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Erotic Stories / Fictions : Contributors Heartlanders & FleaBiscuit, etc. (compiled)

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Guest 鸟若不生蛋,同志可生

Roger bit me gently like an affectionate puppy. I was totally numbed by his touch, and my vision started getting fuzzy. “You are such a ….” Before I could mutter the word to compliment his tongue tease, I felt his giant paw slicing through my inner thighs, “Argh ….” It was ticklish and electrifying – like my hairs were all charged to rigidity. “Argh ….” I helplessly cried out again. I never knew I could get so noisy in sex. Roger must have stirred awake the animal in me.

The heat was on and we started stripping – for one another. I stretched the waistband of his briefs, like I was angrily grabbing someone by the collar, and pulled them off his backside. He then helped himself to untangle them from his legs. He unclothed me like an aggressive Samurai to a geisha – rough handed and with insuppressible yearning.

I palmed over his meaty posterior, “Nice,” I exclaimed unknowingly. It felt like baby skin, with not the slightest bump or crater. I started squeezing it although its flesh was muscular enough to defy my fingers’ tension.

I suddenly felt a buffet of sensations. His hair was brushing my neck like an erotic toy broom; his broad, meaty hands were handling me with the bite of a pair of pliers; and I felt his hot tool’s discharge forming an oily puddle on my stomach.

Every inch of my flesh that he touched, he seemed to set it aflame – a slow burning fire that will then transit from loving warmth to an acid-like singe. Suddenly in a surprise move, he flipped me over like a prata dough, and forced his scorching tool into my rear crack.

“Wait …” I didn’t want to be pierced. He seemed to ignore my plea, probably thought I was playacting. “Wait Roger ….” I was fighting to overturn myself, but he was pinning me down with the might of a fireman hoisting the industrial-sized water hose.

I could hardly dispel a word as he nailed me on the table-top, my throat upon its edge. He turned so barbaric, I started to sweat out in fear, my erection melted into a small, flaccid thumb. His organ was as hot as a wrought metal over a blacksmith’s stove. He pried my asshole apart like with a carpenter’s bench-clamp, I screamed out in pain. I could feel his burning tool at the rim of my ass, which was starting to tear at the edges, “Argh …. no please.”

I could feel him oiling my ass lips with a mixture of his saliva and cock dew. It was unspeakably pleasurable, but the thought of housing his tool raw scared the hell out of me.

“Roger, please no,” I must have sounded as desperate as an animal about to be slain. “Please, please no,” I bellowed as he continued creaming my glory hole with the deftness of a sculptor.

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Guest 鸟若不生蛋,同志可生

I must have cried my lungs out until Roger’s aggression came to a sudden halt. “Why you don’t let me fxxk you? I not your type?” He spoke in between catching his breath.

“I have never been entered,” I was blushing over my anal virginity. “I am not really into that.”

“Really? You got a nice hole, pink like salmon sashimi, and tight enough to grip a wine bottle,” he flattered me, sustaining a roguish charm on his face.

I laughed, amused by his description of my posterior. “You scared me with your roughness just now. I felt like being raped,” I said with a slight shudder.

“You don’t like roughness? I once fxxked a young guy till he sprained his buttocks. Couldn’t walk after that, I got to fireman lift him home. And after he recovered from the sprain two weeks later, he called me up to break his ass apart again,” his face beaming in pride.

“Woah …. Looks like you both are sadistic in your own right,” I said with jestful sarcasm.

I looked at Roger’s full-blown tool, an 8-inch boner, blood-clot. “You let someone fxxk you?”

“I am a pure top. Never think of being F-ed. Wouldn’t enjoy it I think …. Why you ask? You want to F me?” He stood there fit as Tarzan, brimming with masculine virility.

“Would you let me?” I tried my luck.

“I have never tried too. So that makes us two,” he said with a sudden seriousness. “Why don’t we do it on one another? I am just itching to poke your nice pink ass,” he glared like a famished rapist.

Should I? Should I not? I was weighing in my mind. “But you mustn’t be too rough, and we must play it safe. You have condoms?” He opened the drawer before him, and clawed out two foiled packets.

“Who gets F-ed first?” I was starting to tremble in fear.

“I very gentleman one, you can enter me first, that’s provided you know how to do it,” he said with a brutish laughter. I asked him to lean over the armrest of the sofa assuming a position to be prison caned. His pursed asshole cracked open into a ten-cent coin entrance. I steeled myself, strengthened my erection, and tore open the condom pack.

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Guest 鸟若不生蛋,同志可生

His rear hole was crinkled and taut, not unlike the dense folds of a belly button. The surrounding area was tinged with a dark pigmentation, but smooth like his calves’ skin. I pierced it gently with my finger, it was moist and hot, gooey like the inside of a warm chocolate cake, although my entry was denied.

“You must relax your ass muscles, the hole is too small to enter,” I massaged his butt cheeks to relax his muscles.

“You speak like an expert, just quickly get into it, or your time will be up and I will flip you over instead,” he threatened.

I smacked his rear which shook his testicles, peeping through his legs. “How dare you rush me, that’s so unfair,” I pretended to feel indignant, and squeezed his balls from behind, causing him to jerk back in pain.

“Ouch …. You just killed a million of my sperms,” he joked.

I drilled my finger in again, this time forcing it through. “Ouch,” he squealed. I reached into his anal walls, it felt like a warm, slimy worm cave. I sank in deeper, the folds of his asshole reaching the middle of my finger. The grip of his ass was like an ill-fitting finger glove, I felt there was no way my penis could poke through.

I simulated the penetration with my finger, piercing and withdrawing in a smooth motion until I felt his tense ass dimples disappear. “I am going in now,” I said with half-baked confidence. I retracted my finger, still prying the hole opened, and attempted to slide in my rubber-coated penis.

“Relax your ass,” I instructed as I helplessly tried to penetrate him. It was as futile as a pushing a blunt bolt through an orange. I reached down for his balls and crushed them, hoping to loosen him up. “Argh ….” He shrieked like I just stabbed him with a fruit knife, “Why you always attack my sperm bank. Just because my balls are big doesn’t mean you can just squeeze them till so pain,” he complained.

“I cannot enter,” I breathlessly said as I still continued to push myself in.

“Give you 30 more seconds, if you still cannot, I will raise your thighs against my shoulders and give you a fxxk of your lifetime,” he snarled like an angry beast.

I wrung his testicles again in retaliation and he overturned upon me in a rapid flip, I was forced into a foetal position under his grasp. “You want to play? I let you play,” he seemed possessed by his own anger.

He cuddled me to his chest, carried me, and flung me upon the table. He grabbed my thighs in a forceful manner, like a butcher in a slaughterhouse ….

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Guest 鸟若不生蛋,同志可生

I was still recovering from the impact of being slammed onto the table, like a wrestler being floored. Roger was peeling apart the condom pack, I heard him crushed the foil and threw it on the floor. He raised my thighs onto his shoulders and bent them forward till his wet groin poked my ass.

“Roger, please ….” I pleaded as he rubbed my penis head for some natural lubricant and tunnelled his finger into me. “Argh ….” I screamed in pain, his nail pierced into my raw skin. “You like pain? I give you pain. You bashed my balls, I will now blow up your ass,” he sounded frighteningly vengeful.

His fat finger crawled into me like a obese and hungry caterpillar. It wriggled in with force, inching deeper and deeper, I almost felt it beneath my stomach. It was a never-before sensation, like I was mothering a crawling fetus inside me.

He then suddenly withdrew his finger, spat saliva on it, and started groveling into me again. “You have a bloody tight virgin ass, like the mouth of a caterpillar.” I didn’t know if he was joking or for real, but I did find it funny.

“Ok, you better loosen up or I am going to use the door wedge on your asshole. I am going inside you now,” Roger warned as he started pushing his rock hard tool into my rear. Like the stem of bottle being shoved into me, his penis scrapped my anal walls, drawing lines of abrasions. “Gosh, what you doing?” I screamed out in pain.

“This is better than fxxking a virgin pussy,” he exclaimed in ecstasy. “You are so hot inside, my condom is melting,” he continued to moan and talk at the same time before pumping full steam like a programmed robot. By now, he had bore a clean hole behind me. The pain was numbed, I could feel his hot dick somewhere between my intestine and prostate, a passage that had never been visited by a foreign object.

He continued to rock me violently, his balls whipping my butt cheeks whenever he attained full insertion. “You have a good hole, now custom fit for my big dick,” he fueled his own sexual satisfaction with boastfulness.

I was beginning to feel currents of pleasure rippling from my ass. Like all my nerves and pores being gently nudged to arousal, and then immediately soothed to relaxation – repeatedly. “Roger, don’t stop,” I called out in my mind, savouring his pulling out of, and dipping into, me.

“Roger, don’t stop,” I repeatedly non-stop in my blank mind. “Don’t stop, don’t stop ….” I became lost in carnal heavens.

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There's certainly quite a pool of talented erotic writers here (Heartlander, Bearhunt, Akated, BtmUncle, Redbeansoup and of course 鸟若不生蛋) . Their contributions like the above story certainly seem like they've spent quite a bit of time and definitely a lot of hard work on it. Keep it up guys. :thumb: Encore.

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Guest 鸟若不生蛋,同志可生

It felt like when I was carrying a moving bubble lift that traveled through my ass passage down to what seemed like the base of my intestine – a dungeon inside me I never knew existed. Lying on my back, and with my legs sprawled across Roger’s shoulders, I could only see his red face, etched with cravings and fatigue – not unlike a junkie inhaling a fresh dose of drug.

Suddenly I thought of badminton – a feathered ball tossing to and fro in the air in a forceful trajectory. It rapidly gained momentum, shuttling faster and faster, until it turned into a whirl of white. Roger’s neck was red and slimy like a snapper just hauled from the sea. Then I realised he was thrusting my ass at the velocity of that imaginary shuttlecock, I thought I lost sensation of my anal cave, floating on thin air.

“I emmmm goin …. tooooo …. cum,” Roger sounded gibberish, but his tortured facial expression was telling. He was about to explode. “Ah ….. argh ……” he penis-stabbed me for another couple of times and jerked forth, collapsing into fits-like spasms upon me. I felt my ass coming back to life, feeling like a fast-heating oven.

“Argh ….” I screamed out too, my rabbit hole was baking hot. But there was immense pleasure. Forgotten nerves in my body suddenly came alive together, I could even feel the weight of the hairs on my body. Roger was half crouched on the table, lifeless as a carcass. The only sign of life was his retracting penis, still dripping like a half-unfastened tap.

“You ok?” I was suddenly drawn back to my senses. Roger was still silent and motionless, not unlike a flesh sculpture. I tried to sit up, my back sore with pins and needles, and nudged him on his shoulders, “Hey, you alright?”

“Mm …” Roger looked up at me and wrapped his arms around me. The hug was unusual. It was not an airport embrace, neither a squeeze at the school’s graduation. In between our body warmth, and sweat, I could feel that we were bonded by a deep sense of longing and belonging. Like father and son, lovers, and friends all altogether. A warm blissful feeling surrounded us ….. in a world that had no dropped balls, lines and someone counting scores.

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Guest Guest

Can the BW moderator create a "Erotic Stories" sub-forum (or directory) to keep all these erotic stories written here ---- for easy reading. Thank you. :D

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This story is specially commissioned by my best pal Birdiecrazy, and dedicated to Golfcrazy.

I took up golf lessons when I was seven under the coaching of a daddy figure, Uncle Chong. He was 40 when I first met him, built like a boxer with a defined polo-shirt tan. I used to flip over his sleeves and get amazed by his dual skin tone - and Popeye’s biceps. That was the first time I was enticed by a man’s body.

Uncle Chong showered me with what seemed like parental affection. I remember he used to wipe off the sweat off my forehead, marveling at how I perspired gallons, with the gaze of a loving dad. I particularly liked it when he wrapped my body from behind while adjusting my swinging locus; I felt the warmth I never got at home. Sometimes I would deliberately get the swings wrong so that he would come over and envelop me again.

I remember most of Uncle Chong waiting for me to turn up for lessons in his solitary pose, leaning against the golf cart, smoking, peering into thin air unblinking, like a genie had frozen his stare. I would then mischievously jolt him out of his self-absorbed moments by swinging my children-sized golf bag into his groin, causing him to fake collapse, mocking pain and injury, and pleading surrender - just to win my laughs.

When I reached the age of puberty and handicap 15, I started to be obsessively curious with the man’s reproductive organs. I would habitually look at a man in his groin, deciphering if his penis was positioned 12 o’ clock or 6 o’ clock.

I was also greatly burdened by why some men wear briefs and others boxers. It was such a nagging question at that point in my life, I felt greatly tormented living another day without an answer. I knew Uncle Chong was a briefs man. Whenever he bent over to swing his driver, the V-shaped hem-line of his briefs will be embossed on the rear of his khakis. A delicious sight I remember till today.

There was one incident that stood out in my memory. Uncle Chong and I were leisurely playing 18 holes upon a walking course. Boundless greenery met with an expanse of clear blue skies, birds were darting at the faraway horizons. It was a beautiful afternoon, we could smell the grass and dragonflies were dancing in and out of our sight.

Although the surroundings was picturesque, and the weather hot but with light breezes, I still could not concentrate on my game. Simply because Uncle Chong’s was unzipped, and he was seemingly unaware of it. Whenever he bent over his waist to putt, his zip would flare open, revealing his black briefs with a bump made by his upturned cock head – He was a 12 o’ clock guy!

That afternoon I was not my usual self. I missed all my putts, drove unintended curved balls, and on some holes, playing from bunker to bunker. I could not take my eyes off Uncle Chong’s opened fly, and was sustaining an erection beneath my pants throughout. Finally at the 18th hole, I must have been so pent up inside, I ejaculated when I was bending down to pick up the ball from the putting hole! It was my virgin cum, although it felt like I had lost control of my bladder.

That was a defining moment of my puberty years.

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Guest heartlanderfan

can i commission you to write a story on soccer boys in the locker room? anyway, u r amazing. not just a write well but also play golf.

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My parents ended their marriage at the height of my puberty, and I moved to London after that with my mother. I did not remember bidding goodbye to Uncle Chong, and I could imagine him leaning the golf cart, a stick of Marlboro in hand, looking more pensive than before - probably wondering what had happened to me.

Like a miscued ball that fell into the water trap by the fairways, I lost Uncle Chong. I remember missing him badly on the plane to London, he must have been the person that meant most to me then.

Growing up is cruel. Soon I got into high school, been introduced to online games, played with bikes and made new friends – Uncle Chong soon vanished from my mind like homework in summer holidays.

High school, college and then university, time passed faster than the flight of a golf ball. At the age of 25, I came back to Singapore to serve National Service. I was living on my own (I couldn’t locate my father and my mother was still in London); army work was relatively easy, and I had a lot of time at hand to rediscover Singapore and catch up with my past.

One day I was being sent to Sembawang Camp to perform some duties. It was a very old military base with a golf course next to it. When I set sight on the endless fairways, something in my mind clicked – like that of a bottle opening, seemingly releasing a body of mysterious gaseous contents within.

“Uncle Chong,” it slipped through my mouth, he suddenly crept back into my consciousness. That was the golf course we used to spend countless mornings together in the past, Uncle Chong shouldering two golf bags, one on each side, as we walked from hole to hole homing in our golf balls.

I looked at the expanse of the greens, the elegant casuarina trees standing still as in a painting. I felt a surreal sense of calmness, like I was elevated above the hustle and bustle of the moving world around me. Memories of my childhood encounters with Uncle Chong started overwhelming my consciousness.

His powerful swings whipping up a scatter of grass blades. His tanned and sinewy forearms that looked like they could twist irons. His toothy smile. The V-shaped hemlines of his briefs slicing across his pants ….. they all came back into my mind in a magical instant.

I was smiling inside when I thought of my childhood infatuation. My hunger for his body during my puberty. And my desire for a father figure close to me.

Like a game of golf, life is often about proceeding forward, but not without its fair share of searching (for balls) and resting before more journeying (at the halfway houses).

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I entered into the golf club to see how it had changed over the decades. The greens have just been mowed, the fragrance of the morning dew and chlorophyll was particularly overpowering. It was a familiar smell that transported me back to the good old times when Uncle Chong would fireman lift me and twirl me in the air when I performed a good putt.

The first Par 5 on the first 9 still looked the same. The treacherous water traps on both sides narrowing the fairways. The lake must have swallowed so many balls, its water mark had risen significantly, engulfing the artificial embankments. Tell-tale signs of the passage of time.

I aimlessly traipsed about the trees lined fairways, passing by a straw-roofed halfway house. There was a man leaning against his buggy by the side of the hut, puffing away. He wore a baggy polo shirt, unbuttoned, looked kind of sexy. I liked the way his Khakis hugged his lower body, snug as the mittens over his Titelist’s woods.

There weren’t many golfers in sight. Nowhere in the city would you find trees outnumbering men. I approached him against the sun’s gaze, could hardly see his face even when nearing. I get this feeling he was looking at me too as we gained proximity. I suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu, like I had walked down this path before, coming towards a body of sun rays blinding my sight.

“Uncle Chong?” It suddenly came into my mind. My vision was alternating between blurring and clearing until I nearly bumped into his chest. “Sorry, I ….” I looked into his eyes, and nearly cried out in disbelief. He looked too much like Uncle Chong, whom I was just thinking about moments ago. Reality was as piercing as the afternoon sun. “How could this be?” I said with jaws wide opened.

I couldn’t help but scrutinise him from head to toe, my gaze lingering at his groin longer than elsewhere. It was the same insuppressible zip bump that mystified me in my puberty years. He was, on the other hand, composed and calm. Like he was expecting me all these years at this same spot.

His hair was a shade lighter, more grey than black. His waist prospered. His complexion more weathered, like that a seasoned seaman. “How have you been?” He said devoid of emotions.

“I have ….” I shook my head, “I don’t know what to say.” I took a step back to view him in entirety. I looked at his rounded zip, I felt saliva swirling in my mouth. I looked up at him, “I really don’t know what to say,” I laughed out.

It was surreal. Like my past colliding with the present, caught me like the rough hands of a bouncer over the neck of a rouser outside a club.

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We sat down at the halfway house, Uncle Chong got two cans of beer. “You should be 25?” He said after his first gulp.

“You’ve been counting?” I was kind of touched.

He admired my face with a hint of smile and did not answer my question. I was feeling uneasy at being studied, could feel my cheeks warming up. He then connected his gaze with mine, “Yes, it’s been about 17 years,” he stared into my eyes, tunneling deep into my pupils.

In the shade, Uncle Chong looked much more tanned. It was the kind of deep-seated tan that seemed to have dyed even his bones. Resting on the edge of the table were his meaty forearms, one wristed with Buddhist beads and the other a chunky titanium bracelet - he looked every inch like a archetypal Stout-drinking macho man.

“So what you’ve been doing?” I tried to catch up with lost time.

“I was a caddy on the pro-circuit lately, tiring. Still a bit of coaching by the side. Also provide some consulting on club and range management,” he sipped from the edge of his beer can again. “And you?” he said with that same quiet smile on his face.

“I just got back from London. Been there all these while. Just came back a few months ago to serve NS,” my eyes were drawn back to his fierce-looking forearms again.

Golfers know what it’s like when they seemed to have driven the ball into the pond. But when they came to the pond and found the ball nestling upon the rim of the pond, the joy is sweeter than having performed a good straight drive from the start.

The feeling of recovering a loss unexpectedly is far better than a predictable gain. And for a long while I thought Uncle Chong was my long-lost ball. But now I have found him back, at exactly where I lost him.

Suddenly we found there was no need for the exchange of words. There was so much to be read from one another’s eyes. Uncle Chong still have those small, world-weary eyes. But now they seemed to glimmer with a sheen of hope upon the sight of me.

We remained silent, Uncle Chong was just looking at me with unmoving eyes, and I could not help but fantasising what was beneath his polo-tee neckline.

I found him magnificently attractive to me. He has the right blend of sporty and rugged charms, and mix of muscles with flab ….

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“You married?” Suddenly he blurted in the midst of our silent exchange.

“How about you?” I asked him back. Uncle Chong was not married before we last parted ways. He is not the kind of men who would as he is already married to the golf sport. Besides, he is too much of a loner.

“I am not,” he said with a emotionless tone again.

“Me neither,” I said with a laugh.

Could he be gay, I thought. Not likely, maybe bi. Maybe selectively bi. I am not sure really. “Why don’t you find a wife? You need company when you get old,” I attempted to probe.

“Golf is my life partner,” he said resolutely.

“What if you become too old to play?” I challenged him.

“I can still coach you,” he said swallowing a smile.

“Ha …. What makes you think I still need coaching?” I said with pride.

“Your hands look like they haven’t held a golf club in a long time,” he said while eyeing my hand wrapping around the beer can.

“Life is different now. I have also grown up. There are so many things at hand,” I tried to effect poignancy.

“Haha …. You are a smart boy, same as always,” he heartily gulped down his beer, signaling to the bar man for another two.

“I am fine, too much for me already,” I wasn’t prepared to drink.

“You are a big guy now, what’s two cans of beer?” He justified to me.

Time passed quickly when you are in good company. Unknown to us, the glare from the sun was starting to wane, and two beers became four, six, and multiplied till the table top was invaded by hollow cans.

Uncle Chong’s tan was hiding his beer blush. He could not get darker already. I was, on the other hand, beaming red like lobsters from the stove.

“Shall we go elsewhere?” Uncle Chong suggested against the glorious sunset and swaying palms behind him.

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Uncle Chong got up from his seat, there was a slight stagger in his gait. He drank much more than me, perhaps doubled my consumption.

“You have drank too much,” I said worrying about his motion.

“It’s not every other day I meet an old friend whom I have not seen in 20 years,” he then came so close to me, I thought he was going to give me a loving peck.

“Ok, you drunk already. I send you home,” I watched him rubbed his eyes.

“No I am fine, I will drive you home. Come with me,” he insisted.

“How are you going to drive in this state? Come give me your keys, I drive you instead,” I saw a key bulge in the pocket of his pants.

“No no, I am fine,” he was starting to steady himself.

I attempted to reach into the opening of his pocket, he grabbed my hand. We stopped along the cobblestone path and looked at each other, rather like lovers in the midst of a tiff.

He did not let go of my hand, his grip uneasing. His eyes murderous, and he was breathing heavily like a bull at the start of a fight. His face was the most handsome, slightly shadowed by the canopy in the sunset. He held my palm so tight, I could feel the moist from his sweaty palm.

My heart was pounding fast. I didn’t know what to expect. Was he angry at my attempt to snatch his car keys? Or was he going to kiss me? I saw the sun behind him kissed the horizon, in a magical instant, the sky darkened dramatically. Uncle Chong nudged his nose into my face and nibbled my lips.

His beer breath was fueling my libido. I held onto his polo-tee neckline and leaned closer to him to effect a reciprocal lip bite. And we kissed, like the ball hits the fairways with a loud thud.

We were rooted next to the tee box of Hole 15 under a rustling frangipani tree, the evening breeze caressing our skin, lifting our shirt ends. It was greatly romantic, it was as if the world around us has emptied, leaving us to make this an unforgettable evening of our lives.

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Uncle Chong's body feels solid as a punching bag as I wrapped my arms around him. He packs chunks of dense muscles all around, yet has a layer of blubber around his waist – a perfect human bolster I could cuddle all day!

“Uncle Chong,” I called out, stemming from long-suppressed affections. He responded by oiling my lips like a licking dog. I mowed his face with the tip of my nose, I was instantly addicted to the whiff of his chin. It smells wholesome like sun-dried laundry, and with remnants of his shaving cream fragrance.

Uncle Chong is not gorgeous like a male model. However, he scores exceptionally high on manliness, the sort that could make thugs cower and women draw out their most innate femininity. He makes a woman feel more woman, and a man to aspire to be like him. As for a gay like me, he makes me want to house his dick in my mouth and feed on his manly essence.

Suddenly an alarm sounded off in the cool evening air, signaling the course’s closure. But it did not deter us our wet kissing and body groping, in fact it made us feel safer with the evacuation of the greens. After all, there was so much catching up on lost time and opportunities, we couldn’t care less.

The trees above us were swishing, and droves of birds fluttering to the faraway horizon. I can’t recall how we found a grass bed on a hilltop by the fairways of Hole 15, and Uncle Chong was on fours hovering above me.

“Did you always like me this way?” I decided to inject some conversation in between skin action.

He looked down at me, his slit eyes blinking tenderness, “No. I was not a pedophile. But I like the way you are now …. and the way I saw you grew up.”

“So, you gay?” I was rubbing his belt line, teasing to unlock his zip.

“A few years ago when I decided I am no longer marriageable, I started trying guys,” he revealed while brushing my fringe to the side.

“Where were they from? The golf course?” I was getting intrigued with the genesis of his gay inclinations.

“Haha, no no,” he sat up, as if he wanted to talk.

“Where lah?” I pursued with child-like curiousity.

“You are still the same. You used to ask me so many questions when you young too,” Uncle Chong wiped off the sweat beads on my forehead.

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As the sun sets and the moon peeps above the horizon, the splash of evening hues in the skies was simply breathtaking. We sat up against two big boulders talking, and still touching. I slipped my hand into his shirt to fondle his huge slabs of chest muscles, he was peeling imaginary skin off my elbows.

“So tell me, how did you get involved with men?” I was speaking with an obvious yearning in my voice.

“There was this golfer friend of mine; we used to hang out sometimes for games and drinks. He is much older than me, married with two kids. One day we went for a golfing holiday to Bintan with a couple of other guys; we shared a room after some drinks and he pleaded me to fxxk his backside in the night,” he spoke like he was recounting an ordinary day of events, so devoid of attachment.

I was getting aroused as he continued: “I thought what the heck, a hole’s a hole,” he let out a sudden cough, like he’d caught a chill. “But after I fxxked him, I felt sex was …. much easier with men. I didn’t have to feel responsible for him. We are still friends today, but I did not want to do that with him anymore. He opened me up to a whole new dimension in bodily pleasures,” he stopped and tightened his clench on my elbow.

“And after that, how did you get involved with other guys?” I tickled his nipples, he looked at me with a blissful smile.

“After that, it was as if I had inherited a new pair of eyes. I became more sensitive to men’s lustful glances, haha,” he dived his nose into my cheeks.

“Are you seeing anyone constant now?” I pursed my lips upon asking.

“No, I don’t believe in that. Not that I am a flirt either. I don’t really need to have somebody in my life …. although,” he slowed down his speech.

“Although?” I wanted him to continue.

“Although I often think of you,” he looked away into the far expanse of the eclipsed fields.

I blushed at his unexpected revelation. But I was greatly touched my his sentimentality.

“Uncle Chong,” I fostered eye contact, “I did miss you too. But I grew up so fast, I also forget you fast.”

“The older I become, the more I missed of the people I found dear to me,” he contradicted.

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“Come to think of it, golf is such a gay game,” I suddenly changed the subject.

“Hm ….” he turned towards me, lips nearly kissed my nose bridge. “What you mean by that?”

“We are chasing birdies and eagles ….” I took the opportunity to squeeze his groin. “Wow, you hard already?” My hand retracted like I had touched a hot kettle.

“Did you stuff a driver head inside your underwear?” I reached down at him again.

“So is that a birdie or eagle?” He played along.

“Eagle!” I enthused. “Its got big wings, and is pregnant with eggs,” I fondled him through his pants.

“Haha,” he leaned forward, and forward, till he pinned me down on the cool grass patch. Our eyes met. Like the first stars that appeared in the evening skies, his eyes were twinkling bright.

“I am so glad to have found you,” he said and nibbled my lips.

“You never lost me what,” I spoke like I was reading a line off the script of Sleepless in Seattle. “You always had me in your heart and mind, didn’t you?” I yanked myself up to bite his neck.

“Yes, I always have in me,” he concurred like a leading man from a romance movie.

A sudden recollection magically seeped into my mind when we are studying one other’s face like a dermatologist examining his patient. I remember once when we were playing this 15th hole, I needed a toilet break badly, and Uncle Chong then brought me go to one of the trees lining the fairways to release myself. But before we could get there, my bladder gave way and I wet my underpants. Uncle Chong then took off his shirt for me to clean my groin and bottoms. We then chucked his shirt and my underpants underneath a boulder to rid of them. I recalled well that Uncle Chong played bare-torsoed for the rest of the game.

I had a sudden urge to lift up the boulders beside us. I had a strong feeling I would uncover our discarded linen.


PS: As Golfcrazy is more sentimental then sexy, the erotic flavour of this novella has been toned down significantly. Sorry this is a commissioned work, I must respect the requirements of my ‘client’ Birdiecrazy.

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“So, you gay?” I was rubbing his belt line, teasing to unlock his zip.

“A few years ago when I decided I am no longer marriageable, I started trying guys,” he revealed while brushing my fringe to the side.

Hmm... Perhaps this kind of statement should best be avoided. It is bad to mislead readers that we choose to be gay. I did not and I think almost all of us did not. Apreciate if this can be corected. Do not give outsiders an opportunity to knock us down by saying that we choose and so we can change. Thank you.

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Hmm... Perhaps this kind of statement should best be avoided. It is bad to mislead readers that we choose to be gay. I did not and I think almost all of us did not. Apreciate if this can be corected. Do not give outsiders an opportunity to knock us down by saying that we choose and so we can change. Thank you.

I do agree with Buaya.

But than again, some of the "bisexual" still do not choose to reveal their inclination. It is a thin grey line, we all understood, but not the straight i guess.

Love who you really love, no matter if he is a man, she is a woman, it is an animal. For when you had lost him/her/it, regret will not make them come back.

I especially like this episode of Heartlanders stories. At least I see a different side, instead of purely erotica.


It's just me.... Asura... don't fear, but be very afraid....

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since you are starting a food sub-folder, maybe can ask heartlanders to write about a food erotica story set in a hotel kitchen or even fast food restaurant..."I couldn't stop staring at the bulge under his pants which looks like he had a Big Mac hidden underneath..." :D:D

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Guest Guest

heartlander, the way you write this story is either you copy from a magazine or you don't know how to play golf because "uncle chong" will be kicked out from the golf course if he played golf without his shirt. :wacko:

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I do have a story that evolves around food, but I am not good in written story, hahahaha :P


maybe not all golf course welcum half naked golfing. Just take it as a story okay :)

It's just me.... Asura... don't fear, but be very afraid....

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when i read friction articles or stories, i don't care whether it is logical or illogical.. as long it can sustain my interest and fulfil my fantasy, i will read it.... :) and thats why i love to read stories by Heartlander, whether they are true or not :P:D

if we always think "that is not correct" or "thats sound illogical" when reading stories, i don't see any joy in reading them (might as well don't read it)... :unsure::P

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PS: As Golfcrazy is more sentimental then sexy, the erotic flavour of this novella has been toned down significantly. Sorry this is a commissioned work, I must respect the requirements of my ‘client’ Birdiecrazy.

Thanks Heartlanders and Birdiecrazy for the great story, I appreciate it :thumb:

You made me a famous overnight and I am actually just an U F O (Ugly - Fat - Old) :unsure:

I give you some "strokes" next golf game then :rolleyes:

Quote: Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at them. ~ US Professional Golfer Jimmy Demaret

Quote: If you watch a game, it's fun. If you play at it, it's recreation. If you work at it, it's golf. ~ Actor Bob Hope (1903 - 2003)

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Guest Birdiecrazy
PS:  As Golfcrazy is more sentimental then sexy, the erotic flavour of this novella has been toned down significantly.  Sorry this is a commissioned work, I must respect the requirements of my ‘client’ Birdiecrazy. 

Thanks Heartlanders and Birdiecrazy for the great story, I appreciate it :thumb:

You made me a famous overnight and I am actually just an U F O (Ugly - Fat - Old) :unsure:

I give you some "strokes" next golf game then :rolleyes:

Golfcrazy, don't be silly, I will give you the 'strokes', but make sure you give me your manly essence. Deal!

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Birdiecrazy and Jesv, both of you so cute .... loss my words again :oops:

Quote: Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at them. ~ US Professional Golfer Jimmy Demaret

Quote: If you watch a game, it's fun. If you play at it, it's recreation. If you work at it, it's golf. ~ Actor Bob Hope (1903 - 2003)

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heartlander, the way you write this story is either you copy from a magazine or you don't know how to play golf because "uncle chong" will be kicked out from the golf course if he played golf without his shirt. :wacko:

Well, having played golf in some parts in this region, I would say all Asian golf clubs or courses, all golfers were required to have proper golf attire and I experienced one 'public' golf course in suburban town near Perth, Australia where the Angmoh played golf just with a short and without a shirt, well I think he wanted to have suntanning while golfing, as Angmoh like to have it and the golf marshall didn't bother him.

In other extreme case, once I played in 'private' club in Sydney, where the club was quite snobbish and they had a stringent golf attire, either golfing with long trouser with belt or short without side pocket and long knee socks like the safari attire ;)

Quote: Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at them. ~ US Professional Golfer Jimmy Demaret

Quote: If you watch a game, it's fun. If you play at it, it's recreation. If you work at it, it's golf. ~ Actor Bob Hope (1903 - 2003)

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Guest Guest

Extracted from http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/my-surrender


Subject: My Surrender

The usual disclaimers apply about don't read if you are underage, etc.

My Surrender

For years I have fantasized, dreamed, & obsessed about a man making love to

me. I have masturbated to this dream, for so long, that I needed it to

become a reality.

I placed an ad on-line looking for a man to fuck me.

Now, of course, being a nervous & anxious virgin the ad I placed was not as

direct as

"I need a man to fuck me."

It went something like this...

"Bottom boi, looking for a man to surrender my virginity to.

We will start by writing sexually charged letters to each other, describing

in intimate detail, how we will make love to each other. Our letters will

be the stuff of sexual legend, filled with intimate homosexual surrender &

conquest. We'll faithfully write our most intimate sexual thoughts, to each

other, until we can't take it any more & simply have to get together to

consummate our new relationship. This could take a month, a year, two

years, whatever. BUT when the time is right, we'll both know it & then

we'll unite as true homosexual lovers."

My ad generated the usual replies from men, that just wanted to fuck me

right now, BUT one reply was exactly what I was looking for in a lover. I

responded, to him, & our pen-pal love affair began in earnest.

Every day, for more than a year, we would write to each other describing in

the most intimate detail how I would receive his hard penis into my virgin

ass, how he would release a torrent of his warm, fresh living seed deep

into my sexually starved virgin body. We would write about all of the ways

that I could sexually please him. We would write about how I would

surrender to him & how he would take possession of me, as we united as

perfect homosexual lovers.

We are so like minded in that we both agree that it's so very important

that I surrender my smooth, soft, thin, virgin body to him for his sexual

desires & pleasures, and I can't wait for him to be inside me.

We both agree that the purest, sweetest, most intimate, most precious, most

right form of sexual expression is the perfect physical & sexual union of

love shared between two men.

We both knew that if we ever got together, we wouldn't waste any time in

uniting ourselves to each other. We would immediately make love, & the blow

jobs would come later.

One night, after about 14 months of these super sexually charged letters, I

got an e-mail from him saying that he was ready to unite us as lovers. He

wanted my phone number so we could arrange a time & location to make our

fantasy a reality.

The moment had arrived!

Either I follow through with my life-long desire to surrender to a man, or

I retreat back into my masturbation fantasy. I stared at his letter for

quite some time, trembling in fear, excitement, & anticipation.

I wrote my reply letter, including my phone number. I just sat & stared at

my reply for hours. The excitement & eagerness to see this though was

overwhelming, & irresistible. I finally clicked "send" & put all of our

previous 14 months of fantasy into motion.

I went to sleep, knowing that very soon my life will be completely changed

& that my dreams would soon become a reality.

When I woke up, in the morning, my heart was racing, thinking about what I

had done the night before. I gave a man my phone number, so he could call

me & make arraignments to take my virginity. The excitement was

overpowering me, & all I could think about was the phone call that was sure

to happen.

I needed to calm down & relax, so I took a very hot, luxurious bath. While

in the bath, I remembered all of our previous letters where he wanted my

body to be shaved smooth. I got a razor, & with trembling hands proceeded

to shave my entire body silky smooth from the neck down.

I shaved my legs, chest, ass, cock, pubes, under my arms, every part of my

body was shaved smooth. Every now & then I would realize that I'm shaving

myself silky smooth to excite a man, who I have never met, to make myself

as attractive as possible for him to fuck me in the ass!

I was trembling with apprehension & exhilaration as I began to caress my

smooth body. Not only did I feel so fucking sexy, I also looked so fucking

sexy as a very smooth & eager bottom boi ready & willing to surrender my

virginity to a man.

Just then...the phone rang!

If I answer, my life will be forever changed. If I don't answer, I go back

to masturbating about all of my fantasies of surrendering to a man.

The moment of truth has arrived!...I answer the phone, AND there he is!

We briefly exchange pleasantries, & then he gets down to business.

He tells me..."I'm ready to make all of our dreams & fantasies a reality

for both of us. Are you ready for this to happen?"

I submissively reply, "Yes darling, I'm ready for you."

He continues, telling me that..."tonight is good for me. I can be with you

the entire night, making love to you through the night, & by the time the

sun rises tomorrow morning we will be true & perfect homosexual lovers."

I am cooing in expectancy & tell him that I'm so ready to surrender to

him. He wants my address, as he wants to come to my house to claim my

virginity & replace it with his prized gift of impregnating me with his

liquid love.

I give him my address! There's no turning back now! A man is going to come

to my house & fuck me in the ass & fill me with his living seed, as he

unites us as lovers.

Several hours pass, & my cock is dripping the entire time with clear, pure,

pre-cum knowing that what I've been waiting for my entire life is about to


After what seems like an eternity, there is a knock on my door. He's here!

I'm moments away from surrendering my virginity to a man!

My head is reeling, & my heart is pounding out of my chest. I do have the

presence of mind to strip off all of my clothes. He doesn't know that I'm

doing this, but I feel that I don't want to leave any doubt as to what I

want to happen. I want to give, to him, my smooth naked body for his sexual

desires. I want to let him know, from the very beginning, that I am

prepared to submit & surrender to him. AND what better way to do that than

to greet my future lover completely naked.

I grasp the door knob, take a deep breath, & open the door. AND there he


AND there I am, standing naked in front of him, my smooth, freshly shaved

body, is glistening in the soft light just waiting to be taken by this man.

My cock is pointed straight out & already dripping clear pre-cum & leaving

no doubt how excited I am to be totally naked in front of him & also

leaving no doubt that I want to present myself as a surrendered, virgin,

naked gift to him to use for all of his sexual desires.

He completely embraces me, & our lips lock as I receive his tongue deep

into my welcoming mouth. I feel so very sexy & submissive as my naked

smooth body is entirely engulfed in his embrace. I'm sure that this must

look so fucking sexy, to anyone else...Here I am, greeting my soon to be

lover, entirely naked. I'm a picture of submission & surrender.

Our deep passionate kiss continues, as he scoops me up into his strong,

muscular arms. He breaks our kiss just long enough to ask me where my

bedroom is. I tell him & he carries my naked, soon to be surrendered body

to my bedroom & gently lays me down on my bed.

It is in this bedroom & on this bed that I will submit to his sexual


It is on this bed that I will surrender my virginity to him.

It is on this bed that I will surrender my body completely to him, for him

to make love to me whenever, wherever, however he chooses.

It is on this bed that I will receive my first of his countless many

generous gifts of his fresh, warm, priceless, sperm placed so lovingly deep

within the most remote depths of my inner body.

It is on this bed that I will become so humbled, fortunate, lucky, & truly

honored to be blessed with receiving the full & entire length of his hard

homosexual penis deep within me.

It is on this bed that he will transform me into his exclusive, personal

homosexual lover willing to do anything to satisfy his need to make love to


He begins to undress, in front of me, as I uncontrollably begin to purr &

coo my appreciation & eagerness as to what is about to happen.

He finishes undressing, & standing at the end of the bed is the most

beautiful naked, muscular, Adonis-like man I have ever seen. His penis is

fully erect, & it looks so massive & stunning & is dripping with his

precious pre-cum. His hard cock looks so very impressive. His cock looks so

much better in person, than of the photos that I've seen in previous

e-mails. I can't wait for his splendor to enter me!

A part of me wants to lick his pure, clear pre-cum off of his very hard

cock, & there will be time for that & I can't wait to taste his seed, I

can't wait for him to explode all over my face & into my wanting mouth.

BUT right now, this very instant, we both want & need the very same exact

thing & that is me caressing his hard, naked penis, with the very depths of

my smooth, virgin, naked ass.

Laying on my back, withering in sexual lust, I spread my smooth legs wide

open, leaving no doubt as to where I want him to lay. He lies down on top

of me, my freshly shaved, smooth legs unconsciously wrap around his waist,

as my arms wrap around his muscular shoulders. We delve into the world's

most passionate deep kiss as I feel the tip of his hard cock throbbing

against my virgin hole.

He breaks our kiss, for a moment, as he says... "This is the moment we have

been waiting so long to happen. We are now faced with a decision, & I want

you to decide it for us. The choice is, do you want me to wear a condom OR


He continued saying... "If I wear a condom we will be nothing more than

'fuck buddies, & friends with benefits.' We'll be nothing more than two

guys that fuck, & I'll fuck you in the ass."

"If I don't wear a condom, everything changes. My naked hard penis will

enter your smooth tight virgin ass & you'll feel every inch of my hard cock

& I'll feel every inch of your naked virgin ass. We'll be doing much more

than simply fucking, we'll be truly making love. We'll be celebrating our

desire for a complete & pure homosexual experience. The only way that we

can become true homosexual lovers, is to unite my naked hard cock into your

naked tight ass."

My response was instantaneous... "Darling, I want & need your glorious

naked, hard penis to penetrate me, so I can properly surrender to you."

He smiled at me with lustful desire & said... "In a little while, you'll

have to make another important, life changing decision. The natural climax

to our love making will be the explosive release of my fresh, warm living

sperm. The big question is... will you want me to pull out, when I cum? OR

will you want me to cum inside of you?"

I thought to myself, Oh My God! This is really happening!

Before I could answer, he continued speaking... "If I pull out; my seed

will be spent & wasted on your stomach & chest, & you will not be able to

experience the pure delight & contentment of true homosexual surrender.

You will not experience the gratification & pleasure of receiving my living

gift as I impregnate you with a flood of my liquid love, which has been

prepared exclusively & entirely for you.

You will not experience the true ecstasy & thrill of knowing that you are

carrying my seed inside of you.

You will not experience the happiness & tranquility of knowing that I will

live inside of you forever.

You will not experience the serenity of knowing that my living seed is

coursing through your entire body, laying claim to every inch of your body

that my seed comes in contact with.

You will not experience the quietness, of peaceful total homosexual

surrender & unification.

You will not be able to fully please your man, which I know how important

it is for you to fully please your man, & give yourself entirely to his

sexual desires.

You will not be able to say that you are a proper & pure homosexual, which

is so important to you, & I know it is what you truly want to become."

He finishes by saying... "By the way, just so you know, I've been extremely

busy with work & other things that I haven't had a chance to masturbate in

about two weeks. I have two weeks, worth of cum, just waiting to explode

from my cock & flood the inside of your body with my impregnating cum."

I'm thinking to myself...oh my, he already knows me so well.

He knows how badly I want this to happen.

He knows that I'm looking so forward to being filled to overflowing with a

torrent of his hot, fresh living seed.

He knows how eager I am to give in & wholly surrender to mine & his

homosexual needs.

He knows how badly that I want to be known, as a pure & true homosexual

bottom boi that is entirely focused on giving him his sexual release &


Before I can answer, he tells me... "Don't answer my question until I'm

about to cum. Don't answer until we are in the absolute pinnacle of

homosexual paradise."

I reply softly... "OK darling, will you please make love to me, so I can

fully surrender to you & your penis."

With that, I feel his pre-cum soaked tip of his penis gently massaging my

tight virgin hole. His pre-cum is lubricating my wanting hole as my virgin

opening is instinctively & uncontrollably beginning to gape wide open for

his glorious entrance into me.

I feel the very tip of his raging man-hood begin to enter me & I'm not sure

if the progress is from him pushing OR from the neediness of my desperate

virgin ass sucking him in, almost like a vacuum.

Either way, it doesn't matter because my focus is entirely concerned with

receiving the full penetration of his superb hard penis.

He alternates between deep kissing me, & telling me all of the words I have

longed to hear my entire life......

"Soon I'm going to take possession of you.

Soon you will fully surrender to me.

Soon all of your hopes & dreams will be fulfilled.

Soon my penis will be buried deeply & fully into your tight ass.

Soon your destiny will be realized, as your tight ass will entirely

accommodate the full length of my enormous rigid cock."

I begin to feel the entire head of his splendid penis begin its journey

into the depths of my gapping hole.

As I feel the thickness of his shaft begin its beautiful voyage of conquest

into me, he tells me... "Relax sweetheart. Let this happen.

You know that you need my full penetration to make your life complete.

You know how vital it is for you to receive the entire length of my penis.

You know that the only way that you can experience the full, pure & total

ecstasy, that is homosexuality, can only be achieved by allowing my hard

cock to be fully engulfed in your body."

His words fill me with such tender love, that I begin to swoon.

I open my body entirely to his advancing penis, & I relinquish all

resistance as I accept my fate & realize my life's purpose of being able to

fully accommodate a man's hard penis deep into my body.

His exploration into the depths of my soul continues as his penis begins to

glide, without any further restraint, to reach the very nadir of my willing

& welcoming ass.

He has hit rock bottom, & is in me balls deep. I can feel every inch of his

naked cock, deep within me, as he takes possession of the inside of my

unprotected ass.

He pauses, for a moment, to let me savor & delight in the blessed splendor

of his full penetration.

I feel so safe, so protected, so secure, so grateful, so wanted & needed

when he is deep inside me.

It's so perfect, right & pure when two men unite with each other, both

knowing how good a hard cock feels, & both of us trying to achieve the same

goal of making his beautiful penis feel every ounce of pure, beautiful,

complete, perfect homosexual pleasure.

I can feel every throbbing vein of his enormous penis, massaging the inner

depths of my warn, smooth, moist ass. I have a fully erect, living,

throbbing, penis completely impaled into me & I'm falling in love with

him...with his cock...with this experience...with homosexuality.

The inner walls of my smooth ass begin to unconsciously quiver as it

repeatedly clamps down & releases its grip on his invading penis.

I am entirely consumed & committed to the unreserved satisfying

nirvana-like rapture of enthusiastically & cheerfully permitting a man's

fully erect penis to penetrate me to the very depths of my being.

I am giving total sexual pleasure to a man, & this very notion completely

overwhelms & pleases me in a way that mere words can't describe.

Somehow I'm able to muster a few words as I exclaim... "Darling, please

fuck me with full deep strokes of you magnificent penis. I'm yours for the

taking. Please take what rightfully belongs to you, & allow me to surrender

to you."

With those words of encouragement, he proceeds to fuck my gaping, needy ass

with full deep strokes of his wonderful cock.

He withdraws his penis all the way out of my cock loving ass; only to

plunge in, full length, balls deep.

This is repeated for what seems like hours, as I'm reduced to a quivering

mass underneath him, basking in the glory of pure homosexual paradise.

We bond & meld together. My smooth legs are wrapped around his waist and

I'm pleading for him to fuck me faster & deeper.

My smooth, moist rectal tissues are molding around his pulsing thick cock.

I begin moaning; groaning, gasping, screaming, crying out & whimpering.

My body begins to violently shake as I begin to have what I've never

experienced previously... an internal anal orgasm.

Wave after wave of this astounding feeling of an internal, anal climax wash

over me as I begin to shake, in seizure like fits of passion.

I have never felt so loved & treasured as I do right now. My entire

concentration & focus is centered on his cock, & milking all of the cum

that I can out of his hard penis.

His hardness is sinking into my softness, & my bowels are becoming my womb

as he thrusts even deeper into my inner sanctuary.

We are joined in a loving perfect union of pure homosexual love.

I tell him with my eyes, and my gasping breath that I am his, & he is free

to take possession of me.

I can feel his cock not only grow longer, but also wider, as he descends

deeper than he has have ever been before.

He holds his cock in me, as the walls of my inner sanctuary cleave to, &

clutch the entire length of his penis.

My ass is pulsating in homosexual delight, as I'm continually grasping &

releasing his cock, involuntarily trying to make him cum.

We both know what is about to happen, & then he asks me... "Do you want me

to cum inside of you?"

We both know what the answer will be, but for some reason I feel need to

express it in words...

"Yes darling, please release every drop of your precious gift deep into me.

I need to be filled completely with your love.

I need to receive my reward.

I need to surrender to you.

I need you to unite us as pure lovers.

I need to feel your love.

I need to express my love, for you, by allowing you to flood me with your

living seed."

We both love the idea of the beauty, passion, intimacy, & purity of his

naked cock entirely within in my naked ass, this is true perfect love, this

is true perfect nakedness, this is the truest, most perfect, most pure form

of love in the history of the world; the two of us in deep, passionate,

intimate, homosexual love.

He wants to plant every drop of his seed deep within me, & I want every

drop of his seed planted deep within me, this is so very right & perfect.

Continuing to press his immense cock deep into me he says...

"This is the moment you've been waiting for, all your life.

This is the moment that will change your life forever.

This is the moment that all of your dreams will become an actuality.

This is the moment that you will become a true homosexual, as you

experience the pure joy of total surrender to a man."

I replied with upmost sincerity, almost in tears, & positively begging to

be seeded...

"I genuinely promise to care for, nurture, protect, & nourish every single

living sperm that you so generously & lovingly ejaculate into the safety of

my inner sanctuary.

I promise that my womb will be a safe haven for your living seed to

flourish & thrive, & as a result you will live inside of me forever.

I promise to relinquish all ownership of my body, & freely yield my entire

being to you for the purpose of sexually pleasing you, whenever you desire.

Please gift to me what I so urgently require, & that is the priceless

endowment of your living seed claiming total possessive custody of my

entire body, soul & mind."

He leaned in to kiss me again, whispering... "I'm going to cum inside of


I whispered back to him... "Yes darling, please cum in me & consummate our


He replied... "I'm going to breed you, & fill you with my living seed.

You'll be my cherished possession forever."

I quickly answered back... "I need you to breed me. I need to carry your

living gift deep within my homosexual womb. I crave & covet the opportunity

to be possessed by you."

He flicked the tip of my tongue with the tip of his tongue as he continued

telling me about my imminent surrender & my forthcoming gift... "Only love

flows from my cock, & I'm going to fill you with my gift of living love,

which has been created especially for you. My seed has been born & nurtured

deep within my body, & I'm going to transport it to unknown depths within

your body, where you will willingly accept my gift of pure homosexual


I was swooning with homosexual love & lust as I panted out breathless

gasps... "I can never fully repay you for my impending, priceless gift. All

I can hope to do is completely surrender my body, to you, for all of your

sexual pleasures. I know that my surrender can never equal the

extraordinary generosity of impregnating me with your living seed. All I

can promise you is that you will entirely posses me, & that I will guard,

protect, & nourish your living gift deep within my womb."

Another wave of a powerful internal anal orgasm begins to wash over me, as

seizure-like, convulsive shaking, takes control of my body.

I can feel the very beginning of my orgasm start around all of my anal

nerves that are imbedded within the walls of my smooth, inviting womb,

which is massaging, clutching, & completely enveloping his entire penis.

My orgasm then begins to build & radiate outward, from his rigid penis, to

the rest of my body.

In a moment's time, my entire body is consumed with my orgasm, & all of my

senses are simply flooded with very pure thoughts, feelings, & emotions of

homosexual love & lust.

His hard cock, which is fully embedded into my wanting ass, has truly

become the center of my universe, & unquestionably the center of my body.

He seems to love my orgasms as much as I do, because he's whispering in my

ear... "Let yourself go. Give in to your orgasm. Let your orgasm take

control over you. Surrender to your orgasm. Embrace & love your

orgasm. Allow your orgasm to own you, just as my cock owns you, & just as I

own you.

Your all-encompassing orgasm tells me how much you really need this to


You are speaking to me without words as to how much you love my cock inside

of you. You are telling me that you need to be seeded & conquered."

After he finished speaking his words of encouragement to me, two amazingly,

stunning things began to happen.

My internal anal orgasm took on a life of its own & significantly

intensified taking complete control over my entire body.

I was simply powerless to try to control it, & just let it consume me in

unbelievably wonderful feelings of homosexual surrender.

The muscles, in the walls of my womb which had a virtual death grip on his

hard penis, were fluttering in powerful, spastic, orgasmic waves up & down

the entire length of his imbedded penis.

The other stunning thing that happened is that his cock got even larger,

not only longer but undeniably wider. It was like he was tying his knot

inside of me. He was locking himself into me & preparing for what I hoped

would be an explosion of his fresh living sperm deep into the bowels of my


I couldn't breath, I couldn't speak, but somehow I heard myself say... "The

moment you impregnate me with your seed is the moment that we unite as one


I want & need you to fill me with your seed. I beg you to take what's

rightfully yours.

I need to feel your warm, fresh cum pulsing into me AND declaring to me &

the entire world that I belong to you.

I've waited & prepared my entire life for this very moment of freely giving

my smooth, soft virgin body to you, to surrender sexually to you, to

receive your seed, to carry your living seed deep within me.

To know darling, that you will impregnate me with the very essence of your

being, fills me with so much joy.

To know that you love me so much that you will completely fill me with your

gift of love, I will happily spend the rest of my days re-paying your

beautiful gift of love, & generosity by giving myself entirely to you for

your sexual pleasure."

His cock continued to swell in all directions, deep inside of me, when he

exclaimed... "I'm uniting us. I now possess you. I'm cuming."

The first blast, of his living seed, exploded very, very deep in my

womb. This was followed by wave after wave of almost as powerful eruptions,

going almost as deep as the first.

My quivering orgasm shot into high gear as my ass muscles gripped &

released his raging hard on. The combination of feeling his cock literally

pulsating cum out of it, & my ass pulsating in orgasmic ecstasy was the

most intensely, wonderful experience that has ever happened to me.

I could feel the powerful strength of his penis, deep within me, as it

would swell up & then release another round of his life-giving sperm.

It was like his cock would re-load & then swell up to release another load

into my ravenous ass.

This happened over & over again, as he pumped load after load into me.

Unless you've had the pleasure of experiencing the exquisite joy of having

a man release his glorious gift inside of you, words could never do justice

to the utter delight & pure gratification of receiving such a priceless


I certainly could feel the pleasant warmth, of his liquid love, deep within


I felt full, almost bloated, with the shear volume of his ejaculated sperm,

which I knew was being absorbed & transported through-out my entire body.

My newly emancipated body adoringly accepted every one of his living sperm.

I felt so alive & so full of life, as I felt his life thriving inside of


It's impossible to describe in precise words how delightfully wonderful it

is when a man chooses you to impregnate you with his living seed, which has

been prepared especially for you.

I know that his cum, his seed, his life-force is the most valuable gift he

can give.

I'm so grateful & value the opportunity to be able to yield, surrender &

receive his priceless gift.

He planted the very seed of his life into me, & I know that it's the most

precious & valuable gift a man can give.

The very essence of his soul is planted deep within me, showing me how much

he loves me by letting every drop of his liquid love ejaculate completely

into the depths of my soul.

I give thanks to him for cuming inside of me. I'm overwhelmed with tears of

joy & contented satisfaction in knowing that he has surrendered his life

giving seed deep within me.

I'm overwhelmed with feelings of irrepressible love knowing that his sperm

is truly living & swimming deep within me.

I am feeling so very lucky & fortunate to know, & feel not only his living

hard penis deep inside of me, but also to feel his living sperm deep within


I love knowing that he has chosen, & entrusted me to carry his seed, the

very essence of his life, deep within me, & I will always need him inside


I can feel his sperm staking out their claim for him to truly possess me.

I feel so very fortunate & happy to know that I have surrendered to him,

and that he will always be living deep inside of me.

I love the feeling of pride, joy & honor knowing that I have surrendered to

a man.

I love the feeling of total satisfaction, comfort, peace, & serenity in

knowing that he has every right to enter & breed me whenever, wherever, &

how often he wants.

I love knowing that he has chosen me, so I can be allowed to create, &

share a perfect homosexual love with him.

I love that he has transformed me into what I was always destined to be,

his pure homosexual lover, dedicated exclusively to servicing, submitting,

& surrendering to his most intimate homosexual needs.

I love knowing that the entire scope of my joy & happiness is concentrated

wholly on the focus of keeping his penis hard & deep within my body.

We have united as one flesh and he is living inside of me!

I hope you have enjoyed the story.

I would love to hear from you and find out how you liked it.

Let me know if you'd like the story to continue.


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Guest Guest

from the beginning there's only 1thought in my mind... aids.

You shouldn't be linking bareback sex per se to AIDS.

It's irresponsible HIV+ guys doing it raw that is objectionable.

Just saying, don't flame me.

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Extracted from http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/my-surrender


Subject: My Surrender

The usual disclaimers apply about don't read if you are underage, etc.

My Surrender

For years I have fantasized, dreamed, & obsessed about a man making love to

me. I have masturbated to this dream, for so long, that I needed it to

become a reality.

I placed an ad on-line looking for a man to fuck me.

Now, of course, being a nervous & anxious virgin the ad I placed was not as

direct as

"I need a man to fuck me."

It went something like this...

"Bottom boi, looking for a man to surrender my virginity to.

We will start by writing sexually charged letters to each other, describing

in intimate detail, how we will make love to each other. Our letters will

be the stuff of sexual legend, filled with intimate homosexual surrender &

conquest. We'll faithfully write our most intimate sexual thoughts, to each

other, until we can't take it any more & simply have to get together to

consummate our new relationship. This could take a month, a year, two

years, whatever. BUT when the time is right, we'll both know it & then

we'll unite as true homosexual lovers."

My ad generated the usual replies from men, that just wanted to fuck me

right now, BUT one reply was exactly what I was looking for in a lover. I

responded, to him, & our pen-pal love affair began in earnest.

Every day, for more than a year, we would write to each other describing in

the most intimate detail how I would receive his hard penis into my virgin

ass, how he would release a torrent of his warm, fresh living seed deep

into my sexually starved virgin body. We would write about all of the ways

that I could sexually please him. We would write about how I would

surrender to him & how he would take possession of me, as we united as

perfect homosexual lovers.

We are so like minded in that we both agree that it's so very important

that I surrender my smooth, soft, thin, virgin body to him for his sexual

desires & pleasures, and I can't wait for him to be inside me.

We both agree that the purest, sweetest, most intimate, most precious, most

right form of sexual expression is the perfect physical & sexual union of

love shared between two men.

We both knew that if we ever got together, we wouldn't waste any time in

uniting ourselves to each other. We would immediately make love, & the blow

jobs would come later.

One night, after about 14 months of these super sexually charged letters, I

got an e-mail from him saying that he was ready to unite us as lovers. He

wanted my phone number so we could arrange a time & location to make our

fantasy a reality.

The moment had arrived!

Either I follow through with my life-long desire to surrender to a man, or

I retreat back into my masturbation fantasy. I stared at his letter for

quite some time, trembling in fear, excitement, & anticipation.

I wrote my reply letter, including my phone number. I just sat & stared at

my reply for hours. The excitement & eagerness to see this though was

overwhelming, & irresistible. I finally clicked "send" & put all of our

previous 14 months of fantasy into motion.

I went to sleep, knowing that very soon my life will be completely changed

& that my dreams would soon become a reality.

When I woke up, in the morning, my heart was racing, thinking about what I

had done the night before. I gave a man my phone number, so he could call

me & make arraignments to take my virginity. The excitement was

overpowering me, & all I could think about was the phone call that was sure

to happen.

I needed to calm down & relax, so I took a very hot, luxurious bath. While

in the bath, I remembered all of our previous letters where he wanted my

body to be shaved smooth. I got a razor, & with trembling hands proceeded

to shave my entire body silky smooth from the neck down.

I shaved my legs, chest, ass, cock, pubes, under my arms, every part of my

body was shaved smooth. Every now & then I would realize that I'm shaving

myself silky smooth to excite a man, who I have never met, to make myself

as attractive as possible for him to fuck me in the ass!

I was trembling with apprehension & exhilaration as I began to caress my

smooth body. Not only did I feel so fucking sexy, I also looked so fucking

sexy as a very smooth & eager bottom boi ready & willing to surrender my

virginity to a man.

Just then...the phone rang!

If I answer, my life will be forever changed. If I don't answer, I go back

to masturbating about all of my fantasies of surrendering to a man.

The moment of truth has arrived!...I answer the phone, AND there he is!

We briefly exchange pleasantries, & then he gets down to business.

He tells me..."I'm ready to make all of our dreams & fantasies a reality

for both of us. Are you ready for this to happen?"

I submissively reply, "Yes darling, I'm ready for you."

He continues, telling me that..."tonight is good for me. I can be with you

the entire night, making love to you through the night, & by the time the

sun rises tomorrow morning we will be true & perfect homosexual lovers."

I am cooing in expectancy & tell him that I'm so ready to surrender to

him. He wants my address, as he wants to come to my house to claim my

virginity & replace it with his prized gift of impregnating me with his

liquid love.

I give him my address! There's no turning back now! A man is going to come

to my house & fuck me in the ass & fill me with his living seed, as he

unites us as lovers.

Several hours pass, & my cock is dripping the entire time with clear, pure,

pre-cum knowing that what I've been waiting for my entire life is about to


After what seems like an eternity, there is a knock on my door. He's here!

I'm moments away from surrendering my virginity to a man!

My head is reeling, & my heart is pounding out of my chest. I do have the

presence of mind to strip off all of my clothes. He doesn't know that I'm

doing this, but I feel that I don't want to leave any doubt as to what I

want to happen. I want to give, to him, my smooth naked body for his sexual

desires. I want to let him know, from the very beginning, that I am

prepared to submit & surrender to him. AND what better way to do that than

to greet my future lover completely naked.

I grasp the door knob, take a deep breath, & open the door. AND there he


AND there I am, standing naked in front of him, my smooth, freshly shaved

body, is glistening in the soft light just waiting to be taken by this man.

My cock is pointed straight out & already dripping clear pre-cum & leaving

no doubt how excited I am to be totally naked in front of him & also

leaving no doubt that I want to present myself as a surrendered, virgin,

naked gift to him to use for all of his sexual desires.

He completely embraces me, & our lips lock as I receive his tongue deep

into my welcoming mouth. I feel so very sexy & submissive as my naked

smooth body is entirely engulfed in his embrace. I'm sure that this must

look so fucking sexy, to anyone else...Here I am, greeting my soon to be

lover, entirely naked. I'm a picture of submission & surrender.

Our deep passionate kiss continues, as he scoops me up into his strong,

muscular arms. He breaks our kiss just long enough to ask me where my

bedroom is. I tell him & he carries my naked, soon to be surrendered body

to my bedroom & gently lays me down on my bed.

It is in this bedroom & on this bed that I will submit to his sexual


It is on this bed that I will surrender my virginity to him.

It is on this bed that I will surrender my body completely to him, for him

to make love to me whenever, wherever, however he chooses.

It is on this bed that I will receive my first of his countless many

generous gifts of his fresh, warm, priceless, sperm placed so lovingly deep

within the most remote depths of my inner body.

It is on this bed that I will become so humbled, fortunate, lucky, & truly

honored to be blessed with receiving the full & entire length of his hard

homosexual penis deep within me.

It is on this bed that he will transform me into his exclusive, personal

homosexual lover willing to do anything to satisfy his need to make love to


He begins to undress, in front of me, as I uncontrollably begin to purr &

coo my appreciation & eagerness as to what is about to happen.

He finishes undressing, & standing at the end of the bed is the most

beautiful naked, muscular, Adonis-like man I have ever seen. His penis is

fully erect, & it looks so massive & stunning & is dripping with his

precious pre-cum. His hard cock looks so very impressive. His cock looks so

much better in person, than of the photos that I've seen in previous

e-mails. I can't wait for his splendor to enter me!

A part of me wants to lick his pure, clear pre-cum off of his very hard

cock, & there will be time for that & I can't wait to taste his seed, I

can't wait for him to explode all over my face & into my wanting mouth.

BUT right now, this very instant, we both want & need the very same exact

thing & that is me caressing his hard, naked penis, with the very depths of

my smooth, virgin, naked ass.

Laying on my back, withering in sexual lust, I spread my smooth legs wide

open, leaving no doubt as to where I want him to lay. He lies down on top

of me, my freshly shaved, smooth legs unconsciously wrap around his waist,

as my arms wrap around his muscular shoulders. We delve into the world's

most passionate deep kiss as I feel the tip of his hard cock throbbing

against my virgin hole.

He breaks our kiss, for a moment, as he says... "This is the moment we have

been waiting so long to happen. We are now faced with a decision, & I want

you to decide it for us. The choice is, do you want me to wear a condom OR


He continued saying... "If I wear a condom we will be nothing more than

'fuck buddies, & friends with benefits.' We'll be nothing more than two

guys that fuck, & I'll fuck you in the ass."

"If I don't wear a condom, everything changes. My naked hard penis will

enter your smooth tight virgin ass & you'll feel every inch of my hard cock

& I'll feel every inch of your naked virgin ass. We'll be doing much more

than simply fucking, we'll be truly making love. We'll be celebrating our

desire for a complete & pure homosexual experience. The only way that we

can become true homosexual lovers, is to unite my naked hard cock into your

naked tight ass."

My response was instantaneous... "Darling, I want & need your glorious

naked, hard penis to penetrate me, so I can properly surrender to you."

He smiled at me with lustful desire & said... "In a little while, you'll

have to make another important, life changing decision. The natural climax

to our love making will be the explosive release of my fresh, warm living

sperm. The big question is... will you want me to pull out, when I cum? OR

will you want me to cum inside of you?"

I thought to myself, Oh My God! This is really happening!

Before I could answer, he continued speaking... "If I pull out; my seed

will be spent & wasted on your stomach & chest, & you will not be able to

experience the pure delight & contentment of true homosexual surrender.

You will not experience the gratification & pleasure of receiving my living

gift as I impregnate you with a flood of my liquid love, which has been

prepared exclusively & entirely for you.

You will not experience the true ecstasy & thrill of knowing that you are

carrying my seed inside of you.

You will not experience the happiness & tranquility of knowing that I will

live inside of you forever.

You will not experience the serenity of knowing that my living seed is

coursing through your entire body, laying claim to every inch of your body

that my seed comes in contact with.

You will not experience the quietness, of peaceful total homosexual

surrender & unification.

You will not be able to fully please your man, which I know how important

it is for you to fully please your man, & give yourself entirely to his

sexual desires.

You will not be able to say that you are a proper & pure homosexual, which

is so important to you, & I know it is what you truly want to become."

He finishes by saying... "By the way, just so you know, I've been extremely

busy with work & other things that I haven't had a chance to masturbate in

about two weeks. I have two weeks, worth of cum, just waiting to explode

from my cock & flood the inside of your body with my impregnating cum."

I'm thinking to myself...oh my, he already knows me so well.

He knows how badly I want this to happen.

He knows that I'm looking so forward to being filled to overflowing with a

torrent of his hot, fresh living seed.

He knows how eager I am to give in & wholly surrender to mine & his

homosexual needs.

He knows how badly that I want to be known, as a pure & true homosexual

bottom boi that is entirely focused on giving him his sexual release &


Before I can answer, he tells me... "Don't answer my question until I'm

about to cum. Don't answer until we are in the absolute pinnacle of

homosexual paradise."

I reply softly... "OK darling, will you please make love to me, so I can

fully surrender to you & your penis."

With that, I feel his pre-cum soaked tip of his penis gently massaging my

tight virgin hole. His pre-cum is lubricating my wanting hole as my virgin

opening is instinctively & uncontrollably beginning to gape wide open for

his glorious entrance into me.

I feel the very tip of his raging man-hood begin to enter me & I'm not sure

if the progress is from him pushing OR from the neediness of my desperate

virgin ass sucking him in, almost like a vacuum.

Either way, it doesn't matter because my focus is entirely concerned with

receiving the full penetration of his superb hard penis.

He alternates between deep kissing me, & telling me all of the words I have

longed to hear my entire life......

"Soon I'm going to take possession of you.

Soon you will fully surrender to me.

Soon all of your hopes & dreams will be fulfilled.

Soon my penis will be buried deeply & fully into your tight ass.

Soon your destiny will be realized, as your tight ass will entirely

accommodate the full length of my enormous rigid cock."

I begin to feel the entire head of his splendid penis begin its journey

into the depths of my gapping hole.

As I feel the thickness of his shaft begin its beautiful voyage of conquest

into me, he tells me... "Relax sweetheart. Let this happen.

You know that you need my full penetration to make your life complete.

You know how vital it is for you to receive the entire length of my penis.

You know that the only way that you can experience the full, pure & total

ecstasy, that is homosexuality, can only be achieved by allowing my hard

cock to be fully engulfed in your body."

His words fill me with such tender love, that I begin to swoon.

I open my body entirely to his advancing penis, & I relinquish all

resistance as I accept my fate & realize my life's purpose of being able to

fully accommodate a man's hard penis deep into my body.

His exploration into the depths of my soul continues as his penis begins to

glide, without any further restraint, to reach the very nadir of my willing

& welcoming ass.

He has hit rock bottom, & is in me balls deep. I can feel every inch of his

naked cock, deep within me, as he takes possession of the inside of my

unprotected ass.

He pauses, for a moment, to let me savor & delight in the blessed splendor

of his full penetration.

I feel so safe, so protected, so secure, so grateful, so wanted & needed

when he is deep inside me.

It's so perfect, right & pure when two men unite with each other, both

knowing how good a hard cock feels, & both of us trying to achieve the same

goal of making his beautiful penis feel every ounce of pure, beautiful,

complete, perfect homosexual pleasure.

I can feel every throbbing vein of his enormous penis, massaging the inner

depths of my warn, smooth, moist ass. I have a fully erect, living,

throbbing, penis completely impaled into me & I'm falling in love with

him...with his cock...with this experience...with homosexuality.

The inner walls of my smooth ass begin to unconsciously quiver as it

repeatedly clamps down & releases its grip on his invading penis.

I am entirely consumed & committed to the unreserved satisfying

nirvana-like rapture of enthusiastically & cheerfully permitting a man's

fully erect penis to penetrate me to the very depths of my being.

I am giving total sexual pleasure to a man, & this very notion completely

overwhelms & pleases me in a way that mere words can't describe.

Somehow I'm able to muster a few words as I exclaim... "Darling, please

fuck me with full deep strokes of you magnificent penis. I'm yours for the

taking. Please take what rightfully belongs to you, & allow me to surrender

to you."

With those words of encouragement, he proceeds to fuck my gaping, needy ass

with full deep strokes of his wonderful cock.

He withdraws his penis all the way out of my cock loving ass; only to

plunge in, full length, balls deep.

This is repeated for what seems like hours, as I'm reduced to a quivering

mass underneath him, basking in the glory of pure homosexual paradise.

We bond & meld together. My smooth legs are wrapped around his waist and

I'm pleading for him to fuck me faster & deeper.

My smooth, moist rectal tissues are molding around his pulsing thick cock.

I begin moaning; groaning, gasping, screaming, crying out & whimpering.

My body begins to violently shake as I begin to have what I've never

experienced previously... an internal anal orgasm.

Wave after wave of this astounding feeling of an internal, anal climax wash

over me as I begin to shake, in seizure like fits of passion.

I have never felt so loved & treasured as I do right now. My entire

concentration & focus is centered on his cock, & milking all of the cum

that I can out of his hard penis.

His hardness is sinking into my softness, & my bowels are becoming my womb

as he thrusts even deeper into my inner sanctuary.

We are joined in a loving perfect union of pure homosexual love.

I tell him with my eyes, and my gasping breath that I am his, & he is free

to take possession of me.

I can feel his cock not only grow longer, but also wider, as he descends

deeper than he has have ever been before.

He holds his cock in me, as the walls of my inner sanctuary cleave to, &

clutch the entire length of his penis.

My ass is pulsating in homosexual delight, as I'm continually grasping &

releasing his cock, involuntarily trying to make him cum.

We both know what is about to happen, & then he asks me... "Do you want me

to cum inside of you?"

We both know what the answer will be, but for some reason I feel need to

express it in words...

"Yes darling, please release every drop of your precious gift deep into me.

I need to be filled completely with your love.

I need to receive my reward.

I need to surrender to you.

I need you to unite us as pure lovers.

I need to feel your love.

I need to express my love, for you, by allowing you to flood me with your

living seed."

We both love the idea of the beauty, passion, intimacy, & purity of his

naked cock entirely within in my naked ass, this is true perfect love, this

is true perfect nakedness, this is the truest, most perfect, most pure form

of love in the history of the world; the two of us in deep, passionate,

intimate, homosexual love.

He wants to plant every drop of his seed deep within me, & I want every

drop of his seed planted deep within me, this is so very right & perfect.

Continuing to press his immense cock deep into me he says...

"This is the moment you've been waiting for, all your life.

This is the moment that will change your life forever.

This is the moment that all of your dreams will become an actuality.

This is the moment that you will become a true homosexual, as you

experience the pure joy of total surrender to a man."

I replied with upmost sincerity, almost in tears, & positively begging to

be seeded...

"I genuinely promise to care for, nurture, protect, & nourish every single

living sperm that you so generously & lovingly ejaculate into the safety of

my inner sanctuary.

I promise that my womb will be a safe haven for your living seed to

flourish & thrive, & as a result you will live inside of me forever.

I promise to relinquish all ownership of my body, & freely yield my entire

being to you for the purpose of sexually pleasing you, whenever you desire.

Please gift to me what I so urgently require, & that is the priceless

endowment of your living seed claiming total possessive custody of my

entire body, soul & mind."

He leaned in to kiss me again, whispering... "I'm going to cum inside of


I whispered back to him... "Yes darling, please cum in me & consummate our


He replied... "I'm going to breed you, & fill you with my living seed.

You'll be my cherished possession forever."

I quickly answered back... "I need you to breed me. I need to carry your

living gift deep within my homosexual womb. I crave & covet the opportunity

to be possessed by you."

He flicked the tip of my tongue with the tip of his tongue as he continued

telling me about my imminent surrender & my forthcoming gift... "Only love

flows from my cock, & I'm going to fill you with my gift of living love,

which has been created especially for you. My seed has been born & nurtured

deep within my body, & I'm going to transport it to unknown depths within

your body, where you will willingly accept my gift of pure homosexual


I was swooning with homosexual love & lust as I panted out breathless

gasps... "I can never fully repay you for my impending, priceless gift. All

I can hope to do is completely surrender my body, to you, for all of your

sexual pleasures. I know that my surrender can never equal the

extraordinary generosity of impregnating me with your living seed. All I

can promise you is that you will entirely posses me, & that I will guard,

protect, & nourish your living gift deep within my womb."

Another wave of a powerful internal anal orgasm begins to wash over me, as

seizure-like, convulsive shaking, takes control of my body.

I can feel the very beginning of my orgasm start around all of my anal

nerves that are imbedded within the walls of my smooth, inviting womb,

which is massaging, clutching, & completely enveloping his entire penis.

My orgasm then begins to build & radiate outward, from his rigid penis, to

the rest of my body.

In a moment's time, my entire body is consumed with my orgasm, & all of my

senses are simply flooded with very pure thoughts, feelings, & emotions of

homosexual love & lust.

His hard cock, which is fully embedded into my wanting ass, has truly

become the center of my universe, & unquestionably the center of my body.

He seems to love my orgasms as much as I do, because he's whispering in my

ear... "Let yourself go. Give in to your orgasm. Let your orgasm take

control over you. Surrender to your orgasm. Embrace & love your

orgasm. Allow your orgasm to own you, just as my cock owns you, & just as I

own you.

Your all-encompassing orgasm tells me how much you really need this to


You are speaking to me without words as to how much you love my cock inside

of you. You are telling me that you need to be seeded & conquered."

After he finished speaking his words of encouragement to me, two amazingly,

stunning things began to happen.

My internal anal orgasm took on a life of its own & significantly

intensified taking complete control over my entire body.

I was simply powerless to try to control it, & just let it consume me in

unbelievably wonderful feelings of homosexual surrender.

The muscles, in the walls of my womb which had a virtual death grip on his

hard penis, were fluttering in powerful, spastic, orgasmic waves up & down

the entire length of his imbedded penis.

The other stunning thing that happened is that his cock got even larger,

not only longer but undeniably wider. It was like he was tying his knot

inside of me. He was locking himself into me & preparing for what I hoped

would be an explosion of his fresh living sperm deep into the bowels of my


I couldn't breath, I couldn't speak, but somehow I heard myself say... "The

moment you impregnate me with your seed is the moment that we unite as one


I want & need you to fill me with your seed. I beg you to take what's

rightfully yours.

I need to feel your warm, fresh cum pulsing into me AND declaring to me &

the entire world that I belong to you.

I've waited & prepared my entire life for this very moment of freely giving

my smooth, soft virgin body to you, to surrender sexually to you, to

receive your seed, to carry your living seed deep within me.

To know darling, that you will impregnate me with the very essence of your

being, fills me with so much joy.

To know that you love me so much that you will completely fill me with your

gift of love, I will happily spend the rest of my days re-paying your

beautiful gift of love, & generosity by giving myself entirely to you for

your sexual pleasure."

His cock continued to swell in all directions, deep inside of me, when he

exclaimed... "I'm uniting us. I now possess you. I'm cuming."

The first blast, of his living seed, exploded very, very deep in my

womb. This was followed by wave after wave of almost as powerful eruptions,

going almost as deep as the first.

My quivering orgasm shot into high gear as my ass muscles gripped &

released his raging hard on. The combination of feeling his cock literally

pulsating cum out of it, & my ass pulsating in orgasmic ecstasy was the

most intensely, wonderful experience that has ever happened to me.

I could feel the powerful strength of his penis, deep within me, as it

would swell up & then release another round of his life-giving sperm.

It was like his cock would re-load & then swell up to release another load

into my ravenous ass.

This happened over & over again, as he pumped load after load into me.

Unless you've had the pleasure of experiencing the exquisite joy of having

a man release his glorious gift inside of you, words could never do justice

to the utter delight & pure gratification of receiving such a priceless


I certainly could feel the pleasant warmth, of his liquid love, deep within


I felt full, almost bloated, with the shear volume of his ejaculated sperm,

which I knew was being absorbed & transported through-out my entire body.

My newly emancipated body adoringly accepted every one of his living sperm.

I felt so alive & so full of life, as I felt his life thriving inside of


It's impossible to describe in precise words how delightfully wonderful it

is when a man chooses you to impregnate you with his living seed, which has

been prepared especially for you.

I know that his cum, his seed, his life-force is the most valuable gift he

can give.

I'm so grateful & value the opportunity to be able to yield, surrender &

receive his priceless gift.

He planted the very seed of his life into me, & I know that it's the most

precious & valuable gift a man can give.

The very essence of his soul is planted deep within me, showing me how much

he loves me by letting every drop of his liquid love ejaculate completely

into the depths of my soul.

I give thanks to him for cuming inside of me. I'm overwhelmed with tears of

joy & contented satisfaction in knowing that he has surrendered his life

giving seed deep within me.

I'm overwhelmed with feelings of irrepressible love knowing that his sperm

is truly living & swimming deep within me.

I am feeling so very lucky & fortunate to know, & feel not only his living

hard penis deep inside of me, but also to feel his living sperm deep within


I love knowing that he has chosen, & entrusted me to carry his seed, the

very essence of his life, deep within me, & I will always need him inside


I can feel his sperm staking out their claim for him to truly possess me.

I feel so very fortunate & happy to know that I have surrendered to him,

and that he will always be living deep inside of me.

I love the feeling of pride, joy & honor knowing that I have surrendered to

a man.

I love the feeling of total satisfaction, comfort, peace, & serenity in

knowing that he has every right to enter & breed me whenever, wherever, &

how often he wants.

I love knowing that he has chosen me, so I can be allowed to create, &

share a perfect homosexual love with him.

I love that he has transformed me into what I was always destined to be,

his pure homosexual lover, dedicated exclusively to servicing, submitting,

& surrendering to his most intimate homosexual needs.

I love knowing that the entire scope of my joy & happiness is concentrated

wholly on the focus of keeping his penis hard & deep within my body.

We have united as one flesh and he is living inside of me!

I hope you have enjoyed the story.

I would love to hear from you and find out how you liked it.

Let me know if you'd like the story to continue.


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Thank you for typing such a long story, i know you put in effort to make it as erotic for us readers. some people just zoom in to the negatives, after all it is just a fantasy, in a perfect world, which ours is not at the moment, shit happens.


In a perfect world , there will be NO NO NO  aids or any type of STDs,  Then we can fuck whoever we like and do not have to worry about these twos except pregnancy that is unplanned and unwanted. LOL

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  • 9 months later...
Guest Happy Guy

The Basketball Guy - Part 1

"It's him!" I said to myself excitedly.

For the past few weeks, it has become a routine for me to look out for him at the basketball court just below my block. It was by chance I saw him playing basketball on a Sunday afternoon. He was always alone until some other guys or kids play at the court too.

His decent yet sporty looks attracted my attention. He has short hair, and on one of the Sunday he was wearing a commando singlet while playing, so I assume he should be in the army. There was once when the weather was very hot, while observing him from my bedroom window, I saw him removing his singlet during his play. He was lean fit, nice pecs and well defined abdominal muscles. Not the muscle god type, but sufficient to make guys who gym envy his body. However, that was the only time he played without his shirt.

On the 3rd week I saw him playing at the court, I had the urge to go down and play basketball too. Of course playing wasn't my real intention, my purpose was to get close to him and hopefully I can befriend him.

I changed into my PT gear, took my brother's basketball and went down to the basketball court. He was still there practicing. I dribbled the ball to the same court as him and played beside him. We exchanged smile but did not talk. I played for awhile, but it was really too hot, so I sat beside the post to rest. After awhile, he also stopped playing and sat near me to rest too.

"The weather is really hot." I tried to start a conversation with him.

"Ya." He replied with a smile.

"Do you play here often? By the way, my name is Samuel" I said.

"Nothing to do at home, so come down to exercise a bit. I am Melvin." He replied and stretched out his hand as he introduced himself.

(To be continued)

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