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The Psychology Of Acting Straight - Str8 Acting Discussion + "Straight Acting" - what does that mean? (Compiled)


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To be honest, "Straight Acting" is one of the stupidest terms to be coined in this community.



"The two of us are living in the same era, believing in the same future

Yesterday’s tears and today’s smiles will stay true

We’ve experienced the same pain, we’ve gathered the same kindness

And we’ll turn them into the strength to live on tomorrow"



progress - ayumi hamasaki


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Regardless of the debate on the correct terms, Str8 or gay acting,

it is undeniable that there are some gays whom by the way they carry themselves, scream gay with a capital G.

There are other gays who, when you look at, you think to yourself, "Him? Gay? No lah..."

It's effortless. no acting. if i am like that then i am like that.

I prefer those kinds of gays more than the peacocks, too high maintenance.

"Kinsey says everyone has homosexual tendencies in various degree. YOU'RE ALL GAY!!!" ~ from some kid I overheard in a KFC.

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Guest Curious-Hunk

to avoid confusion, i usually use the term straight-behaving.

Yes!!! This is the right way to say it!!! It's one's natural behavior we are describing. Im like this term 100%!!! :thumb:

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I think "straight acting" means those gays who are good looking but do not appear like gays because they also attract girls and the girls have no suspcion or clue that he is a gay.

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I find Thomas Ong a bit str8 acting than Julian Hee. But somehow i find both of them a bit "auntie" lor.

In gist, str acting means all non sissy behaviors by gays.

On contrary, I find Thomas Ong more sissy than Julian Hee. Thomas has more tell tale signs. For Julian, I cant tell actually. He behaves quite naturally as in non sissy.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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In gist, str acting means all non sissy behaviors by gays.

On contrary, I find Thomas Ong more sissy than Julian Hee. Thomas has more tell tale signs. For Julian, I cant tell actually. He behaves quite naturally as in non sissy.

Shall BW present Julian Hee the "Best Straight Acting" award?

May be BW should come out with its own annual awards like the Rotten Tomatoes Awards in USA to our celebrities. Awards can include Best "Straight" Acting, Best "Actress", Best "Action", Best "Sound" Effect", Best "Special" Effect, .... the award title must be creative.

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Guest All the Way

Whatever the definition is, as long as he is straight acting in and outside the bedroom.

The worst nightmare to have is when you meet this strong silent well built hard executive director in the day but moans like a woman at night. Unforgettable!

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everyone has their form of release...

but i may not be able to control the giggling if i hear a macho masculine looking man moan and squeal like a girl. :lol:

"Kinsey says everyone has homosexual tendencies in various degree. YOU'RE ALL GAY!!!" ~ from some kid I overheard in a KFC.

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Whatever the definition is, as long as he is straight acting in and outside the bedroom.

The worst nightmare to have is when you meet this strong silent well built hard executive director in the day but moans like a woman at night. Unforgettable!

Sigh, I wish I can understand some tops.

One say he like my manly look and want to fxxk me. Then complain I was too passive in bed. When I try to be active, he still complain that I am too womanly. When I don't moan, he complains I don't feedback to him how I liked him ( yeah it's all about him). When I moan a little, he wants it louder. When I moan louder, he laughs saying I am too ku niang, very funny and different from my manly looks.

Like it or not, when I'm being fxxked, the types of positions and the things I can do is really no different from those women on straight pxxn. My legs have to open wide ( if not how?) , I have to bend over, I like my tits being played with. I can only push my backside up and down like a woman, what else can I do when being fxxked doggy? If you don't accept that then don't play anal with me. I am taking the woman's role.....get over it.

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Sigh, I wish I can understand some tops.

One say he like my manly look and want to fxxk me. Then complain I was too passive in bed. When I try to be active, he still complain that I am too womanly. When I don't moan, he complains I don't feedback to him how I liked him ( yeah it's all about him). When I moan a little, he wants it louder. When I moan louder, he laughs saying I am too ku niang, very funny and different from my manly looks.

Like it or not, when I'm being fxxked, the types of positions and the things I can do is really no different from those women on straight pxxn. My legs have to open wide ( if not how?) , I have to bend over, I like my tits being played with. I can only push my backside up and down like a woman, what else can I do when being fxxked doggy? If you don't accept that then don't play anal with me. I am taking the woman's role.....get over it.

Wah, such a bitchy top...

If the sex is not enjoyable, dump him.

"Kinsey says everyone has homosexual tendencies in various degree. YOU'RE ALL GAY!!!" ~ from some kid I overheard in a KFC.

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Sigh, I wish I can understand some tops.

One say he like my manly look and want to fxxk me. Then complain I was too passive in bed. When I try to be active, he still complain that I am too womanly. When I don't moan, he complains I don't feedback to him how I liked him ( yeah it's all about him). When I moan a little, he wants it louder. When I moan louder, he laughs saying I am too ku niang, very funny and different from my manly looks.

Like it or not, when I'm being fxxked, the types of positions and the things I can do is really no different from those women on straight pxxn. My legs have to open wide ( if not how?) , I have to bend over, I like my tits being played with. I can only push my backside up and down like a woman, what else can I do when being fxxked doggy? If you don't accept that then don't play anal with me. I am taking the woman's role.....get over it.

PM me then manly man...

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Guest

Have you guys ever come across someone whom you know is gay but pretends to be the opposite when in front of others? I would get mixed feelings whenever I encounter such people.

First is funny. I can't help but find it funny when guys who are obvious gays trying their best to act straight in front of others. Examples "wahh, chio bu sia..." The funny thing is that I'm laughing inside because it doesnt work on me. Also, what are the chances that others can see through the act like me?

Second is pity. I do find it very tiring that they have to put on an act every times to conceal their identity. Its kinda sad that they are unable to be themselves, even in front of their own best friends.

Anyone encounter this before?

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Have you guys ever come across someone whom you know is gay but pretends to be the opposite when in front of others? I would get mixed feelings whenever I encounter such people.

First is funny. I can't help but find it funny when guys who are obvious gays trying their best to act straight in front of others. Examples "wahh, chio bu sia..." The funny thing is that I'm laughing inside because it doesnt work on me. Also, what are the chances that others can see through the act like me?

Second is pity. I do find it very tiring that they have to put on an act every times to conceal their identity. Its kinda sad that they are unable to be themselves, even in front of their own best friends.

Anyone encounter this before?

I also think that u should be empathetic. Not every1 is ready to be out.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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My best friend who's gay would yak nonstop about wanting to fxxk Scarlet Johanson in front of others! LOL!

Cuz she's really damn hot :D

It's just like not every guy on Earth is 100% straight... not every single gay man is 100% gay either.

Instagram: vodkabaker

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Guest Chubboy

Cuz she's really damn hot :D

It's just like not every guy on Earth is 100% straight... not every single gay man is 100% gay either.

No, he's 100% gay and told me he says those just to look less suspicious.

Come on, I'm sure most of you do say similar things before like you wanna fxxk some hot actress just to veer off attention. Been there done that :)

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No, he's 100% gay and told me he says those just to look less suspicious.

Come on, I'm sure most of you do say similar things before like you wanna fxxk some hot actress just to veer off attention. Been there done that :)

Sometimes I really mean it o.o maybe I wasn't thinking right then..

Instagram: vodkabaker

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I really dislike the term "straight acting", every time anyone ask me that, I just reply "I'm not an actor"

雨降って地固まる ame futte ji katamaru : Literally: after the rain, earth hardens (Meaning: Adversity builds character./After a storm, things will stand on more solid ground than they did before)

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I really dislike the term "straight acting", every time anyone ask me that, I just reply "I'm not an actor"

So how about we change straight-acting to straight-pretending? :P

Joke aside, I dun really pretend to be straight, but I'm not out as well.

Sometimes, some of my frens ask me how does a so and so girl look, I usually reply "ok lah".

Juz wanna get d msg across that I'm not exactly interested.... ;)

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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So how about we change straight-acting to straight-pretending? :P

Joke aside, I dun really pretend to be straight, but I'm not out as well.

Sometimes, some of my frens ask me how does a so and so girl look, I usually reply "ok lah".

Juz wanna get d msg across that I'm not exactly interested.... ;)

lol.. so true.. plus my friends are those guys who actually give "ratings" to girls that they see. until i kena force to give rating i anyhow just give high high rating. LOL

but i still feel its wrong to judge someone by their looks in that manner

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Gays trying to act str8 is because they want to fit it to society, be it school, army, work, friends, etc. Some can pass off as 'straight' but some, no matter how hard they try, will always pichat lobang when they open their mouth while others will pichat lobang in their dressing or when they move or when they carry their tote bag.

Then there are those who don't want to fit in and don't care if they are labelled gay or sissy or any other names you throw at them.

TS, lets not care how others behave as everyone one of us will behave differently in front of different groups of people. If you see such people, just acknowledge that they are trying to fit in. You may have it easy maybe because you might look str8 but you never know right? Others might already know that you are as gay as can be, just that they don't tell you that's all.

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What do you like your straight acting friends to say in front of his friends even if he is out?

Seeing a hot guy and say I want to fxxk him in front of a group of straight guys (even if they accept who he is?)


Just join the group and say that woman with fxxking hot...

Which is better?

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Guest -zee-

I, for one do act-straight among my colleagues and to the general public. I have to admit, that it gets tiring to have to lie to them and keep on with the act.

For eg, everytime I would inform them of my holiday trips, they would ask me who I went with, and i would say my gf, when in fact I went with my bf. Then they would ask about how she looks like, and how come the pictures I uploaded on fb is not a girl etc etc.. It gets very tiring to not be able to be yourself.

But i have not come out to them, why? Because i need to fit into the environment amd I wouldn't know how my colleagues who are quite close to me would react. And whether they would judge me differently.

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I have to say this, I'm out , but! since I have been in SG( from NYC) I just keep quiet. I have never said "Oh! that woman in hot ect. I have said " Oh that's not my type" In the office most people think I'm Str8, I have never lied or said anything different. One of my co workers were making fun of some of the gays in the office, and I suggest that they be a bit more open minded, because everyone has a right to be whom they are. When I was asked if I was gay( which happen a few times in my life) I would put them on the defensive, by saying" Why are you asking me this? Are you gay? are you trying to hit on me?" and they seem to back off. I will not lie about who I am, people can think what they like. If for whatever reason, it is known I'm gay , I can say I never lied. People can assume what they like. I would prefer to be honest, but in the SG culture gays are frown upon, and effects work ethics . I have seen in the work place when its known that a person is gay, they tend to have a intro like" This is John, he is our manager, and he is gay!. Like that has an effect on how well he does his job. I also understand this is Asia, and you just have to careful, who knows about your personal life. The only thing I can honestly say is , I have never lied who and what I am, but I'm guilty of letting people assume what they like. I have also noticed the Singaporeans always think of the gay stereotype, if you don't fit in that , then your str8 as they think.

One quick thing!, I have a friend in Taiwan, he was ask at work was he gay?(he is butch), without batting an eye he said "Yes" and everyone thought he was joking because he was so direct! But goes to show you being honest can have it benefits I guess!

雨降って地固まる ame futte ji katamaru : Literally: after the rain, earth hardens (Meaning: Adversity builds character./After a storm, things will stand on more solid ground than they did before)

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Guest Hydronaut

Well, I dun have this problem about being gay. I work with 2 gay bosses...my office environment is gay friendly. I guess you dun have to act, just dun comment or try to get involved that will go (just keep quiet). Sometimes going with the flow only make you less real. :)

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Guest Jerry

I have a 100% gay friend who is suspected to be gay by his straight friends and guess what he did to shut them up?

He would always purposely grind and dance with females strangers in front of his friends during clubbing!

He even sorta flirt with them and asked for their number in front of them but never does anything once the show's over.

I do pity him because it's really tough to pretend to be something you're not and the pressure of fitting into your bunch of normal friends who are homophobic.

At times, he told me it's really a chore and tiring to go clubbing with his guy friends. :(

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Guest tiringact

I lie about watching straight pxxn on so and so websites when my guy friends ask for exchanging.

I lie about having a crush on one of my female friends when probed why I didn't have a girlfriend.

I lie about how gross I feel gays are when in fact I'm one too.

Yes, it's no doubt tiring.

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well, it is not about how u feel about yourself. it is about how people look at you. if you are fine with those onlookers and talks about you, i would say u have went all out to be open, else, respect how people wants to be closeted.

not all places are gay-friendly, even so, there will be one or two who are anti-gay. there is a good chinese saying, good things wont spread, but rumors spread like fire. simple comments can easily spark off sensitive topics like this. all what is required to shaken the community is merely opposition remarks made by people. bear in mind that gays and lesbians are not very well accepted in the society. but this topic sums up to how you see yourself again.

though it is tiring to put up an act, but this act can make you be accepted to the majority, no harm, why not? it is actually up to the individual to see this issue and the level of acceptance of the friends one is mixing with. there is no right or wrong to be straight acting.

just my 2cents worth.

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall..

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Before I came to BW or came to terms with my sexuality, I always bluffed my friends that I got 2D complex since I watch anime, read manga and play video games.

So basically everyone thought I was a pervert totally into hentai with those unrealistic breasts and bukkake scenes.

...but actually 2D guys are hot. :oops:


I'm always running after you.

You are my ideal.

You are me.

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Guest Guest

I, for one do act-straight among my colleagues and to the general public. I have to admit, that it gets tiring to have to lie to them and keep on with the act.

For eg, everytime I would inform them of my holiday trips, they would ask me who I went with, and i would say my gf, when in fact I went with my bf. Then they would ask about how she looks like, and how come the pictures I uploaded on fb is not a girl etc etc.. It gets very tiring to not be able to be yourself.

But i have not come out to them, why? Because i need to fit into the environment amd I wouldn't know how my colleagues who are quite close to me would react. And whether they would judge me differently.

i am sure many of us can totally relate to u.

that is why it is tiring being gay. we keep saying from time to time 'just be ourselves and dun care what others think', 'we have a choice to be happy and lead our own life' etc etc, but easier said than done. :(

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I lie about watching straight pxxn on so and so websites when my guy friends ask for exchanging.

I lie about having a crush on one of my female friends when probed why I didn't have a girlfriend.

I lie about how gross I feel gays are when in fact I'm one too.

Yes, it's no doubt tiring.

But why???

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Before I came to BW or came to terms with my sexuality, I always bluffed my friends that I got 2D complex since I watch anime, read manga and play video games.

So basically everyone thought I was a pervert totally into hentai with those unrealistic breasts and bukkake scenes.

...but actually 2D guys are hot. :oops:

i can't imagine there's people still quoting 2DC these days! It's so 80s. What, they called it 宅男 now?

i used to I tell people i've 2DC too, it was so cool those days.

I used to have a gay boss (we both out) who one day purposely tell a admin girl, in front of eveybody, that i'm gay. Instead that girl scream 'no you big lair, he's not gay, sean sean loves women like crazy!'. i was trying to recall since when i've told anyone i like girls...

Edited by Fe5000


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i think we should know the difference btw discreet and straightacting

like discreet adopts the dont ask dont tell mentality? Does not talk abt girls or sex and behaves in a socially acceptable manner so that no one will be suspicious??

Whereas str acting probably is like what is described above, all the pretending to like and fxxk girls and pretending to be someone u're not.

So i guess TS is dismayed at the latter mentioned type of guys.

Using this exp, i think being discreet abt ur sexuality is ok but str acting is a bit over the top for me. Haha imho.

But in irc, if u say u are not str acting, the other party will assume u are feminine right?? So i guess its better to use discreet for me on irc now. Hahaha

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Guest officeboy

Using this exp, i think being discreet abt ur sexuality is ok but str acting is a bit over the top for me. Haha imho.

I agree too! I guess that's why TS find it funny when people pretend to be straight lol

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Guest shenderz

A gay once told me that he got disgusted when he saw a male steward shaking his butt while walking down the aisle. Yet this same gay lied to his family when they found out that he knows another gay.

It's utterly sad when left, right, up and down gays get ridiculed by all. They are afraid of being ostrascized by the majority so they try to fit in and cannot be themselves. At the same time, they are being ridiculed by the same kind for trying to fit in.

This may be idealistic but I think it's good for gays to be accepting of themselves and other gays first. If we gays cannot do that ourselves, then we should not expect the rest of the majority to do the same. Be the change you want to see in this world.

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i can't imagine there's people still quoting 2DC these days! It's so 80s. What, they called it 宅男 now?

i used to I tell people i've 2DC too, it was so cool those days.

I used to have a gay boss (we both out) who one day purposely tell a admin girl, in front of eveybody, that i'm gay. Instead that girl scream 'no you big lair, he's not gay, sean sean loves women like crazy!'. i was trying to recall since when i've told anyone i like girls...

I didn't know it was an 80s' word. I always thought it was more recent because of Sankaku Complex (blog).

宅男 is the Taiwanese term. The rest of the world uses Otaku I suppose?

You don't seem like someone with 2DC lol.


I'm always running after you.

You are my ideal.

You are me.

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hi ts.wonder how you handle the question abt fking which hot actress since you tiring acting? and since you prefer to be yourself would you just say something like prefer brian over scarlet? and why?

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Is there a typical gay behaviour? To me there is a typical normal behaviour.... one that does not offend others, does not advertise yourself loudly and one that will gain respect.

Being gay does not mean going on a crusade trying to convince the world. It is your lifestyle when you are doing your private stuff. No need to tell the world.

Inside a gay spa, there is no need to pretend and yet one need not be sissy, Just be yourself.

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