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What are the things that turns you off during first date ?

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On 10/01/2016 at 3:27 PM, ace.fortis said:

1. Poor eye contact throughout. It's okay for the first few minutes, maybe because he's shy or something.

2. Eye-balling other people, too prominently. Do it discreetly, seriously.

3. Being indecisive in/for all questions. 

4. Being on the phone, nearly all the time. Even worse, if he's on the networking apps. I think games is alright, if he's trying to get you to play with him at the same time.

Totally agree on n.o. 4. It was suppose to be a date/sex but the other party was on G../J.. apps. Piss off. If he use it secretly like when I in toilet nvm, the ringtone is so obvious and the way he hide the screen...

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5 hours ago, ZealousZeno said:


Sometimes peps just dun know how to express themselves ~.~ ... they try to bring across a point in the wrong manner which leads to misunderstandings... u just need to be open minded and place urself in their shoe to understand the point they are trying to bring across ~


I think i dont need to be in their shoes. We just met and are not friend or lover or something. If some people who i see at first time is rude, I prefer quit it than trying to understand him. Talk in wrong manner is not my fault. Its his.

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1. being late without giving any msg so i had to wait over a long period of time.... i hte waiting, max 10-15 mins without prior notice is accepted more than it ahould give prior notice.....


2. overdressed.... i juat hate when u try to impress someone but isk kind of too much.... just dress properly and nice.


3. we live in a real world. so just leave a bit your internet world and lets talk in the real world..... checking some msg, phone call, or games a bit is acceptable but stay focus on phone for the whole date is disaster.


4. being fake....... just be yourself and be real, 


5. drama queen... no need to explain i just hate the drama

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On 1/21/2016 at 2:43 PM, Kwon said:

Being too cool. I know gays are cool. But some people expresses their coolness by sarcastic manner to everything in the world. 


They criticize everything such as singers, songs, movies, etc that i talk to him. Or, If I say something, he talks about things better than mine in every sentence. 


I thought he doesnt like me so i didnt ask more date, but his friend told me he liked me. Then WHY! 

He is typical singapore insecure gay so he overacted cool and expressed his exceptional taste thinking that will set him apart from others to attract your liking and attention. Many locals are not very emotionally expressive here due to our restrictive, emotions censuring and collectivist culture and emotionally repressive social clime here. Thought koreans are kind of similar to this aspect of us. 

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  • 7 months later...

1. Bad breath

2. Talking bad about Singaporeans with a foreign date and vice versa, it's a turn-off topic and negativity.

3. Behaving like you have to pay and take care of him only. 

4. Allowing friends or relatives to stay in same hotel room when overseas. 

5. Not changing overworn smelly clothes at gym workouts.

6. Guys with makeup such as bb cream, foundation, eyebrow and eyeliner etc, unless u are comfortable how they look without it.





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Guest Sympathise

I think most of the above traits / problems / turn-offs will not be present if both parties exchange true-to-life pictures or Instagram before meeting up. If you're discreet or present a very different image online, then you have to allow for such behavior that can't really be blamed upon the other party because it's just normal in this busy world where people don't wanna waste time. Bad dates happen, but most are just personality or desire clashes and there's no right or wrong. People tend to be more angry or aggrieved when they are interested and the other party is not. 

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Guest Mild & Humble
On 1/11/2016 at 10:32 PM, cycle25 said:

I think for me an undecisive person can be a turn-off. If we have to decide on a movie or something, and you ask for an opinion but they respond with "anything" or "up to you", I'd really like to not have to put up with that. Perhaps its just me but I think it goes beyond dating too.


I am probably those you mentioned.  You are being too sensitive.  Letting you decide could be a form of lessening conflict if both have different agenda.  Being borned humble, I will usually try to be polite, let the other guys made decision or set the night's agenda and follow thru with him, if I like him and If the suggestion is not life threatening.


There were genuine cases I  wasn't plan for anything specific after dinner with my date. It was not discussed beforehand.  If thereafter my date suddently decided to go further, I would be quite lost and than let him set the decision, meaning I like him already.  If I do not like the chap, I would have rejected him upfront and told him I am tired after dinner and wished to go home immediately. 


If you can't even accomodate the above scenario, I would be shocked.  It is a blessing in disguise that you rejected me for my virtue and I see your vices already.





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my nose is ultra-sensitive so it's gotta be the smell. haha


superficiality aside, i guess it's probably a person's character, which can manifest in a person's words and actions.


it's really not difficult to be nice and be genuine. :)


ok, fine, sarcastic at times, but not malicious. :P

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  • 8 months later...

Social maladjustment.


If I decide to have a blind date with somebody, I may hope for Prince Charming, but will expect a gargoyle, to whom I shall be cordial. He, on the other hand, should be enthusiastic – or, at least, pretend to be – not indifferent nor forceful.

You are not my only plan.

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1) poor grooming

2) too flirty

3) no common topics to talk about

4) keeps suggesting how to get into bed

5) disrespectful to parents

6) no awareness of their surroundings



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* Bad personal hygiene e.g. Body odour or dirty fingernails. Long pinkie fingernails are a huge turnoff, I don't want to imagine where it has been.

* Bad dresser, at least make an effort to be presentable and neat.

* If I can put away my phone during the course of the meet, so can u. Guys who keep fiddling with their phones have no respect for the person sitting across to them. Therefore they get no respect from me.

* Guys who are just too full of themselves and those who are rude to service staff or other human beings in general. Guys who are scared of dogs n cats, get zero points from me.

* Just no chemistry n no common topics of interest. And the constant prodding to make him speak or share stuff, gets tiring after awhile.

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1) Bad personal hygiene e.g. body odour, bad breath, dirty fingernails. 
2) EXCESSIVELY FEMININE BEHAVIOUR. There is no need to squeal or be too expressive. There is no need to tell me how many times you go for facial sessions per week. I am dating a man, not a tranny or a girl. 

3) Being gelled to your phone. 
4) No connection lor. 


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Guest Guest

I will not like it if that guy is goodlooking. As I am goodlooking myself, i know I will attract many people and gays will always try to seduce me for ONS. Eventhough I am faithfull, i do not trust the other partt to be faithful. No one is perfect like me. So if you are goodlooking, next please. 

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Guest mattop4matbtm

turn-off for older mature man above 50s that i met. I am in the 40s but prefer older man. I think it should be applicable to younger guys as they don't change thru' their years.

1. Brag about his popularity in the market. Almost everyone he met wanted to bring him for a holiday. He is THE center of the focus.


2. Waiting for drinks/ foods to be served to him. Haha....... Most people just being polite and sympathize you are poor and so buy you meals.


3. Always hinted no place and don't know how to book a hotel room. (come on lah, how can a seasoned/married or not, don't know how to book hotel). Ultimately, is the cost. You wanna a free fxxk? get a life lah, share the cost lah.


4. Always ask why you want to date me, what attracted you to date me??? We are in BW/ grindr, after pics exchange and agreed to meet. That's all. why don't you admit u r desperate instead of keep hinting the other party is eager to know u. haha........


5. Come to think about it, maybe singapore is such a 'enclosed' society, most of the people are conservative and don't know how to be open and socialize. 


All the best to BWers that will be meeting strangers in your near future.

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I particularly dislike guys who ask "so when are you going to ask me out" or "when are you jioing me for dinner". Not sure if anyone else feels the same way. I just find them so deplorable I refuse to make any acquaintance. 

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1) can't get his hands off his phone all the time (whatsapp, instagram, Line, etc) 

2) Talk about his stories with his ex-s

3) Don't have the courtesy to say thank you to the waiter/waitress

4) Random lame jokes which I might not find it funny

5) Someone who is obsessed with games.

6) Question me about my religion.   

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Had a date recently 


Physical he is below my league but that's ok. Im more into personality and chemistry 


But this one turn me off coz:

Keep checking on his phone, funny is he replied my chat message not that fast during our chat,  but phone always on his hand on our dinner date. 


Choosy on food he ate. Not open mind to other countries food, only like his his hometown city particularly. I like to eat n try new things so yeah obviously we are not match for even friendship 


Can not carry a conversation, talking to him keep hitting deadend. I can't keep creating new topic if u just answer with short sentence 

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Just too add. I cannot stand cheap dates. I woild expect that guy to lavish me with meal in the finest restautant and settle the bill. Dont you dare bring me to hawker center!



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Guest Hot Swimmer
3 hours ago, Guest hello said:

bad breath, especially when his mouth smells like a rat died inside

Yes yes. Really buah ta han people whom has bad breath. The moment he talks first thing in my mind is to run away :D 

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Guest Blind Date

Met this guy once at a cafe, so he lied about his looks and age, about half an hour later, a much older guy from a couple tables down came up and passed him something and went back to his table of friends. I asked him who and what was that about and he confessed that that is his boyfriend, so he lied that he was single! Serious wtf is wrong with these people??!!

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On 1/11/2016 at 5:25 PM, bluemoonbird said:

I went out with this guy and he ate bak kut teh for dinner. He bit the bak kut and his tooth got chipped off. I was so bloody grossed out that block him everywhere and never want to see him in my life again. Trauma.

Wtf man. I don't know whether to laugh or pity that guy...

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Guest guest

But seriously, r u really thinking u can find perfect guys or your idea guy in Grindr or Jack'd ?

Or I mean will a perfect guy go sign up in Grindr or Jack'd?.......do they really need to if they have the 'market value'.

If u still think those apps can help u get a guy like those in e taiwanese or korean drama, then dun waste your time, there is no fairy tales!



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-Look totally different from the pic he shared 

-Completely different character from the conversation we had 

-Aggressive horny person

-Action softer than any woman ( sorry but personal preference ) 

-Expecting YOU to pay for meal with no return 

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  • 5 months later...
On 31/05/2017 at 12:16 AM, Guest Blind Date said:

Met this guy once at a cafe, so he lied about his looks and age, about half an hour later, a much older guy from a couple tables down came up and passed him something and went back to his table of friends. I asked him who and what was that about and he confessed that that is his boyfriend, so he lied that he was single! Serious wtf is wrong with these people??!!

Total bizzare indeed!!!!


i felt he must have get that friend to help in sizing u too

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