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Hangout Session @ Coffeehouse

Guest lonelysg

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..... did I miss something? I thought the sessions are continuing in March?

it'll continue in march but well since we are used to meeting up with each other weekly, of course we will miss the company we have been constantly having.

we all wear masks to protect and deceive how many masks do you have with you today?

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Guest lonelysg

juz to recap;

session 13: 32 kakis (biggest record so far!. Thanks to u for making it possible!)

session 14: 12 (super last min)

session 15; this sat, 4 feb 2012 @ 6pm-10.30pm

Those who have my number pls text me if u r coming or u got other issues/queries.

Those who r new & interested, pls personally pm me or email me.

i repeat; personally pm or email me.

thank you!

-lonelysg :)

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Guest lonelysg

Change of information & session.

Finalised Session 15 on Fri, 3rd Feb @ 8pm-10.30pm

Session 16 on Sat, 4th Feb @ 6pm-10.30pm

Session 17 on Fri, 10th Feb @ 8pm-10.30pm

Session 18 on Sat, 11h Feb @ 8pm-10.30pm

Any queries, pls personally PM me as i always check on the go.

Thank you for your continous support.

Haf reply to all PMs and emails. Thank you! :)

Edited by lonelysg
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Change of information & session. Finalised Session 15 on Fri, 3rd Feb @ 8pm-10.30pm Session 16 on Sat, 4th Feb @ 6pm-10.30pm Session 17 on Fri, 11th Feb @ 8pm-10.30pm Session 18 on Sat, 12th Feb @ 8pm-10.30pm Any queries, pls personally PM me as i always check on the go. Thank you for your continous support. Haf reply to all PMs and emails. Thank you! :)

Eh...need to edit the 17th session and 18th session fri is 10th Feb and Sat 11th Feb

we all wear masks to protect and deceive how many masks do you have with you today?

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Guest lonelysg

Session 17 & Session 18 is cancelled.

Today and tmr might be the last session.

will update the future session here.

Thank you very much for your continous support all this while!

Salute to u!

Kudos to those who found love n new friends in all of the sessions.May ya love n hope blossoms fruifully!

so far 3 couples....it is possible to find love in this gathering.

wish each of you the good health & lotsa luck in this fearless dragon year 2012.

take care & stay positive!

-lonelysg (forever,i will be)

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Hi guys, if you don't mind, is it ok if I give my two cents worth? You might or might not agree with me, but I thought to share some of my thoughts.

1. I am really grateful that this session started. Even though I only joined during the last few sessions, I appreciate the new friends I've gotten to know and new things that I've learnt about myself and about the gay community. I've really benefitted a lot during this period, especially since I've been reflecting about things for myself too. This session has allowed me to see how diverse and how different gay men can be, and really, how this is not part of the whole body beautiful culture where it's ok to look like how you want to look. Imagine how happy I felt to be part of a group of people who come together because they want to talk to one another on a non-sexual platform and one where we can discuss about issues that we are concerned about. Also, when I heard from all of us how we all have different preferences, I've learnt to respect differences and learnt that I shouldn't judge. This session has opened my eyes, yes even at 30. There are things I never knew which this session has taught me and I would like to thank each and everyone of you for making this happen. To lonelysg as well, I would like to thank you. For a large part of my life, I haven't bothered to make too many gay friends because I fear that there would be too many bitchy or insincere people and that's not who I want to be with. And I've resisted. But with this, with your effort, lonelysg, to start this, it has made part of what I hope to have come true.

2. I understand that some issues have come about over the past few weeks. It is unfortunate. I cannot highlights individual issues because I do not know everyone well enough. From my perspective, it looks like there's a misunderstanding. I do not know what it is. However, I do know that this is something that can be resolved if we allow ourselves to come together and openly and honestly discussed what happened. This might then involve discussions of the communication that might have, or actually, have not occurred, which has resulted in the misunderstanding. Additionally, we need to also address certain psychological issues as well. Let me start with myself. I am a person who used to be very insecure. And still am at times. Why did I join this group? I needed more friends. I was dating a guy but I allowed my personal issues to affect what was going very well with him. I allowed my personal issues to destroy something which could be very beautiful. why did I join this group? I was lonely. I needed friends. I needed people in my life because I wasn't having enough. This is something perhaps some of us need to think about. I won't say more for now.

3. I would just like to end off with this. This group has so much potential and so much to go for. For a long time, many people has looked forward to a group like this this to allow them to be able to find other like minded gay people to allow them to have fulfilling conversations and meaningful stories. And I'm sure all of us agree with this and am very proud of this, and lonelysg. If this goes, well, I hope another appears. But what I do want to say is - please let's not allow our personal issues or disagreements to let this just disappear like that. How can we handle this in an open and communicative manner? How can we look beyond our personal issues, insecurities and misunderstandings to try to find a common ground? The issues faced can be simply resolved by us talking and discussing openly with one another. And by us putting up systems in place. This group has grown much bigger than what it was initially intended for and we need to plan in that direction.

Finally, I just want to say, as it is, there is already enough bitchiness, gossip, psychological issues that gay men and this community already face. It is up to us to make it different, up to us to create a community that we can be proud of, a community that everyone respects one another and wants the best for one another. And I see in this group and the people I've met very beautiful and unique individuals who can make this happen. Each and everyone of us who came want something different, to see a gay community which is something that we want to live for and be proud of. Now please we can make this happen. We can start something and know we can look at ourselves and say, yes, this is the gay person we want to be. I hope that we can set aside our personal issues and fears and treat each other with open hearts to start hearing one another and allow our fears and barriers to drop. Please help make this happen.

This is an amazing group which I've not seen in a long time and I'm writing this because if this group goes, when will we have another group like this again? All of us have a responsility towards ourselves to help see this to fruition.

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Guys, I believe the session is still on going.

If u realize and notice it, lonelysg still got other event created on the other side in bw. Just that the coffee session wont be that often as last time. So i rather everyone can give him some time to plan within both side of his sport event and coffee session.

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Guest lonelysg

wat the motherfxxker happening??? kanina! cb!!!

This is way fxxcking gone to far!!!

FYI, there is no misunderstanding or any fxxing issues!h how dare u make such accusations and affecting my coffee

family!!! juz stay away from my family!!!

This got nothing to do with all the coffee sessions kakis including sexiespider comment.

I wanna make it short and simple!!!;

As of today, if u r new, regular or guest/tourist interested in the coffee session,

pls personally text me or PM me or Email me.

Do not reply to the thread. Anything juz PM me. i dont want to repeat myself. pls juz tat note ya?

I will no longer post any updates or reply over here. All will be via sms.

if u wish to withdraw from the family, i do understand but sincerely thank u very much

for ya support and sharing in any session u attend. we will miss you and only can recall the memories we had.

To all my coffee family, pls mind my vulgar words. It got nothing to do wif u guyz!

i thought i can unite the branches but i failed...i really hate myself right now!!!!

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Relax...this is just a misunderstanding of something, Just forget what about happened, it is not worth fighting about something that is just a blank sheet of paper...so relax everyone:)

And also the friendship we have create since the day we met, its to precious to just let it go, dont let any fight/misunderstanding get inbetween our friendship yea...people, lets all move on forget about this, and lets be brothers like we was before...:)

Edited by pierre
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Ok everyone let me break the tention up in here with some funny joke so hopefully we can all laugh....hahahaha

The bride tells her husband, "Honey, you know I'm a virgin and I don't know

anything about sex. Can you explain it to me first?"

"OK, Sweetheart. Putting it simply, we will call your private place 'the

prison' and call my private thing 'the prisoner'. So what we do is: put the

prisoner in the prison.

And then they made love for the first time.

Afterwards, the guy is lying face up on the bed, smiling with satisfaction.

Nudging him, his bride giggles, "Honey the prisoner seems to have escaped."

Turning on his side, he smiles. "Then we will have to re-imprison him."

After the second time they spent, the guy reaches for his cigarettes but

the girl, thoroughly enjoying the new experience of making love, gives him

a suggestive smile, "Honey, the prisoner is out again!"

The man rises to the occasion, but with the unsteady legs of a recently

born foal.

Afterwards, he lays back on the bed, totally exhausted.

She nudges him and says, "Honey, the prisoner escaped again."

Limply turning his head, He YELLS at her, "Hey, its not a life sentence,


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Guest lonelysg

yup there is. it is always been ongoing.

either fri or sat or both. Do check wif me via sms.

Thank u for ya overwelming encouragement emails n PMs.

it give me the motivation, spirit and joy! thank u so much!

lots n lots of hugz n love to from me to u guyz! thank you!

see u guyz tis fri and sat! haf a good week. :)

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