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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2016 in all areas

  1. I was on a bus viewing my BW profile in my cellphone and came across some nude photos. A guy sitting next to me seemed to be interested. Well, it's my intention actually. I tilted the screen a bit more to let him see easier. Then typed in the memo app " Do you want to see the real thing?"
    4 points
  2. 2AM

    Attached vs Single

    Being single means you can have freedom with your time, your wants and needs etc. When other couples are fighting, you're just glad you don't have to face such messy drama. You can just focus on yourself and come through until you reach a point where it starts to get lonely, had enough of messing around with strangers etc. Your past haunts you and you wish you could have your "happily ever after" fantasy (it doesn't exists really!) Being attached means that everything must have the consent of the other. Communication is rather important, that's where the trust and foundation grows. Both have to manage time to spend with one another, get to know both the good and the ugly side - accepting it and completing each other. Sex and chemistry depends on both. Cheating is only an issue based on one's temptation ("where were you when i needed you? bla bla bla") Other challenges faced would be the acceptance between both friends and family, different cultures etc. All in all, love isn't really the same these days. Everyone is expecting too much. Not everyone wants to be in a relationship cause not ready for commitments and since it's "better" to be friends with benefits in the present time and age, I guess people can't tolerate those clingy hopeless romantics that will be bugging them after that one night stand = BLOCKED AND IGNORED. bla bla bla Just don't live it up till you end up with regrets. Be safe always, never be naive to trust people so easily and take time in finding your other half. I'm just saying based on my views and experiences.
    3 points
  3. Hello. 31/178/62. My nick says it all. Mixed percentage of Indian and Malay. I am currently working and studying at the same time. I'm glad to be in this site.
    2 points
  4. The layout of the toilets are really covenient i must say. Went there about a year ago for a martial arts class. Went to the gents for completely innocent reasons and found myself surrounded by 3 cocks. The floor, well lets say i wouldnt go on my knees. And the 3 cocks were.... tiny. Fully errected, maybe 2 inches??? I was all for sympathy bjs, but they wanted fucking, even begged to go to the nearby budget hotel. And none had condoms! Had to get out of there, fast.
    2 points
  5. Years ago I dated a lean fit guy who worked as a volley ball instructor in school In our first date I pampered him with outback steak ... Took him home and immediately we jumped into the king size bed. Hot kisses , mutual full body licking , wresting follows in full blown aircon . This guy was also good in MMA, at the end he would pin me down and swallow my erected carrot. the first time I was so worry that he would poke me (cannot la, I am 98% TOP) what he did next was a no-holding back deep throat , curled his tongue to wrap up my meat rod, then he went rapid after slow strokes alternately .... finally he swallowed all my cum shots and continued for next few minutes to induce second cum. well, he would do that once before sleep and woke me up the next morning with another blow job i liked him a lot but he was not conversational type , we dated two months and I donated 10x2 cum every Saturday night and Sunday morning , the best tongue I ever experienced .i think I lost a kg And he was nourished and radiant these days, I am looking around for new talentongue
    2 points
  6. used to hook up with a couple guys working in the same company building as me. we would go to handicapped toilet and i would strip naked and get sucked off thoroughly. damn thrilling
    2 points
  7. xanava

    How Not To Look Gay

    any advice from u bunch of gay people, or any minority straight guys? thanks!
    1 point
  8. Guest


    囊神 (1) 从生理学角度,我是个边缘男子。但别误会,我不是瘾君子、嗜毒者、警方我敌,更不是变性人、易装者等有性别混淆的男子。我只是一个不够男性特征的男人,即便我喜欢女人,能正常和她们做爱、也有足够的生育能力。听母亲说我是个超早产儿,在母亲的肚子里才七个月不到就已经脱胎而出,几乎夭折,因此发育也许有所受影响。 我三十岁就结婚,隔了四年经人工授孕生了双胞胎女儿,如今孩子已经十岁。从外表看来,我只是一个偏瘦又不高的男子,腰特别细,连我老婆腰围都比我的粗多了。若你仔细一瞅,我的喉结也不是特别明显,有童子手般小,穿六号半鞋。但如果我赤裸裸在你面前,你就会发觉我阳具很短小,一半的阴囊自青春期就被缩入体内,虽然我会有性欲,也能正常射精。 两个女儿从小就是药罐子,胆子又小,所以妻子打从把她们生下就一直和她们睡觉,不再和我共枕。但我并不埋怨她,反正我们都以孩子为先,再说我性欲也不特别强,就连打手枪的习惯都没有。 我从小就喜欢摄影,它能让我对任何事与物都投予多重的视角,因而修练出更多元性的视野,不一味的钻牛角尖。所以我是一个很开朗的人。在相机背后的世界,我总会找到一个完美的角度。我很幸福能有一份跟摄影有关的职业,可惜的就是我不是掌镜的人,因为我只是个摄影助手,为摄影大师串场打杂的那个家伙。但是我还是热爱我的工作,因为当你真正爱一样东西或一个人的时候,你愿意为它/他扮演任何一个角色。就如我爱我孩子一样,即使充当他们的司机,每天载他们上下课,都能让我都很快乐。 最近我公司接到了一个新case,是为亚洲数一数二的男性内衣裤服饰Jasper集团拍摄它们的最新产品。我的摄影大师Peter把创意简报交到我手里时,我迫不及待翻开阅读,因为这厂家是出了名了对摄影要求特别高,让我又爱又恨。“我昨晚看了这case都睡不着,它有极度的挑战性,产品非常特别,肯定会对市场造成极大的冲击力。。。” Peter边说边喝了口咖啡,我已经沉浸在那叠厚重的简报内容当中。 “Jasper看准了现今男士内裤市场的一大商机,我不得不佩服它们市场开发部门的功力与创意!” Peter兴致勃勃说道。我没有和他对望,一头栽在翻开的简报,“确实很厉害!亚洲人口迅速老化,四十岁以上的男士可支配收入水平近年扶摇直上,可是现今的内裤市场却大大忽视了庞大有力的客户群,一味儿地让低腰、slim cut剪裁的内裤充斥市场,让叔叔们都买不到合身和合意的内裤款式。。。”我把简报的内容大声念出。 Peter再咽下一口咖啡,“世界卫生组织的调查显示中年男子的肥胖问题已经严重成灾,可内裤的剪裁却日益变窄,有所损害熟男的穿着舒适感和生育能力。也造成了男士内裤市场供应与需求的大大不匹配,” (二) “你穿怎么样内裤的?” Peter很突兀地问我。 我抬起头,“呃,我如此瘦小,年轻人的低腰窄裁内裤是还蛮合身,但是颜色和印花往往就让我犹如在穿我儿子内裤般的尴尬。”我把视线转移到他的胯下,“你又穿怎么样的内裤?” Peter今年四十六,比我大几岁,微胖身形,但是得体的穿着足以掩饰他身材的不完美。“我确实感觉到买内裤的困扰,因为市场的内裤都太专注于迎合年轻人市场,根本没有把我们这些熟男放在眼里。” Peter和他的瑜伽教练女友都比较波希米亚,不结婚,更不渴望有孩子。两个人在一起也将近十年,享受自由生活、无束缚的感情状态。 “内裤穿年轻点是无所谓,但是往往我看中它的设计和布料时,就连加大码都不合我身,真他妈的,”Peter有点激动。“而那些比较适合我们这年纪穿的牌子,我又嫌它们的设计过于保守,包装也很老土,实在买不下,宁愿穿旧的,”他口沫横飞。 “所以Jasper就看准我们的苦境,更是看到巨大的商机,才推出这一系列以熟男为目标的“贴心,也贴身,内裤”,还千辛万苦在“闭门海选”中寻找到了一个五十八岁大叔的素人模特儿帮这新品牌穿出“熟男的伟大,”我把厂商的广告词倒背如流。 Peter兴奋不已地补充,“而且剪裁、款式特别贴心,有“工作”、“休闲”、“运动”和。。。。“性感”之分,让熟男在不同场合穿出信心和个性。”我们一唱一和,随着我接着说,“哦,这里还说尺寸以“健瘦码”、“标准码”、“魁梧码”和“超壮码”四种创意词语曲分,挺可爱的。“ 说着说着,我们都按耐不住对此case的无比期待,Peter突然和我目光紧缩了数秒,语气出常地坚定,“我们一定要把这case搞得有声有色,这也许就能成就我们公司的另一个高峰。” 其实我对自己的身材挺没自信的。我无论穿什么款式的内裤都穿不出雄伟的线条,就好比用手巾包裹一粒米似的,完全没有任何凸状。一般上我在公用的洗澡室都比较不习惯暴露自己的身体。 这种自卑心理在我心中埋藏已久,导致长期发酵,变成一种变态,因为我开始对穿内裤或裸体的男子产生一种不可告人的好奇感。起初,我告诉自己这是因为我是想知道是否自己的尺寸跟一般男子比起来是否还属一般正常。可是,后来我我发觉我对拥有大阳具、大阴囊的男子有一种极黑暗的崇拜,我幻想自己在他们骄人的胯下不停摩擦、狂嗅、甚至。。。。甚至让他们尿或射精在我脸上。每每我幻想到此,我心里会感觉到羞愧、自恨、无助。。。。。好了我也不想再多说了。只是,这个突如其来的case让我即兴奋能参与其中,也似乎隐藏了一个我寻找已久的答案。
    1 point
  9. i want to have exec funny
    1 point
  10. Let's go to the gym do workout and give motivation to each other and stay healthy...
    1 point
  11. EasleyLim

    Attached vs Single

    Definitely attached. You get to have an enjoyable person to spend lots of time with, lots of sex, someone who has your back in terms of emotional support. Sometimes they make you breakfast. Pretty fun.
    1 point
  12. Should look see look see during day time and see any different compare from the past
    1 point
  13. 人要远离没完没了的抱怨,学会忘记,珍惜当下,才能看得到幸福体会人生。
    1 point
  14. Puffypuff

    All this formula is killing me

    All this formula is killing me
    1 point
  15. I'd still do what is considered acceptable in terms of straight PDA.. Not until go and smooch for long periods of time or start reaching into each others pants. Holding hands. Hugs. Peck to the cheek are fine with me.. Now if only I have a boyfriend. Mhmmm..
    1 point
  16. Thanks to all who put forth this idea. There is now a new groupie place for gym bunnies! :-)
    1 point
  17. Thank you for the support. The new interest group for everything health and fitness is up! :-)
    1 point
  18. bluemoonbird


    1 point
  19. Any old man (around 50 to 60 plus)? Apparently all are young chap....
    1 point
  20. Car fun? Pm me (:
    1 point
  21. I felt so ashame when a male nurse took me a sponge bath in bed fully naked and I had a hard on. He teased me for a while by wanking my hardon with the towel
    1 point
  22. Water Boyy (Thai movie with chinese sub) Synopsis The overnight story of Competition, Love and Friendship of innocent men. At a high school in Hua hin.Nam (Ngern Anupart) is a talented swimmer, but he barely practices, he enjoys party more. Nam is a hot and handsome young man who has athletic body, that‘s why he has a lot of girlfriends. Everyone is jealous of him and everyone knows that he watches porn every day as if it’s his sleeping pill. Muek (Beam Prapangkorn), a young swimmer who was forced to come to Hua hin for 3 months by his father. Meuk is Nam’s new roommate. He has to live together, sleep together, eat together, practice together etc. (after Muek came, Nam doesn’t want to watch porn anymore … wonder why?) Nune ( Book Olive ) a rising actress who happens to be Muek’s girlfriend. She wants to surprise Muek at the dorm and Nam allows her to stay at the dorm. (Nune is happy because she is now planning something) Coach Neung (Two Noppon) Nam’s dad. He is swimming coach. He and Nam didn’t get along well after he found out one secret about Nam. Nine (New Assavapat) A bright student who doesn’t know how to swim. He is about to take an exam of Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School. He asks Nam to teach him how to swim in exchange that he’s going to be Nam’s tutor and doing Nam’s homework. However, Nine wants something more than just Swimming lesson. (You bad boy) This love competition, Nam Muek and Nune. Who will eventually be the last man standing and fight for Love. If you’re ready… Ready Set Go … and Watch Waterboyy the Movies. Movie http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3uqatl_unsub-wb-2015-part-1_shortfilms http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3uqavf_unsub-wb-2015-part-2_shortfilms http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3uqawx_unsub-wb-2015-part-3_shortfilms
    1 point
  23. fun anyone at pasir ris? btm with place here
    1 point
  24. get your free tix to adex, peeps! http://enquiry.adex.asia/ADEX2016
    1 point
  25. anyone who has place and offering massage? seeking to be massage. 29 chn fit
    1 point
  26. Guest

    Born white men the luckiest true?

    You should go and spend time living in a a Western country with predominantly white people. Not all whites are good-looking or attractive. They are just like us. Tall, short, skinny, fat etc. But yes, there are very good-looking and well-toned whites out there.
    1 point
  27. Looks like everyone loves to talk and keep fit! The results are very encouraging. Please continue to put in your votes if you have not done so. With the strong mandate, the request can be put forth to the BW Moderators team for an additional interest group section. :-)
    1 point
  28. J0Boo

    Pokemon Sun and Moon confirmed!!!

    Pokemon Sun and Moon confirmed!!!
    1 point
  29. I won't like stuffed toys unless it's a gift from my bf...but it is a misconception (based on my experience) that only gay guys like stuffed toys. In army most bunks have at least a few stuffed toys and baby bolsters (not in BMT of course)! Also I know of many straight guys who have stuffed toys; some have even bought them for themselves.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Hi all, Seeking new members for my existing Line group for those 40 years and above. Those below 40 are also welcome but subject to approval. We talk about any topic under the sun and accord mutual respect and kindness to each other. If interested, please drop me a PM.
    1 point
  32. One week recess week ahead, time to catch up with projects, friends and sleep!!
    1 point
  33. Hello everyone. I am a 36yrs old married chinese guy. I suppose I am still in the curious stage at this moment and hopefully get to know more fellow guys like me.
    1 point
  34. everyone is looking forward for it!
    1 point
  35. Valentine Day is coming soon. Wish All have dates and found their charming prince. Where are all the charming prince?
    1 point
  36. Bio: Age : 35 Height/Weight : 171/70. Race : Chinese. Residence : Hougang. Alright. I'm here again because I kena bitten by the Relationship bug again. >.< I just need you to be visually pleasing to me can liao. Character compatibility need to meet up then decide. Predominantly bottom.. No ONS/NSA. Interested parties, please apply within.
    1 point
  37. was taking a nap. suddenly pew pew pew. wet dream. weird lol. jo just a few hours before that
    1 point
  38. Snzx

    Need a hug badly:(

    Need a hug badly:(
    1 point
  39. Never fails, Never give up, Never runs out on me.
    1 point
  40. I do know many people turned horny when in hosptial bed, due to loneliness I guessed, however they don't turned us horny as they were reeked with medication. I take the above as pure story, the leg-injured guy should have been put on uretherus bag instead of hoping to the toilet with another stranger. Usually, the nurse male or female, will do the job and forbade stranger to assist the patient. This is supposed to be a strict hospital profocol in case the patient fell and injured badly. The TS has no responsibility to the patient, the nurse does. So hospital take such action very seriously. Anyway, I believe the above is pure imagination and fantasy gone while when he visited someone else in hospital.
    1 point
  41. Well, well, well, my past had finally caught up with me. I am curious to know who are you. Can you please register as a member and PM me. Who is this Alan you are talking about? Or better still why not get my number from this Alan and call me. I can't really recalled the Polaroid incident. :oops: Was I drunk? Nevermind, you know how to reach me. If you know my weakness for Hainanese men and you are chunky, and we had a fling 20 yrs ago, maybe we can fling again. Top, bottom, big dick, small dick - all semantics lah. Put it this way, I called myself a bottom but in the last 5 years, I have been fxxked by less than 5 men and out of which only one is a Singaporean uncle who do not know how to surf the net. So you are right, no one here had fxxked me before. I guess if you want to, we will catch up with each other soon enough. Ball is at your court. Be Happy.
    1 point
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