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How do you spend your weekends? (compiled)


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  • 4 years later...

Been thr like 2 weeks ago, but courtesy of company retreat and alone. Thinking of going thr with a buddy next time, but i'm kinda terrified of going on the roller coasters. Had a bad experience wif a similar thing in JB n i was all dizzy n puked my guts out. :(

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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Weekend Activities List for Gays-- pls contribute!! (Note-- i have cut and pasted comments by members in this forum from another thread to start this list for bored gays)

1) Take up a new hobby: cooking, baking, new receipe, new sports / gym classes.

2) Volunteer at old folks home, SPCA; trained yourself to be a counsellor and counsel others.

3) Clean your car(s). And i mean really clean till it shine kind. (refer to #1 - hobby)

4) Go suntanning (if you guys are into that) and at the same time, oogle at other hunks.

5) Plan a new eatery place / place to visit every alternate sat. e.g. kranji farm, qian hu (if you guys are into fishes), sungei buloh etc etc....

6) Stay home and rot..

7) Home improvement, Shop in Johor mall further to the north like Tebrau City, Carrefour, Tesco etc, meals at Changi Village, relax by the Changi beach, explore the quieter side of Sg ....thats what we do when bored.

8) Why don't you and and your bf revisit places of both your childhoods...the parks you played as children, the trees you used to climb, the houses/areas you used to live, or even visit your old primary /secondary schools? In that way, you two will get to know each other even better and deeper.

I am planning to sneak in my old school and alma mater since its school holidays.(Its about 150years old) i Like to revisit the corners I was punished to stand, the scribbles I wrote on the wall, that old library and that tower that was said to be haunted after a student hung himself there after failing his exams, and wondering if that box I buried under that big tree, is still there....

Miss those days where even barn owls would fly into the classroom and slept on the teacher's cupboard.

Just to say to that school...thanks for all the knowledge and stuff you have taught me...thanks for the memories...

9) Volunteer at some non-profit. Instead of gym, play a sport instead- tennis, rock climbing, etc. Plan dinner parties for friends.

10) How about having a picnic at some quiet beach? Not all places are noisy and it's nice to appreciate nature once in a while.

Or visiting those art galleries, museums etc? Not exactly crowded too.

If all else fails, perhaps some weekend sex might do the trick? Like doing roleplay, fulfilling fetishes etc?

Edited by Manbane
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Guest dark_jedi

1. Go Ubin for cycling trip.

2. Tree top walk.

i was just thinking of that for the x'mas wknd!

last year managed to psycho a fren to join me for bukit timah on xmas, but he wont be free this year...

is the ferry service available on xmas i wonder...

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Guest Home-maker

6) Stay home and rot..

This word very subjective leh. Not everyone who choose to stay home will rot. People stay home for a reason to avoid the rush and madness outside. Reading a good book, tender to your garden, watching a nice DVD, playing with your acquarium or feeding your pets is enough to occupy many weekends. Some people choose to cook over the weekend and do housechores, others do meditation and study (if you are students). As for me, I choose to surf the nets and do lots of things over the internet. Being homely makes me useful.

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i was just thinking of that for the x'mas wknd!

last year managed to psycho a fren to join me for bukit timah on xmas, but he wont be free this year...

is the ferry service available on xmas i wonder...

been wanting to go camping by the beach in ubin lol.

hmm i suggest talking a walk in Chinatown in the morning..

have a good dimsum over there for lunch.

then go to SHOTs at Ang Siang Hill for a nice, relaxing coffee..

or if u guys are more brainy pple, go to settlers and enjoy the board games...

personally i just like to find a corner @ TCC to drink my coffee and read a novel

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i was just thinking of that for the x'mas wknd!

last year managed to psycho a fren to join me for bukit timah on xmas, but he wont be free this year...

is the ferry service available on xmas i wonder...

I don't think it will stop service. As the matter of fact, there are generally more people going to Ubin during weekend and holiday.

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Guest beefybtm

Well it all depends if both of you are into that fun. Battle star not ready yet still maintenance however, theres smaller versions. The mummy roller coaster and the far far away. It would be much better to get express ticket to skip the queue. I like it because the rides are short, i get scared with the feeling of being thrown out easily and so short rides are great for me.

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I'm organising a health fair for the community in tamp, hopefully with afa and/or yah (youth branch of hpb). Anyone under the age of 35 may know me - its a youth project. I have blessings from the grassroots committee i'm volunteering with haha

*** "gayness" not knowN ***

Tampines? I stay there....

When is it?

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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  • 10 months later...
Guest Marad44

Catch up on e-mail, Facebook, Blowingwind, Zorpia, Hi5, Gaytravellersnetwork, & others, Edit photos and do travel writing. Also watch recorded TV series, like Downton Abbey.

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On the weekends, i like to visit the museums, art galleries, wine bars, the operas, galas, fund raising events... i like places that mostly are sophisticated. Im expensive.

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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Guest imseeker
On the weekends, i like to visit the museums, art galleries, wine bars, the operas, galas, fund raising events... i like places that mostly are sophisticated. Im expensive.

LOL! :lol:

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Guest Marad44
... Downton Abbey... How do you find it?
GSH, I enjoy the fast pace of British drama, cut to the chase, short scenes and many angles. Being a period drama, the aristocratic expressions are like an English lesson. I keep a note book beside for jot-downs.

Also, Singapore's Catherine Lim's brilliant penmanship is something I marvel at and learn from..(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Lim)

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On the weekends, i like to visit the museums, art galleries, wine bars, the operas, galas, fund raising events... i like places that mostly are sophisticated. Im expensive.

Good to hear you sponsored the delivery of China Terracotta Army and bought a piece of Mona Lisa painting. Will you be sitting next to the president in the upcoming fund raising event?

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Catch up on e-mail, Facebook, Blowingwind, Zorpia, Hi5, Gaytravellersnetwork, & others, Edit photos and do travel writing. Also watch recorded TV series, like Downton Abbey.

Downton Abbey is really good. If i could watch only one movie/ miniseries this year, Downton Abbey would be it. And Maggie Smith's lines and delivery is priceless !!!

We see things not as they are, but as WE are - The Talmud

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear - The Buddha

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Guest imchaser fan

Good to hear you sponsored the delivery of China Terracotta Army and bought a piece of Mona Lisa painting. Will you be sitting next to the president in the upcoming fund raising event?

I love imchaser, he has a scruffy charm and a pert ass to boot.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 years later...

I usually stay at home on weekends. Work is stressful and tiring on weekdays so I deserve the needed rests. If someone comes in for fun, even better.

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6 hours ago, Guest Lou said:

I usually stay at home on weekends. Work is stressful and tiring on weekdays so I deserve the needed rests. If someone comes in for fun, even better.


I usually make one day my sleeping day so I have only one day as the weekend.

Sleeping 4-5 hours a day on the weekdays can accumulate a huge sleep debt.


TS >> There are many places, meetup events etc to keep your weekend busy (if you like it that way).


I'm always running after you.

You are my ideal.

You are me.

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Guest guest

So many things to do.

Me and bf love nature. So we always explore different parks in sg. We go to park jogging, cycling or simply walk and enjoy the natural surrounding. At the same time we will take the opportunity to explore the near by neighborhood. Find what's good food around. We also love taking busses n go places unfamiliar to us. We will hop on any bus n stop any way and explore the neighborhood.  it's fun to discovery different part if sg.  we Sometime just laze around at home. Watch movies or TV drama.or hv frds over to enjoy my cooking.










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50 minutes ago, Guest guest said:

So many things to do.

Me and bf love nature. So we always explore different parks in sg. We go to park jogging, cycling or simply walk and enjoy the natural surrounding. At the same time we will take the opportunity to explore the near by neighborhood. Find what's good food around. We also love taking busses n go places unfamiliar to us. We will hop on any bus n stop any way and explore the neighborhood.  it's fun to discovery different part if sg.  we Sometime just laze around at home. Watch movies or TV drama.or hv frds over to enjoy my cooking.


That's so incredibly awesome to hear :D

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