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Why We Are Gay? + Born This Way Or Choose To Be Gay? (Compiled)

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Labelling is what gay agenda people do. In this case, instead of offering a counter argument, they called me schizophrenic, idiot... targetting me as a person instead of engaging the issue. Yup... and over time, gay people fall for it, thinking that people offering alternative views are schizophrenic, idiot...

Cut and paste response. See, you are the insidious one with some stupid agenda.

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Gay Agenda in action...

You infiltrating a gay forum (deja vu; harkens back to AWARE saga) and accusing us having an agenda is immensely laughable. Have you lost your marbles?

What's your pathetic agenda now, making us laugh first, then world dominion next? What a joke.

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You said "blind followers". LGBT is not a sect or religion. Your language already betrayed your affiliation. Liar.



Cut and paste response. See, you are the insidious one with some stupid agenda.



You infiltrating a gay forum (deja vu; harkens back to AWARE saga) and accusing us having an agenda is immensely laughable. Have you lost your marbles?

What's your pathetic agenda now, making us laugh first, then world dominion next? What a joke.


I just offered a few arguments, eg skin colour cannot change but sexual orientation can, the number of gays are very few as in 2%, etc... what I get ?    labelling, name calling.  Such civility !

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Why don't we rephrase the question - what's wrong being born gay/ what's the joy of being born gay?

Gay is just being gay, likewise straight is just being straight

No right no wrong no shld be/ shldnt or must be/ mustn't

In of the day its not even about your sexuality, but rather the choices you choose to live your ideal happy life

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Another one. Blame religion. I have never brought up any religion in this discussion. Gay Agenda wants to put the blame on religion instead. This is the strategy of their. Name calling, labelling. Blaming religion. BLIND FOLLOWERS of theirs will willingly BELIEVE.

Darling, neither do you nor can you follow nor believe in a sexual orientation. Inspite of what you are inclined to think or believe, sexual orientation, be straight or LGBT, JUST IS. They will never change nor go away even if you go for lobotomy or pray until the cows come home. Period. Bisexual, pan aexual and omni sexual are a differebt thing altogether. They may go for either gender but they can never 'switch off' that particular orientation. If you are purely gay, that's also the way it is meant to be. If you want to frame it as a choice that can be switched at well, then I must say you have an intolerant and bigoted fundamentalist christian agenda.

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I just offered a few arguments, eg skin colour cannot change but sexual orientation can, the number of gays are very few as in 2%, etc... what I get ? labelling, name calling. Such civility !

Aww you poor thing! Go, run along, find your mummy and go hide in her bosom!

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You are not borned gay.

You become gay because of your surrounding, your upbringing, and quite likely because you got molested and traumatized when you were young. For the adults who become gay, it is quite likely they cannot stand the women in their lives nagging at them, so they choose to have gay company.

For those who have never tried licking a cunt or stroking your kuku inside a cunt, you should try it at least once before you proclaim yourself gay!

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Darling, neither do you nor can you follow nor believe in a sexual orientation. Inspite of what you are inclined to think or believe, sexual orientation, be straight or LGBT, JUST IS. They will never change nor go away even if you go for lobotomy or pray until the cows come home. Period. Bisexual, pan aexual and omni sexual are a differebt thing altogether. They may go for either gender but they can never 'switch off' that particular orientation. If you are purely gay, that's also the way it is meant to be. If you want to frame it as a choice that can be switched at well, then I must say you have an intolerant and bigoted fundamentalist christian agenda.


You calling me intolerant and bigot again when you cannot substantiate your claim that sexual orientation cannot be changed ?  Yup... that's right.  Gay Agenda.  Say what you want and if they don't agree with you, label them intolerant & bigot.  Don't discuss with them, just label them.  Label them enough times, other gay people would start to think what you say is true.  Also, remember to call then fundamentalist christian as well, doesn't matter if the guy is christian or not. Doesn't matter if non-christian also think like them.  Just label them.

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Guest Guest

You are not borned gay.

You become gay because of your surrounding, your upbringing, and quite likely because you got molested and traumatized when you were young. For the adults who become gay, it is quite likely they cannot stand the women in their lives nagging at them, so they choose to have gay company.

For those who have never tried licking a cunt or stroking your kuku inside a cunt, you should try it at least once before you proclaim yourself gay!


Sexual orientation can be changed, unlike skin colour or race.  Also, environment plays a part.  

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Sexual orientation can be changed, unlike skin colour or race. Also, environment plays a part.

Then I must say you are as stupid as Thio Li-Ann. Shuddup and go lick her cunt. :P

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You calling me intolerant and bigot again when you cannot substantiate your claim that sexual orientation cannot be changed ? Yup... that's right. Gay Agenda. Say what you want and if they don't agree with you, label them intolerant & bigot. Don't discuss with them, just label them. Label them enough times, other gay people would start to think what you say is true. Also, remember to call then fundamentalist christian as well, doesn't matter if the guy is christian or not. Doesn't matter if non-christian also think like them. Just label them.

I believe someone above had provided sufficient evidence from APA. If you had chosen to put on your blinkers in the face of hard evidence, I can't force you to acknowledge it. Ignorance is bliss for you perhaps.

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You are not borned gay.

You become gay because of your surrounding, your upbringing, and quite likely because you got molested and traumatized when you were young. For the adults who become gay, it is quite likely they cannot stand the women in their lives nagging at them, so they choose to have gay company.

For those who have never tried licking a cunt or stroking your kuku inside a cunt, you should try it at least once before you proclaim yourself gay!

Did your religion-based conversion 'therapist' told you that? Many gays come from healthy, functional families without any child abuse background. Of cos tose gays are not knowned by your 'therapist', he only knows those damaged guys who happened to be gay. If gay is only 2% of population, there must be alot of child abuse going on in iur society for him to infer such a 'daring' conclusion. Maybe non-christian families are less prone to abuse children? Protestants may not be as detached from catholicism as it had hoped or claimed.

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Hating of Sibling Sister , that make me hates girls cause of bullying me , shyness , emotional , and  loner  . That what make me become gay . Cause i use to hate my sister for what they had done to me during my puberty days , until i hate them and girls so much , that why i like guy nw ~ .. but i am a bi sexual 60% on guys and 40% on girls

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You are not borned gay.

You become gay because of your surrounding, your upbringing, and quite likely because you got MOLESTED AND TRAUMATIZED when you were young. For the adults who become gay, it is quite likely they cannot stand the women in their lives nagging at them, so they choose to have gay company.

For those who have never tried licking a cunt or stroking your kuku inside a cunt, you should try it at least once before you proclaim yourself gay!

WERE YOU ABUSED AND TRAUMATIZED AS A CHILD? If you do, you can only speak for yourself, you can't speak for other gays who had normal, healthy childhoods.

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Well, I don't think you can bring up a child to eventually grow into a gay person. Let's say, assuming you're gay, would you think it's possible when you're still a child you were brought up being taught(more like brainwashed) to like girls, do you think you can really find girls attractive? (And yes, sadly that's really what's happening right now). Even if you might say that you like girls, it has to mean that you're either bisexual or in denial.

I came. I saw. I kongkek.

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WERE YOU ABUSED AND TRAUMATIZED AS A CHILD? If you do, you can only speak for yourself, you can't speak for other gays who had normal, healthy childhoods.


so you think being abuse and traumatized can make a person gay ?  And you said sexual orientation cannot be changed ?  

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You are not borned gay.

You become gay because of your surrounding, your upbringing, and quite likely because you got molested and traumatized when you were young. For the adults who become gay, it is quite likely they cannot stand the women in their lives nagging at them, so they choose to have gay company.

For those who have never tried licking a cunt or stroking your kuku inside a cunt, you should try it at least once before you proclaim yourself gay!

You are scared of being labeled gay so aren't you glad you have this sad, childhood history to fall back on - provided by your misguided christian counselor as a convenient excuse for you to disavow and deny your true sexuality?

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Well, I don't think you can bring up a child to eventually grow into a gay person. Let's say, assuming you're gay, would you think it's possible when you're still a child you were brought up being taught(more like brainwashed) to like girls, do you think you can really find girls attractive? (And yes, sadly that's really what's happening right now). Even if you might say that you like girls, it has to mean that you're either bisexual or in denial.


Bring up a child as in father / mother bringing up the child to be gay ?  Doubt any parents would want to do that.  But influence by friends, uncles, teachers, etc to have jo fun and eventually hook on it, you think possible ?

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so you think being abuse and traumatized can make a person gay ? And you said sexual orientation cannot be changed ?

Caught you! You were waiting to pounce on any inconsistency on my part. Sadly, I was try to get you to leave this forum. But you used it to egg youself on to stay instead, which shows you are such an all-out troll.

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You are scared of being labeled gay so aren't you glad you have this sad, childhood history to fall back on - provided by your misguided christian counselor as a convenient excuse for you to disavow and deny your true sexuality?

See, you keep associating anti-LGBT people with Christianity.  You are wrong on this one.  People do not necessarily have to be Christians to take a stand that's not on your side.

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Bring up a child as in father / mother bringing up the child to be gay ?  Doubt any parents would want to do that.  But influence by friends, uncles, teachers, etc to have jo fun and eventually hook on it, you think possible ?

Probably not. So you're trying to say that, if someone just throw some pussies onto my face when I was younger I'd be straight right now? There might be some nurturing factors contributing but I cannot say that nurture is the cause of homosexuality.

I came. I saw. I kongkek.

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Caught you! You were waiting to pounce on any inconsistency on my part. Sadly, I was try to get you to leave this forum. But you used it to egg youself on to stay instead, which shows you are such an all-out troll.


Please lah... people just point out your inconsistency and you claim victim... another gay agenda traits... play victim.


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Please lah... people just point out your inconsistency and you claim victim... another gay agenda traits... play victim.

Since when did I play victim? You are really quite dull to argue with. You really need to brush up on your comprehension skills before you start 'playing the field'. Now go away and play with your wigs.

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Probably not. So you're trying to say that, if someone just throw some pussies onto my face when I was younger I'd be straight right now? There might be some nurturing factors contributing but I cannot say that nurture is the cause of homosexuality.


ic... nurture alone does not cause homosexuality, but could contribute to it.  If you remove the factors, the person is straight or gay. in your opinion ?  If gay, then how does nurturing contribute to it ?  Not challenging you but I'm trying to understand your thoughts better.

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See, you keep associating anti-LGBT people with Christianity. You are wrong on this one. People do not necessarily have to be Christians to take a stand that's not on your side.

Then what, you have a child? Please enlighten me on how you manage your time between child rearing, work and trolling this forum 24/7 AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT.

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Since when did I play victim? You are really quite dull to argue with. You really need to brush up on your comprehension skills before you start 'playing the field'. Now go away and play with your wigs.


I see you have soften a bit on your "intolerance" and "bigots"... trying to do damage control ?  Yup, very clear in your strategy.  Don't discuss, just label them, play victim.

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Then what, you have a child? Please enlighten me on how you manage your time between child rearing, work and trolling this forum 24/7 AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT.


attempting to divert.  Please tell me, you think only Christians are anti gay marriage ?  I have to take back the anti-LGBT part cause I don't know if they are.  From what I read, they aren't anti-LGBT if you don't normalise gay lifestyle but they are definitely against normalising gay lifestyle and anti-gay marriage.

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ic... nurture alone does not cause homosexuality, but could contribute to it.  If you remove the factors, the person is straight or gay. in your opinion ?  If gay, then how does nurturing contribute to it ?  Not challenging you but I'm trying to understand your thoughts better.

See, your question is not really on point but I assume you're asking me whether if you remove the factors from a gay person, he'll still be gay. You can't change a person's sexuality. Nurturing might do a lil bit of influence but definitely not enough to be a solid factor. Maybe if a boy find other boys arousing but he feels quite weird about it since he was taught to like girls and how his friends often express their fondness towards girls. Eventually this will lead the boy to be in a state of confusion and gives into peer pressure to act straight. But if the boy has a basic mental capacity to think for himself, he'll come to point where he'll know that he's gay and he'll accept the fact that he's gay. See, this is my point on 'nurturing'. Nurturing does not necessary to be telling a boy to like boys, in fact, it could be the complete opposite. That's my view on nurturing. I don't know, you may not agree with me but hey, it's a free world. You can have your opinion and I have mine; and nobody's opinion is superior to anyone's.

Edited by wild

I came. I saw. I kongkek.

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I see you have soften a bit on your "intolerance" and "bigots"... trying to do damage control ? Yup, very clear in your strategy. Don't discuss, just label them, play victim.

Either you are hallucinating or you are a blue-blooded troll. There is no damage to speak of, every aane person in this world can see who I am dealing with. You are projecting your own strategy and agenda onto others alot of the time. That's why you claim I have 'soften my stance'. You are the one who, on the pretext of a discussion, is subtly demeaning gays all the time as if it is some perverted choice. You really are looking at yourself in the mirror and arguing with yourself. You can never win, unless... you stop looking at, critiqing yourself and just accept yourself.

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attempting to divert. Please tell me, you think only Christians are anti gay marriage ? I have to take back the anti-LGBT part cause I don't know if they are. From what I read, they aren't anti-LGBT if you don't normalise gay lifestyle but they are definitely against normalising gay lifestyle and anti-gay marriage.

Oh, haters gonna hate. Whatever form it takes, doesn't matter. So don't you worry!

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Either you are hallucinating or you are a blue-blooded troll. There is no damage to speak of, every aane person in this world can see who I am dealing with. You are projecting your own strategy and agenda onto others alot of the time. That's why you claim I have 'soften my stance'. You are the one who, on the pretext of a discussion, is subtly demeaning gays all the time as if it is some perverted choice. You really are looking at yourself in the mirror and arguing with yourself. You can never win, unless... you stop looking at, critiqing yourself and just accept yourself.


Another one... claiming that I demean gay people.  People won't be able to follow the whole thread and yup... they will buy into your point... non gay people are intolerant, bigot, idiot, christian and demean gay people... and then you repeat over and over again until gay people fully accept your "truth".

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Another one... claiming that I demean gay people. People won't be able to follow the whole thread and yup... they will buy into your point... non gay people are intolerant, bigot, idiot, christian and demean gay people... and then you repeat over and over again until gay people fully accept your "truth".

No one is a seller so there isn't any buyer. Sexuality is not a business. By blasting your inconsequential views all the time on people who aren't receptive of crap is indicative of abuse, which stemmed from hatred. Are you a sadist or a masochist? Nobody wants to hear from you, your nonsense and your twisted theories on something as natural and mundane as human sexuality!

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See, your question is not really on point but I assume you're asking me whether if you remove the factors from a gay person, he'll still be gay. You can't change a person's sexuality. Nurturing might do a lil bit of influence but definitely not enough to be a solid factor. Maybe if a boy find other boys arousing but he feels quite weird about it since he was taught to like girls and how his friends often express their fondness towards girls. Eventually this will lead the boy to be in a state of confusion and gives into peer pressure to act straight. But if the boy has a basic mental capacity to think for himself, he'll come to point where he'll know that he's gay and he'll accept the fact that he's gay. See, this is my point on 'nurturing'. Nurturing does not necessary to be telling a boy to like boys, in fact, it could be the complete opposite. That's my view on nurturing. I don't know, you may not agree with me but hey, it's a free world. You can have your opinion and I have mine; and nobody's opinion is superior to anyone's.


My point is:  most people assume that boy like gals and they actually don't go and inculcate in the boy that you should like gals.  The father does not tell the son: hey you should not like boy, you should like gals.  They don't do it at all... until recent times.  AWARE was a wake up call for all parents.  They now start to know that if you don't teach your children, there are other people lurking around and even in school trying very hard to sway them to something not the norm.


I also read that people in prison turn gay ... "Prison is a special case. Straight people may have gay sex in prison, but that would only be to let off steam. Once they get out of prison, their would be no reason for a straight person to have anymore gay sex."   But if a person experiments with gay sex and he is in constant association thru friends to continue doing gay sex, he could continue to the exclusion of straight sex ?  


It's sharing lah... so we speak our minds.  No labelling, no name calling, no agenda.  I respect your view point cause I have not lived the lives of other people and every now and then, I learn something.  Sometimes that something really change my perspective 360 degree.  

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No one is a seller so there isn't any buyer. Sexuality is not a business. By blasting your inconsequential views all the time on people who aren't receptive of crap is indicative of abuse, which stemmed from hatred. Are you a sadist or a masochist? Nobody wants to hear from you, your nonsense and your twisted theories on something as natural and mundane as human sexuality!


Self contradiction ?   You constantly read what I write and reply... ;-)

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My point is: most people assume that boy like gals and they actually don't go and inculcate in the boy that you should like gals. The father does not tell the son: hey you should not like boy, you should like gals. They don't do it at all... until recent times. AWARE was a wake up call for all parents. They now start to know that if you don't teach your children, there are other people lurking around and even in school trying very hard to sway them to something not the norm.

I also read that people in prison turn gay ... "Prison is a special case. Straight people may have gay sex in prison, but that would only be to let off steam. Once they get out of prison, their would be no reason for a straight person to have anymore gay sex." But if a person experiments with gay sex and he is in constant association thru friends to continue doing gay sex, he could continue to the exclusion of straight sex ?

It's sharing lah... so we speak our minds. No labelling, no name calling, no agenda. I respect your view point cause I have not lived the lives of other people and every now and then, I learn something. Sometimes that something really change my perspective 360 degree.

And I respect yours too. Well, an opinion is only effective when it's portrayed in a neutral tone, and exchanging opinions should always be done in a professional way. Being too emotional isn't called an 'opinion', it's called a diary. Hats off to you.

I came. I saw. I kongkek.

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Self contradiction ? You constantly read what I write and reply... ;-)

I've heard all about internet trolls, haven't experienced the tenacity of one myself. No I finally understand why they say "don't feed the trolls". Cos you, are just like weeds. The more I cut you down, the more you will want to grow back right? Go on, be the nuisance you were borned to be, fulfill your destiny and your lust of polishing the forbidden fruit, cos you will never ever get enough near one to eat it. Adieu!

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My point is: most people assume that boy like gals and they actually don't go and inculcate in the boy that you should like gals. The father does not tell the son: hey you should not like boy, you should like gals. They don't do it at all... until recent times. AWARE was a wake up call for all parents. They now start to know that if you don't teach your children, there are other people lurking around and even in school trying very hard to sway them to something not the norm.

I also read that people in prison turn gay ... "Prison is a special case. Straight people may have gay sex in prison, but that would only be to let off steam. Once they get out of prison, their would be no reason for a straight person to have anymore gay sex." But if a person experiments with gay sex and he is in constant association thru friends to continue doing gay sex, he could continue to the exclusion of straight sex ?

It's sharing lah... so we speak our minds. No labelling, no name calling, no agenda. I respect your view point cause I have not lived the lives of other people and every now and then, I learn something. Sometimes that something really change my perspective 360 degree.

You sound totally like that lawrence khong. As if gays have infiltrated schools to recruit kids. It's an education, for goodness sake! So that they will learn to accept differences and themselves, if they happened to be LGBT. You twisting others' good work around to suit your agenda is not only framing them, you are hating on them.

I bet you are either that coward or one of his lackeys or minions.

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And AWARE is indeed, a wake up call for singaporeans that religious fundamentalism of christianity has taken root in singapore. More than we are convinced straight children can turn LGBT by educating them about LGBT.

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I think the comment was skin colour cannot change while there are cases where sexual orientation changed.  Therefore cannot compare the 2 of them.


Nothing about asking gays to go for conversion therapy.  Not a case of Guest's little knowledge is a dangerous thing but a case of Nightingale's projecting one's prejudice on what other people's wrote !

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And AWARE is indeed, a wake up call for singaporeans that religious fundamentalism of christianity has taken root in singapore. More than we are convinced straight children can turn LGBT by educating them about LGBT.


Religious fundamentalist, if really exist, has no work to do... if AWARE is not trying to normalize homosexuality in a underhanded way... sneaking normalization material into children school books.  

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The guest who intermittently come here to trash talk gays and try to thumb us down clearly doesn't even know what he is talking about. Some trolls can be intelligent, while others are just plain dull. I suggest we ignore the dumb ones, they are not worth arguing with. We probably need to distinguish between professional and amateur trolls. Or run of the mill, fly-by trolls from exquisite ones.

Troll appreciation crash course, anyone?

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Guest wozzit

From an early age (around 9) I felt i was gay - even though I was not sure what that word meant. I knew I was attracted only to boys. I don't believe it was a choice I deliberately made. It was a natural feeling. I do not believe we are made gay. We are gay from birth.


What continues to surprise me are the number of straight guys who still have the need for regular gay encounters. I know quite a few men who are married with kids; yet they go to saunas or have regular f**k buddies. And no, these are not Asian guys who have had to get married. They are westerners who like sex with girls and wanted marriage and kids, but still have a homosexual urge. 


homosexual conduct is clearly harmful to human beings in any number of ways, not the least of which is serving as the leading cause of HIV/AIDS, which can leave young men disease-ridden and destined for an early grave.


What a load of utter out-of-date revisionist garbage! HIV AIDS originated in animals in west-central Africa in the late 19th/early 20th centuries and quickly crossed the species barrier. There is zero evidence that it infected only gay men. It is generally agreed that it reappeared in the US in 1981 in clusters of gay men and drug users. The CDC initially identified Patient Zero, the one who had started those infections, as a gay Canadian air steward who had travelled on African flights. However, this was later disproved. What is now agreed is that steward would have been infected around 1972. He died in 1984. Also, it had appeared even earlier amongst non-gay men and women in Haiti in the 1960s. The first known US case is now known to have occurred in 1968 - a dozen years before it appeared in that group of gay men.


Despite a mass of evidence that HIV could be spread sexually and through blood transfusions, the right-wing fundamentalist US administration of Ronald Reagan refused to take more than token action against the epidemic until Reagan's old pal, the handsome 'straight' (but in reality very gay) actor Rock Hudson, died of AIDS in October 1985. Reagan ordered a report on AIDS. That was finally released a year later by the US Surgeon General, after being hidden from Reagan's domestic policy advisers for fear they would kill it. The total inactivity by the US government up till then not only resulted in four lost years of funding for detailed research into the virus and attempts to find a treatment and a vaccine, but also countless thousands of deaths during those years and countless millions thereafter. Just because 'sex' was involved, compare the disgraceful US reaction to the emergence of AIDS with its almost instant response to recent Ebola outbreaks.


Let's also remember that according to the WHO's 2012 statistics, more than 35 million around the world are living with HIV. 50% of these are women! Globally young women are 1.6 more likely to be living with HIV than young men. 


Please save us from the incoherent twisted ramblings of those who 'preach' fundamentalist 'views. Oh I forgot! The uncovering of a considerable and growing number of lurid sexual and financial scandals by fundamentalist politicians and so-called pastors in the US alone should be enough to make us completely disregard their "we know best" moral rantings!

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Cases where sexual orientation change?  How many per cent?  0.01%? 

If you are not talking about conversion therapy, then how would people change their sexual orientation?  Just by sheer willpower?  Or a snap of the fingers?  What is your answer?


What do you mean has no work to do?  Fundamentalists exist everywhere.  It is a matter of how many of them are activists.  Then how do you explain the setting up of a caliphate by ISIS (Islamic State for Iraq & Syria)? 

And what is so underhanded about AWARE's method?  It is the ultra-Christian group that was forcing out the old guards that is underhanded. 

Talking about sneaky.  Why have you sneaked into a gay website to utter matters which you lack knowledge of?  It simply shows you are still overwhelmed by your misinformed misguided prejudice.


Please ref: http://pfox.org/

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Night.  I think you are reading my comment totally from a different angle.  I said people can change sexual orientation and therefore is not the same as skin colour.  Skin colour can never be changed - not 1 person.  But if there are people who can change their sexual orientation - by himself, by therapy, by divine intervention, etc. it is changed.  So my bottomline is we can claim fair for skin colour the same as fairness for sexuality.


Now, you may claim these people are hoax.  But seriously, when people claim sexuality cannot be changed, it is also base on claims as sexuality cannot be measure like mass or distance.


I did not ask anyone to go for cure.


So I still maintain, skin colour cannot be changed while sexuality can THEREFORE, they are not the same to be use for justification for rights !


OK ?  You can continue talking about therapy.... have a good time, you probably expert on this by now....

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The guest who intermittently come here to trash talk gays and try to thumb us down clearly doesn't even know what he is talking about. Some trolls can be intelligent, while others are just plain dull. I suggest we ignore the dumb ones, they are not worth arguing with. We probably need to distinguish between professional and amateur trolls. Or run of the mill, fly-by trolls from exquisite ones.

Troll appreciation crash course, anyone?


Not fair leh... you label people troll because they have opposite view.  

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For any phenomenon to be proven real or existent, it must be able to withstand perpetual replication in experiment, to be deemed holdable against scientific rigor.

"Guest"'s anecdotal account "heard from a friend of a friend of a friend" of sexual orientation change is one of those junk sciences dug up either from superstitious practises of "praying the gay away" by churches, or pseudo-science practised by isolated "therapists" using non-scientically proven methods proven and condemned to be harmful by prestigious organisations like APA.

But superstitious, misguided and homophobic hardliners like "guest" will never change their views on this, in spite of overwhelming evidences proving the contrary of their beliefs.

Yes, guest's claims of sexual orientation being changeable is just one of his own personal beliefs based on superstitions, "junk science" and "pseudo-science", without any proven basis on reality.

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The links you provided are simply helpless.  We are clueless still.  You still have not answered the question as to how sexual orientation can be changed.  HOW?  All you said is that so-and-so claimed they have changed.  And you take their words for it.  So I am still throwing back the question at you.  HOW TO DO IT? 



You can contact them to find out for yourself.

The links you provided are simply helpless.  We are clueless still.  You still have not answered the question as to how sexual orientation can be changed.  HOW?  All you said is that so-and-so claimed they have changed.  And you take their words for it.  So I am still throwing back the question at you.  HOW TO DO IT? 

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For any phenomenon to be proven real or existent, it must be able to withstand perpetual replication in experiment, to be deemed holdable against scientific rigor.

"Guest"'s anecdotal account "heard from a friend of a friend of a friend" of sexual orientation change is one of those junk sciences dug up either from superstitious practises of "praying the gay away" by churches, or pseudo-science practised by isolated "therapists" using non-scientically proven methods proven and condemned to be harmful by prestigious organisations like APA.

But superstitious, misguided and homophobic hardliners like "guest" will never change their views on this, in spite of overwhelming evidences proving the contrary of their beliefs.

Yes, guest's claims of sexual orientation being changeable is just one of his own personal beliefs based on superstitions, "junk science" and "pseudo-science", without any proven basis on reality.


You deserve to be called a bigot.  Only you are right.

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You deserve to be called a bigot. Only you are right.

You should use yourself as guinea pig. Try turning gay and tell us what it feels like, convince us you actually did turn gay, then only we shall believe you.

Otherwise, go fuck yourself and jump into bedok reservoir.

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