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The Psychology Of Acting Straight - Str8 Acting Discussion + "Straight Acting" - what does that mean? (Compiled)


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Guest Gaying
8 hours ago, tomcat said:



haha, what is bottom with gay legs? like sit and cross leg like women?

The type of legs that Sharon Stone displayed in the movie "basic instinct".

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The most common argument for gays is, if they go for sissies, they might as well go for women.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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The fact is
STRAIGHT ACTING" is more common with gays. Just because we have the effeminate sissy sisters which are far less of them around but some who has that speaking with a lisp  that tell you they are likely gays.


The term "Straight acting" term I think came about from main straight acting gays who wants nothing to do or be seen with sissies and most likely if they are meeting want those who are "straight acting" so they can be seen as 'buddies' going out. In a society where it is still not something we want to be pinpoint out publicly, I guess this will continue. You always think the diva gays are almost an entirely difference sort of sexual orientation. You can not quite say they are gay as they tend to related to be women and act like more exaggerate women. And as old as I am looking back... how often you see straight acting gays couple with really effeminate. You often hear stories of white man marrying or dating them but you also are not sure if those angmo are truly gay or just straight guys who want something 'exotic'. But I know of many upon many of sissies who usually having it harder looking for a life partner.


This is not an insult but something you notice over decades and just and talking out loud. And as some one who knew a lot of sisters before and was taught by one how to take a dick inside me for anal sex.

But I know for a fact, many who like to meet for sex or go out with another gay man... likely many will ask.. looking if you are "straight acting" or have a preference for it. Even the bottom of a gay relationship most of the time, does not act all girlie sissy like almost all the time. Just a hint here and there of something soft but that is usually it.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Guest Why act?

I feel the term "straight acting" suggests that the person is ashamed of being gay and therefore tries to "act straight".


It's also like a stereotypical mentality: All straight men are manly. There are many straight men that don't "sound or behave straight" and many gay men that do.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/https://youtu.be/R21Fd8-Apf0?" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


So I think you should just describe yourself as "manly" instead? I think it's easier to say or type as well, rather than "straight acting". 

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12 hours ago, Guest Lol said:

It means walk, talk and think like a real man.


This community is flooded with feminine men whom I noticed are mostly bottoms. That's why I am only into versatiles.


Unfortunately you are right.. STRAIGHT ACTING is not about a state of being.. but how you act in your way of carrying yourself like any normal male.... NOT standing out and be notice anything like sissies effeminate gays and loud drama queen is what many normal gays want. It is not shamefulness of being gay... they want someone gay without standing out all the narcissist need to get attention publicly.

But I am a pure bottom and I am about as straight acting as you get if you see me in public and that is the way I like it. It is rather steroetyping to think all bottom are like sissie queens.. It is not though they take most of the attention away and give everyone the impression that all gays are like that if they are bottom which is totally not true. I have met many in my life who are total bottom but you can not tell looking at them and even the jobs and sports they play.

Edited by upshot

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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Guest Guest
12 hours ago, upshot said:


Unfortunately you are right.. STRAIGHT ACTING is not about a state of being.. but how you act in your way of carrying yourself like any normal male.... NOT standing out and be notice anything like sissies effeminate gays and loud drama queen is what many normal gays want. It is not shamefulness of being gay... they want someone gay without standing out all the narcissist need to get attention publicly.

But I am a pure bottom and I am about as straight acting as you get if you see me in public and that is the way I like it. It is rather steroetyping to think all bottom are like sissie queens.. It is not though they take most of the attention away and give everyone the impression that all gays are like that if they are bottom which is totally not true. I have met many in my life who are total bottom but you can not tell looking at them and even the jobs and sports they play.


You straight-acting? I can smell your pontaness over the internet.

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6 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


You straight-acting? I can smell your pontaness over the internet.

Name the place and time...  you coward acting bitch.. I hear nothing form you, we know whose the fucking Sissie pontan here.

Edited by upshot

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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10 hours ago, touchntouch said:

Then sissy = ??

It's getting harder or maybve it is getting more to the present point in time we finally find out there is way wider diversity...of sexuality and personality. Why try to group them so tightly be just black and white?

Would you call a trannie gay? or a cross dresser gay even if he love his wife but love to wear dresses? Or a human who is willing make love to animals?  So who is crazy and how is normal? You really call Kumar gay? Or is he someone who thinks he is more a female? By what definition?


That is why I always say.. a bisexual is not gay. He has a sexual willingness to have sex with a male but other than sex, he wants nothing to do with him like in a relationship, be come a family unit, have feeling so love, be repulsive about eating pussies much as he eat cocks...etc.


It is just ALL another shade of grey in the scheme of human being. I believe you should not put yourself in one category or definition nor should you put others in one too just so you can say he is like you.

Edited by upshot

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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I don't think it is wrong to be ashamed to be gay, look at our social /moral/religious conditioning.


"Straight-acting" is a bigger hypocrisy than anything, because there is a level of intrinsic deception in what it entails.


Who judges what is straight-acting behaviour? There are as many types of straight men as there are gay men. 

So coming from you, it's not only hypocritical, it is also ironic. 


Just calling it as it is:  It IS internalised homophobia. 





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On 2017-6-26 at 6:41 PM, upshot said:

It's getting harder or maybve it is getting more to the present point in time we finally find out there is way wider diversity...of sexuality and personality. Why try to group them so tightly be just black and white?

Would you call a trannie gay? or a cross dresser gay even if he love his wife but love to wear dresses? Or a human who is willing make love to animals?  So who is crazy and how is normal? You really call Kumar gay? Or is he someone who thinks he is more a female? By what definition?


That is why I always say.. a bisexual is not gay. He has a sexual willingness to have sex with a male but other than sex, he wants nothing to do with him like in a relationship, be come a family unit, have feeling so love, be repulsive about eating pussies much as he eat cocks...etc.


It is just ALL another shade of grey in the scheme of human being. I believe you should not put yourself in one category or definition nor should you put others in one too just so you can say he is like you.

Its disturbing to find this sentence be part of your whole paragraph about sexual diversity 

Quote: "Or a human who is willing make love to animals?"  


You can never ask animal for its consent to do sex. So its wrong and should be illegal n a crime just as u cant justify sex with underage because they simply are not capable of giving consent for sex with us. 

Please stop giving bigot more ways to attack us

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33 minutes ago, Guest Students Project said:

Straight acting meaning TOP,  Sissy-Acting meaning BOTTOM.   Tio Bo teacher?


Ng tio.


There r Str8 acting btms n sissy acting tops too. 


Think macho marys n drags who top.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Airgun guy
Call it internalised homophobia, i will still call myself straight acting, for me its more of sissy-phobia, no i dont hate sissy people or trans, i pity them actually. When i see someone stated str8 acting on his profile, i expect him to act just like any other majority man you see on the street and im comfortable with that and want to be associate with that rather than bunch of sissy guys behave like seeking attention, loud fashion, squeaky voice and just cant stop gossiping guys passerby.
Many years ago I went for meet up with group of guys from "neighbourhood country" i knew from BW and thats what exactly happened, some tend very sissy, (yeah they tend to be funny person too which is good thing but not my concern here)
1 even go overboard wear long scarf (WTF!!) and holding a pouch that more of women accessories, for a moment i thought he is in the process of transform into transwoman lol. Went to a restaurant for lunch, and in the middle of a convo of about certain old song and they can break into singing together a part of that song, loudly. Traumatic experience.   
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Most so called straight acting are actually more  sissy in nature and their trying to put a fake persona will show tell tale signs. They often failed to show their masculinity as the minutes past by.

People can sense when you are faking.be normal.no ego no need to be flamboyant people will gravitate towards you

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i think this sums up everything about "straight-actors". don't hate them, just pity them for having to hide and not be able to live their authentic lives too (whether they are sissy or masc or what). 

what a waste of time and life, especially in 2017. we are on the brink of change, we just need to be a bit braver.





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1 hour ago, donaldduckeroo said:

As I mentioned, my sexuality is a need to know basis...


so you choose to be covert when it benefits you, and when it is advantageous, you hide under your "straight-act". but when you need other men (for sex, intimacy, companionship or counsel), then you play the game.  


if not, then why are you here as an active member in a gay men's forum? 

this is where your true hypocrisy is showing. you can hate me for it, but i am just connecting the dots here. they draw a picture of deep denial and bias.


you, my friend, are a user.


and a key problem in the treatment of people like us. you appropriate and use what you want, when you want, but do not care about the community and how it appears to larger society. 


when you "act straight" and basically live a deceptive life, without sharing the collective stresses and abuse homosexuals face on a daily basis. 


you cannot even own up to who and what you are. sissyness or masculinity has nothing to do with it. you are a homosexual in hiding. if anything, you are hiding from yourself. 


take a breather lah before responding...not everyone who holds an opposing view is an enemy. 




Edited by tomcat





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On 6/29/2017 at 0:17 PM, kdkd said:

 You can never ask animal for its consent to do sex. So its wrong and should be illegal n a crime just as u cant justify sex with underage because they simply are not capable of giving consent for sex with us. 

Please stop giving bigot more ways to attack us.


Thank you for discerning and explaining this, could not be any clearer. 

And yes, there is a need to be aware of how we are seen by larger society.





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Guest concern

oh!striaght acting means to come blowing wind to say whatever want to say. of course!write and talk glamourously with current mundane activitiies.however i am glad to behave in a straight way through certain topic to access through blowing wind. for most reason,to clarify and being not creepy as to being able to write it out through blowing wind.great.

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On 29/06/2017 at 0:17 PM, kdkd said:

Its disturbing to find this sentence be part of your whole paragraph about sexual diversity 

Quote: "Or a human who is willing make love to animals?"  


You can never ask animal for its consent to do sex. So its wrong and should be illegal n a crime just as u cant justify sex with underage because they simply are not capable of giving consent for sex with us. 

Please stop giving bigot more ways to attack us

You are entitled to interpretate what I am meant. Give your input as to what you think beside name calling. It is an opinion. My Opinion. I never claim I am the beginning or end of it. But I don't think I am that far off. You have issue is your problem if my "example" disturb you. I can give you a few other alternative if you like just to soothe your sensitive nature.

Edited by upshot

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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"STRAIGHT ACTING" is not rally ACTING.. it is just a term some how got fucked up wrong. It simple is a guy behaving in the total same manner as any other guy who is not Straight to the point you don't notice him acting up in a girlie manner like say.. KUMAR... or some trannie who do actually ACT UP in an exaggerated manner just to show you that he/she is different.


I would say LBGT... those who get a lot more girlie are not gay but more trannie and feel more female then male. The male gay MAJORITY actually you almost can not tell... you have some that has that slight lisp, some with that slightly different manner of walking, of how they move their hands in a certain manner, and some who when surprise shrieks.. but then you have gay guys btms or tops who just act normal, fight you normal, argue with you normally without bursting into tears, is able to physically do some labourous work like a normal person like say in construction, act surprise like a normal guy...etc.

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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  • G_M changed the title to "Straight Acting" - what does that mean? (compiled)
Guest Never Take Advice On Mouth

Straight Acting is really Straight Appearing. It means when people see a guy, they would never guess he is gay based on his looks, clothes, mannerisms, or voice. Basically somebody who can easily blend into the straight world and not draw unwanted attention to his sexuality. You can be together in public without anyone knowing you are gay.

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Guest Hollyweird

Some guys can't "act" or "appear" straight, no matter how hard they try, as their natural inclinations are just too obviously gay. Their style of dress, voice, hand gestures, etc., give them away no matter how hard they try to fit society's expectations. And of course some don't want to fit society's expectations. Their inner queen is who they are.

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Simple: "straight-acting" is three problems coalesce into these two misnomers. 


The first problem about this "straight-acting" implies that you're not something and hence you have to act like you are, as if to fulfill some innate desire of not being that thing itself- in this case, unable to fit the "straight" expectations


The second problem here is that "straight-acting" is a deliberately ambigious term that is widely adopted by people who are unable to categorise themselves as OR lack the necessary vocabulary to express their sexuality/characteristics


The third...is that people who are less accepting of themselves hide behind this terminology so that they can deal with the societal pressures/expectations that plague them. 


In and by itself, "straight acting" has no definitive meaning. What is defined as "straight"? Is it the heterosexuality aspect of it? Thus that mean the attraction? Or the physical aspects of heterosexuality? Because you can have heterosexuals that are feminine, and you can have homosexuals that are masculine. So, what should this term encompass? (I don't believe it needs to exist because it is inherently derogatory and exclusionary)

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16 hours ago, enthuboy_93 said:

I mean, we can't get intimate, kiss, cuddle other guys in public view so we can only behave like straight guys out there 
So the term "straight acting" is kinda redundant no? 

just to counter the argument...

even if this behaviour is accepted amongst men,

i still wont do it, excessive public displays of affection is nappropriate.

straight couples included.

it makes others feel uncomfortable, period.

if too horny, get a room.
if too in love, can show it in other ways.

if want to show off, then i cannot say anything liao.






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Guest 72%dark

Don’t wanna wade into any trench wars about misogyny and internalized homophobia and so on … just wanna bring to attention a linguistic point.


No need to make too much hay over the appearance of the word “act” in “straightacting”. It seems like many are pouncing on one particular sense of “act” (the one associated with performing), forgetting that the word has much a broader, more general meaning, and the performance usage isn’t the most frequent one at that. (See sense no.5 of the definition from the Oxford English Dictionary below.)


In everyday speech we often use it with sense no.2. For example when we chide someone to “act like an adult”, we aren’t asking that the person put on a performance or pretend in some way, we’re asking them to genuinely behave according to certain characteristics, i.e. to do certain things and not do other things.




So whatever one’s objections are to the use of the term “straightacting”, I think one should be cautious about imputing desire or intent for artifice or deception. 

From what I observe, people use it as a shorthand for referring to certain culturally conventional behavioral traits that they’re interested in.


That this has the potential to offend sensibilities is the same as how people stating a ‘racial preference’, for instance, can offend other sensibilities.

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16 minutes ago, 72%dark said:

Don’t wanna wade into any trench wars about misogyny and internalized homophobia and so on … just wanna bring to attention a linguistic point.


No need to make too much hay over the appearance of the word “act” in “straightacting”. It seems like many are pouncing on one particular sense of “act” (the one associated with performing), forgetting that the word has much a broader, more general meaning, and the performance usage isn’t the most frequent one at that. (See sense no.5 of the definition from the Oxford English Dictionary below.)


In everyday speech we often use it with sense no.2. For example when we chide someone to “act like an adult”, we aren’t asking that the person put on a performance or pretend in some way, we’re asking them to genuinely behave according to certain characteristics, i.e. to do certain things and not do other things.




So whatever one’s objections are to the use of the term “straightacting”, I think one should be cautious about imputing desire or intent for artifice or deception. 

From what I observe, people use it as a shorthand for referring to certain culturally conventional behavioral traits that they’re interested in.


That this has the potential to offend sensibilities is the same as how people stating a ‘racial preference’, for instance, can offend other sensibilities.

good points, however in your argument, if "act" is equivalent to "behave",

then "straight-behaving" is tantamount to saying "behaving like a straight man".


this is a little bit more gray, undoubtedly,

because the difference then lies in whether this person

naturally "behaves like a straight man" or is it a put-on.

the only scenario where i can think of it being applied is when two gays say:

"wow, he behaves so much like a straight man, i can't believe it's not butter!"
meaning, the only time you can say "behave like a straight man" is when

you are in fact, discussing a situation where the person in question is gay after all.
or at least being chastised to behave in a hetero-normative way.

my apologies also if i am dragging you back into treacherous waters here,

but the reality is also that there are many types of straight men,

each exhibiting behaviour in its own way.

so which is the archetype then that correctly determines straight-behaving?


if i was to be devil's advocate, and say, well all of those straight-behaviours

are permissible because they are exhibited by real straight men

then it singles back to the fact that all of those behaviour is fine

unless it comes from a gay man, just simply because he is gay.

there is still an element of internalised homophobia,

that any way a straight man behaves is ok just by the principle that he is straight,

but yet for a gay man, the way he needs to be perceived is so much of a pre-meditation

because he feels fundamentally that how he is naturally is in fact, unnatural.  

just sharing some thoughts, not looking for any kind of fight.
want to thank you actually for contributing and succinctly explaining

an alternate reading of the word. 

there is actually a documentary that looks exactly into this way of acting/behaving.

it's called The Butch Factor, anyone interested can explore more:






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23 hours ago, Guest Never Take Advice On Mouth said:

Straight Acting is really Straight Appearing. It means when people see a guy, they would never guess he is gay based on his looks, clothes, mannerisms, or voice. Basically somebody who can easily blend into the straight world and not draw unwanted attention to his sexuality. You can be together in public without anyone knowing you are gay.


Try the cockroach test.  Mama Mia. 

Don't read and response to guests' post

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6 minutes ago, LeanMature said:


Try the cockroach test.  Mama Mia. 


i am the designated cockroach catcher at home, 
from baby ones, to normal to flying roaches,

all is my job to catch, haha.

and cannot spray because we hv pets & plants,

so i use rubber band and aim, or catch by hand.


so your method is not 100% conclusive...! 





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4 hours ago, tomcat said:


i am the designated cockroach catcher at home, 
from baby ones, to normal to flying roaches,

all is my job to catch, haha.

and cannot spray because we hv pets & plants,

so i use rubber band and aim, or catch by hand.


so your method is not 100% conclusive...! 

What a designation - "designated catcher" : initially I don't even know how is cockroach related to this thread, now I get it upon reading your sharing

while I don't wish to dirty my hands,  I don't mind using all ways and means to kill liz or cockroach or anything, but my family will label me the same title too

but I still think many will pass the cockcroach test
I know there r some men who r afraid , not sure why though
Of course throwing me  to a desolated room full of cockroaches can be rather scary(don't know where to start with)

Wow, rubber band u also can????????????? don't they fly or crawl fast enough


u have plants? we don't care much, likely your plants wont be at all around the place right? usu airplant are hung up

spend sometime commenting here instead:


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Guest 72%dark
On 04/01/2018 at 1:16 PM, tomcat said:

good points, however in your argument, if "act" is equivalent to "behave",

then "straight-behaving" is tantamount to saying "behaving like a straight man".


this is a little bit more gray, undoubtedly,

because the difference then lies in whether this person

naturally "behaves like a straight man" or is it a put-on.

the only scenario where i can think of it being applied is when two gays say:

"wow, he behaves so much like a straight man, i can't believe it's not butter!"
meaning, the only time you can say "behave like a straight man" is when

you are in fact, discussing a situation where the person in question is gay after all.
or at least being chastised to behave in a hetero-normative way.

my apologies also if i am dragging you back into treacherous waters here,

but the reality is also that there are many types of straight men,

each exhibiting behaviour in its own way.

so which is the archetype then that correctly determines straight-behaving?


if i was to be devil's advocate, and say, well all of those straight-behaviours

are permissible because they are exhibited by real straight men

then it singles back to the fact that all of those behaviour is fine

unless it comes from a gay man, just simply because he is gay.

there is still an element of internalised homophobia,

that any way a straight man behaves is ok just by the principle that he is straight,

but yet for a gay man, the way he needs to be perceived is so much of a pre-meditation

because he feels fundamentally that how he is naturally is in fact, unnatural.  

just sharing some thoughts, not looking for any kind of fight.
want to thank you actually for contributing and succinctly explaining

an alternate reading of the word. 

there is actually a documentary that looks exactly into this way of acting/behaving.

it's called The Butch Factor, anyone interested can explore more:


Thanks for the link! Haven’t finished watching it yet, so apologies if any of the points I make below have already been addressed.


You’re right, many troubling questions arise once you start parsing out the semantic and logical implications of this term. And issues such as heteronormativity certainly deserve airing and discussion. 


The thing is, most people who use the term haven’t thought it through as deeply as you clearly have. My sense is that people use it without having first tried to define it rigorously, relying instead on their interlocutors’ (presumed) shared sociocultural context to fill in the details.


This isn’t to defend the practice, merely to point out that those people may then be puzzled when others problematize their use of the term and hence they might react defensively.


The deeper question – what are considered “straight” or “gay” behaviors (I mean other than literal sexual intercourse), the answers aren’t decided by a centralized authority but by the same process of tacit consensus that governs other sociocultural norms. 


Again, this isn’t to defend the status quo, merely to point out that individuals are but cogs in a larger machine; the user of the term isn’t necessarily using it with the express intention of perpetuating a gender performance hegemony (for example), even if the nett result of the action is to reinforce that particular value system.


My suspicion is that of the behaviors or traits that are considered stereotypically “gay”, not all of them are stigmatized.


For example, I was having dinner with friends once when a group of guys entered the restaurant. They were all visibly well-built, wearing tight t-shirts and shorts with the cuffs folded up, had neatly styled hair, clear complexions, and those who carried bags used Herschel or a similar brand. One of my friends, a straight woman, blurted out something like, “They look too well-groomed and attractive to be straight!” 


In other words there’s a popular idea that the stereotypical straight man doesn’t put much effort into personal grooming, might even be a bit of a slob. While the gay man is the style-conscious one (the “Queer Eye” trope). But chances are, those people who use “straight-acting” as a filter for their romantic/sexual interests aren’t trying to filter out the “well-groomed” man, but have some other notions of “masculine” behavior in mind.

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Maybe straight acting also means that when u see a guy u are attracted too, u don't drool on them or smile creepily at them. Or when u visit the toilet, you don't peep at tools or wink at guys in toilet. So on and so forth. 


Just my 2 cents. 

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