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Video: Woman tells old, deaf and mute cleaner to "Go be a beggar"

Guest Sad

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Sad indeed. Our lives might be better than other people but that doesn't mean we should despise other people. As I always say ''Something goes wrong, we are fucked.''



善待对人。麻烦用英文来表达信息。不是每个人都会看的懂中文 “People need to learn the art of making an argument. Often there is no

right or wrong. It's just your opinion vs someone else's opinion. How you deliver that opinion could make the difference between opening a mind,

changing an opinion or shutting the door. Sometimes folk just don't know when they've "argued" enough. Learn when to shut up."

― J'son M. Lee 

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Guest Guest

Lol look at all the high and mighty ready to start judging her. The lady is disturbed. We don't know how she was raised or what has made her react in such a manner. It's sad and the behaviour is unacceptable though. I hope the cleaner can forgive her attitude. :( 

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Guest i win you lose

Probably the cleaner cleared her plate when she had not finished eating. This happened to me once but I wouldn't bother to waste my energy like her. Besides, anger will raise her blood pressure and being so fat, high blood pressure can trigger a heart attack.

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Guest Guest

I have a feeling  she is mentally unsound..schizophrenic and mood disorders maybe as I once had a female friend who would behave like that after she did not perform academically in nghs and had to drop out after her o levels..she was in complete devastation suicidal..self mutilation..hearing voices seeing things ..feeling highs extremely euphoric and lows very depressing cries alot..and her family though rich with both parents as teachers ..kept sending her to nuh psychiatric ward for treatment . Have lost touch with this friend anyway.

Her outburst is just beyond what a sane and agitated person will behave ..feel very very sad and sorry for the cleaner as well as for her and her family members having to put up with her volatile behaviour 

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Guest Guest

What a scum she is!! Unforgiving,.sense.of.self entitlement, holier than thou attitude, petty, bitchy, rude, disrespectful and ugly fat cunt!! She is singaporean alright, not PRC. 

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this kind of people still exist. she think that she are very privileged, and she will know how 'lucky' she is when she walk in public. 

Every-time the moon shines, i become alive.

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Guest Rude
30 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

What a scum she is!! Unforgiving,.sense.of.self entitlement, holier than thou attitude, petty, bitchy, rude, disrespectful and ugly fat cunt!! She is singaporean alright, not PRC. 


Singaporean dun act like that. Maybe new citizen or malaysian...

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何必计较小事呢。。 多吃/少吃都无妨呀!


Regardless who is in the right, I believe she needs to calm down.  

Why should we be shouting at the top of our voice - 伤身, 伤心.

Instead of lunching, perhaps she should be relaxing herself by running on the treadmill for 30 minutes to sooth her tension and pent-up angst in her life.  

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never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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13 minutes ago, lovehandle said:


Pls pardon your language teacher...he is here!

it is 由心生


Hehe. Autocorrect.



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Disturbed Guest
12 hours ago, Guest Guest said:

Lol look at all the high and mighty ready to start judging her. The lady is disturbed. We don't know how she was raised or what has made her react in such a manner. It's sad and the behaviour is unacceptable though. I hope the cleaner can forgive her attitude. :( 


A a Dr, I can assure you that she is not schizophrenic. She has insight, is aware of what is happening, and is coherent. 

There is no excuse for her behaviour.

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Erm by looking at her body size...I guess she really wanted to finish everything on her plate badly and don't wanna be disturbed. Just imagine her as some huge ass animal and NOM NOM NOM all the way~ SUCH A DISGRACE~

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25 minutes ago, Guest Disturbed Guest said:


A a Dr, I can assure you that she is not schizophrenic. She has insight, is aware of what is happening, and is coherent. 

There is no excuse for her behaviour.


Doc (assuming you are a real doc by profession), could it be possible that she has undergone tremendous amount of pressure and stress resulting in that uncontrollable outburst of anger?

I do hope the deaf man is not scarred by this episode.

Our society seems to be full of walking time bombs needing just a little trigger to explode and I do see it happening more often in older men and women (possible due to hormonal changes plus stress perhaps or maybe all these wifi technologies does mess with our brains & bodies?)

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Guest Guest

Haha, you take away a hungry swine's food of course it will turn aggressive.


Anyway, I suspect she has mental problems too. See how calm her husband was, he must have seen this type of outburst coming from her too many times until he is so used to it.


But I feel that the manager of the cleaning company should not be so apologetic. Just explain to her the cleaner is deaf and mute and had misunderstood her words and then walk off. Why stood there and tried so hard to appease her?

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18 minutes ago, J0Boo said:

Erm by looking at her body size...I guess she really wanted to finish everything on her plate badly and don't wanna be disturbed. Just imagine her as some huge ass animal and NOM NOM NOM all the way~ SUCH A DISGRACE~

I guess it is fine to finish everything on her plate

and it s normal people wish to have a peaceful time when having meals

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Guest Undiva

Sidetrack a little, I have encountered some gay guys who are capable of having such outbursts during meals. Usually I will avoid having meals with these "divas".

I am someone who do not like to create a scene or attract the wrong attention in public. If I encounter any poor service in an eating place, either I will provide feedback to the manager or never return to that place anymore. No need for such outbursts.

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Guest Guest

Oh dear then pls keep us updated on her..wonder how the mp will deal with his grassroot leader ..but I still feel she is mentally unsound with such violent volatile outburst only to be seen in imh places where certain patients exhibit such behaviour  ..just my opinion .


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Guest Guest
14 hours ago, Guest Rude said:


Singaporean dun act like that. Maybe new citizen or malaysian...

Oh is it scientifically proven Singaporean don't act like that??

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Guest Well..

Life is a bitch.  She may be sitting there yelling at the cleaner but forgot that there are stages in life that she will have to take till the final day, and she may at some stage become a cleaner herself?

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Guest U DARE Complain me You Die



PAP Grassroots Leader berates deaf cleaner at JEM foodcourt

Protected PostDateIcon.png?26c3b3 June 4th, 2016 | PostAuthorIcon.png?26c3b3 Author: Contributors



In a Facebook video uploaded by netizen Euphemia Lee that went viral with more than 650,000 views and 18,000 shares, a lady was seen at the JEM foodcourt berating a deaf and mute cleaner.

According to Lee, the incident had happened after the deaf cleaner had mistaken her “grunting” as a a signal to clear her tray which led to the lady losing her temper. Even after the manager of the cleaning company explained the situation, the lady allegedly became more unreasonable and cursed that the disabled people should not be given employment.

According to a subsequent post from alternative news site The Alternative View (TAV), the lady was reported to be a PAP grassroots leader at the Nee Soon branch, Alice Fong.

TAV left an open conclusion in a post: “Do these PAP Grassroots Leaders which include the likes of Lionel De Souza who regularly threatens opposition party supporters think they are a special class above ‘ordinary citizens’?”


What do you think?

  • lyranto:

    Somehow, when I watched the video I strongly suspected her to be a grassroots leader. It turns out that my hunch is correct. When you have dealings with them you can spot them from a mile away. Many behave in this way in public. Shame on you! This is the kind of leaders we have in the community.

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: +10 (from 12 votes)
    MPs create THE Special Class:
  • June 4, 2016 at 2:25 pm  MPs create THE Special Class(Quote)

    I totally agree the statement – the grassroot leaders are considered the special class above the ordinary citizens as these people receive the full support even though they are caught exploiting the public situation for their own benefits.

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: +8 (from 10 votes)
     Not Stupid Prince::
  • June 4, 2016 at 2:27 pm  I Not Stupid Prince:(Quote)

    By looking at her TOADDIE Face, one will simply loose his/ her appetite at JEM Food Court or worst still Kena CROAKED at Non-stopped if one crossed her path!
    KNN such Blady Grassloot Arse Lickers thinking highly of themselves just becos they are MiW GrassLooters! Sigh……

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: +6 (from 8 votes)
  • June 4, 2016 at 2:38 pm  OWNSELF PRAISE OWNSELF(Quote)

    Wow. This is like the worst case scenario karma for the PAP and its “grassroots machinery”. Everything that is wrong, evil, deplorable and cringe-worthy can be found here. And that picture of Alice F and Lee BW must be the nightmare photo of the year for the PAP!

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: +6 (from 8 votes)
    Really dun know what to say:
  • June 4, 2016 at 2:39 pm  Really dun know what to say(Quote)

    Any comments from Minister Shanmugram ?

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: +6 (from 8 votes)
  • THE POLITICAL CLASS sometime self-branded as natural aristocrats HAVE ZERO RESPECT for the lowest PEASANTS in the wealth pyramid.

    Even Mao Tze Tong said these words.

    The masses’ eyes are discerning. We would like to share it with all those taking public hearings as cosmetic.


    The insincerity of actors/actresses’political walkabout before election are all too obvious but 70% of the 2 year-old todlers are addicted to sucking erection lollies – totally blind to reality. A large proportion of these Pavlovian dog-like peasants even turned public psychotic in March 2015.

    IT IS A NATIONAL DISGRACE. Very sad indeed.

    The monkey shows in the political dog house is even more comical – they even attempted to pass legislation without the required quorum.

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: +2 (from 6 votes)
  • Pap…yes Pimps and prostitute party !

    Why like that ???

    Better “educate and tamed” all your GrassLooters !

    This “fat sow”….even if offering $5 at Pertain Road, no india F/t would take !

    Fat, Sweaty and Flabby all over !

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: +5 (from 7 votes)
  • She should go to jail or collect food bowl for a month at the same food court.
    I saw the video. The husband is one spineless of a person.

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: +2 (from 4 votes)
    Fat Slob:
  • How do the pigs screen people like her to be a grassroots leader?

    Characterwise – rotten to the core.

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: +5 (from 7 votes)
    Ho Lee Ber:
  • F*** la! Just because they’ve connection with the pap, they think that they’re so atas. KNS! Just pap dogs nia mah! 狗眼看人低!

    If so atas, follow your pap ministers la. Eat chye tao kuay also must eat at restaurants, why you eat at food courts?

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: +3 (from 5 votes)
  • June 4, 2016 at 3:38 pm  GOH KENG SWEE'S SG(Quote)

    PAP GRASSLOOTERS are the worst kind of sgs.
    My fren stays beside a PBM who was a grassroot leader with AMK GRC.
    Her neoghbour who is the PBM deliberately direct soiled water towards my fren’s house by blocking the scupper-drain outside his house with bricks.He even ask his maid to scatter debris between his hoise n my fren’s house.

    How can we have social harmony when PAP GRASSROOTERS ARMED WITH PBM behave like crooks?

    Will Pm Lee check his own backyard first?

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: +3 (from 3 votes)
    Concerned Citizens:
  • June 4, 2016 at 3:42 pm  Concerned Citizens(Quote)

    This grasslooter knows that she is very well protected by the PAPies, and she doesn’t have to bother all the noises going on. Since the laws here have two different application, one will not be surprise she will be praised rather than be punished for that bully. The PAPies need such grasslooters to put fear to the citizens, so as to maintain power.

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]







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Guest very Chio BULL

She looks very CHIO BULL


Anyone knows where she stays etc.....would like to employ her to be Public Relations Manager, she speaks so well with guts and passion.

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Guest Do you know her ?

How can anyone be this horrid? Woman 'explodes' at deaf and mute cleaner -- then says he should 'die' and 'not be given coffin'

Posted on 4 June 2016 | 30,068 views | 84 comments
How can anyone be this horrid? Woman 'explodes' at deaf and mute cleaner -- then says he should 'die' and 'not be given coffin'Woman shouting at the manager after she berated the deaf and mute cleaner.


Stomp is looking for the woman who shouted at a deaf and mute cleaner and his manager at Jem. We would like to hear her side of the story.

If you are the woman or know her personally, please contact us at 9384 3761 or stomp@stomp.com.sg.

Original article:

A female diner lost her cool and went on an angry tirade against employees at a restaurant in Jem shopping mall yesterday (June 3).

A video of the incident was uploaded on Facebook by user Euphemia Lee, which Stompers Vanessa, Zaleha, Jennifer, Kel, Jane, Marcus, Candice, Corine, Mikel, Tiew, Hoiyen and Kenny alerted us to. Lee also asked for people to help share the video to Stomp.

According to Lee, the incident started when a cleaner at the restaurant -- later discovered to be deaf and mute -- "misunderstood [the woman's] grunting when he asked if he could clear her tray for affirmation."

She apparently then started cursing and yelling things such as "that he should go and die and should not be given a coffin," said Lee.

"She then continued eating until her husband returned, after which she insisted her husband drag the old man back to their table to APOLOGISE to her."

Even when the manager of the cleaning company stepped in to explain that the elderly man was deaf and mute, the woman refused to back down and continued screaming at him instead.

Lee's video starts recording after that point, showing the manager trying to explain things to the woman.

However, she repeatedly screeched, "I don't want to understand!" and demanded, "I want him to apologise!"

Besides saying that the cleaner not understanding her is not her problem, she also implied that he was better off being a 'beggar'.

Netizens have largely reacted negatively to the video, which has garnered nearly 820,000 views and over 21,000 shares so far.

Lee herself said that she had "the gross misfortune of crossing paths with this disgusting, vile swine posing as a human being" and added: "I cannot understand how such an evil being can exist. She should start looking out for the Karma bus whenever she crosses the road."

Stomper Jennifer called the woman a 'national disgrace' while Stomper Zaleha said she behaved like an 'animal'.

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Guest Do you know her ?

Winner of Golden Horse Award 2016 / 2017


and the Awards  goes to  : ALICE FONG, GRASSLOOT OF NGEE SOON

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Fucking Fat Bitch !! ... She and her husband should be thrown out of the PAP .. A BIG disgrace to the PAPs !!! ...


She thinks her hubby is Nee Soon GRC MP, so she can shout like a Gorilla and behaving worst than a uncivilized people ... "情兽不如"


If you are so annoyed by people disturbing you, then go to a restaurant and eat !! Dun come to food court.


Totally NO E-Q !!!


The manager already said that the cleaner is Deaf and Mute and still wants people to apologize to her !! Can't she understand English ?? ..


Come on, I believe strongly that GOD shall punish ... NOT to her ( No point as she is 情兽不如) , her loved ones shall get the Karma and then she will regret for her life miserably for being so stucked-up like a Gorilla !!!


Final NOTE: If PAP wants to earn the Singaporeans or PRs' respect, please sacked and kicked her out of the PAP community. Really a Disgrace to the entire world.


Fucking Fat Old Ugly 情兽不如 Bitch !!!!!



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Guest Karma enough lah

We be better people... We forgive her. Look at her fat arms... Already her karma. And she took pic showing off her fat arm somemore! 

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22 hours ago, Guest Sad said:


Very sad watching this... The magic happens at 2:00


Woman at Jem foodcourt insults deaf cleaner who mistakenly cleared her plate of food.


"Old and disabled people," she said, "should not be given employment or be forgiven for their mistakes...they should just be beggars or wait for the government to feed them."


This video was uploaded by Looming Party on YouTube on 3 June 2016.



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Guest Doubtful
3 hours ago, Guest Guest said:
1 hour ago, Guest Poor Cleaner said:

I think the cleaner will be sacked and terminated becos of her powers


I don't think so since this matter has already been exposed to public.


More likely she will be the one leaving Grassroots. It is not as if PAP will suffer great loss if she leaves.


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23 minutes ago, Guest Sad said:


Woman at Jem foodcourt insults deaf cleaner who mistakenly cleared her plate of food.


"Old and disabled people," she said, "should not be given employment or be forgiven for their mistakes...they should just be beggars or wait for the government to feed them."


This video was uploaded by Looming Party on YouTube on 3 June 2016.



These words came out from a Grassroots Leader's mouth??????  Née Soon MPs should step out to explain and tell all people what're their corrective actions on this woman and, to prevent similar case, to ALL other grassroots leaders walking on this land.

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Guest Teatree

It is a blessing in disguise that the cleaner is deaf and mute.  Otherwise, he may be unable to control himself after hearing all the garbage from this gaggish woman.  I suspect what was left on her plate was just one mouthful of rice or a string of noodle when the cleaner cleared the plate. 

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18 minutes ago, Guest Teatree said:

It is a blessing in disguise that the cleaner is deaf and mute.  Otherwise, he may be unable to control himself after hearing all the garbage from this gaggish woman.  I suspect what was left on her plate was just one mouthful of rice or a string of noodle when the cleaner cleared the plate. 

Tks for the comfort


Anyway @deMarko and whoever defamed her.

Latest clarification: http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/caught-on-video-woman-rails-at-deaf-and-mute-cleaner-at-jem-foodcourt
She is Not an RC (usu w uniform)grassroot leader

Jimmy Tan wrote on ST:

that it is rude to clear the table as people are eating on it.

Woman is clearly over-reacting to the disrespect the cleaner has shown her by clearing her unfinished food, irrespective of whether the cleaner is deaf and mute or just plain dumb.
Edited by lovehandle
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Don't be too emotional lah , guys!


and I have earlier mentioned:

9 hours ago, lovehandle said:

I guess it is fine to finish everything on her plate

and it s normal for pp to have a peaceful time when having meals


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