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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2016 in all areas

  1. And i asked my friend, "what do you need/lack in your house for your housewarming?" without any hesitation, he said.." Men"
    3 points
  2. Arranging gangbang near damansara perdana in a hotel tonite at 10pm. so far got 2 tops (malay and indian) and me bottom (chinese) who else want to join?
    3 points
  3. As usually some dick as for my line and added me ad ask for face pics and straight away mia. .thanks you. You know who u are. . getting pretty tired and bored already with all this
    3 points
  4. Just few days back, I went for a run in the night and was all sweaty and exhausted afterwards. That was when one of my blowers msged me if a quickie was possible. Me being me, I got horny and immediately said yes. Haha. I'm a straight dude but just very curious. We met at a secluded area in our neighbourhood skypark and made him suck on my big hard-on. Even though it was quite ulu, I kinda like that outdoor thrill. He then made me sit and made his way with his fingers, inside my fbt shorts. I was quite taken aback but followed through the motion. What happened next was unbelievable. He was playing with the outer area of my butt hole while slurping on my dick. Little did I know that he was trying to calm my muscles down there and the next minute, I felt his finger when in. The feeling was mixed, physically and emotionally. I wasn't expecting that. I gave out a huge moan. He was slowly thrusting me and without any lube, wow how is that even possible. He then up the game and while fingerfucking and suck my dick off, he used his other hand to fondle and massaged my nipples and chest. The feeling was really out of this world. Without me realising, I asked him to thrust me even harder. I loved it when I would hear him gagging and fingering me so hard. I moaned like never before and just before I shoot my cum, he violently sucked on my nipples and I gave him a good facial. One hell of an experience. HAHA. Do share your most exciting finger/anal experience too.
    3 points
  5. hermit


    Less is more as Japanese minimalist movement grows Minimalist Fumio Sasaki uses a wet wipe to clean the floor in his room in Tokyo, Japan. (REUTERS/Thomas Peter) TOKYO: Fumio Sasaki's one-room Tokyo apartment is so stark friends liken it to an interrogation room. He owns three shirts, four pairs of trousers, four pairs of socks and a meager scattering of various other items. Money isn't the issue. The 36-year-old editor has made a conscious lifestyle choice, joining a growing number of Japanese deciding that less is more. Influenced by the spare aesthetic of Japan's traditional Zen Buddhism, these minimalists buck the norm in a fervently consumerist society by dramatically paring back their possessions. Sasaki, once a passionate collector of books, CDs and DVDs, became tired of keeping up with trends two years ago. "I kept thinking about what I did not own, what was missing," he said. He spent the next year selling possessions or giving them to friends. "Spending less time on cleaning or shopping means I have more time to spend with friends, go out, or travel on my days off. I have become a lot more active," he said. Others welcome the chance to own only things they truly like - a philosophy also applied by Mari Kondo, a consultant whose "KonMari" organisational methods have swept the United States. "It's not that I had more things than the average person, but that didn't mean that I valued or liked everything I owned," said Katsuya Toyoda, an online publication editor who has only one table and one futon in his 22-square-metre apartment. "I became a minimalist so I could let things I truly liked surface in my life." Inspiration for Japan's minimalists came from the United States, where early adherents included Steve Jobs. Definitions vary, because the goal is not just decluttering but re-evaluating what possession mean, to gain something else - in Sasaki's case, time to travel. Just how many there are is unclear, but Sasaki and others believe there are thousands of hard-core minimalists, with possibly thousands more interested. Some say minimalism is actually not foreign but a natural outgrowth of Zen Buddhism and its stripped-down world view. "In the West, making a space complete means placing something there," said Naoki Numahata, 41, a freelance writer. "But with tea ceremonies, or Zen, things are left incomplete on purpose to let the person's imagination make that space complete." Minimalists also argue that having fewer possessions is eminently practical in Japan, which is regularly shaken by earthquakes. In 2011, a 9.0-magnitude quake and tsunami killed nearly 20,000 people and led to many re-evaluating possessions, Sasaki said. "Thirty to 50 per cent of earthquake injuries occur through falling objects," he said, gesturing around his apartment. "But in this room, you don't have that concern." http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/lifestyle/less-is-more-as-japanese/2886638.html?cid=FBia
    2 points
  6. Got a room in cheras... A Chinese bottom looking for top to have sex with on this Wednesday ... 175 75 21
    2 points
  7. Queenstown now. Who wanan suck str8 cur chn cock. 26chn
    2 points
  8. Think with your big head.. Not the small one.
    2 points
  9. The answer is according to his job title " MONEYboy" You pay him for sex, you pay him to sweet talk to you, you pay him to lie to you, you pay him to accompany you and for you to part with more money. He is doing his job very well indeed, but you may not be keeping to your end of the bargain. Cut your losses and move on ba.
    2 points
  10. When both sides agree to exchange face pictures.. and when you send they suddenly block you without sending their pic. For me if he sends first and not my type, with due respect i would still send mine. Then later tell him...sorry not keen.
    2 points
  11. sucker needed after 5pm, bona vista area, pm me thx
    2 points
  12. Sitting in my Uni library and I already noticed 3 guys freeballing. One of them cleanly shaved..
    2 points
  13. new cover photo shows how much I wanna rim a nice ass
    2 points
  14. Broke something, use money to repair. Broke a heart, use true heart to repair.
    2 points
  15. Exynos

    relieve my horniness

    relieve my horniness
    2 points
  16. anyone near wangsa maju or setapak want blowjob or to be suck in public. i have quiet place in my condo. no camera or anything. near staircases. if youre into that pm line me. danonfire97 or wechat me. f-irmohd. looking for anyone decent under age 40 only. prefer chinese or malay. im malay btw.
    2 points
  17. Noisy or active?y not?public forum mah.yr personal forum is it?y your hole itchy ha?
    2 points
  18. It's true Arabs like to fuck men more than ladies. And young Arabs do look handsome ;P
    2 points
  19. Any Chinese / Malay guys wanna Top me today afternoon. Will be done with work at 1pm in the west. 29 1.82 110 mly Below 40 pls. Thanks.
    2 points
  20. This happened to me, only I use LINE/Wechat/WhatsApp), but still I know similar situation happened to those who used Grindr/Jackd. So, half of the guys I texted (within past one month) at first was complimenting my stat and using sexily nasty words while expressing the way they prefer to fuck me or to get sucked by me. Then set the place and time we will meet up. Guess what, a day or several before the meet up, they asked for pic (some asked for face, some asked for half top, some asked both) and when I gave the requested pic, "voila!" they suddenly became silence like "IDGAF". I don't care if my look or bod is not in their preferences but at least be a gentleman, speak the truth with full of honesty as simple as "Hey I saw your pic, apparently I find that you're not my type. Sorry if I waste your time, let's stop here before one of us get dissapointed. Nice to chat with you. All the best" or even shorter vers "Apparently your pic doesn't suits my preferences, sorry for wasting your time. Hope you understand. Thanks." I am an easy man (boy I guess haha) just like many guys here, don't worry we will somehow understand. just don't leave me hanging, clueless. It is rude and can hurts inside, if the guy the type that I dreamed of. As basic as that! I mean, it's common sense, yes you're looking for at least one night stand but you're communicating with another human being. Please be reasonable. ATTITUDE MATTERS! Thank god some other have been real good to me which couples of them are damn good looking (face wise especially, could care less if their body is not my cup of tea when their face is adorable or hot) and the rest are at least average (either body wise @ face wise) enough for me not to reject them last minute. Thanks to them!
    2 points
  21. Seriously? Singapore is in? Changi beach? Changi Beach in Singapore is the ultimate one. The Changi beach in Singapore is believed of being a popular killing ground of the Chinese soldiers by the Japanese during the second world war.Till date beach combers thronging to this place could hear the screams and weeping of people. Often at night people could also find deep dig pits as that needed for burials of dead bodies. The most horrifying is that some beach combers have found headless bodies of chinese soldiers on the beach at night. http://www.hellotravel.com/stories/5-most-haunted-places-on-earth-hair-raising-experience
    2 points
  22. Anyone in cck with place for clean fun? 25chn here.
    2 points
  23. wow, just one compliment and end up in bed????????? good leh, I envy!
    2 points
  24. Jerry: be it believer or not, there is no denial that the movie is superb, this is a horror genre , it is of course superior in the aspects of horror/ghost movies! ie why I rekindled my passion of such topics too Are you at a very young age?
    2 points
  25. This is very timid to me, I go to toilet or any part of my flat in pitch darkness Anyway Let's do this experiment again: to prove it http://www.learning-mind.com/scientists-trick-volunteers-into-believing-there-is-a-ghost-in-the-room/
    2 points
  26. Carpenter U have to really look deep into your life like u mentioned about your personality 1st I m a fan of movies esp this genre! from classics like Count Dracula / vampires to the all-time-fav Conjuring series, I don't seemed to have those "being watched" feelings and I watched alone at midnite, they tend to give me those seats beside the handicapped slot which is me alone and since it is midnite, I walked home all alone passing thru gardens/parks with trees of large creepy branches if a person is clean , he is. A human is the ugliest , we are worst than ghosts eg 色鬼,爱美鬼,死都要钱 : the "devil" will definitely love to test how deep is your love by using "death" and accidents
    2 points
  27. Dear Fab I didn't know that u r so "religious" You read in Chinese? -based on the no. of sutras which u have quoted
    2 points
  28. Fucking good* Conjuring is seen as a revitalisation of horror genres, and obviously u shd know what this means My friend shared a lot of such materials in his fb, shall I share some here *: if a show related to horror/poltergeist is not scary, how could it be labelled as freaking good?
    2 points
  29. Because a BW principal member told me to eat less...here's a super-light dinner: papaya topped with yoghurt, with a sprinkle of crushed walnut, meusli, coconut and dried inca berries.
    2 points
  30. KetoGymicLinds


    1 point
  31. why are there sooo many cowards and 'guest' accounts in this thread spouting nonsense to make yunomori look bad? wanna sabo the establishment but don't have the guts to comment using your real account username.
    1 point
  32. Someone over the rainbow
    1 point
  33. Once in a blue moon, when I wear sleeveless, some will steal a glance at me.
    1 point
  34. He is trying to say sg is gd!
    1 point
  35. mixed94


    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. TheVisitors u sounded v fierce when u scolded our own forum mbrs pls don't cos not all believe until we see it (eg I don't believe too) even though it sounded convincing when u said : -- a person's eyes that suddenly turned both all black in a flick of a second - art an estimated 25 mins conversation , was exaggerated to be 3 hrs long - that a sudden force that pushed me backwards out from nowhere by 2 feet, when his eyes were opened and darkened Did u record these down?????? We are to discuss , pls avoid naming or labelling terms like stupid or pea-brain, worst link to Americans? Someone posted this (after watching my fav movie Conjuring 2)
    1 point
  38. I luv some of your insights, I hope the world can read them
    1 point
  39. Also the shifting blame tricks on the paragraph "Mr. Lim Certainly should have exercised self restraint in his words and actions, but it is intolerant of the LGBT community to dig out his personal details and exert pressure on his livelihood". 1. So now she shift the blame to LGBT community that's why this Lim dude try to "open fire"? 2. Get the stories straight Ms. Ho, which event occurs first? 3. Whether it happens before or after Orlando shooting has no relevance to whether Lim dude just make mistakes, given that there were other similar incident that were prevented (crazies think alike) 4. Remember Ms. Ho, one day when Lim decides to open fire, there will be casualties outside the community you try to shift blame to. 5. Ms. Ho, you are not homophobe, naw, you do not even have mental capacity to tell the difference what is wrong or right.
    1 point
  40. Suckmegd U r so sensible and respectful! Luv u! but not all, I have been hearing a lot keep recapping (also in another thread of parking dick in underwear/trunks)that what is wrong w them doing what they like cos women squeeze their boobs too and show cleavage Women are women, women tend to be the ones dressing up, putting on makeup (for what purpose? it is obvious) Men doesn't need to (pls don't quote me Koreans etc)
    1 point
  41. If someone had said, "I love to have the permission to kill you." I am sure that does not register as a threat to you, and you will be willing to still hang around the person even though all he needs is a sign from heaven or hell or some spirit/authority to get the permission to do the deed. While he has the right to say it, i'm sure people who felt threatened also have the right to report him too. After all, we won't know where and when that permission will come.
    1 point
  42. It starts with hate. Massacres like Orlando don't just come out of nowhere. Crazy people, including your kids, end up acting on hate speech even if you don't personally. Guess where the shooter got his hate from? Seddique Mateen said he was saddened by his son's actions but added: "In this month of Ramadan, the gay and lesbian issue is something that God will punish." Don't know why we can't respect each others' culture/religion without spewing hate speech. Religion doesn't teach hate. People do.
    1 point
  43. hunky man with tatoo in a brief swim beside my lane. I stop for rest and he is following me to toilet. I pee at urinal and he show me his dick. Huge one 7 inch and thick . Follow him to toilet. Gave him a good suck and playing his nipples.
    1 point
  44. Is this real? Someone trying to video his friend pooing but ended up he got a scare. It was mentioned that the toilet is in cathay cinema
    1 point
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