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What Your Dick Shape Says About You


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There’s a lot to be said about the deepest, darkest parts of you—like the way your dick curves or shrinks or grows. If you can read a palm, you can read a penis.  And with your penis comes an array of information specific to your own personal…gifts. We took the guesswork out of your genitals to bring you a series of dick fortunes, or what we have coined “dickomancy” or “dickination.” Use your penis to help you be the best person you can be—you’ll thank us.



Your curved penis represents the trials and tribulations you must endure to find your most authentic self, no ego involved. It will not be an easy road, rather it will be long and winding, much like your penis, with hurdles to help you learn and grow. It is only when you accept the obstacles in front of you and see them as an opportunity, just like your curve, that you will appreciate what you have been given and finally succeed.

Curved and short


Do not let ego get the best of you—you already know you have everything necessary to thrive. You have a tendency to let circumstances define your situation, instead of accepting them and dealing with them accordingly. You have a very special set of gifts and abilities that you may not understand at first. You may initially view them as annoying or inconvenient, but take the time to think about how you can work with these roadblocks to cultivate the best you possible. Oftentimes we cannot change our situations, but we can change our outlook to get the most of our current position.

Curved and long


You are naturally vivacious, with the tenacity and charm to get what you want. Yet, sometimes, this doesn’t feel like enough. Somewhere along the way you have learned to expect more and more and more. But your benedictions should leave you feeling humbled, not entitled. You have been given a lot—so stop comparing your situation to others who seem like they are navigating a smoother road.  Instead look down—literally—and see where you stand. Is your forceful nature stopping you from enjoying the softer side of life? It is okay to be gentle sometimes.




Don’t beat yourself up for having it all. Instead, take the high road and pay it forward. Use what you’ve been given to help please others. Do not be scared of carving a new path—it does not always have to be straight and narrow, no matter what you’ve been told. You have the power to use your conditions to help create something better—something more blissful, more satisfying. Do not be resentful that you’ve been given so much. Your path will pan out as it should if you just give yourself the time and space to make it to happen. With that being said, nothing worthy comes easy—practice makes perfect, so get going.  



There is always a silver lining. Instead of dwelling in the dark, turn the light on and see things with a fresh set of eyes. Own what you’ve got—you may feel like you have the short end of the stick, but don’t let this define your path moving forward. Learn your craft, hone your skills and work with the situation you’ve been given to deal yourself a new hand. Stop resisting whatever it is that you’ve been handed. Your journey may be harder than what you’ve wished for, but at the same time, it is yours to do with what you will. It is all about perspective, after all, and seeing what you have as anything less than an amazing opportunity is cheating yourself. Don’t be afraid of your shortcomings, dick or otherwise. It’s all about learning to flaunt what you’ve got.



Believing in yourself may be the hardest first step you’ll ever have to take—but it is the most necessary. Grow into yourself, literally, by taking time to plant those seeds and tend to them. Be compassionate to yourself—don’t be ashamed of being soft. Stop underestimating yourself. Yes, it is normal to take time to show your true colors, but you must ask yourself if this is because of comfort or self- doubt. Stop placing your self-worth into others' hands. Stop doubting your abilities. Give yourself permission to make mistakes, to be awkward and clumsy and weird.  Remember that first times and first impressions are not all that someone will be taking into consideration.




You have the ability to impress others and put them at ease, but take the time to make sure your intentions are pure. Yes, it’s important to talk the talk, but if you’re not walking the walk then you’re really missing something big. Are you helping because it’s your calling, or are you simply expecting something in return? It’s okay to live life on a large scale, but it is also important to step back and ask yourself if you have everything in check. Where is it that you may have gotten lost? Live in your gifts, live in your abilities, but make sure you’re working to make them as incredible as they are. Disappointment shouldn’t be anyone’s forte—especially yours.



Having a tendency to keep things clean means you also have a tendency to skip over the dirty, nitty-gritty parts of this life. Letting loose and finding a new flavor for the same old thing can help you shake things up. But with this newfound freedom comes the responsibility of acknowledging that your cleanliness, natural abilities, and opportunities don’t mean that you are better than anyone else. Don’t forget that you still have to work with what you’ve been given, no matter how blessed or privileged you may feel. Let go of the excess that is no longer serving you—lose your skin like a snake after its latest transformation. It may seem scary, but it in the end, it is worthy. Transformation means rebirth.



Where along the way did you have to hide to get what you wanted? Stop taking shelter in what separates you from the rest. Instead, use this as an invitation to go out and share yourself with the world. Your uniqueness and authenticity has helped you get to where you are. You have been set on this path, your path, since you were born. So take it and run with it—don’t apologize for what separates you from the masses. Spin that notion on its head and use it as momentum to move forward in the most genuine way possible. You do not have to ask forgiveness to be who you are.




You have a penchant for being different and cultivating a path that is unlike anyone else’s. Carving out your own space in this world is nothing to be ashamed of, but like anything else, ego can make the situation stickier. So live with conviction, and don’t apologize for starting down an unworn path. There comes a time, however, when you must ask yourself if your need to be different stems from insecurity. How can fostering your own identity help others do the same? Make sure you’re going slow and steady—that is how the race is always won, after all.

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  • 1 year later...
On 7/24/2018 at 1:32 AM, riverrobles said:

I'm a circumcised,  grower, straight banana :-)

They should've drawn cocks instead of bananas .


Yeah fully agreed.


btw, i am curved with a mushroom head and a grower but uncircumcised which look like circumcised due to very short foreskin lol

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  • 11 months later...
Guest gues
1 hour ago, Since u r here said:

not exhaustive but good to start with :


1st one  should also be referred to as 爆筋, heheh,


And they conveniently left out the severely downward curving which is very common among the younger generations one,



Its because they want to hide their powerful, un controllable , he man hulk type penis that can tear their underwears if pointing upwards, as a result they have down curve penises.


I find them deformed and diffucult to play with,

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  • 6 months later...
On 7/1/2019 at 9:18 PM, Since u r here said:

not exhaustive but good to start with :


I was onced fucked by a punjabi stud with a no. 3 cock, rock solid and curved upwards. Oh what a fuck and hit my prostate while thrusting rigorously. I autocummed within few minutes of his thrusts.

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  • 2 months later...

This thread is literally talking cocks.





never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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