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Jok & Pete


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The First Interaction



Hi, I am Jok, 18 years old, from Korea and I’m here for an exchange program. I am just an average joe, nothing fascinating or attractive. I am in a swimming club and i was send to Singapore for an exchange program to be trained and learn new skills and technics. I will be here for 6 months before returning to Korea. This 6 months changed my life…



“Stop fooling around in the pool! The pool is for training and not for you to fool around. We have a new member, let us welcome him.” said Coach Tan.


“Annyeong! naneun Jok ida.” I exclaimed leaving everyone in the pool a dazed.


“Welcome to the club Jok! Correct me if I got your name wrongly.” replied pete, clearing the awkward silence that i had just caused. 


“Pete, Jok will be staying with you in your dom for the next 6 months. Please take care of him.” Coach Tan dictate. Pete reviled a faint smile but somewhat forced.


Pete came out of the pool in his tight trunks which seems even tighter now since he just came out of the pool with all the water dripping down. The trunks collapsed and gave me a blurred view of his bulge. His bulge wasn't as big as those i saw in porn but its bigger than those in Korea. He caught me looking and quickly adjusted his trunks and walked off.


“Why you still standing there for!”, Pete exclaimed.


“Hurry up! I don't have the whole day!”, he continued.


Dragged my luggage, i followed immediately.


His dom was exactly where i hope it will never be at, the top floor. Lucky or unlucky, the lift was spoilt. His dom being at the top floor means that i would need to drag my luggage 15 stories high. I was hoping he would offer his help to carry my luggage up. But he didn’t.


“What a gentleman”, I whispered.


“What did you just say?”, Pete asked.


“amugeosdo”, I replied. Pete continue walking up the stairs.


After much climbing, we finally reached 15th floor. Both of us were sweating like mad by then. The floor has 4 doms and all are occupied by the swim team members. But only pete dom is not shared with others of the team mates. 


He opened the door and started stripping till nothing was left on him. He turned and walk towards me, slowly reaching to the wall behind me. By then i could hear his breathing and feel his body heat. He grabbed his towel and walked to the bathroom.


“Settle down, i go wash up first. Unless you wanna join me.”, Pete shouted before he closed the door to the bathroom.


The room only has a study table, a queen sized bed, Tv and a sofa. It’s a room alright just not for a human. The bed was in a mess with tissues and wrapper, patches of the sofa is soiled, study table full of CDs and tissue again. Being a clean freak, i started cleaning the room. While i was cleaning the bed, i could not help but my exhaustion kicks in and i just dozed off on his bed.


While i was asleep suddenly, I felt something hard pressing against me back, across my chest and legs. I opened my eyes slowly and it was total darkness. I tried to move but as i tried to move the pressure just keep getting stronger and stronger. I shifted my hands to my back to feel what was it…





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The kidnap 



I felt something uneven.


I move upwards and felt something pointy.


I move down south, by then it was putting pressure on my ass crack.


One swift movement, i pushed that object away.


“Bang!”, a sound of what seems to be something dropped from a high ground.


“What’s wrong with you!”, Pete exclaimed.


“What’s wrong with you! Do you know what are you doing!?”, I shouted back at a much higher volume. 


Pete was shocked and the room went silent for a moment. Pete break the silent.


“What time is it?”, Pete asked like as if nothing had happened.


“7pm”, I replied reluctantly.


“Oh Sh*t!”, Pete shouted. He quickly undress whatever is on him and dashed in to the bathroom. Within minutes, he was out, dressed up with a fitting A&F tee which now give me a view of how tone he was. 


The selves was wrapping around his biceps tightly, with every move of his muscle, the tee would then take form of the muscles. Bulging chest with pointy nipples, 6 pacs, even his side were toned and muscle is beautifully shaped. I couldn't stop staring at him. I was drooling away.


The next moment I was brought back to reality when Pete stood closed to me with his bulge a few inches away from my face.


“Is this what you want?”, Pete asked.


My hands moved slowly towards the bulge on its own. 


“What you trying to do?!”, Pete jumped back.


“I… I… Your pants was unzipped. Was just trying to zip it up for you.”, I stammered trying to get out of the situation.


Without saying a word, Pete ran out of the room. 


Out of the sudden, the door opened, the rest of the swim team members ran in like uncontrollable tape of water flowing. Before i could react to anything, i was dragged out of the bed with only my undies on. I tried to grab any piece of cloth/clothes along the way but i failed. 


I was lifted up by my hands and legs. I have no control of where they are bringing me or doing to me. I felt like i was flying for 1 seconds before… 


“Bang!”, i landed on my back.


While i was still trying to make sense of where i am and what’s happening, the place brightly lit up and i was blinded for a few seconds. While all of this is happening, i could smell alcohol and some food but was unable to tell where i was until finally, my pupil adjusted to the environment and i realised i was in one of the dom.

Everyone was seated down in a circle and well I'm in the middle of the circle. I quickly got up my feet and joined in the circle.


This is when things starts to get all weird and serious....


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