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Indie / Underground Pop / Alternative Music Fans?


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I agree that Sarah's earlier works are underrated, both critically and commercially.

Really enjoy the other two bands you posted recently too. For all my bias against local acts, Lizard's Convention certainly impress me. Morningwood is fun and very tongue-in-cheek.

Since we've discussed bitter alternative women in the 1990s like PJ/Liz/Alanis, I think it's just about right to bring out Poe.

And Garbage.


“Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard

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If we're talking 1990s I don't think we can escape without mentioning Nirvana.

What's your take on this band? Like? Dislike? Indifferent?

I love them, think they are gifted with the knack at writing rock hooks. I'll personally put them first, followed by Alice in Chains, then Soundgarden, and Pearl Jam in the Big Four of 1990s grunge. My favorite from Nirvana is Heart-Shaped Box.

“Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard

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And while we on the topic on Japanese bands/singers (NOT Jpop please!)...Anyone watched that Japanese cult movie, Suicide Club? The movie which opens with like these whole bunch of Japanese schoolgirls who went SPLATTTT (and CRRUUNNCCHH) after they threw themselves in front of a moving train...

If you watch the movie, then you will definitely find this tune familiar. Mail Me!


This song reminds me of mutilated Japanese schoolgirls. Go watch the movie if you havent.

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Heh, I love Nirvana - had all their albums. SPIN recently did a tribute album of them, not terribly great.

I still remember doing prac crit on Nirvana lyrics in school :D My favourite song is mm In Bloom.

If we're talking 1990s I don't think we can escape without mentioning Nirvana. What's your take on this band? Like? Dislike? Indifferent? I love them, think they are gifted with the knack at writing rock hooks. I'll personally put them first, followed by Alice in Chains, then Soundgarden, and Pearl Jam in the Big Four of 1990s grunge. My favorite from Nirvana is Heart-Shaped Box.
Edited by westendboy
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I'm still having problems posting more than 1 vid at a time. Every time I copy and paste the link twice, it says sorry, but you have posted more media files than you are allowed :( why har??? Am I getting something wrong??? HELP!!! I clicked the Special BBCode option to post a video file, is that right?

Edited by Avecinfuser

Only to lie like this between the bombs, dreaming away and not alone, because time was very short.

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I'm still having problems posting more than 1 vid at a time. Every time I copy and paste the link twice, it says sorry, but you have posted more media files than you are allowed :( why har??? Am I getting something wrong??? HELP!!! I clicked the Special BBCode option to post a video file, is that right?

What I've learned from PaterTenebrarumb is to simply copy and paste the URL into the text box, and it works.

Forget about the codes, BBCode, Media codes etc.

Try it.

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No mention of Jeff Buckley so far?
The single voice that influenced everyone from Thom Yorke to Chris Martin.

Massive Jeff fan here, have almost all his songs, but didn't like the way media portrays him nowadays, everyone thinks hes all about hallelujah, and with the new movie coming out soon (played by spiderman musical lead actor), one cant stop but think that his mum is squeezing all the bucks she can from his lifeless body. But hey, it's good exposure anyway, just that I find it annoying to brand Jeff Buckley mainstream attention.

I have a lot of favourites , one is from mojo pin from grace ep album, and another one is a cover of the late billie holiday, strange fruit (from live at sin-e).


underrated guitar player as well!

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@ PaterTenebrarum - yes they covered Halo. It took me a while to figure out that Miss K - Miss Knowles. She does have a rather boring catalog of music.

Really enjoying the selection here - here's a couple more

A great cover of Rihanna's "What's my name"


Wolf Gang - The King and All of his Men

Liszotomania ( cover by Edwin van Cleef ft Jane Hanely)


Doubt - Delphic ( a great song to work out to :) )

Have a good weekend

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Massive Jeff fan here, have almost all his songs, but didn't like the way media portrays him nowadays, everyone thinks hes all about hallelujah, and with the new movie coming out soon (played by spiderman musical lead actor), one cant stop but think that his mum is squeezing all the bucks she can from his lifeless body. But hey, it's good exposure anyway, just that I find it annoying to brand Jeff Buckley mainstream attention.

Yeah, not to mention that Hallelujah isn't even his song.

by the way I gave up on trying to post videos on the forum.. too difficult

Just copy-paste, actually. Not too sure why it doesn't work with you.

“Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard

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Nice cover selection there!

Speaking of which, Marie Digby covers Britney (lol):

Yeah, not to mention that Hallelujah isn't even his song

It's Leonard Cohen's song right? Everyone and their grandmother has covered Hallelujah..

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chanced upon this thread, thought it was really interesting and wanted to share a song that has been stuck on my playlist for the longest time. it's called on saturday afternoons in 1963 by rickie lee jones. i first heard it on an episode of alias and it have been listening to it ever since. it's beautiful melody, along with the bittersweet quality of her words makes it one of the most haunting and resonating evocation of childhood and the growing up. i hope you guys will enjoy it!

here's the link!

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Thanks for posting RLJ again....she's been mentioned before and she is my goddess! Glad to know that there are other RLJ's fans out there too.

Here's more RLJ from her lovely Pop Pop album.

And her cover of the Beatles' For No One from her It's Like This album.


Only to lie like this between the bombs, dreaming away and not alone, because time was very short.

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A great Leonard Cohen song, which features prominently in Atom Egoyan's masterpiece, Exotica

Another great male astist, Etienne Daho. I remember listening to his greatest hits album many years ago from back to back with a good friend as we cruised around Ibiza in a rented car. A few years later, my friend died - apparently frm an overdose.

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in the spirit of lykke li's upcoming gig, been playing a lotta her recently.

this being my favourite of her selection.

on her way to being hipster-central, but still love her power, florence walsh.

"Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?"

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Welcome and thanks for contributing, butterfingers and lush89.

Not much noise has been created around this thread lately.

Rickie Lee Jones is that one artist whose I know on surface level, but whose long-lasting career had made it hard for me to decide where to start with her. Any further recommendation? What about album-wise?

I'm familiar with 10,000 Maniacs (and Natalie Merchant) on the surface level too. Not quite my cup of tea. Sounds like R.E.M. with a lead female singer, and I'm not a fan of jingly-jangly college rock of that vein. My favorite would probably be their cover of Patti Smith's Because The Night (a lazy choice, I know).

Talking about Natalie Merchant-lite music, my personal favorite for a laid-back female singer-songwriter of the 1990s would probably be Aimee Mann:

Her Bachelor No. 2 is one of those album with absolutely no misstep from start to finish. Her style is too calm and non-pretentious for her to ever release a 'grand masterpiece', but her melodic talent is just superb.

Lykke Li sounds like those indie-grrl music a la The Like (also good music, though not quite my cup... I prefer it when grrl music are madly aggressive a la PJ Harvey)

Florence and the Machine... still don't understand their appeal. Anyone care to explain?

Houses... nice to hear some electronic-oriented music on this thread for a change.

“Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard

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Florence and the Machine... still don't understand their appeal. Anyone care to explain?

haha, thing about florence is that you either love her or leave her, i've come to realised. i have met people from both camps who adore her and who don't care for her. never really met any on the middle ground. as for me, i like that her vocal's got a lotta power to it and she's quite a character herself.

i don't know if this counts as alternative, but if you caught scott pilgrim, this tune would be kind of familiar.

"Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?"

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Talking about Natalie Merchant-lite music, my personal favorite for a laid-back female singer-songwriter of the 1990s would probably be Aimee Mann.

Great tracks, will be checking her out a lot more. Thanks.

"Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?"

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i just like Linkin Park

Rap-rock with turntablism can be innovative; Linkin Park's lyrics may be typical of teenage angst and frustration (a perfect recipe for critical disdain), but their music is pretty good... for their first two albums, at least. The new modern rock sound sucks away their trademarked unique style and they suddenly sound like any other band out there.

Linkin Park is one of those 'alternative rock in quotation' bands with huge mainstream success. Another is Evanescence; also disliked by critics. Their second album is a slump with a couple of decent songs, but the debut (Fallen) is surprisingly good. Amy Lee's voice is haunting, and their tendency to marry nu-metal with gothic orchestra/choir works. But their beauty shines most when the music is stripped-down, like the song below.

“Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard

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haha, thing about florence is that you either love her or leave her, i've come to realised. i have met people from both camps who adore her and who don't care for her. never really met any on the middle ground. as for me, i like that her vocal's got a lotta power to it and she's quite a character herself.

Yeah, I don't dislike her; more like I don't care. I agree that her voice is powerful, and the video showcases some sort of enigmatic personality, but I'm not too sure what kind of impression she is trying to spell on me. I don't feel angry, happy, impressed, or any sort of reaction from listening to Florence.

What bewilders me most is not her critical reputation, though, but rather how well-received she is among the mainstream audience. I just downloaded their album to give them a honest chance; surely I've missed a lot for not seeing something that both the elitists and the masses see in this band.

“Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard

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What bewilders me most is not her critical reputation, though, but rather how well-received she is among the mainstream audience. I just downloaded their album to give them a honest chance; surely I've missed a lot for not seeing something that both the elitists and the masses see in this band.

You know, I've always had that thought in the back of my head. I've never taken to her style of music of really powerful, slightly rock meets classic meets pop meets theatre. But I got hooked after listening to Drumming Song the first time. It's crazy how people who don't care for alternative names take to her too. There was this ah lian shop in Bugis who played Florence + The Machine, amongst the tracks of Rihanna and Gaga. I figure some of her songs are instant favourites, where you listen once and you're hooked. Other tracks are more of a grower where you have to listen a few times more before it leaves an impression in your head.

Enjoy the album.

"Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?"

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Great tracks, will be checking her out a lot more. Thanks.

Great to know that you enjoy Aimee.

Here's a short one for your listening pleasure. Isn't her falsetto and low notes beautiful?

You know, I've always had that thought in the back of my head. I've never taken to her style of music of really powerful, slightly rock meets classic meets pop meets theatre. But I got hooked after listening to Drumming Song the first time. It's crazy how people who don't care for alternative names take to her too. There was this ah lian shop in Bugis who played Florence + The Machine, amongst the tracks of Rihanna and Gaga. I figure some of her songs are instant favourites, where you listen once and you're hooked. Other tracks are more of a grower where you have to listen a few times more before it leaves an impression in your head.

Enjoy the album.

Kiss With A Fist is my instant favorite. Likewise for Hurricane Drunk.

And I like Girl With One Eye for being so theatrically dramatic.

Not yet a believer, though.

How about some Gotye?

Like it.

I listen to my juddering bones

The blood in my veins and the wind in my lungs

And I am breathless without you

Nick Cave is cool. I've always liked him. Thanks for sharing.

“Do not take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard

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thanks for the welcome and the introduction to aimee mann. "naked songs" is my favourite from rickie lee jones. i love it because her voice has great character and the acoustic nature of the album complements and does great justice to her songs :)

10,000 maniacs with natialie merchant was good but i personally prefer the lineup with mary ramsey.she's got a lighter, more soothing voice and yes, i do agree they've got an american high school/college thing going on but that's why they've got a soft spot on my playlist. :P speaking of which, has anyone heard of this band called our lady peace? they've been around for as long as i can remember:

kasabian's another band i would like to recommend. they've got a experimental electronic sound

hope you guys like it!

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