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Why We Are Gay? + Born This Way Or Choose To Be Gay? (Compiled)

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Is there a stupidity gene? 


Is there a left handedness gene?


Is there a Chinese gene?


Don't some people understand that many innate qualities are determined by a complex interplay of multiple genetic factors acting in concert with many early environmental factors?


There will never be an IQ gene, because IQ is not determined by a single gene.


Similarly, there will never be a sexual orientation gene, because sexuality is not determined by just a single gene. In the same way that being Chinese, being tall, being fat, being stupid, or being left handed isn't either.

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Is there a stupidity gene?

Is there a left handedness gene?

Is there a Chinese gene?

Don't some people understand that many innate qualities are determined by a complex interplay of multiple genetic factors acting in concert with many early environmental factors?

There will never be an IQ gene, because IQ is not determined by a single gene.

Similarly, there will never be a sexual orientation gene, because sexuality is not determined by just a single gene. In the same way that being Chinese, being tall, being fat, being stupid, or being left handed isn't either.

WTF with this complexity ..simplified it ....maybe I got stupid gene or low IQ gene ! So who says there isn't such gene and more ......I have proved you otherwise , didn't I ?
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Twins sharing identical gene set and yet one straight and one gay. Not enough to show that people are not born gay ? How to explain ?

The field of genetics and epigenetics are more complex than meets the eye. Monozygotic twins, i.e those sharing the same genes have 50% chance of being gay if the other one is, while fraternal twins is 20%, and much less so for brothers. So it is statistically significant. Twins may share the same DNA but whether it is methylated or switched on is influenced by many other factors, like whether they share the same placental (monochorionic) among other things. FYI twins do have different set of finger prints, and not necessary share the same dexterity (frequency of right and left handed twins is 21%).

In any case, whether you chose to believe me or not, I am attracted to males from a very young age of 5 or 6. And I did try to conform bcos of societal pressures. But I realized that I am betraying my true nature if I did so and for what? Why must I live the life for others. You have your belief system and I respect that, and I no less demand that you also respect how I decide to live my life. I am not asking for your approval nor acceptance, but simply your tolerance.

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It's a combination I guess. Everyone is born with a certain propensity to be gay and through certain life experiences, we make the choice to be.

That's bisexual, not gay. You don't choose to be gay. You were borned this way, ba-bay.

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Some gays just love to play saints too , there are many straight gay haters out there ! Most will not be touched by whatever you do , I for one is a typical straight hater ......

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Bisexuality, like all sexual orientation, is not chosen. We didn't choose to like guys and girls any more than you choose to like whatever it is that you like.


I think you mean you... you don't choose. But there are a number of cases where people actually is able to make that choice.  So it's possible.  Just that the people who don't or can't speaks louder !

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Looks like Guest is a die-hard trying to reduce homosexuality to nothing but a pervert choice.  First about gay agenda, then about Buddhism & now on genetics.  This is your third recent attempt.

You want to talk about genetics?  Here you are (see below) but how I wish you had read the following which contradict your link before you shot your mouth off.

The  Mystery  of  How  Identical  Twins  Develop  Different  Personalities


Importantly, identical twins raised in the same household — the same "outer" environment — still develop personality differences over time . . . .


How  Identical  Twins  Develop  Different  Personalities


. . . Thus identical twins, though they start with the same genes, likely develop different personalities in the same environment partially based on how they interact with their environment.  This lived experience, in turn, probably changes their genes: Previous research has found that human identical twins accumulate epigenetic changes as they age, making them more dissimilar over time.  In this way small initial personality differences could snowball — changing behavior, which changes brain — & result in our colorful, unique selves.


Why  Are  Identical  Twins  Different?

Studies  Explain  the  Differences  in  Twins  with  Supposedly  Matching  Genes


The stereotype of identical twins is that they are exactly alike: they look alike, they dress in matching outfits, they share the same likes and dislikes. Parents of identical twins know differently, however.  Despite their shared genetic component, identical multiples are unique individuals.  Though they do share similarities, they also have many differences.




Further Research: Not Actually Identical

A study published in the March 2008 issue of The American Journal of Human Genetics offers further explanation, even challenging the accepted notion that identical twins have identical genetic profiles. The research found changes in the DNA sequence between identical twins, reflected in Copy Number Variations (when a gene exists in multiple copies.) The research did not confirm whether these changes occur during fetal development or as twins age.


How  Can  Identical  Twins  Turn  Out  So  Different?


. . .The study of 40 young mice found that their behavior grew increasingly different over 3 months, even though the mice shared the same genes and lived in the same 5-level cage, researchers report Thursday in the journal Science. . . .


It's  Nature,  not  Nurture:  Personality   Lies   in   Genes,  Twins  Study  Shows


. . . Genes play a greater role in determining key personality traits like social skills & learning ability than the way we are brought up by our parents, researchers claimed.  The findings contradict the existing belief among psychologists that the environment we grow up in plays a larger role than genetics in shaping our personality.

Researchers from Edinburgh University studied more than 800 sets of identical & non-identical twins to learn whether genetics or upbringing has a greater effect on how successful people are in life.  Twins are useful in such studies because almost all twins share the same home environment as each other, but only identical twins share exactly the same genetics . . . .


In short, whether they are identical twins or similar twins or not even twins, it is the way that INDIVIDUAL interacts with his environment that leads to different experiences & shaping of his personality.  As for what way, how, when etc., nobody knows.  Try explaining why some like durians while others hate them no matter how many times they try.

high light in blue... it just says that the environment helps determine what you are... good explanation that sexuality could be determine by the environment... NOT BORN. 

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I think you mean you... you don't choose. But there are a number of cases where people actually is able to make that choice.  So it's possible.  Just that the people who don't or can't speaks louder !


Is that so? In that case, surely there are instances of homosexuals and heterosexuals that consciously made the decision regarding which gender they fall for?  :whistle:

Edited by EasleyLim


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high light in blue... it just says that the environment helps determine what you are... good explanation that sexuality could be determine by the environment... NOT BORN.

The field of epigenetics helps to explain how our genes interact with our environment to determine the final outcome. It is not so simplistic as the environment is the single factor here. This is the methylation process of DNA to be exact. For example not everyone will develop freckles or solar lentigo when exposed to the sun, I for one love to sun tan during my varsity days, and even now I swim every weekend afternoon, and to date I do not have a single sun spot nor freckles on my face unlike some of my friends who will only just one day of outdoor activities. Another eg is musical talent and intelligence. If you had the flair for music, you pick it up without even trying too hard, yet scientists have not to date isolated any musical gene, but we all know that is something inborn.

Having said all that, I fail to see what is the problem with the issue of lgbt. If people can accept others for their different cultures, skin colors, social practices, food preferences, why not sexual orientation? It boils down to their selfish and bigoted views based on their religious belief system. If your religion forbade it, then by all means enforced it within your congregation, those who disagree have the option to leave your community. If you don't approve of it no one is asking you to practice homosexuality, but you have no moral right to persecute others who disagree with you.

Oscar Wilde once said "Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live".

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The field of epigenetics helps to explain how our genes interact with our environment to determine the final outcome. It is not so simplistic as the environment is the single factor here. This is the methylation process of DNA to be exact. For example not everyone will develop freckles or solar lentigo when exposed to the sun, I for one love to sun tan during my varsity days, and even now I swim every weekend afternoon, and to date I do not have a single sun spot nor freckles on my face unlike some of my friends who will only just one day of outdoor activities. Another eg is musical talent and intelligence. If you had the flair for music, you pick it up without even trying too hard, yet scientists have not to date isolated any musical gene, but we all know that is something inborn.

Having said all that, I fail to see what is the problem with the issue of lgbt. If people can accept others for their different cultures, skin colors, social practices, food preferences, why not sexual orientation? It boils down to their selfish and bigoted views based on their religious belief system. If your religion forbade it, then by all means enforced it within your congregation, those who disagree have the option to leave your community. If you don't approve of it no one is asking you to practice homosexuality, but you have no moral right to persecute others who disagree with you.

Oscar Wilde once said "Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live".


You call people bigot and selfish.  You expect people to accept you but you also cannot accept other people.  Contradiction ?  If it's their belief, you should also accept them, right ?  DIversity or only your kind ?  Inclusiveness only your kind ?  

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Is that so? In that case, surely there are instances of homosexuals and heterosexuals that consciously made the decision regarding which gender they fall for?  :whistle:


Of course lah.  There are people who turn the other way.

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You call people bigot and selfish. You expect people to accept you but you also cannot accept other people. Contradiction ? If it's their belief, you should also accept them, right ? DIversity or only your kind ? Inclusiveness only your kind ?

Did I insist everyone lives a gay lifestyle? Did I disapprove of the heterosexual majority? Did I insist everyone renounce their faith?
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Did I insist everyone lives a gay lifestyle? Did I disapprove of the heterosexual majority? Did I insist everyone renounce their faith?


I don't know leh... did you ?


I think not all Christians condemn gay lah.  Please.  And not all gays are as nice as you.


My point is you call them bigot and selfish.  It's also imposing your own "moral values" on others in a different degree.  Nevertheless, you did.  And so I'm saying, if you want people to accept you, then you should also accept that they think differently from you.  They have a different religion, etc.  

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I don't know leh... did you ?

I think not all Christians condemn gay lah. Please. And not all gays are as nice as you.

My point is you call them bigot and selfish. It's also imposing your own "moral values" on others in a different degree. Nevertheless, you did. And so I'm saying, if you want people to accept you, then you should also accept that they think differently from you. They have a different religion, etc.

They are selfish bcos they want us to disavow our gay lifestyle and live the heterosexual life they think is morally correct. They are bigoted bcos they are intolerant of others who are different from them. I am not asking the heterosexual to turn gay, nor am I intolerant of others who are different in sexual inclination from me.

I agree there are many Christians and Muslims who are open minded and tolerant of us. My apologies if I had given you the impression that I think all believers of the monotheist faith are bigoted and selfish.

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Some gays just love to play saints too , there are many straight gay haters out there ! Most will not be touched by whatever you do , I for one is a typical straight hater ......

No you are a GAY straight hater... buahaha!

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I think you mean you... you don't choose. But there are a number of cases where people actually is able to make that choice. So it's possible. Just that the people who don't or can't speaks louder !

No one chose to be bisexual, gay or straight, demi sexual, asexual, pansexual or omni sexual. We were all borned this way, ba-bay!

Bisexuals, pansexuals and omni sexuals don't get to choose which gender they fall in love with, they only get to choose which relationships to form or pursue, whatever gender the other parties are. Of cos, some among them chose the opposite gender to conform to society.

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They are selfish bcos they want us to disavow our gay lifestyle and live the heterosexual life they think is morally correct. They are bigoted bcos they are intolerant of others who are different from them. I am not asking the heterosexual to turn gay, nor am I intolerant of others who are different in sexual inclination from me.

I agree there are many Christians and Muslims who are open minded and tolerant of us. My apologies if I had given you the impression that I think all believers of the monotheist faith are bigoted and selfish.


They want you to disavow your gay LIFESTYLE ?  I don't think so.  I think they don't want the LIFESTYLE to be the mainstream lifestyle and you cannot say that there aren't interest group promoting the lifestyle. 


The are not intolerant of you lah.  It's not the people, it's the act they have a problem with.  Try to read their more moderate websites/arguments and be open minded.  If you keep reading gay websites, then that's the message you will be immersed in.


And you must be wary of the very intolerant gay people we see nowadays.  They will label anyone bigot, etc, etc instead of wanting to discuss.  I thought you were one of them but I guess you are not.

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No one chose to be bisexual, gay or straight, demi sexual, asexual, pansexual or omni sexual. We were all borned this way, ba-bay!

Bisexuals, pansexuals and omni sexuals don't get to choose which gender they fall in love with, they only get to choose which relationships to form or pursue, whatever gender the other parties are. Of cos, some among them chose the opposite gender to conform to society.


That's a big "NO".... people do have choices.   Go read more on those people who manage to change.  I'm not asking you to change lah, just that the inertia to change is very strong and it looks impossible.  But there are people who did it.  I'm not going to argue over this.  It's on the web and youtube.

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If there are cases where people can change their sexual orientation, is it good enough to prove that it's not BORN ?  Or do we need to investigate every molecule in the body ?  What is an acceptable level of confidence that people can use to see eye to eye ?

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They want you to disavow your gay LIFESTYLE ?  I don't think so.  I think they don't want the LIFESTYLE to be the mainstream lifestyle and you cannot say that there aren't interest group promoting the lifestyle. 


The are not intolerant of you lah.  It's not the people, it's the act they have a problem with.  Try to read their more moderate websites/arguments and be open minded.  If you keep reading gay websites, then that's the message you will be immersed in.


And you must be wary of the very intolerant gay people we see nowadays.  They will label anyone bigot, etc, etc instead of wanting to discuss.  I thought you were one of them but I guess you are not.


I think Christians nowadays are much better in this aspect than in the past.   You feel hated by the other side, that could be because your side is promoting that hatred (of them against you).  

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That's a big "NO".... people do have choices. Go read more on those people who manage to change. I'm not asking you to change lah, just that the inertia to change is very strong and it looks impossible. But there are people who did it. I'm not going to argue over this. It's on the web and youtube.

You selling snake oil? Christans shouldn't lie but apparently hey do that all the time. Just like their love the sinner but hate the sin bullcrap. The 'change' you mentioned is only external behavioral 'change'. The internal same sex attraction/orientation/drive IS STILL THE SAME.

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It's clear that someone playing the religious card from the losing side is trying very hard to irritate us on this forum. Do not fall into this person's trap. I bet he is baiting for a politically incorrect response from us to publicise on their hate group facebook page like the NLB book removal 'sucesss'. Such desperate attempts to try to 'win' is an epic failure in itself. Otherwise this disillusioned, discolored, discredited, crestfallen coloseted homophobe is trying very hard to irritate us gays for his saddistic pleasure and to placate his ennui. Confirmed he is fapping to our responses on these forum threads for the past few months since the NLB saga.

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If there are cases where people can change their sexual orientation, is it good enough to prove that it's not BORN ? Or do we need to investigate every molecule in the body ? What is an acceptable level of confidence that people can use to see eye to eye ?

You unequivocally reek of "desperate-cism" to turn straight. I strongly but KINDLY suggest yourself to check into IMH today, before you do more damage to yourself and to others (but more to yourself).

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It's clear that someone playing the religious card from the losing side is trying very hard to irritate us on this forum. Do not fall into this person's trap. I bet he is baiting for a politically incorrect response from us to publicise on their hate group facebook page like the NLB book removal 'sucesss'. Such desperate attempts to try to 'win' is an epic failure in itself. Otherwise this disillusioned, discolored, discredited, crestfallen coloseted homophobe is trying very hard to irritate us gays for his saddistic pleasure and to placate his ennui. Confirmed he is fapping to our responses on these forum threads for the past few months since the NLB saga.


Why irritate you ?  You only want to hear your side of the story ?  How inclusive and diverse !   This is where we are at now.  Gay people (a minority), drawing boundaries as to what can be discussed.  If others have different views, they are bigot and all sort of name calling.  

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You selling snake oil? Christans shouldn't lie but apparently hey do that all the time. Just like their love the sinner but hate the sin bullcrap. The 'change' you mentioned is only external behavioral 'change'. The internal same sex attraction/orientation/drive IS STILL THE SAME.


"Still the same" ?  Dictated by who ?  You ?  

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G.O.D. The guy above. Definitely not you. *snort*


ha ha... if from GOD, must be in the bible.  have ah ?  The bible says you are born gay and if your behaviour changes to straight, you are still gay inside ?  If don't have, then you are play GOD ?  I don't want this to be a religious argument.  I just want to point out that there are arguments which are please on the LGBT side which cannot stand up to scrutiny.  But if you question, you are... yes.... BIGOT.  cause you have not changed your mindset to the LGBT mindset (regardless, right or wrong).  I should say aggressive LGBT which is a minority of the LGBT.

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Why irritate you ? You only want to hear your side of the story ? How inclusive and diverse ! This is where we are at now. Gay people (a minority), drawing boundaries as to what can be discussed. If others have different views, they are bigot and all sort of name calling.

In countries with holistic and consummate law systems you would have been jailed for spreading hatred. No evolved and enlightened society in this world welcome hate groups or individuals advocating bigotry and intolerance towards minority groups of people. If you can and if you ain't happy, please feel free to migrate to another planet, no one will stop or miss you.

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ha ha... if from GOD, must be in the bible. have ah ? The bible says you are born gay and if your behaviour changes to straight, you are still gay inside ? If don't have, then you are play GOD ? I don't want this to be a religious argument. I just want to point out that there are arguments which are please on the LGBT side which cannot stand up to scrutiny. But if you question, you are... yes.... BIGOT. cause you have not changed your mindset to the LGBT mindset (regardless, right or wrong). I should say aggressive LGBT which is a minority of the LGBT.

Go smoothen your ruffled feathers and compose yourself first before typing on your keyboard. You aren't making any human sense with your gibberish broken sentences. Maybe you are an alien that felt alienated in this secular, rational world?

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Nature vs Nurture.  If nature, then cannot change, just like your skin colour.  If nurture, can change, depends on how you nurture them.  Normalizing gay sex is a form of nurture.  

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Nature vs Nurture. If nature, then cannot change, just like your skin colour. If nurture, can change, depends on how you nurture them. Normalizing gay sex is a form of nurture.

You mean nurture with a pair of lactating breasts instead of nursing bottle? If so, heterosexuality is the norm everywhere but there are still tonnes of gays proves your theory is BULLSHIT.

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You mean nurture with a pair of lactating breasts instead of nursing bottle? If so, heterosexuality is the norm everywhere but there are still tonnes of gays proves your theory is BULLSHIT.


Skin colour cannot change but sexual preference can.  

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You mean nurture with a pair of lactating breasts instead of nursing bottle? If so, heterosexuality is the norm everywhere but there are still tonnes of gays proves your theory is BULLSHIT.



Let see, how much is a Tonne ?


United States[edit]  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_sexual_orientation)

The Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law, a sexual orientation law think tank, released a study in April 2011[27] estimating based on its research that 1.7 percent of American adults identify as gay or lesbian, while another 1.8 percent identify as bisexual. Drawing on information from four recent national and two state-level population-based surveys, the analyses suggest that there are more than 8 million adults in the US who are lesbian, gay, or bisexual, comprising 3.5% of the adult population. Of men, 2.2% identify as gay and an additional 1.4% as bisexual. Of women, 1.1% identify as lesbian and an additional 2.2% as bisexual.


This is not the 10% as the LGBT activist wanting to portray.

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Skin colour cannot change but sexual preference can.

Sorry to break this to you, but...

Either that person is bisexual to begin with (which is unlikely as they are not as desperate as repressed closeted homosexuals to change their orientation) or YOUR so-called change in 'sexual preference' is just an external/superficial/cosmetic/performance/behavioural change; the internal homosexual orientation/drive/attraction/impulse/urges are still there. :P

Now go cry to your mother.

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Sorry to break this to you, but...

Either that person is bisexual to begin with (which is unlikely as they are not as desperate as repressed closeted homosexuals to change their orientation) or YOUR so-called change in 'sexual preference' is just an external/superficial/cosmetic/performance/behavioural change; the internal homosexual orientation/drive/attraction/impulse/urges are still there. :P

Now go cry to your mother.


Actually, the jury is still out on this issue, yet LGBT activist cast this in concrete - orientation cannot change.  If you don't agree, you are ignorant and bigot.  The gay agenda is strong.

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Actually, the jury is still out on this issue, yet LGBT activist cast this in concrete - orientation cannot change. If you don't agree, you are ignorant and bigot. The gay agenda is strong.

You are mildly schizophrenic, I'm afraid. Have you tried risperidone? It helps.

You probably think the entire worldwide scientific communities are up in arms with a conaipracy theory and agenda against the religious right christian community.

You need your religion to be prescribed to you by your pastor in small doses. Drowning yourself in the "word" of the bible is only going to make your symptoms worse. I kindly suggest you check yourself into a rehabilitation facility at IMH until your symptoms subside.

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Actually, the jury is still out on this issue, yet LGBT activist cast this in concrete - orientation cannot change. If you don't agree, you are ignorant and bigot. The gay agenda is strong.

Do you always feel persecuted by your scientists-backed government? If you do, you need some serious help. May I suggest some Cognitive Behaviour or EMDR therapy? Or Psychodynamics and Gestalt therapies if you have serious unresolved childhood issues? Or even Sexual Identity Therapy if you are struggling to reconcile your sexualities with your religion?

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Actually, the jury is still out on this issue, yet LGBT activist cast this in concrete - orientation cannot change. If you don't agree, you are ignorant and bigot. The gay agenda is strong.

Activists? You call professional scientists and psychologists activists? Check up the word "professional", you idiot.

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You are mildly schizophrenic, I'm afraid. Have you tried risperidone? It helps.

You probably think the entire worldwide scientific communities are up in arms with a conaipracy theory and agenda against the religious right christian community.

You need your religion to be prescribed to you by your pastor in small doses. Drowning yourself in the "word" of the bible is only going to make your symptoms worse. I kindly suggest you check yourself into a rehabilitation facility at IMH until your symptoms subside.



Do you always feel persecuted by your scientists-backed government? If you do, you need some serious help. May I suggest some Cognitive Behaviour or EMDR therapy? Or Psychodynamics and Gestalt therapies if you have serious unresolved childhood issues? Or even Sexual Identity Therapy if you are struggling to reconcile your sexualities with your religion?



Activists? You call professional scientists and psychologists activists? Check up the word "professional", you idiot.


Gay Agenda in action... 

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You are mildly schizophrenic, I'm afraid. Have you tried risperidone? It helps.

You probably think the entire worldwide scientific communities are up in arms with a conaipracy theory and agenda against the religious right christian community.

You need your religion to be prescribed to you by your pastor in small doses. Drowning yourself in the "word" of the bible is only going to make your symptoms worse. I kindly suggest you check yourself into a rehabilitation facility at IMH until your symptoms subside.



Do you always feel persecuted by your scientists-backed government? If you do, you need some serious help. May I suggest some Cognitive Behaviour or EMDR therapy? Or Psychodynamics and Gestalt therapies if you have serious unresolved childhood issues? Or even Sexual Identity Therapy if you are struggling to reconcile your sexualities with your religion?



Activists? You call professional scientists and psychologists activists? Check up the word "professional", you idiot.



Labelling is what gay agenda people do.  In this case, instead of offering a counter argument, they called me schizophrenic, idiot... targetting me as a person instead of engaging the issue.  Yup... and over time, gay people fall for it, thinking that people offering alternative views are schizophrenic, idiot... 

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Labelling is what gay agenda people do. In this case, instead of offering a counter argument, they called me schizophrenic, idiot... targetting me as a person instead of engaging the issue. Yup... and over time, gay people fall for it, thinking that people offering alternative views are schizophrenic, idiot...

You complained about the gays stifling alternative points of view. Here I am giving you alternative points of view, and always, your knee-jerk reaction is to lump everything you have problem accepting under the amorphous and elastic umbrella term 'gay agenda'. Such bald-faced, flagrant hypocrisy you have there. Go attend more bible study sessions to learn the meaning of hypocrisy before you come here screaming bloody murder.

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You complained about the gays stifling alternative points of view. Here I am giving you alternative points of view, and always, your knee-jerk reaction is to lump everything you have problem accepting under the amorphous and elastic umbrella term 'gay agenda'. Such bald-faced, flagrant hypocrisy you have there. Go attend more bible study sessions to learn the meaning of hypocrisy before you come here screaming bloody murder.


Another one.  Blame religion.  I have never brought up any religion in this discussion.  Gay Agenda wants to put the blame on religion instead.  This is the strategy of their.  Name calling, labelling.  Blaming religion.  Blind followers of theirs will willingly believe.

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Another one. Blame religion. I have never brought up any religion in this discussion. Gay Agenda wants to put the blame on religion instead. This is the strategy of their. Name calling, labelling. Blaming religion. Blind followers of theirs will willingly believe.

You said "blind followers". LGBT is not a sect or religion. Your language already betrayed your affiliation. Liar.

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