我的城池营垒 - 2021,   陪你一起长大 - 2021,   赘婿 - 2021 (续篇),   荣耀乒乓 - 2021 (续篇),   千古玦尘 - 2021 (续篇),   亲爱的柠檬精先生 - 2021,   周生如故 - 2021 (续篇),   爱上特种兵 - 2021 (续篇),   斗罗大陆 - 2021 (续篇),   有翡 - 2021 (续篇),   长歌行 - 2021 (续篇),   上阳赋 - 2021 (续篇),   灵域 - 2021,   风起霓裳 - 2021 (续篇),   玲珑 - 2021,   锦心似玉 - 2021,   大宋宫词 - 2021,   骊歌行 - 2021,   遇龙 - 2021,   雁归西窗月 - 2021,   乔家的儿女 - 2021,   舍我其谁 - 2021 (续篇),   我的巴比伦恋人 - 2021,   春来枕星河 - 2021,   玉楼春 - 2021,   与君歌 - 2021 (续篇),   国子监来了个女弟子 - 2021 (续篇),   你好, 火焰蓝 - 2021 (续篇1, 2),   星辰大海 - 2021 (续篇1, 2),   御赐小仵作 - 2021 (续篇),   暗恋橘生淮南 - 2021 (续篇),   尚食 - 2022,   说英雄谁是英雄 - 2022 (续篇),   梦华录 - 2022,   祝卿好 - 2022 (续篇),   在你心之所向的地方 - 2022,   且试天下 - 2022,   珍馐记 - 2022,   人世间 - 2022,



China movies

上甘岭 - 1956,   少林寺 - 1982,   满城尽带黄金甲 - 2006,   画皮 - 2008,   最爱 - 2011,   亲爱的 - 2014,   港囧 - 2015 (插曲),   风中有朵雨做的云 - 2019,   流浪地球 - 2019,   晴雅集 - 2020,   紧急救援 - 2020,   你的婚礼 - 2021,   我要我们在一起 - 2021,   射雕英雄传之降龙十八掌 - 2021,   射雕英雄传之九阴白骨爪 - 2021,   再见, 少年 - 2021,   狗果定理 - 2021,   关于我妈的一切 - 2021,   我和我的父辈 - 2021,   长津湖 - 2021,   铁道英雄 - 2021,   人潮汹涌 - 2021,   扬名立万 - 2021,   以年为单位的恋爱 - 2021,   十年一品温如言 - 2022,   一周的朋友 - 2022,   一直一直都很喜欢你 - 2022,   我是真的讨厌异地恋 - 2022,   遇见你 - 2022,   新神榜 - 杨戬 - 2022,   世间有她 - 2022,   万里归途 - 2022,   平凡英雄 - 2022,   搜救 - 2022,   流浪地球2 - 2023,   惊天救援 - 2023,   长空之王 - 2023,   破冰72小时 - 2023,   中国乒乓之绝地反击 - 2023,   这么多年 - 2023,   孤注一掷 - 2023,   暴风 - 2023,   瞒天过海 - 2023,   怒潮 - 2023,



Korean drama series

My Sassy Girl - 2001,   Hotelier - 2001,   Loving You - 2002,   冬季恋歌 - 2002,   大长今 - 2003 (插曲),   Stairway to Heaven - 2003,   Into the Sun - 2003,   All In - 2003,   天国的阶梯 - 2003,   Lovers in Paris - 2004,   My Name is Kim Sam Soon - 2005,   Sassy Girl Chun Hyang - 2005,   Temptation of Wife - 2008,   IRIS - 2009,   My Love from the Star - 2013,   Descendent of the Sun - 2016,   Goblin - 2016,   Encounter - 2018,   Crash Landing On You - 2019,   Love With Flaws - 2019,   Where Your Eyes Linger - 2020,   Mr. Heart - 2020,   To My Star - 2021,   Peach Of Time - 2021,   My Sweet Dear - 2021 (Con't),   Kissable Lips - 2022,   Semantic Error - 2022,   To My Star 2 - 2022 (Con't),   Once Again - 2022,



Korean movies

Il Mare - 2000,   More Than Blue - 2009,   人间中毒 - 2017 (插曲1, 2) [Korean movie, but Chinese songs],



Thai drama series

Together with Me - 2017,   Dark Blue Kiss - 2019,   查龙药师 - 2019,   2gether The Series - 2020,   Still 2gether - 2020,   I Told Sunset About You - 2020,   A Tale Of 1000 Stars - 2021,   Lovely Writer - 2021,   Fish Upon The Sky - 2021,   Cupid Last Wish - 2022,   Cutie Pie - 2022 (Con't),   KinnPorsche - 2022,   Big Dragon - 2022,   Moonlight Chicken - 2023,



Thai movies

Love of Siam - 2007,



Japanese drama series

G-Men '75 - 1975,   赤的疑惑 - 1975,   赤的命运 - 1976,   赤的冲击 - 1976,   101st Marriage Proposal - 1991,   东京爱情故事 - 1991,   同一屋檐下 - 1993,   Long Vacation - 1996,   Beach Boys - 1997,   Love Generation - 1997,   GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka) - 1998,   魔女的条件 - 1999,   Ice World - 1999,



Japanese movies

Ereki no Wakadaisho - 1965,   在世界中心呼喊爱情 - 2004,   泪光闪闪 - 2006,   Legend of the Demon Cat - 2017 (插曲),





Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Let me start with: 天龙八部 - 1982















Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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射雕英雄传 - 1983



























Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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神雕侠侣 - 1983











Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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笑傲江湖 - 1984








Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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倚天屠龙记 - 1986










Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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季节 - 1987




Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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天涯歌女 - 1989











Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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义不容情 - 1989







Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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我本善良 - 1990










Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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人在边缘 - 1990







Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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今生无悔 - 1991












Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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灰网 - 1991






Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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月儿弯弯照九州 - 1991






Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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大时代 - 1992







Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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笑看风云 - 1994








Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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射雕英雄传 -1994






Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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神雕侠侣 - 1995










Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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笑傲江湖 - 1996





Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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天地男儿 - 1996




















Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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天龙八部 - 1997










Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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烈火雄心 - 1998








Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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天地豪情 - 1998













Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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创世纪 - 1999-2000
















Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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倚天屠龙记 - 2001




Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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流金岁月 - 2002










Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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西关大少 - 2003




Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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冲上云霄 - 2003






Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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隔世追凶 - 2004




Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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天涯侠医 - 2004




Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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溏心风暴 - 2007






Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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溏心风暴之家好月圆 - 2008










Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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宫心计 - 2009







Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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巾帼枭雄 - 2009




Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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巾帼枭雄之义海豪情 - 2010




Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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蒲松龄 - 2010




Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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华丽转身 - 2015










Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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张保仔 - 2015










Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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倩女幽魂,电影 - 1987







倩女幽魂2(人间道),电影 - 1990






倩女幽魂3(道道道),电影 - 1991





Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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胭脂扣,电影 - 1987







Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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英雄本色,电影 - 1986





英雄本色2,电影 - 1987






英雄本色3(夕阳之歌),电影 - 1989



Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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阿郎的故事,电影 - 1989








Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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纵横四海,电影 - 1989



Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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夜半歌声,电影 - 1995






Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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Love of Siam, Thai movie - 2007




Edited by sphere

Happy - is what we should be, always.


Notice: I DO NOT use the Chat Function in this Forum - this has always been written in my profile (and I don't read it too).

{it is unfortunate that this new Chat Function does not allow users to turn/switch off in mobile phone}


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  • sphere changed the title to Dramas/movies theme songs (Asia region only) - and always refer to the FIRST POST to avoid repetition [电视剧/电影歌曲 (仅限于亚洲区域) - 请务必参阅第一页, 以避免重复]

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