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Is There True Love? + How Does One Know It Is (True) Love? (Compiled)

Guest TrueLove


143 members have voted

  1. 1. In Man2Man Relationship, it's pure raw lust that we are after most, true love is secondary ?

    • Totally agree, Raw Lust is all it counts ! True Love is passé !
    • Absurd ! True Love reigns above everything else !
    • Who cares ! Raw Lust or True Love, as long as we two enjoy our M2M companionship

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In this section I would like to open a debate.

In any loving relationship, how does one know he or she is the one?


I ponder on this question a lot lately. How can we be sure we are with the right one?


Is there a check list? Can one be objective? Is there such thing as happily ever after as in the fairy tales?


What is love? For such things as abstract as love, how do we know we found love? Is love fleeting or long lasting? Coz I heard from somewhere that says love is eternal. What does that mean?


Would be great if someone could shed light into these... And may be share their experience(s)





Peace and Harmony


Both of you want to build a life together?  Or both of you just want physical companionship?


All love relationships are to be built....  Not some fairy tales that you live happily ever after you meet the "one"....

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When we think that we are the product of love and it is our essence, naturally that love will just 'do its work'.  When we are to meet someone and we feel there's a sense connectedness, the next best thing is not to analyze things too much but to learn and accept to live it.  Be in the moment and give it all.


Very often, once we doubt (even the slightest) and entertain all the IFs, the process to be in love can take a turn.  This stand already makes us to become defensive and apprehensive/guarded.  To some, there'll be thoughts that there might be someone else better waiting out there.  Then there are others that want to 'measure' and test Love, aka the check list.


I always believe, when we don't even know ourselves 100%, it is just not right to expect and think that we know others better.  There are always the up and down but when we can accept that they are part and parcel of life, where theprocess is about learning, we are giving love a good chance to develop.


To me, "the one" is not about the other person but what and who we are, along with the questions why? and how?

Click Here To Visit My Blog @ "The Blessed Life"

*Let me live my life to be an instrument of 'Love', in how I speak and in how I see others*

- May there be Love and Peace beyond all understanding -

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Guest wozzit

In any loving relationship, how does one know he or she is the one?


I ponder on this question a lot lately. How can we be sure we are with the right one?


Is there a check list? Can one be objective? I


There is no check list n its really hard to be objective in such a subjective matter as love


My two cents worth -


1. Love starts with an attraction to another person. Sometimes its intense; sometimes just a friendship.


2. That attraction grows over time - sometimes short; sometime long.


3. U start constantly to think about the other person, about being with him, about knowing him better, wanting to be close to him. Having to b apart makes u sad, makes u want to be nearer to him. This feeling can b agony at times.


4. As ur feelings grow stronger n deeper, u have a need to express them sexually.


5. Sex is not a selfish act to fulfil ur needs. It is to make him feel wonderful with u beside him. If both feel this way then that is the start of real love. U now need to be with each other as often as possible.


6. After a time, u realise that ur life without him is almost worthless.


7. Soon u realise that what is really important is not ur feelings or his feelings. Its the relationship that binds u that has become most important.


8. Thereafter life will throw difficulties at u both. But overcoming them together will make the relationship stronger.


9. Developing the relationship requires absolute trust, communication, a desire to help ur partner grow as an individual - and much more.


Others may not agree. but hope this helps in some way!

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Guest Handsome Guy

There is no check list n its really hard to be objective in such a subjective matter as love

My two cents worth -

1. Love starts with an attraction to another person. Sometimes its intense; sometimes just a friendship.

2. That attraction grows over time - sometimes short; sometime long.

3. U start constantly to think about the other person, about being with him, about knowing him better, wanting to be close to him. Having to b apart makes u sad, makes u want to be nearer to him. This feeling can b agony at times.

4. As ur feelings grow stronger n deeper, u have a need to express them sexually.

5. Sex is not a selfish act to fulfil ur needs. It is to make him feel wonderful with u beside him. If both feel this way then that is the start of real love. U now need to be with each other as often as possible.

6. After a time, u realise that ur life without him is almost worthless.

7. Soon u realise that what is really important is not ur feelings or his feelings. Its the relationship that binds u that has become most important.

8. Thereafter life will throw difficulties at u both. But overcoming them together will make the relationship stronger.

9. Developing the relationship requires absolute trust, communication, a desire to help ur partner grow as an individual - and much more.

Others may not agree. but hope this helps in some way!

Prof Wozzit. I enjoy your lecture about Luve. It is concise and exactly the one i wanted to share too. Thanks for the contribution.

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i guess you'll know at the end of your life. :)

true..agree.with u.lolx.y think too much.juz have fun.whether true love or.not.u will feel better after ejaculate.lolx

i guess you'll know at the end of your life. :)

true..agree.with u.lolx.y think too much.juz have fun.whether true love or.not.u will feel better after ejaculate.lolx

i guess you'll know at the end of your life. :)

true..agree.with u.lolx.y think too much.juz have fun.whether true love or.not.u will feel better after ejaculate.lolx

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Guest 72%dark


“I need a driving instructor who can help me pass on my first attempt, is he the one?” “I need an interior designer to decorate my midlife-crisis bachelor pad, is he the one?” “I need a psych counsellor to help me deal with my trust issues, is he the one?”


I don’t mean to be facetious. Only to point out that figuring out whether someone is ‘the one’ is only possible if you know what qualities you’re looking for in the person. Even then, to expect a single person to fulfill a large and vaguely defined set of needs and desires is asking a lot.


To believe that there is ‘one’ person out there best suited to you is to subscribe to an overly romanticised notion of love. The danger lies in measuring each person you’re involved with against this mythic ideal and always coming up short, then getting disenchanted, perhaps thinking there’s ‘no one’ out there for you (even though each person is ‘someone’ in his own right).


Each relationship has its own dynamic. Each person enriches your life – and aggravates you – in his own ways. How do you know when to make a commitment to that person? When you both agree that it’s worth working through the mutual aggravations because each of you fulfills the other’s needs/desires well enough. It’s a decision to make soberly (and not in the giddiness of infatuation [2]). There’s no magic involved, that’s just the movies [1a].





Jet Li. Keanu Reeves.





Love is not lust (hormonally mediated physical attraction), nor is it infatuation (that neurochemical* ‘high’ you feel when you meet someone new you like and start wooing him). Therefore, be wary of equating love with ‘a feeling’. This doesn’t mean that love isn’t or shouldn’t be accompanied by feelings, just that if you think love is just/mainly a feeling, you may find yourself serially disenchanted (again) when the blooms of fresh love come off, as they invariably do (and there are biological and evolutionary† reasons why). Feelings are a necessary but not sufficient condition for love.


If you ask me, love is what happens after all the sweet romance happens. After you no longer feel turned on by his now-‘dad bod’, after his lame jokes stop making you laugh, after you discover his annoying habits, after you fall into routine and do the same stuff all the time… … After all that, you still care for him deeply enough you would sacrifice your ‘freedom’ to be with him, you would compromise on (some of) your likes to accommodate his, you would sacrifice your time and energy to help him with life’s chores, you would support him in times of need, you would hold his virtues up as a model with which to improve yourself as a person, you would forgive his failings, and you would do this all with the expectation of little reward. 



Still think you’re seriously after love?



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Can try this mental "checklist" when exploring all kinds of relationships with all persons, not only prospective partners:


F  - or me he does things genuinely                                     1--------------- 5 ---------------- 10

R  - emembers me wherever he is                                        1 -------------- 5 ---------------- 10

I   - nspires me with his own achievements                           1--------------- 5 ---------------- 10

E  - ncourages me when the going is tough                          1--------------- 5 ---------------- 10 

- ags me so I may improve                                                1--------------- 5 ---------------- 10 

D  - eserves me because I have all the above (too)              1--------------- 5 ---------------- 10


How well we and that person do individually gives us an idea or 'snap shot' of where we are and what may be explored to move forward, or if we should call it quits. For example, a 6 for "I" is not bad considering the challenges in our own careers, hence we shall appreciate what has worked to get us there and next think how else to move up a notch to 7, one step at a time.

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Guest Guest

When both sacrifice their money and time for each other, taking care of each other, monogamous (WTF is open relationship anyway), yah he is the one for me, I love u

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  • 2 weeks later...

I seriously believe that there is one's true love. It is just hard to find. Of course anyone has the right to agree and disagree with me afterall that was why I opened this debate in first place. I am not talking about infatuation, lust and moments of high (especially when the sex is so good).


Of course there is no such thing as "check-list". Everyone has their own criteria of finding a perfect partner. Once we have learned that everyone has defaults and that include ourselves too, then we will see things differently. Because the most important part is to accept that we as humans are not perfect and that the first thing we need to do is to be honest with ourselves before others.


As for my own experience, I found the one by chance. A very unlikely situation and even strange I must add. First thing first, when I met the one, I was not looking for love nor relationship. I was fed up with the "scene". Tired of investing time and effort (financial and emotional). I thought i was going to just have fun. Having multiple sexual partners etc. It was fun and exciting. Of course these things take a lot of time, effort and most especially patience.

We had to undergo the same ritual. Sexual gratifications. Lust. Physical attraction. You name it. 


When things settled down a bit and this is the most important part - It is the fine tuning to each other.


They say that opposite attract and when you are too similar to the one - things tend to be boring. True. True and more truth. A lot of stories (and songs) have been made on this subject.

The truth is to fine tune onto each other is the most difficult and rewarding experience ever. We had to think outside the box - Literally trying to put the others' need first above our own. To understand each others' insecurities, bad habits (Defaults) and many others. This is right after the honeymoon period. It was trying. One has get to get over this period before moving on to the next phase. 


For me the one signifies the opposite and the similarity. It is when you can think a like and differently. He's the one when you can be who you are without fear of judgement because the one accept you for who you are (vice versa).


So there you are... Like in the matrix and I quote - "Being The One is just like being in love. No one can tell you you're in love, you just know it".


In this generation - where people are most concern about materialistic things, it is more and more difficult to identify the one. We are constantly bombarded with sexual images, tempted by the sexual liberties - sometimes we don't know the one we have met and let go was actually The One because we were so hungry to be "a la mode" and be in tune with society's expectations and the norm.


So there is no empirical evidence that can identify The One for you. It is only you who can do that. Everyone has The One in his life.


I believe that human's brain is capable of many things and thus even if you have missed The One it is not the end of the world but be glad that you have found it at least.


Voila... My 2 cents' worth on this subject.




Peace and harmony

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Guest Guest

True love for me is when my boyfriend search for another cuter than me to fuck and settle down while I wait for the day for him to find faults and reasons to dump me , which is simply easy , because they have no fault at all !

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  • 4 months later...
Guest 72%dark

In any loving relationship, how does one know he or she is the one?


I ponder on this question a lot lately. How can we be sure we are with the right one?


Is there a check list?


Some suggestions from a relationship book (Are You Right For Me? Seven steps to getting clarity and commitment in your relationship. Andrew G. Marshall. 2011. p.124–):



You have been out together on a few occasions and everything seems promising. But how can you tell if this is ‘just friends’ or the makings of a life-long love affair?
There are three types of outings or dates: Getting to know you (assessing if there is any connection), Fun outings (enjoying each other’s company and checking compatibility) and, finally, Courting (the beginnings of a lasting relationship). It is impossible to get to the third type of outing without moving through the first two. Unfortunately, many potential relationships are crushed because one half is in too much of a hurry to court. […]
Obviously the time needed to progress from ‘getting to know you’ to ‘courting’ will change from couple to couple, but, as a rule of thumb, it is somewhere between five and ten outings.
One the one hand, trying to define a relationship too soon is like pulling up a plant cutting and checking whether it is growing roots; but on the other, just wishing and hoping for the best can lead to a dead-end relationship. […]
Although one of my central messages is ‘Don’t judge too quickly’, the moment of truth cannot be put off indefinitely. In my opinion, three months is an important milestone. How does your relationship measure up?
• Have you both stopped accepting ‘dates’ from other people?
• Can you openly label each other as boyfriend or girlfriend?
• Does conversation flow like wine?
• Can you relax in each other’s presence?
• Do you like yourself when you are with your new man or woman?
• Are you both interested in the particulars of each other’s lives?
• Who is putting the most energy into developing the relationship? Who calls? Who suggests outings?
• If it seems that you are doing the majority of the work, step back and give him or her room to take the initiative. Sometimes it is better to let a relationship fold than put increasing amounts of energy into preserving it.
• If your partner has been making most of the running, what happens if you let down your defences and suggest something that progresses the relationship? For example, meeting family or taking a short break together.
If three months is the moment where casual going out becomes a full-blown relationship, eighteen months is when that relationship turns into a committed partnership. The crazy peak of limerence, where you cannot eat, work or think straight, has passed but there is enough bliss left to smooth over the tensions of moving in together. Scientific evidence backs up my theory that this is the crucial window of opportunity. Long-term tracking by the university of Texas has found that an eighteen-months to three-year courtship is the optimum period for a happy marriage. Indeed, social biologists discovered that dopamine, phenylethylamine and oxytocin, the three hormones responsible for love and bonding, are at their height for eighteen months to three years too. 
The final piece of evidence comes from the market researcher, John T. Molloy, who interviewed 2,500 couples leaving American marriage bureaux (Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others, Warner Books, 2004). He also identifies eighteen months as the time courting couples are most likely to become engaged. In his opinion, by twenty-two months the chance of a proposal begins to dip slightly. Then, over the next year and a half, the odds diminish gradually. After three and a half years together, however, the odds of a couple making a lasting commitment begins to plummet.
So answer the following questions about your relationship:
1. If someone attractive shows an interest in you, would you tell him or her that you’re already seeing someone?
2. Would your boyfriend or girlfriend do the same?
3. Is your lover the person to whom you tell the ins and outs of your day?
4. Do you enjoy just hanging out together without some structured activity – like going to a movie or dining out?
5. Could you discuss and book next year’s summer holiday or discuss plans for Christmas?
6. Does the way that your lover talks about the relationship match with his or her actual behaviour?
7. Do you both want the same things out of life?
8. If you had an emergency – for instance, if your house was broken into – would your lover be the first person you would phone for emotional and practical support?
9. If you had good news, would your lover be the first person you would call?
10. Do you generally put each other’s interests first?
11. Can you confide your inner secrets, fears and dreams?
12. Would your lover protect you against a personal attack from his or her family?
13. Can you cooperate and organise a major event together – like a touring holiday or a big party?
14. Would you describe your beloved as a good person?
There is no pass or fail score on this test, but you should hope to be able to answer ‘yes’ to at least the first seven questions.
From here onwards, each question reveals progressively important qualities about your relationship. When I discuss this test with clients, they expect support through adversity to be the key test. However, whether or not our beloved can truly share in our success is more important; often our partner fears that it will take us away from them. I’ve put cooperating and organising even further down the list because successful relationships are all about teamwork, so this is another make-or-break issue.
Moving on to question fourteen, I would be more concerned if you answered ‘yes’ but added a rider. For example: ‘as long as she has not had too much to drink’ or ‘as long as he controls his jealousy’. How likely is this to happen? What is the opinion of people who really care about you?
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When u r ready to give/give up everything to/for him.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Just Google "true love" and you'll find countless resources with regards to this.

The content is usually mostly cross-compatible, regardless of sexual orientation.

Perhaps I would like to add on...

Trust your gut. Really. Gut feelings are more significant than we give them credit for.

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  • 1 month later...






3rd May 2016
No good thing happens easy, it takes conscious effort and time invested to make it real.  So it is the same for love, True Love is a choice.  Someone once told me this, wise words that I never forgot and hold it very dear to me.  A relationship is made out of 80% commitment and 20% emotion.
80% Commitment and 20% Emotion
The younger me indulged with too much k-drama influenced by it’s unrealistic and unhealthy love stories.  I too, wanted the “relationships” depicted on screen, a relationship that can give me the greatest highs.  A high like that, in reality, comes with a price tag, a costly one at that.  In order, to reach the highest highs, one will need to have experienced the lowest lows.  Of which the frequency of the lows can be > high.  It is a vicious cycle.  Emotional turmoils that keeps the couple trapped in a constant stagnation.  The unconscious desire in chasing for a high becomes an unconscious self-fulling prophesy.  The root cause for a toxic relationship is compounded by these accumulated choices.
Lessons that only hindsight can give,  I would not have traded the pain and experience for less. The recurring aftermath waves of pain was the constant reminders to reevaluate the choices made and they were crucial turning points in my life. Learning that some fall in love with the concept of being in love, without loving the person.  Falling in love with the idea of love.  Being in love with the abstract idea of attaining the perfect life also means getting married and having kids.
Love is a Choice
I have come to realize that true love is a choice. Love isn’t an emotional feeling, it is as logical as it can get.  It is easy to feel like you are falling in love, but losing that feeling is just as easy.
Relationships require hard work and choosing love as a daily choice is much more beautiful than a mere euphoric feeling.
We first meet, we fall in love
We first meet, we fall in love.  We don’t choose who we fall in love with.  The feeling of euphoria slowly fades away, and life happens.  It is no longer spontaneous but it becomes routine.  We learn our strengths and our flaws.  We see the best and the worst.  We see how perfectly imperfect we are.  We learn our pasts, and the demons we can’t let go.  We are weird, we are quirky.  We learn we have different habits, weaknesses, and flaws.  We know discover each other and the aura of mystery disappears.  Sooner or later, the cupid spell wears off.  That, and the feeling of being in love, slowly fades away.

Do we give up?
When we reach this stage, there are 2 ways to deal with this:
1. Give up, break up and start the search again for the new ideal person.
2. Learn to compromise, accept imperfections, improve ourselves positively and constructively to be a better version of ourselves for each other.
Feelings are fleeting, No one wants to talk about how feelings fade, that it takes work to keep feelings alive, and a relationship intact.  To know that staying in love, is a deliberate choice. Staying in love under the Fundamentals of Love.
Love is Commitment
Just because we don’t feel the same when we first started out, doesn’t mean we stop loving someone.  That is when we learn, that love is more than a feeling, we learn that love is commitment.  To love each other is a choice we have to make daily.  It is an intentional and conscious decision to choose to love each other for better and for the worst.
Emotions are fleeting and transient.  It takes more than emotion for true love to exists.  It takes hard work for relationships to be genuine, consistent and lasting.
Will you choose love today?


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  • 1 month later...
  • G_M changed the title to Is there true love in gay relationship?

<warning! Cliche alert!>


My partner and I have been together 17 going 18yrs. I am the younger and he is 6 yrs my senior

We met while we were cruising in Bedok Stadium and yes, we do see other people outside. I love him and so I accept him, warts and all. 


This may sound quite sick but I'm kinda proud when someone does make a move on him because it also indicates to me he is with me not because he does not have anyone else to be with. Or my other half is not exactly from the bottom of the barrel. And the same case with me. 


I always made it a point the relationship should not distress us in any way. 

We are together because we like to be together. 


Each day we are together, I do mentally prepare myself end because of simple things like he changed his mind or more complicated scenarios like his family or his jobs. Hence I treasure each day we have together as a couple. 


I find what keeps the relationship alive is when we talk about other guys we met or had amongst ourselves; how they are better or how they are not as good. This is actually a very big step in trusting your partner but also to empathize having econ rice everyday can be very boring, so occasionally changing flavors keeps everybody sane. Its really okay to know there are others better than me because he still comes home everyday and says "I love you"


And thats what real love looks like; well, at least for me.






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1 hour ago, Kuchii said:

<warning! Cliche alert!>


My partner and I have been together 17 going 18yrs. I am the younger and he is 6 yrs my senior

We met while we were cruising in Bedok Stadium and yes, we do see other people outside. I love him and so I accept him, warts and all. 


This may sound quite sick but I'm kinda proud when someone does make a move on him because it also indicates to me he is with me not because he does not have anyone else to be with. Or my other half is not exactly from the bottom of the barrel. And the same case with me. 


I always made it a point the relationship should not distress us in any way. 

We are together because we like to be together. 


Each day we are together, I do mentally prepare myself end because of simple things like he changed his mind or more complicated scenarios like his family or his jobs. Hence I treasure each day we have together as a couple. 


I find what keeps the relationship alive is when we talk about other guys we met or had amongst ourselves; how they are better or how they are not as good. This is actually a very big step in trusting your partner but also to empathize having econ rice everyday can be very boring, so occasionally changing flavors keeps everybody sane. Its really okay to know there are others better than me because he still comes home everyday and says "I love you"


And thats what real love looks like; well, at least for me.







What you guys have is an open relationship. You sleep around and he sleeps around but you stay together for company. 

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Open rs can also have true love.

Nature of qns is true love. Who is to decide that u don't love your bf if it is an open rs? True love is about committing selflessly. You put in effort without expecting any returns.


Of cuz there are true love in any form of rs. The qns TS wants to ask is about same level of commitment.

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1 hour ago, Guest Open said:


What you guys have is an open relationship. You sleep around and he sleeps around but you stay together for company. 


I wish our lives were as exciting as you put it, given that we are at work most of the time... but ironically, the company really is the basis of the relationship or for that matter any relationship.


I believe the concept of monogamy is socially a delusional, very selfish and destructive behavior pattern that results in isolation (thinking you only need each other) and unneeded pressure from prioritization. It is very linear ( understanding it being only right or wrong) in practice. 


If u expect a person who loves you to be only with you, how much time of your life can you give him? Work is barely valid a reason when in love.


If his happiness is not your priority in the relationship, then....


P.S. Not that think its important, but we do still sex each other hor

Edited by Kuchii
left of PS
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2 hours ago, Guest Open said:


What you guys have is an open relationship. You sleep around and he sleeps around but you stay together for company. 


Open relationship means you can have three some in sex with no strings attached with the third party. 

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Here we go again. :doh: Topic seems to repeat and repeat and repeat...... can't TS just do a search... tons of "true love" topics... U hurt somewhere? U cheated? He cheated? Everyone defines true love differently there is no such single rule written on stone stating it must not have this or that. Mine is true love in my point of view. Cheating doesn't = not true love.. being monogamous doesn't = true love. Define it which ever way you like. It's me and my partner's love, as long as my partners thinks the same way as I do, who gives a shit what other thinks and say. 

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I find it so ridiculous for those who said true love doesn't have to be in a monogamous relationship and open relationship is true love too. Why not ask your dad and mom to sleep with all their friends and anyone they fancy outside?


Want to have unlimited fun outside with handsome young men yet still have the cheeks to say true love to your partner wholly. Please dig out your heart and find that piece of love deep inside. We may be gay but that doesn't mean we've lost the morals behind what is being faithful. Don't tarnish our monogamous relationship to have the same principle of pure love to be on par with your selfish love. You know what is real love? Taken any vows before? Don't take love as a sex playground that pleases your little prick. Period.


Ps: If you're single who loves to play around, that's totally fine and not in the above equation.

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Guest Joker
1 hour ago, Guest :-( said:

I find it so ridiculous for those who said true love doesn't have to be in a monogamous relationship and open relationship is true love too. Why not ask your dad and mom to sleep with all their friends and anyone they fancy outside?


Want to have unlimited fun outside with handsome young men yet still have the cheeks to say true love to your partner wholly. Please dig out your heart and find that piece of love deep inside. We may be gay but that doesn't mean we've lost the morals behind what is being faithful. Don't tarnish our monogamous relationship to have the same principle of pure love to be on par with your selfish love. You know what is real love? Taken any vows before? Don't take love as a sex playground that pleases your little prick. Period.


Ps: If you're single who loves to play around, that's totally fine and not in the above equation.


I agree. How can unfaithful with your partner also can be true love? Big joke!

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1 hour ago, Guest :-( said:

I find it so ridiculous for those who said true love doesn't have to be in a monogamous relationship and open relationship is true love too. Why not ask your dad and mom to sleep with all their friends and anyone they fancy outside?


Want to have unlimited fun outside with handsome young men yet still have the cheeks to say true love to your partner wholly. Please dig out your heart and find that piece of love deep inside. We may be gay but that doesn't mean we've lost the morals behind what is being faithful. Don't tarnish our monogamous relationship to have the same principle of pure love to be on par with your selfish love. You know what is real love? Taken any vows before? Don't take love as a sex playground that pleases your little prick. Period.


Ps: If you're single who loves to play around, that's totally fine and not in the above equation.


I think guest is very harsh perhaps you can tell us how long u been attached?


I myself being attached for 20 over years sort of gain some insight abt true love.


And being attached for so long, most of the time if u really love a person u will do what it's required to keep the relationship alive until your twillight years.


Until u manage to find somebody whom is willing to stay by you that long.


Don't say true love is a vow, words are meaningless and forgetable.


Let me tell u, if some very pretty china woman comes along and your dad made a mistake and your mom in the end forgives him. U call that fake love?


You will face a lot of scenerios in life, so unless u are in somebody's shoes - don't judge.


To me, a couple willing to work things out together and standby each other through good times and bad times is TRUE LOVE.


And it does exist even if just becos you never seen one.

Edited by Ironrod
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