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Body heat

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Somehow, my body temperature is on the low side. It is often the case that the other guy's body temperature is a bit higher, so when we cuddle and do some marvelous things together such as having sex, I feel his body heat and really enjoy it. I am curious how the other party feels. I have never asked this question directly. What's your experience? 



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2 minutes ago, Traveler3032 said:

Somehow, my body temperature is on the low side. It is often the case that the other guy's body temperature is a bit higher, so when we cuddle and do some marvelous things together such as having sex, I feel his body heat and really enjoy it. I am curious how the other party feels. I have never asked this question directly. What's your experience? 



Same too! Feels good to have a warmer guy hugging me in his arms haha :P

^_^ 我会好好的等待我的王子出现。。。 :P

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Guest Teatree

My body heat is higher than normal guys which is bad. In a group, mosquitoes will only bite me because my body heat attracted them.

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21 hours ago, Traveler3032 said:

Somehow, my body temperature is on the low side. It is often the case that the other guy's body temperature is a bit higher, so when we cuddle and do some marvelous things together such as having sex, I feel his body heat and really enjoy it. I am curious how the other party feels. I have never asked this question directly. What's your experience? 




Warmer bodies are hotter.Literally and connotatively. lol

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My body heat is higher than most men because of my fitness resulting in high resting metabolic rate. I don't feel cold even in cold countries wearing one layer of winter clothes while most locals there are heavily wrapped.

This helps to dissipate my body heat so I don't sweat easily. But when checked with thermometer, my body temperature is actually only slightly higher than the usual. I have a rosy complexion and even blush very easily because of the fine, dense blood vessels near my skin surface. It only felt hotter because I seem to transmit heat to others more readily using these blood vessels. 

Shy to say, even my anal body cavity is much hotter than usual. Those who penetrated me can immediately feel the heating effects on their cocks. Plus the heat from my body when hugging me in air con room, some would even compliment me indirectly that I felt like a bitch in heat.

I literally smelt of sex pheromones when the heat evaporates my body oils in my erogenous regions. Since I barely sweat, it is not BO. It is very faint smell and only a rutting top can sense it and home in to me. I'm surprised that some tops can home in to my anal cavity with their fingers then sniff their fingers to sample my ripeness for mating. I asked some of them why they do that, they also don't know why but they were stimulated to smell my sexual temptations.

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23 hours ago, Guest Teatree said:

My body heat is higher than normal guys which is bad. In a group, mosquitoes will only bite me because my body heat attracted them.

Haha, thanks for the observation. It has always been a mystery to me why in a big group of people in the garden, I'm always the one with lots of mosquito bites on my bare legs. At first they say that my fair complexion easy to show the the bite marks, or say my blood is sweeter, or I have too much blood. Now I know the best possible explanation. During the SARs, I remembered when they took an infrared photo of a group, my body glowed the brightest in the group. If the mosquitoes see us in a group then I will also glow the brightest and attract more mosquitoes.

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My bf has higher body temp coincides with his Chinece zodiac of yang element whilst myself is a bit cooler due to yin element. Strangely that mosquito like to bite me than my bf but when staying in a hotel I often get the feel if the room got spirit whilst my bf undisturbed.

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5 hours ago, EasleyLim said:

The bf has higher body temp than me yet he still steals most of the blanket. Bastard.


Singapore weather too hot already. Cold blooded creatures like you may die from heatstroke if covered in blankets.

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5 hours ago, EasleyLim said:

The bf has higher body temp than me yet he still steals most of the blanket. Bastard.

that actually depends. i have higher metabolism hence i tend to release rather high body heat....but is like having a fever, u are actually hot on the outside but u feel cold, or at least that is how i feel when the air-con is on....


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