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How Much Do You Guys Make? All On Pay & Salary Compiled!

Guest Roger

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Yes I agree this thead should stay. Making 10k or more per month is quite common nowadays so I don't see any need for the haters like bladder_fqprt or whatever his name is to blow this matter up. I think the negative posts are posted by the people who cannot earn even 50k per annum and simply jealous of most people who's able to make 120k per annum. More ridiculous posts including by those who claimed that they ear only 2k per month and lead a "happy" life. I can't help but to feel sorry for them because they are living in denial. Who can survive with only 2k per month in Singapore?

When you are saying common, are you talking about your family and friends only or the total singaporeans? Please have some figures to support if you are referring to the latter.

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At 20s, $2k nett is sufficient if and only if, I stay with my family.

I contribute $300 to my household.

At 30s, $4K nett is barely sufficient to survive because I need to pay for the flat and other essential living expenses.

The bills pile up due to a more affluent lifestyle.

At 40s and beyond, being gay and single, life returns to 'normalcy'.

No more clubbing but more expenses in getting the finer things in life.

There is always 'makan kaki' that invite you on the food trail.

At 50s, health expenses become Priority.

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At what age did you start to earn $1million a year n you wanna fxxk your boyfriend"s friend.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Guest bentleydriver

Yes I agree this thead should stay. Making 10k or more per month is quite common nowadays so I don't see any need for the haters like bladder_fqprt or whatever his name is to blow this matter up. I think the negative posts are posted by the people who cannot earn even 50k per annum and simply jealous of most people who's able to make 120k per annum. More ridiculous posts including by those who claimed that they ear only 2k per month and lead a "happy" life. I can't help but to feel sorry for them because they are living in denial. Who can survive with only 2k per month in Singapore?

I can't help feeling sorry for you too. Ignorant ! People who are rich doesn't need to show off they are rich. Who says People who earn 2k/month can't survive in sg? Looks like you did not do your market research. Imbeccile fools. If you really want to compare sure, how abt comparing your cuRrent savings and properties. Instead posting how much you make but in the end you only have a few grands in your pathetic posb acc. Some people may earn $2k/month but have stocks in major companies and have owned a few fully paid district 9 or 10 condominiums. Believe me Honey, you have not seen the hiddden lifestyle of the filthy rich and their hidden overseas foreign bank accounts because we don't need to show off our wealth. One more thing, we will never look down upon people.

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Guest contented?

who says people who earn 2k/month can't survive in sg? looks like you did not do your market research...... instead posting how much you make but in the end you only have a few grands in your pathetic posb acc....

i have abt $400K cash in the bank

makes average $10K/month

a flat, a car and a loving bf...

we eat simple, but indulge ocassionally

holiday twice a year

do you consider that 'good' ?

i feel rather contented

coz anyone can lose a $10K-job

but liquid cash feels more secured... agree?

just sharing :)

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SGD.. too bad not USD :)

but all in an investment fund tat id rather not touch. Once you hit the corporate level, you realize that 1-2 million u cant do shit with it

Can you be my sugar boy? :P

Jokes aside, what sort of investment do you do that can reap this sort of return?

What was your initial capital?

And what sort of investment fund? Most hedgies I know went belly up in the last two years...

Am I falling for a bi?

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Can you be my sugar boy? :P

Jokes aside, what sort of investment do you do that can reap this sort of return?

What was your initial capital?

And what sort of investment fund? Most hedgies I know went belly up in the last two years...

obviously its secret :) but i do it in several ways.. i dun do investment funds.. ull never get type of returns

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OK good luck to those who had made it big...

The rest of us who are mere working adults, just enjoy life and live by your means.

Life can be simple and meaningful in its own ways.

The more you bet, the bigger you bet, the bigger the risk.

Gaining wealth through joshboy's method must be high tension.

Do you want it?

Do you want to enjoy your lunch without worrying about your Cheese/Forex/Margins/Stocks?

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you follow this link it says that "There is no universally accepted definition, but Singaporeans generally base it on earnings. People who earn S$4,000-S$7,000 are considered middle and upper middle classes".

I'm never one to be obsessed with 'class', as my parents were honest hardworking folk who didn't go to uni but yet brought us all up healthy and educated. However, reading the article, I felt that at least in the eyes of others, me, the son of a blue-collar father and a stay home mom, can now be safely considered 'upper middle class'. And before I get flamed for being snobbish, i do take good care of my parents (who stay with me).

But then again, the money you earn may put you in a 'social class', but it does not buy you 'class'. I'm sure you know people who earn not much but carry themselves with lots of dignity; yet there are others who earn a lot of money, but are snobbish show-offs who talk non-stop about their new cars or in-season bags. Perhaps this topic should not be solely about money, but about how much dignity and grace you have despite the money you earn.

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im 26 and i earn 4 million the past 2 years..

Hello my new future BFF! how r u doing?

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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  • 1 year later...

Wondering it is a std tht guys who are sporean n who went thru ns, pay shld be higher than those guys who didnt went thru ns n foreigners? Lets say both guys have similar educational cert n level.




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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Sometimes it is gd to be working. If u work not for money then even better, lesser stress and just treat some mind n body exercise when u go to work, so tht u wld not get too bore at hm.




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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我生来就命贱, 所以喜欢“误人子弟”。

本来应该放慢脚步, 但是害怕老人痴呆症提早到临。

趁时间还没把我抛弃, 就继续”卖声“


I am one of those who can't really think of slowing down.

My passion is in the education industry and as far as I can contribute to the next generation, I will continue.


After all, money is NOT the main consideration.

Being gainfully employed and doing what I like has become utmost important.

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I am one of those who can't really think of slowing down.

My passion is in the education industry and as far as I can contribute to the next generation, I will continue.

After all, money is NOT the main consideration.

Being gainfully employed and doing what I like has become utmost important.

Funnily, i have the same thoughts as you cos I'm now an educator myself. Does that make me too old for a 29-year old?

"You like who you like lah. Who cares if someone likes the other someone because of their race? It's when they hate them. That's the problem."

Orked (acted by Sharifah Amani) in SEPET (2004, directed by Yasmin Ahmad)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Guest

im 26 and i earn 4 million the past 2 years..



you have to be specific , to give us an idea of where you are at income levels.


4 million is it in singapore dollars , or Indonesian Rupiah, or China Renminbi, or hong Kong dollars or thai baht, or australian dollars or Us dollars.


the 4 million is after all deductible taxes or before deductible taxes,


In Singapore and many other countries once you earn more than $7000 a month , the taxes the govt charges takes a lot away from your earnings, it is worse in places like Norway, Sweden , Australia, france, and Us,


That is why a lot of these places the high earners try to squirrel their money away to tax havens before the govt can land their hand to it through taxes.


I think this discussion should concentrate on how to earn as much and how to save it away, and minimise taxes on earned income.

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"Health & Happiness" is more impt.  It takes money to maintain health and happiness. Do u know how many families constantly fight because of their financial situation? Do u know how many has to take up 2 jobs just to make ends meet? Are they happy?


"Contentment". There is only a thin line seperating "Contentment" and "Resign to fate". I am not saying contentment does not exist. For those people whom I know that claimed to be contented, 99 out of 100 have already resigned to fate to what they can only be . Many among them have unfulfilled dreams. So much untold regrets and to hide that, their common line is 


Health & happiness is more impt. I am contented. 


Frankly speaking, 誰不知道.? Everybody does. 


If you need to say it out loud to justify to the rest of the world, then you are not really happy or contented. 


Don't be delusional. Money is very impt. Money come before health and happiness. That's my opinion. 


I wrote this in my previous post, I spend S$250,000 to save my dad from cancer. Without this cash, he will die. Simple as that. 


Is he healthy now? 



Am I happy that he is alive?



All these need money. 


Consider the alternative. If your love one is sick and u do not have the financial means to save him/her. Watching him/her dying slowly and painfully because of your inability, I sincerely hope yr sense of Health, Happiness & Contentment is enough, 



BTW, Bentleydriver posted this"Some people may earn $2k/month but have stocks in major companies and have owned a few fully paid district 9 or 10 condominiums"


Seriously, 我還沒有看過 people that earn $2k/mth that can afford "A FEW" fully paid district 9 or 10 condominiums

Edited by lohwpr
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Well different ppl got different passion n purpose in life.

Not everyone perceive the world like we do.

That's how the world can be so interesting. Imagine a world where everyone's priority is to get rich.

Most ppl r successful in making money not because they want to get rich. They are driven with a purpose or passion to achieve something or create something, overcoming obstacles by persevering n believing in themselves. It is just that the things they believe in happen to offer them wealth along with other things.

They are also people who are more motivated in spending their life serving others. It is just that their passion doesn't not bring them much wealth. But I believe they know what they want in life and believe that they could live a successful life in their own definition.

We don't need justification on whether it is better to be rich or to be contented to be less well off. You r the only one answerable to the type of life you want to lead.

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Money is one of the solutions to problems in life, but it is not the only solution.

Who knows, for those who spending their life serving others, I am sure either they are resourceful in finding ways to solve their problem with limited money or there are people who r willingly offer to help them for the good deeds or karma they sow

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Typical PLU lifestyle;;;;;;;;;;;;spend and enjoy life like no tomorrow when young................later part of life when old with little earing power PLU resort to giving massage and prostituting themselves  to make ends meet.


Saw so many of such cases.

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Guest Guest

Typical PLU lifestyle;;;;;;;;;;;;spend and enjoy life like no tomorrow when young................later part of life when old with little earing power PLU resort to giving massage and prostituting themselves to make ends meet.

Saw so many of such cases.

To each his own.

Some ppl believe in enjoying and living life to the max when young or in their prime time, old already so many things cannot do anymore.

Its really abt how you wanna lead your life and whats best for you.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Guest

When I first made $3000 a month , people here tell me it is too little , when I made $7000 a month , they said could be more , when I make $10000 a month now , they said is that all ? ...So ?

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Typical PLU lifestyle;;;;;;;;;;;;spend and enjoy life like no tomorrow when young................later part of life when old with little earing power PLU resort to giving massage and prostituting themselves  to make ends meet.


Saw so many of such cases.


Who will pay old guys for massage and sex?

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone knows the avg salary for a HR executive and senior HR executive? If compare with all those non engineering job, eg accounts, purchase, logistics, hr, which one salary is higher?

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I'm 28. Earning $2,900 before CPF deduction. Add transport allowance of $600 after deduction (all $600 goes to paying off car loans)

I reckon I'm doing okay. I'm not rich but I save every month even while having a relatively comfortable lifestyle. I do wish I'm earning more, not because I want to live extravagantly but because I hope to own my own HDB flat someday.

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Anyone knows the avg salary for a HR executive and senior HR executive? If compare with all those non engineering job, eg accounts, purchase, logistics, hr, which one salary is higher?

A HR Business Partner in a bank earns about $250,000 a year. Most HR Heads are foreign talents and they tend to be expats so total package could be close to $750,000 a year including housing, cost of living allowance,meta. HR assistants however don't make much....they are doing well if they make anywhere close to $100,000 a year, but most don't.

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I'm 28. Earning $2,900 before CPF deduction. Add transport allowance of $600 after deduction (all $600 goes to paying off car loans)

I reckon I'm doing okay. I'm not rich but I save every month even while having a relatively comfortable lifestyle. I do wish I'm earning more, not because I want to live extravagantly but because I hope to own my own HDB flat someday.

you should have enough in your OA to buy a singles flat or a 3 rm when u r 35!
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Anyone knows the avg salary for a HR executive and senior HR executive? If compare with all those non engineering job, eg accounts, purchase, logistics, hr, which one salary is higher?

They earn between $2500 to $4500, subjected to their experience & the company's payscale. Typically, HR payscale, especially the junior ranks, are lower than other roles. To be a HR executive, your diploma or degree can be a general one. However, having said that, as you move up the rank to HR VP or director's level, some MNCs (eg; Prudential, BHP, ASM etc) do pay a 5-figure monthly salary. It is good to know what the industry is paying, but it is also good to follow your passion as that will make you much more effective as an employee & hopefully, move you up the rank at a faster pace.

Edited by robin
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Anyone knows the avg salary for a HR executive and senior HR executive? If compare with all those non engineering job, eg accounts, purchase, logistics, hr, which one salary is higher?


It depends on your nationality. You get paid less as a local.

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It depends on your nationality. You get paid less as a local.

Haha, how come local paid less? How less is less eh?

Anyway, i find working in non engineering field basically pay not say very high, shld not exceed $4000 for executive level. Unless u r lucky to join those big MNC coy, esp ang moh coy or banks. Normal type of coy or even mnc coy which is jap, still pay ard tht range. Best is to work in engineering field, like engineer starting pay already $3k plus, or if u have a master degree, can hit 4k plus even only have 1-2 yrs of experience.




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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Haha, how come local paid less? How less is less eh?

Anyway, i find working in non engineering field basically pay not say very high, shld not exceed $4000 for executive level. Unless u r lucky to join those big MNC coy, esp ang moh coy or banks. Normal type of coy or even mnc coy which is jap, still pay ard tht range. Best is to work in engineering field, like engineer starting pay already $3k plus, or if u have a master degree, can hit 4k plus even only have 1-2 yrs of experience.


Locals are paid less because MNCs are here only to exploit all the tax benefits that they can get here. Locals are hired only as a necessary inconvenience, something that some MNCs must do before they can rescue their own foreign kind from impending doom from their own motherland and placed those soon-to-be-retrenched foreigners into Singapore context. Therefore, locals are paid lower. As to how much lower, a fresh grad from a local university gets paid SGD2500-SGD3500 while a foreigner fresh grad from overseas gets paid USD3500-USD10000 on graduation depending on school caliber. So, go figure...

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Locals are paid less because MNCs are here only to exploit all the tax benefits that they can get here. Locals are hired only as a necessary inconvenience, something that some MNCs must do before they can rescue their own foreign kind from impending doom from their own motherland and placed those soon-to-be-retrenched foreigners into Singapore context. Therefore, locals are paid lower. As to how much lower, a fresh grad from a local university gets paid SGD2500-SGD3500 while a foreigner fresh grad from overseas gets paid USD3500-USD10000 on graduation depending on school caliber. So, go figure...

In tis case if working in MNC also pay less, then if work in local coy even worse? Seems like our salary scale here really cannot make it.




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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